Temple Location :
About the Temple:
This temple lies in the Tanjore district of Tamil Nadu. It's about 1 1/2 miles away from Kumbakkonam railway station. Which is on the chennai - Thanjore main line. Bus facility and staying facilities are ample.

Sthala Puranam:
When it was time for the destroyal of this world a huge pralaya came up. In order to save the vedha's Amirtham and tools necessary to create lives on earth, lord Bhrama collected all these things and put them in a mud pot and kept the pot safety on the top of the Mountain Meru.
Pralaya kalam (ie) the period of non stop heavy rain came and the pot of bhrama was washed away by the flood. In due course moving in the south direction it came to halt at a particular place. Then for the wish of all devar's (ie) heavenly people Lord Shiva broke the pot with an arrow. Immediately Amudham (ie) the liquit given eternity flowed from the pot and formed two tanks. One is known as Maha maga kulam and the othr Potramarai kulam. The remains of the pot and Amudham joined together to form "Lord Kumbeswarar". In the name of the broken pot (ie) Kumbam that place was clled Kumbakkonam or simply Kudanthai.
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About the Temple:
This temple lies in the Tanjore district of Tamil Nadu. It's about 1 1/2 miles away from Kumbakkonam railway station. Which is on the chennai - Thanjore main line. Bus facility and staying facilities are ample.
Sthala Puranam:
When it was time for the destroyal of this world a huge pralaya came up. In order to save the vedha's Amirtham and tools necessary to create lives on earth, lord Bhrama collected all these things and put them in a mud pot and kept the pot safety on the top of the Mountain Meru.
Pralaya kalam (ie) the period of non stop heavy rain came and the pot of bhrama was washed away by the flood. In due course moving in the south direction it came to halt at a particular place. Then for the wish of all devar's (ie) heavenly people Lord Shiva broke the pot with an arrow. Immediately Amudham (ie) the liquit given eternity flowed from the pot and formed two tanks. One is known as Maha maga kulam and the othr Potramarai kulam. The remains of the pot and Amudham joined together to form "Lord Kumbeswarar". In the name of the broken pot (ie) Kumbam that place was clled Kumbakkonam or simply Kudanthai.
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