Baala Kaanda - Sarga 65
In this Sarga, the story of Viṡwāmitra concludes as he attains Brahmatva, which is attested by all the Dēvas, Brahma and Vasishṭha.
1.65.1 அத ஹைமவதீம் ராம திஸம் த்யக்த்வா மஹாமுநி: ।
பூர்வாம் திஸமநுப்ராப்ய தபஸ்தேபே ஸுதாருணம் ॥
atha haimavatīṃ rāma diṡaṃ tyaktvā mahāmuniḥ ।
pūrvāṃ diṡamanuprāpya tapastēpē sudāruṇam ॥
O Rāma! Then the Mahā Muni left
the Himalayas in the north and
went in the easterly direction
and performed intense Tapa.
1.65.2 மௌநம் வர்ஷஸஹஸ்ரஸ்ய க்ருத்வா வ்ரதமநுத்தமம் ।
சகாராப்ரதிமம் ராம தப: பரமதுஷ்கரம் ॥
maunaṃ varṣasahasrasya kṛtvā vratamanuttamam ।
cakārāpratimaṃ rāma tapaḥ paramaduṣkaram ॥
O Rāma! For one thousand years,
he practiced absolute silence in an exceptional manner
and did very severe and unparalleled Tapa.
1.65.3-4a பூர்ணே வர்ஷஸஹஸ்ரே து காஷ்டபூதம் மஹாமுநிம் ।
விக்நைர்பஹுபிராதூதம் க்ரோதோ நாந்தரமாவிஸத் ॥
ஸ க்ருத்வா நிஸ்சயம் ராம தப ஆதிஷ்டதவ்யயம் ॥
pūrṇē varṣasahasrē tu kāṣṭhabhūtaṃ mahāmunim ।
vighnairbahubhirādhūtaṃ krōdhō nāntaramāviṡat ॥
sa kṛtvā niṡcayaṃ rāma tapa ātiṣṭhadavyayam ॥
By the end of a thousand years,
that Mahā Muni became a mere skeleton.
None of the impediments on the way
could make him frustrated or angry.
He performed the Tapa with unwavering determination.
1.65.4b-5 தஸ்ய வர்ஷஸஹஸ்ரஸ்ய வ்ரதே பூர்ணே மஹாவ்ரத: ।
போக்துமாரப்தவாநந்நம் தஸ்மிந் காலே ரகூத்தம ।
இந்த்ரோ த்விஜாதிர்பூத்வா தம் ஸித்தமந்நமயாசத ॥
tasya varṣasahasrasya vratē pūrṇē mahāvrataḥ ।
bhōktumārabdhavānannaṃ tasmin kālē raghūttama ।
indrō dvijātirbhūtvā taṃ siddhamannamayācata ॥
O best among the Raghu dynasty!
After that highly determined Muni thus
adhered to that strict discipline for one thousand years
and was about to take a morsel of food,
Indra came in the form of a Brāhmaṇa
and begged him for the food that he was about to eat.
1.65.6-7 தஸ்மை தத்த்வா ததா ஸித்தம் ஸர்வம் விப்ராய நிஸ்சித: ।
நி:ஸேஷிதேऽந்நே பகவாநபுக்த்வைவ மஹாதபா: ।
ந கிஞ்சிதவதத்விப்ரம் மௌநவ்ரதமுபஸ்தித: ॥
அத வர்ஷஸஹஸ்ரம் வை நோச்ச்வஸந் முநிபுங்கவ: ॥
tasmai dattvā tadā siddhaṃ sarvaṃ viprāya niṡcitaḥ ।
niḥṡēṣitē'nnē bhagavānabhuktvaiva mahātapāḥ ।
na kiñcidavadadvipraṃ maunavratamupasthitaḥ ॥
atha varṣasahasraṃ vai nōcchvasan munipuṅgavaḥ ॥
That great Tapasvi, Bhagawan, the one
who was observing strict silence at that time,
gave the food that he was about to eat
to that Brāhmaṇa without saying a word
and watched him eat all of it without
leaving out even a single particle.
Then that great Muni held his breath
for another one thousand years.
