Dasakam: 3 -- Shlokam: 5
भवद्भक्ति: स्फीता भवतु मम सैव प्रशमये-
दशेषक्लेशौघं न खलु हृदि सन्देहकणिका ।
न चेद्व्यासस्योक्तिस्तव च वचनं नैगमवचो
भवेन्मिथ्या रथ्यापुरुषवचनप्रायमखिलम् ॥५॥
bhavadbhaktiH sphiitaa bhavatu mama saiva prashamayedasheShakleshaughaM
na khalu hR^idi sandehakaNikaa |
na chedvyaasasyOktistava cha vachanaM naigamavachO
bhavenmithyaa rathyaapuruShavachanapraayamakhilam || 5
O Guruvayoorappa! Please help me to become more and more devoted to Thee. May my devotion to Thee grow intense, so that all my sufferings may automatically subside and as that is the only remedy for all my woes. I do not have the slightest doubt in my heart that devotion to Thee . For otherwise, all ofVyasa's teachings, Thy divine sayings and even the Vedas will become meaningless the casual mutterings of street wanderer.