See the replica of Kanchi Kamachi in Madras

Sri Chavali Subramania Sastri was an ardent devotee of Kanchi Paramacharya and he was wondering how to make use of his huge estate in RA Puram for a purposeful manner.
He asked Paramacharya’s as to what to do with a 10 Ground (24000 sqft) plot in the very thick Greenways Road where Ministers Bungalows are all located..Paramacharya ,after deep thinking asked Chavali Subramania Sastri,
” Yenda.. you have a unique murthi of Vinayaka given to you by Sri Ramana Mahrishi.. Don’t you?”
Sastri answered: “yes Periyavaa I am keeping it safe and worshipping the same every day..”
Periyavaa: “I feel you should create a Kamakshi amman Temple in that plot so that all those who wish to see Kamakshi at any time they need not come all the way here(Kanchipuram). Exact replica of this Amman..”
Sastri: “I will do as per Periyavaa’s wish..”
Periyavaa: “try to install the VInayaka inside the temple given to you by Bhagavan… Keep the temple as a private one and try to do the Puja Punashkaram very very sincerely ..”
This is the address of the Kamakshi temple in Madras: Bhagirathy St, Raja Annamalai Puram, Chennai. (This is actually situated a lane from Kamaraj road). All the residents of Madras should consider themselves very lucky to have Her Darshan in their area, plus the special Vinakaya’s idol given by Ramana Maharshi Himself! Huge blessings indeed!
Source: Panchanathan Suresh
Sri Chavali Subramania Sastri was an ardent devotee of Kanchi Paramacharya and he was wondering how to make use of his huge estate in RA Puram for a purposeful manner.
He asked Paramacharya’s as to what to do with a 10 Ground (24000 sqft) plot in the very thick Greenways Road where Ministers Bungalows are all located..Paramacharya ,after deep thinking asked Chavali Subramania Sastri,
” Yenda.. you have a unique murthi of Vinayaka given to you by Sri Ramana Mahrishi.. Don’t you?”
Sastri answered: “yes Periyavaa I am keeping it safe and worshipping the same every day..”
Periyavaa: “I feel you should create a Kamakshi amman Temple in that plot so that all those who wish to see Kamakshi at any time they need not come all the way here(Kanchipuram). Exact replica of this Amman..”
Sastri: “I will do as per Periyavaa’s wish..”
Periyavaa: “try to install the VInayaka inside the temple given to you by Bhagavan… Keep the temple as a private one and try to do the Puja Punashkaram very very sincerely ..”
This is the address of the Kamakshi temple in Madras: Bhagirathy St, Raja Annamalai Puram, Chennai. (This is actually situated a lane from Kamaraj road). All the residents of Madras should consider themselves very lucky to have Her Darshan in their area, plus the special Vinakaya’s idol given by Ramana Maharshi Himself! Huge blessings indeed!
Source: Panchanathan Suresh