Dasakam: 3 -- Shlokam: 06
भवद्भक्तिस्तावत् प्रमुखमधुरा त्वत् गुणरसात्
किमप्यारूढा चेदखिलपरितापप्रशमनी ।
पुनश्चान्ते स्वान्ते विमलपरिबोधोदयमिल-
न्महानन्दाद्वैतं दिशति किमत: प्रार्थ्यमपरम् ॥६॥
bhavadbhaktistaavat pramukhamadhuraa tvadguNarasaat
kimapyaaruuDhaa chedakhilaparitaapaprashamanii |
punashchaante svaante vimalaparibOdhOdayamila
nmahaanandaadvaitaM dishati kimataH praarthyamaparam ||
O Lord! Chanting Thy names and singing Thy praises is a sweet right from the beginning because of Thy glorious attributes. When such devotion becomes intense, it removes all sorrows of the devotee.Then ultimately it leads the mind to the path of supreme knowledge and bliss. What more is there for one to seek?