Dasakam: 3 -- Shlokam: 04
मुनिप्रौढा रूढा जगति खलु गूढात्मगतयो
भवत्पादाम्भोजस्मरणविरुजो नारदमुखा: ।
चरन्तीश स्वैरं सततपरिनिर्भातपरचि -
त्सदानन्दाद्वैतप्रसरपरिमग्ना: किमपरम् ॥४॥
muniprauDhaa ruuDhaa jagati khalu guuDhaatmagatayO
bhavatpaadaambhOjasmaraNavirujO naaradamukhaaH |
charantiisha svairaM satataparinirbhaataparachitsadaanandaadvaitaprasaraparimagnaaH
kimaparam ||
O Guruvayoorappa! Great sages like Naarada (who)are well known in the world, have attained Supreme Bliss by meditating on Thy lotus feet and now free to wander will without being noticed. They are free of all sorrows because of their constant contemplation on Thy lotus feet.indeed, They have attained the eternal knowledge and are always immersed in Thy in the complete state of conscious Bliss beyond all limits of time and space. Is there anything more for them to attain?