HH Srimad Andavan sethu snanam at Thiruppullani during mahalaya paksham
adiyen dasanIt is adiyen's bhagyam to invite all to be at Thiruppullani during this maalaya paksham.
By this time many would be knowing about HH Srimad Andavan's vijaya yathrai to Thiruppullani on 3rd October after successful completion of Chathurmasya sankalpam at Madurai. HH will be at Thiruppullani from 3rd eveimg to 8th evening.

HH Srimad Andavan will have Sethu snanam and Mangalasasanam during his short stay at Thiruppullani.
Normally we have to adjust to the sowkaryams of our Acharyan. But, as our HH is always showing his kaarunyam and vathsalyam towards the sishyas, HH this time adjusts to the convenience of the sishyas who may be here during his stay at Thiruppullani. And hence he informed adiyen when adiyen was at Madurai on 19th that he will perform Sethu snanam on Saturday (06-10-2012) and also on Sunday (07-10-2012) so that sishyas who could not visit the previous day may also get the bhagyam of Sethu snanam along with Acharyan. Kindly do not miss this great opportunity. Sethu snanam itself is visesham, that too along with Acharyan is still more visesham. Again sethu snanam alongwith Acharyan during malaya paksham can be a very very rare occasion not to be missed at all. So please arrange your trip on any one of the day.
But it is adiyen's earnest request to you all to be here on Saturday itself. ஆசார்யன் தன் கருணையினால் அவ்வாறு முடிவெடுத்தாலும், அவரது திருமேனி பாங்கை உத்தேசித்து எப்படியாவது சனிக்கிழமை அன்றே எல்லாரும் வந்து விட்டால் நமக்காக மீண்டும் ஒருமுறை அவரை சிரமப் படுத்த வேண்டாம். Please consider.
Even if there is no accommodation in train, kindly do not hesitate to come by bus or by some other means. Despite his health, HH travels by van to the far and near places just for our rakshanam. Can we not forego our convenience for a single day? adiyen hope you will not mind and be here. On behalf of Thiruppullani Ashramam adiyen welcome you all.
HH will have mangalasasanam at Sri Adhijagannatha Perumal temple on Sunday the 7th October evening.
C/O Srimad Andavan Ashramam,
Mobile: 9443301091