1.65.8 தஸ்யாநுச்ச்வஸமாநஸ்ய மூர்த்நி தூமோ வ்யஜாயத ।
த்ரைலோக்யம் யேந ஸம்ப்ராந்தமாதீபிதமிவாபவத் ॥
tasyānucchvasamānasya mūrdhni dhūmō vyajāyata ।
trailōkyaṃ yēna sambhrāntamādīpitamivābhavat ॥
As he thus held his breath for long,
smoke emerged from the high point of his head.
The heat was felt by all the three worlds
and they became terrified. Thus far, you have seen many a time in Bāla Kāṇḍa, Indra trying to disrupt Yajñas and Tapa. He disrupts Yajñas because he does not want to be de-seated. He disrupts Tapa because it concentrates a humongous amount of energy that could harm the world, as indicated in these Ṡlōkas.
1.65.9-10a ததோ தேவாஸ்ஸகந்தர்வா: பந்நகாஸுரராக்ஷஸா: ।
மோஹிதாஸ்தேஜஸா தஸ்ய தபஸா மந்தரஸ்மய: ।
கஸ்மலோபஹதா: ஸர்வே பிதாமஹமதாப்ருவந் ॥
tatō dēvāssagandharvāḥ pannagāsurarākṣasāḥ ।
mōhitāstējasā tasya tapasā mandaraṡmayaḥ ।
kaṡmalōpahatāḥ sarvē pitāmahamathābruvan ॥
Then the Dēvas, along with Gandharvas,
Pannagas, Asuras and Rākshasas,
with attention completely grabbed by his radiance,
with powers utterly paled by his great Tapa,
and with minds greatly agitated,
went to the Progenitor of all and said:
1.65.10b-11a பஹுபி: காரணைர்தேவ விஸ்வாமித்ரோ மஹாமுநி: ।
லோபித: க்ரோதிதஸ்சைவ தபஸா சாபிவர்த்ததே ।
bahubhiḥ kāraṇairdēva viṡvāmitrō mahāmuniḥ ।
lōbhitaḥ krōdhitaṡcaiva tapasā cābhivarddhatē ।
O Dēva! For various reasons,
the great Muni is able to advance with his Tapa
in spite of the many enticements
and annoyances thrown his way.
1.65.11b-12 ந ஹ்யஸ்ய வ்ருஜிநம் கிஞ்சித்த்ருஸ்யதே ஸூக்ஷ்மமப்யத ॥
ந தீயதே யதி த்வஸ்ய மநஸா யதபீப்ஸிதம் ।
விநாஸயதி த்ரைலோக்யம் தபஸா ஸசராசரம் ॥
na hyasya vṛjinaṃ kiñciddṛṡyatē sūkṣmamapyatha ॥
na dīyatē yadi tvasya manasā yadabhīpsitam ।
vināṡayati trailōkyaṃ tapasā sacarācaram ॥
There is not even an iota of weakness or
fault left in him anymore.
If there is any more delay in granting whatever he wishes,
all the three worlds with their
movable and the immovable parts
could be shattered by his Tapa.
1.65.13 வ்யாகுலாஸ்ச திஸ: ஸர்வா ந ச கிஞ்சித்ப்ரகாஸதே ।
ஸாகரா: க்ஷுபிதா: ஸர்வே விஸீர்யந்தே ச பர்வதா: ॥
vyākulāṡca diṡaḥ sarvā na ca kiñcitprakāṡatē ।
sāgarāḥ kṣubhitāḥ sarvē viṡīryantē ca parvatāḥ ॥
There is disquiet in every direction.
Nothing has retained its original glow.
All the oceans are getting agitated.
And all the mountains are getting shattered. Just as we discovered in modern times that there is enormous power captured in each single atom, the Ṛshis in ancient times had discovered that there is enormous power deposited in every one of us and that can be accentuated and released through intense Tapa.
This Ṡlōka gives a sense of the magnitude of that power. On the Richter scale (used for expressing the energy released by the movements of tectonic plates that causes earthquakes and tsunamis), it would almost be 10, the highest possible.
