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Chanakya needhi---contn

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  • Chanakya needhi---contn

    Shloka :

    Marriage or पाणिग्रहण (paaNigrahaNa)

    काश्यपः - अर्थो हि कन्या परकीय एव तामध्य संप्रेष्य परिग्रहीतुः ।

    जाते मामायं विशदः प्रकामं प्रत्यर्पितन्यास इवान्तरात्मा ॥

    Kashyapa says :- In truth a daughter is another's property; and having today sent her to her lord, I find my soul has become quite clear as if after restoring a deposit. (अभिज्ञानसकुन्तलम् - abhidnyaanasakuntalam)

    प्रयुक्तपाणिग्रहणं यदब्यद् वधूवरं पुष्यति कान्तिमग्रयाम् ।
    सांइध्ययोगाद्नयोस्तदानीं किं कथ्यते श्रीरुभयस्य तस्य ॥
    When, by the presence of these (Uma and Shiva) other couples, on the eve of their marriage, attain a rare splendour, who could describe the glory of them both? (कुमारसम्भवम् - kumaarasambhavam)

    प्रदक्षिणप्रक्रमणात् कृशानोर् उदर्चिषस्तन् मिथुनं चकाशे ।
    मेरोरुपान्तेष्विव वर्तमानम् अन्योन्यसंसक्तमहस्त्रियामम् ॥
    By going round these blazing fire, the couple shone like night and day, clinging each other and revolving round the fringe of mount Meru. (कुमारसम्भवम् - kumaarasambhavam)

    ....... ॐ .......

    : MarriageShloka ::: MarriageShloka ::: MarriageShloka ::: Marriage
    Last edited by P.S.NARASIMHAN; 06-06-14, 16:00.