Dasakam: 3 -- Shlokam: 07
विधूय क्लेशान्मे कुरु चरणयुग्मं धृतरसं भवत्क्षेत्रप्राप्तौ करमपि च ते पूजनविधौ ।भवन्मूर्त्यालोके नयनमथ ते पादतुलसी- परिघ्राणे घ्राणं श्रवणमपि ते चारुचरिते ॥७॥
vidhuuya kleshaanme kuru charaNayugmaM dhR^itarasaM
bhavatkshetrapraaptau karamapi cha te puujanavidhau |
bhavanmuurtyaalOke nayanamatha te paadatulasiiparighraaNe
ghraaNaM shravaNamapi te chaarucharite ||
O Lord of Guruvayoor, Due to my intense physical sufferings,I do not even feel inclined to serve you as my mind is pulled away by the intensity of physical pain. Kindly remove my afflictions so that my feet may be able to walk up to your temple,my hands may be able to worship you, my eyes may be able to have vision of you,my nose may be able to smell the fragranceof the Tulasi leaves offered at your feet and my ears may hear your glories sungand May Thy divine form embodying the Supreme Bliss envelop my mind and heart so completely that I am forced to forget all my physical maladies and experience only thethrill of shedding tears of joy in this state.