Baala Kaanda - Sarga 57
In this Sarga, Viṡwāmitra starts Tapa to gain Brahmatva. But his Tapa gets him only the recognition of Rājarshi. So he goes on to perform more Tapa.
Meanwhile, another king by name Triṡanku wants to go to Heaven with his mortal body. He approaches Vasishṭha, asking him to perform a Yajña that will fulfill his desire. Vasishṭha says that it is not possible. Triṡanku then approaches the sons of Vasishṭha and makes the same request.
தத: ஸந்தப்தஹ்ருதய: ஸ்மரந் நிக்ரஹமாத்மந: ।
விநி:ஸ்வஸ்ய விநி:ஸ்வஸ்ய க்ருதவைரோ மஹாத்மநா ।
ஸ தக்ஷிணாம் திஸம் கத்வா மஹிஷ்யா ஸஹ ராகவ ।
ததாப பரமம் கோரம் விஸ்வாமித்ரோ மஹத்தப: ।
பல மூல அஸநோ தாந்தை: சசார மஹத் தப: ॥
tataḥ santaptahṛdayaḥ smaran nigrahamātmanaḥ ।
viniḥṡvasya viniḥṡvasya kṛtavairō mahātmanā ।
sa dakṣiṇāṃ diṡaṃ gatvā mahiṣyā saha rāghava ।
tatāpa paramaṃ ghōraṃ viṡvāmitrō mahattapaḥ ।
phala mūla aṡanō dāntaiḥ cacāra mahat tapaḥ ॥
O prince of Raghu dynasty! With a heavy heart,
brooding over the humiliation thus met,
sighing over and over about everything that happened,
earning the enmity of Mahātma Vasishṭha,
Viṡwāmitra went southwards along with his wife
and performed extremely severe Tapa
surviving just on fruits and roots.
So far, in all the previous Sargas, you have seen everyone going northwards to the Himalayas to do Tapa. This is the first time you see someone going south. The South symbolically represents the 'wrong' direction. (Just as we say that the stock of a specific company went south).
Going south implies going too far with wrong assumptions, wrong approach or wrong intentions or proceeding with a flaw.
One may be able to achieve notable success even along the path of following wrong assumptions, approach, intentions. But they will come back to bite the dust later.
So in later Sargas you would see Viṡwāmitra subsequently going towards west, then north and then east.
Viṡwāmitra started with a faulty assumption that he was somehow superior to Vasishṭha. As it happened, he was summarily proven to be wrong. For a while (eight Sargas), Viṡwāmitra continues his efforts in every possible way, gaining some 'wins' on the way.
Yet, until he gets over this essential fault of tying his identity with his superiority, he does not attain what he wants, the Brahmatva.
The episode of Viṡwāmitra which takes up as many as 10 Sargas here, teaches the vital and fundamental value established by Indic Civilization:
One should not tie one's own identity with one's superiority or accomplishments. One becomes a Brahmarshi only when one realizes one's own universal and eternal identity that is not born out of one's accomplishments or power or superiority.
The episode of Viṡwāmitra teaches that neither hard work, nor prudence, nor accomplishments can compensate for wrong intentions or faulty outlook of the world.
அதாஸ்ய ஜஜ்ஞிரே புத்ரா: ஸத்யதர்மபராயணா: ।
ஹவிஷ்யந்தோ மதுஷ்யந்தோ த்ருடநேத்ரோ மஹாரத: ॥
athāsya jajñirē putrāḥ satyadharmaparāyaṇāḥ ।
haviṣyandō madhuṣyandō dṛḍhanētrō mahārathaḥ ॥
There he had four sons by names
Havishyanda, Madhushyanda, Dhṛḍhanētra and Mahāratha,
who were sincere, trustworthy and righteous.
பூர்ணே வர்ஷஸஹஸ்ரே து ப்ரஹ்மா லோகபிதாமஹ: ।
அப்ரவீந்மதுரம் வாக்யம் விஸ்வாமித்ரம் தபோதநம் ॥
pūrṇē varṣasahasrē tu brahmā lōkapitāmahaḥ ।
abravīnmadhuraṃ vākyaṃ viṡvāmitraṃ tapōdhanam ॥
A thousand years thus passed, when Brahma, the Progenitor
said these sweet words to Viṡwāmitra
who was now rich with Tapa:
ஜிதா ராஜர்ஷிலோகாஸ்தே தபஸா குஸிகாத்மஜ ।
அநேந தபஸா த்வாம் து ராஜர்ஷிரிதி வித்மஹே ॥
jitā rājarṣilōkāstē tapasā kuṡikātmaja ।
anēna tapasā tvāṃ tu rājarṣiriti vidmahē ॥
O son of Kuṡika! With your Tapa,
you now have attained the worlds of Rājarshis.
We recognize you now as a Rājarshi.
ஏவமுக்த்வா மஹாதேஜா ஜகாம ஸஹ தைவதை: ।
த்ரிவிஷ்டபம் ப்ரஹ்மலோகம் லோகாநாம் பரமேஸ்வர: ॥
ēvamuktvā mahātējā jagāma saha daivataiḥ ।
triviṣṭapaṃ brahmalōkaṃ lōkānāṃ paramēṡvaraḥ ॥
Saying thus, the supremely radiant Brahma,
the lord of all worlds,
went back to the divine world of Brahma Lōka
along with all the Dēvas.
விஸ்வாமித்ரோऽபி தச்ச்ருத்வா ஹ்ரியா கிஞ்சிதவாங்முக: ।
து:கேந மஹதாவிஷ்ட: ஸமந்யுரிதமப்ரவீத் ॥
viṡvāmitrō'pi tacchrutvā hriyā kiñcidavāṅmukhaḥ ।
duḥkhēna mahatāviṣṭaḥ samanyuridamabravīt ॥
Viṡwāmitra felt humiliated again, and hung his head down.