1.65.14 ப்ரகம்பதே ச ப்ருதிவீ வாயுர்வாதி ப்ருஸாகுல: ।
ப்ரஹ்மந்ந ப்ரதிஜாநீமோ நாஸ்திகோ ஜாயதே ஜந: ॥
prakampatē ca pṛthivī vāyurvāti bhṛṡākulaḥ ।
brahmanna pratijānīmō nāstikō jāyatē janaḥ ॥
The earth is shaking entirely.
The wind is whirling without direction.
People are losing faith in Providence.
We simply do not know what to do.
1.65.15 ஸம்மூடமிவ த்ரைலோக்யம் ஸம்ப்ரக்ஷுபிதமாநஸம் ।
பாஸ்கரோ நிஷ்ப்ரபஸ்சைவ மஹர்ஷேஸ்தஸ்ய தேஜஸா ॥
sammūḍhamiva trailōkyaṃ samprakṣubhitamānasam ।
bhāskarō niṣprabhaṡcaiva maharṣēstasya tējasā ॥
The world is getting petrified with total disorientation.
Even the sun seems to be paled by his radiance.
1.65.16-17 புத்திம் ந குருதே யாவந்நாஸே தேவ மஹாமுநி: ।
தாவத்ப்ரஸாத்யோ பகவாநக்நிரூபோ மஹாத்யுதி: ॥
காலாக்நிநா யதா பூர்வம் த்ரைலோக்யம் தஹ்யதேऽகிலம் ।
தேவராஜ்யம் சிகீர்ஷேத தீயதாமஸ்ய யந்மதம் ॥
buddhiṃ na kurutē yāvannāṡē dēva mahāmuniḥ ।
tāvatprasādyō bhagavānagnirūpō mahādyutiḥ ॥
kālāgninā yathā pūrvaṃ trailōkyaṃ dahyatē'khilam ।
dēvarājyaṃ cikīrṣēta dīyatāmasya yanmatam ॥
O Dēva! This Mahā Muni, Bhagawan
who shines like fire with magnificent radiance
must be placated before he
makes up his mind to destroy everything,
just as the Fire of Time had burnt out
everything once up on a time.
It is better to give him whatever he wants,
even if it is the reign of the heavens.
1.65.18 தத: ஸுரகணா: ஸர்வே பிதாமஹபுரோகமா: ।
விஸ்வாமித்ரம் மஹாத்மாநம் வாக்யம் மதுரமப்ருவந் ।
tataḥ suragaṇāḥ sarvē pitāmahapurōgamāḥ ।
viṡvāmitraṃ mahātmānaṃ vākyaṃ madhuramabruvan ।
Then all the Dēvas led by the Progenitor (Brahma)
said these sweet words to the Mahātma Viṡwāmitra:
1.65.19 ப்ரஹ்மர்ஷே ஸ்வாகதம் தேऽஸ்து தபஸா ஸ்ம ஸுதோஷிதா: ॥
ப்ராஹ்மண்யம் தபஸோக்ரேண ப்ராப்தவாநஸி கௌஸிக ।
brahmarṣē svāgataṃ tē'stu tapasā sma sutōṣitāḥ ॥
brāhmaṇyaṃ tapasōgrēṇa prāptavānasi kauṡika ।
We are very pleased with your Tapa.
O son of Kuṡika! You have attained
Brahmatva with your intense Tapa!
O Brahmarshi! Welcome to you!
1.65.20 தீர்கமாயுஸ்ச தே ப்ரஹ்மந் ததாமி ஸமருத்கண: ।
ஸ்வஸ்தி ப்ராப்நுஹி பத்ரம் தே கச்ச ஸௌம்ய யதாஸுகம் ॥
dīrghamāyuṡca tē brahman dadāmi samarudgaṇaḥ ।
svasti prāpnuhi bhadraṃ tē gaccha saumya yathāsukham ॥
I, along with all the Maruts (Dēvas),
also grant you with a very long life.
May all bode well for you.
O dear! Please go and live happily forever!
