Why is it beneficial to sleep early at night and to wake up early the next morning?
Sleeping at night is an action complimentary to the...
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Why is it beneficial to sleep early at night and to wake up early the next morning?
Sumagali Prarthanai Doubt
Dear Sri.NVS Sir, Sri.kgopalan Sir
I have lost my cousin ( Dayathi ) this year April 2013 and again another Cousin's wife Last week ( Dayathi)...
Dasa Avatara of Sri Mahavishnu
Dasa Avatara of Sri Maha Vishnu
matsya kurma varaha nrusimha vamana parasurama rama balarama krishna kalki. kalkhi...
doubt on date for thiruvadyanam
I have a personal doubt. I will be in new jersey till next month. My father's THIRUVADYANAM is on SUKLAPAKSH PANCHAMI, AAVANI . WHAT IS THE DATE IN WHICH...
upakarma & GayatriJapam
Pranams. If Upakarma and GayatriJapaam Happens to occur within Vriddhi Theetu ,When do we have to peform the same?
Kindly reply,...
Sevilimedu/Salai kinaru (Well near the road)
Sevilimedu Main gopuram( Recently built)
See next...
Happy Thoughts For Trouble Time - Slide Show
Happy Thoughts For Trouble Time - slide show
Click on the image to move next -> or use the buttons on the lower left corner.
போதாயண சூத்திரம். யஜுர் உபா கர்ம ஆவனி அவிĩ
MAHAA SANKALPAM.யஜூர் உபாகர்மா மஹா சங்கல்பம்....
New Jeer to take over
Sri Ranganatha Yatheendra Mahadesikan will take over as the 46 pontiff of Sri Ahobila Mutt on Thursday following the recent demise of Sri Narayana Yatheendra...
Grahanam - Change of Yagnopaveetham
Since grahanam was around midnight, should we have changed the yagnopaveetham during midnight itself or is it fine if we change during the next day morning...
Dear All, Hope this attachment will be useful to all. Thanks. Hari Hara Ramasubramanian Note:- Edit your post and find how this document is embedde...Last edited by bmbcAdmin; 20-03-13, 16:45.
On the next day of ratha sapthamy after sandhya vandhanam and after snaanam wear madi vasthram, have marks on fore head and do sankalpam Bheeshmashtamy...