Ugra Narasimha Swamy Temple

The Ugra Narasimha Swamy Temple situated in Maddur a place in between Bangalore and Mysore has a Special significance.
The Sthala Puranams says that In Dwapara Yuga Arjuna asked Lord Sri Krishna the he wished to see the Narasimha Avatara , for that Lord Sri Krishna told that it is not possible but he can arrange for a darshan of Ugra Narasimha and he asked him to proceed to the present day Maddur. The old timers say the Maddur was known as Arjunapuri also . Purans says that Sri Kadamba Rishi lived here and worshipped the Lord due to this it is also know as Kadamba Kshetra and Nadi which is flowing here is also know as Kadamba Nadi.
Now we enter the Small and compact temple of Lord Ugra Narasimha Swamy of Maddur. And here Swamy gives you darshan with eight hands and Three eyes which is a very rare sight. With two hands he is tearing the Asura Hiranya Kasipu who is lying in his lap, with other two hands he is wearing the Hiranya Kasipu's Intestine as Mala, then in the other two hands he is holding Pasha and Ankusha and in other two hands as usual he is holding the Shanku and Chakara. At the feet of lord our Garuthaman stands on left side and on the right Bhaktha Prahalada is standing in Posture doing Namskaram.
It is said that Swamis third eye came when he was doing the Hiranya Kasipu's Samhara. It is very rare to see a Thinetra Dari Narasimha ( Here we can recollect the the Narasimha Sostra which describes the lord Narasimha as Jwala Kesham , Tri Netram)
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The Ugra Narasimha Swamy Temple situated in Maddur a place in between Bangalore and Mysore has a Special significance.
The Sthala Puranams says that In Dwapara Yuga Arjuna asked Lord Sri Krishna the he wished to see the Narasimha Avatara , for that Lord Sri Krishna told that it is not possible but he can arrange for a darshan of Ugra Narasimha and he asked him to proceed to the present day Maddur. The old timers say the Maddur was known as Arjunapuri also . Purans says that Sri Kadamba Rishi lived here and worshipped the Lord due to this it is also know as Kadamba Kshetra and Nadi which is flowing here is also know as Kadamba Nadi.
Now we enter the Small and compact temple of Lord Ugra Narasimha Swamy of Maddur. And here Swamy gives you darshan with eight hands and Three eyes which is a very rare sight. With two hands he is tearing the Asura Hiranya Kasipu who is lying in his lap, with other two hands he is wearing the Hiranya Kasipu's Intestine as Mala, then in the other two hands he is holding Pasha and Ankusha and in other two hands as usual he is holding the Shanku and Chakara. At the feet of lord our Garuthaman stands on left side and on the right Bhaktha Prahalada is standing in Posture doing Namskaram.
It is said that Swamis third eye came when he was doing the Hiranya Kasipu's Samhara. It is very rare to see a Thinetra Dari Narasimha ( Here we can recollect the the Narasimha Sostra which describes the lord Narasimha as Jwala Kesham , Tri Netram)
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