1.65.21 பிதாமஹவச: ஸ்ருத்வா ஸர்வேஷாம் ச திவௌகஸாம் ।
க்ருத்வா ப்ரணாமம் முதிதோ வ்யாஜஹார மஹாமுநி: ॥
pitāmahavacaḥ ṡrutvā sarvēṣāṃ ca divaukasām ।
kṛtvā praṇāmaṃ muditō vyājahāra mahāmuniḥ ॥
Hearing those words of the Progenitor and all the Dēvas,
the Mahā Muni was pleased and
paid respects to them all and said:
1.65.22 ப்ராஹ்மண்யம் யதி மே ப்ராப்தம் தீர்கமாயுஸ்ததைவ ச ।
ஓங்காரஸ்ச வஷட்காரோ வேதாஸ்ச வரயந்து மாம் ॥
brāhmaṇyaṃ yadi mē prāptaṃ dīrghamāyustathaiva ca ।
ōṅkāraṡca vaṣaṭkārō vēdāṡca varayantu mām ॥
If I have acquired Brahmatva, and was granted long life,
may I also acquire Aum, Vashaṭ and Vēdas! Aum, Vashaṭ and Vēdas are the prerogative of Brāhmaṇas, just as Valor, law and order, etc., are prerogatives of a Kshatriya.
1.65.23-24a க்ஷத்ரவேதவிதாம் ஸ்ரேஷ்டோ ப்ரஹ்மவேதவிதாமபி ।
ப்ரஹ்மபுத்ரோ வஸிஷ்டோ மாமேவம் வதது தேவதா: ।
யத்யயம் பரம: காம: க்ருதோ யாந்து ஸுரர்ஷபா: ॥
kṣatravēdavidāṃ ṡrēṣṭhō brahmavēdavidāmapi ।
brahmaputrō vasiṣṭhō māmēvaṃ vadatu dēvatāḥ ।
yadyayaṃ paramaḥ kāmaḥ kṛtō yāntu surarṣabhāḥ ॥
O bulls among Dēvas!
May Vasishṭha, the son of Brahma,
the best among those who know
all of Kshatriya and Brāhmaṇa Vidyas,
attest that I have attained Brahmatva!
May this wish of mine be fulfilled before you leave!
1.65.24b-25a தத: ப்ரஸாதிதோ தேவைர்வஸிஷ்டோ ஜபதாம் வர: ।
ஸக்யம் சகார ப்ரஹ்மர்ஷிரேவமஸ்த்விதி சாப்ரவீத் ॥
tataḥ prasāditō dēvairvasiṣṭhō japatāṃ varaḥ ।
sakhyaṃ cakāra brahmarṣirēvamastviti cābravīt ॥
Then Vasishṭha, the best among the performers of Japa
upon the request of the Dēvas,
forged friendship with him and also
attested that he had attained Brahmatva!
1.65.25b-26a ப்ரஹ்மர்ஷிஸ்த்வம் ந ஸந்தேஹ: ஸர்வம் ஸம்பத்ஸ்யதே தவ ।
இத்யுக்த்வா தேவதாஸ்சாபி ஸர்வா ஜக்முர்யதாகதம் ॥
brahmarṣistvaṃ na sandēhaḥ sarvaṃ sampatsyatē tava ।
ityuktvā dēvatāṡcāpi sarvā jagmuryathāgatam ॥
The Dēvas also said:
"You have indeed, become Brahmarshi, without doubt,
and you will gain everything" and departed.
1.65.26b-27a விஸ்வாமித்ரோ அபி தர்மாத்மா லப்த்வா ப்ராஹ்மண்யம் உத்தமம் ।
பூஜயாமாஸ ப்ரஹ்மர்ஷிம் வஸிஷ்டம் ஜபதாம் வரம் ॥
viṡvāmitrō api dharmātmā labdhvā brāhmaṇyam uttamam ।
pūjayāmāsa brahmarṣim vasiṣṭham japatām varam ॥
Viṡwāmitra, the Dharmātmā,
having gained the distinguished Brahmatva
paid respects to the Brahmarshi Vasishṭha,
prominent among those who perform Japa.
