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vaidikha veshti or yaanai mundi
adiyen rAmAnuja dAsan,
adiyen hails from bangalore and adiyen has a question on vaidikha veshti also called yaanai mundi.
...Last edited by yadhuna; 19-05-14, 12:21.
Microwave Oven
Microwave Oven or simply Microwave has become an essential gadget in the modern smart kitchens, all over the world! This wonderful invention...
Stainless Steel
Harry Brearley-a specialist in steel- began doing research in Brown Firth Research Laboratories in 1908. His aim was to find a way to prevent...
பரிந்துரை(ஆலோசனை )
ஸ்வாமின் ,அடியேனுடைய மாதுலன்(மாமா...Last edited by P.S.NARASIMHAN; 15-05-14, 18:01.
Post It Notes
A Post It Note is a reusable strip of of paper with an adhesive at the back, for temporary attachments.The low tack adhesive can be attached...
List of things required for Sri Hayagreeva Homam
List of things required for Sri Hayagreeva Homam
This is a new technique I find to embed documents.
[issu] is the new
சிங்கப்பூரின் அதிசயம் !
உலகின் சுற்றுலா செல்லமாக இருக்கும் சிங்கப்பூரின் லேட்டஸ்டு கலர்ஃபுல் கவர்ச்சி ' மெரினா பே சண்ட்ஸ்
"Gotra" in Hinduism
Gotra is the term applied to a clan, a group of families, or a lineage - exogamous and patrilineal - whose members trace their descent to a common ancestor,...
Sri Nrusimha Jayanti
Dear All,
Greetings and Namaste. Sri Nrusimha Jayanti falls on Tuesday (13-May-2014) and in that connection, I am happy to share a short...Last edited by soundararajan50; 12-05-14, 20:58.
qualifications /duties of swamis who agree to be pithru, vaisvadeva or vishnu in vadakalai sradhams
Sri: adiyen's father passed away 2 years ago; mother is with me; a bhagavatha has asked me to be one of the three swamins for his father's sradham this ...
Potato chips
Though the potato chips prepared in our houses are crisp for a day or two and become soft afterwards the chips sold in packets are always crisp for a...
Rudram parayanam
Dear Sir
I wish offer rudram chanting for those who need it. They may send the request. Shall i post my email id on this
Read Ramayana Balakanda - Sarga 5
The previous four Sargas gave the background of how Rāmāyaṇa got to be written and how it went into people.