1.65.27b-28a க்ருத காமோ மஹீம் ஸர்வாம் சசார தபஸி ஸ்தித: ।
ஏவம் த்வநேந ப்ராஹ்மண்யம் ப்ராப்தம் ராம மஹாத்மநா ॥
kṛta kāmō mahīm sarvām cacāra tapasi sthitaḥ ।
ēvaṃ tvanēna brāhmaṇyaṃ prāptaṃ rāma mahātmanā ॥
O Rāma! Thus, that Mahātma gained Brahmatva.
After his wish was thus fulfilled,
he travelled across the globe continuing his Tapa, as before. Ṡatānanda, the son of Ahalya has been telling the story of Viṡwāmitra to Rāma, thus far. He concludes the story in these Ṡlōkas.
1.65.28b-29a ஏஷ ராம முநிஸ்ரேஷ்ட ஏஷ விக்ரஹவாம்ஸ்தப: ।
ஏஷ தர்மபரோ நித்யம் வீர்யஸ்யைஷ பராயணம் ॥
ēṣa rāma muniṡrēṣṭha ēṣa vigrahavāṃstapaḥ ।
ēṣa dharmaparō nityaṃ vīryasyaiṣa parāyaṇam ॥
O Rāma! This is that prominent Muni.
He is the embodiment of Tapa.
His dedication to Dharma is perpetual.
His fortitude is ultimate.
1.65.29b-30 ஏவமுக்த்வா மஹாதேஜா விரராம த்விஜோத்தம:
ஸதாநந்தவச: ஸ்ருத்வா ராமலக்ஷ்மணஸந்நிதௌ ।
ஜநக: ப்ராஞ்ஜலிர்வாக்யமுவாச குஸிகாத்மஜம் ॥
ēvamuktvā mahātējā virarāma dvijōttamaḥ
ṡatānandavacaḥ ṡrutvā rāmalakṣmaṇasannidhau ।
janakaḥ prāñjalirvākyamuvāca kuṡikātmajam ॥
After that supremely radiant and prominent
Brāhmaṇa Ṡatānanda thus concluded
narrating the story to Rāma and Lakshmaṇa,
Janaka said to the son of Kuṡika with folded hands:
1.65.31 தந்யோऽஸ்ம்யநுக்ருஹீதோऽஸ்மி யஸ்ய மே முநிபுங்கவ ।
யஜ்ஞம் காகுத்ஸ்தஸஹித: ப்ராப்தவாநஸி தார்மிக ॥
dhanyō'smyanugṛhītō'smi yasya mē munipuṅgava ।
yajñaṃ kākutsthasahitaḥ prāptavānasi dhārmika ॥
O Dhārmika! O foremost among Munis!
I feel blessed and fortunate to have you here
to witness the Yajña along with
the princes of Kākutstha lineage.
1.65.32 பாவிதோऽஹம் த்வயா ப்ரஹ்மந் தர்ஸநேந மஹாமுநே ।
குணா பஹுவிதா: ப்ராப்தாஸ்தவ ஸந்தர்ஸநாந்மயா ॥
pāvitō'haṃ tvayā brahman darṡanēna mahāmunē ।
guṇā bahuvidhāḥ prāptāstava sandarṡanānmayā ॥
O Mahā Muni! O Brahman!
My soul is purified by your presence.
My being is enriched in a multitude of ways
by your graceful presence.
1.65.33 விஸ்தரேண ச தே ப்ரஹ்மந் கீர்த்யமாநம் மஹத்தப: ।
ஸ்ருதம் மயா மஹாதேஜோ ராமேண ச மஹாத்மநா ॥
vistarēṇa ca tē brahman kīrtyamānaṃ mahattapaḥ ।
ṡrutaṃ mayā mahātējō rāmēṇa ca mahātmanā ॥
O Brahman! The story of your laudable great Tapa
is now heard by me and Mahātma Rāma.
1.65.34 ஸதஸ்யை: ப்ராப்ய ச ஸத: ஸ்ருதாஸ்தே பஹவோ குணா: ।
அப்ரமேயம் தபஸ்துப்யமப்ரமேயம் ச தே பலம் ।
அப்ரமேயா குணாஸ்சைவ நித்யம் தே குஸிகாத்மஜ ॥
sadasyaiḥ prāpya ca sadaḥ ṡrutāstē bahavō guṇāḥ ।
apramēyaṃ tapastubhyamapramēyaṃ ca tē balam ।
apramēyā guṇāṡcaiva nityaṃ tē kuṡikātmaja ॥
O son of Kuṡika! Everyone that had
come here to the Yajña have now heard
of your many great qualities.
Your Tapa is beyond comprehension.
Your strength and perseverance is beyond anyone's grasp.
Your capabilities at any time, are beyond measure.
1.65.35 த்ருப்திராஸ்சர்யபூதாநாம் கதாநாம் நாஸ்தி மே விபோ ।
கர்மகாலோ முநிஸ்ரேஷ்ட லம்பதே ரவிமண்டலம் ॥
tṛptirāṡcaryabhūtānāṃ kathānāṃ nāsti mē vibhō ।
karmakālō muniṡrēṣṭha lambatē ravimaṇḍalam ॥
I certainly cannot have enough
of hearing your amazing stories.
But the sun is now setting.
And it is time for ablutions.
1.65.36 ஸ்வ:ப்ரபாதே மஹாதேஜோ த்ரஷ்டுமர்ஹஸி மாம் புந: ।
ஸ்வாகதம் தபதாம் ஸ்ரேஷ்ட மாமநுஜ்ஞாதுமர்ஹஸி ॥
ṡvaḥprabhātē mahātējō draṣṭumarhasi māṃ punaḥ ।
svāgataṃ tapatāṃ ṡrēṣṭha māmanujñātumarhasi ॥
O supremely radiant! So I shall visit you
again after day-break tomorrow.
Welcome again to you, O pre-eminent Tapasvi!
May I be permitted to take leave of you for now!
1.65.37 ஏவமுக்தோ முநிவர: ப்ரஸஸ்ய புருஷர்ஷபம் ।
விஸஸர்ஜாஸு ஜநகம் ப்ரீதம் ப்ரீதமநாஸ்ததா ॥
ēvamuktō munivaraḥ praṡasya puruṣarṣabham ।
visasarjāṡu janakaṃ prītaṃ prītamanāstadā ॥
The pleased, foremost of Munis lauded
the pleased Janaka, the best among men, and saw him off.
1.65.38 ஏவமுக்த்வா முநிஸ்ரேஷ்டம் வைதேஹோ மிதிலாதிப: ।
ப்ரதக்ஷிணம் சகாராஸு ஸோபாத்யாய: ஸபாந்தவ: ॥
ēvamuktvā muniṡrēṣṭhaṃ vaidēhō mithilādhipaḥ ।
pradakṣiṇaṃ cakārāṡu sōpādhyāyaḥ sabāndhavaḥ ॥
The ruler of the kingdom of Vidēha and the city of Mithilā,
along with Purōhitas and all the people related to him
circumambulated the foremost among the Munis.
1.65.39 விஸ்வாமித்ரோऽபி தர்மாத்மா ஸராம: ஸஹலக்ஷ்மண: ।
ஸ்வவாடமபிசக்ராம பூஜ்யமாநோ மஹர்ஷிபி: ॥
viṡvāmitrō'pi dharmātmā sarāmaḥ sahalakṣmaṇaḥ ।
svavāṭamabhicakrāma pūjyamānō maharṣibhiḥ ॥
Viṡwāmitra, the Dharmātmā,
along with Rāma and Lakshmaṇa,
respected by all the Maharishis,
then went to rest at his accommodation.
இத்யார்ஷே ஸ்ரீமத்ராமாயணே வால்மீகீயே ஆதிகாவ்யே
ஸ்ரீமத்பாலகாண்டே பஞ்சஷஷ்டிதம: ஸர்க: ॥
ityārṣē ṡrīmadrāmāyaṇē vālmīkīyē ādikāvyē
ṡrīmadbālakāṇḍē pañcaṣaṣṭitamaḥ sargaḥ ॥
Thus concludes the sixty fifth Sarga
in Bāla Kāṇḍa of the glorious Rāmāyaṇa,
the first ever poem of humankind,
composed by Vālmeeki.
We completed reading 1906 Ṡlōkas out of ~24,000 Ṡlōkas of Vālmeeki Rāmāyaṇa.