With great sadness and bitterness, he thought to himself:
தபஸ்ச ஸுமஹத்தப்தம் ராஜர்ஷிரிதி மாம் விது: ।
தேவா: ஸர்ஷிகணா: ஸர்வே நாஸ்தி மந்யே தப:பலம் ॥
tapaṡca sumahattaptaṃ rājarṣiriti māṃ viduḥ ।
dēvāḥ sarṣigaṇāḥ sarvē nāsti manyē tapaḥphalam ॥
Even after performing such great Tapa,
all the Dēvas and Ṛshis have recognized me only as a Rājarshi.
All my Tapa has gone in vain.
ஏவம் நிஸ்சித்ய மநஸா பூய ஏவ மஹாதபா: ।
தபஸ்சகார காகுத்ஸ்த பரமம் பரமாத்மவாந் ॥
ēvaṃ niṡcitya manasā bhūya ēva mahātapāḥ ।
tapaṡcakāra kākutstha paramaṃ paramātmavān ॥
O prince of Kākutstha lineage!
Concluding thus, that egotistic, great Tapasvi,
ventured upon even more rigorous Tapa.
ஏதஸ்மிந்நேவ காலே து ஸத்யவாதீ ஜிதேந்த்ரிய: ।
த்ரிஸங்குரிதி விக்யாத இக்ஷ்வாகுகுலவர்த்தந: ॥
ētasminnēva kālē tu satyavādī jitēndriyaḥ ।
triṡaṅkuriti vikhyāta ikṣvākukulavarddhanaḥ ॥
At about the same time, there was a king by name Triṡaṅku,
who enhanced the reputation of the Ikshwāku dynasty.
He mastered his senses fully and led his life in honest ways.
தஸ்ய புத்தி: ஸமுத்பந்நா யஜேயமிதி ராகவ ।
கச்சேயம் ஸஸரீரேண தேவாநாம் பரமாம் கதிம் ॥
tasya buddhiḥ samutpannā yajēyamiti rāghava ।
gacchēyaṃ saṡarīrēṇa dēvānāṃ paramāṃ gatim ॥
O prince of Raghu dynasty!
He thought of performing a Yajña that would
help him go to Heaven with his mortal body.
ஸ வஸிஷ்டம் ஸமாஹூய கதயாமாஸ சிந்திதம் ।
அஸக்யமிதி சாப்யுக்தோ வஸிஷ்டேந மஹாத்மநா ॥
sa vasiṣṭhaṃ samāhūya kathayāmāsa cintitam ।
aṡakyamiti cāpyuktō vasiṣṭhēna mahātmanā ॥
He called upon Vasishṭha and told him his intention.
But the Mahātma Vasishṭha made it clear that it was not possible.
ப்ரத்யாக்யாதோ வஸிஷ்டேந ஸ யயௌ தக்ஷிணாம் திஸம் ।
ததஸ்தத்கர்மஸித்த்யர்தம் புத்ராம்ஸ்தஸ்ய கதோ ந்ருப: ॥
pratyākhyātō vasiṣṭhēna sa yayau dakṣiṇāṃ diṡam ।
tatastatkarmasiddhyarthaṃ putrāṃstasya gatō nṛpaḥ ॥
Rejected by Vasishṭha, that king went southward
to the sons of Vasishṭha hoping that they would help.
Another southbound journey.
வாஸிஷ்டா தீர்கதபஸஸ்தபோ யத்ர ஹி தேபிரே ।
த்ரிஸங்கு: ஸுமஹாதேஜா: ஸதம் பரமபாஸ்வரம் ।
வஸிஷ்டபுத்ராந் தத்ருஸே தப்யமாநாந் யஸஸ்விந: ॥
vāsiṣṭhā dīrghatapasastapō yatra hi tēpirē ।
triṡaṅkuḥ sumahātējāḥ ṡataṃ paramabhāsvaram ।
vasiṣṭhaputrān dadṛṡē tapyamānān yaṡasvinaḥ ॥
There Triṡaṅku saw the renowned
one hundred sons of Vasishṭha who were
supremely radiant and doing Tapa,
glowing brightly having performed Tapa for a long time.
You can see such glow even on the faces of scientists who have done research for a long time without being afflicted by lowly human emotions or worn out by mundane concerns of life.
ஸோऽபிகம்ய மஹாத்மாந: ஸர்வாநேவ குரோ: ஸுதாந் ।
அபிவாத்யாநுபூர்வ்யேண ஹ்ரியா கிஞ்சிதவாங்முக: ।
அப்ரவீத்ஸுமஹாத்மாந: ஸர்வாநேவ க்ருதாஞ்ஜலி: ॥
sō'bhigamya mahātmānaḥ sarvānēva gurōḥ sutān ।
abhivādyānupūrvyēṇa hriyā kiñcidavāṅmukhaḥ ।
abravītsumahātmānaḥ sarvānēva kṛtāñjaliḥ ॥
He approached those Mahātmas, sons of his Guru
and humbly saluted them, starting from
the eldest, to the youngest.
With slightly bowed head and folded hands,
he said to all those blessed souls:
ஸரணம் வ: ப்ரபத்யேऽஹம் ஸரண்யாந் ஸரணாகத: ।
ப்ரத்யாக்யாதோऽஸ்மி பத்ரம் வோ வஸிஷ்டேந மஹாத்மநா ॥
ṡaraṇaṃ vaḥ prapadyē'haṃ ṡaraṇyān ṡaraṇāgataḥ ।
pratyākhyātō'smi bhadraṃ vō vasiṣṭhēna mahātmanā ॥
I have been rejected by Mahātma Vasishṭha.
O gracious ones! I need help and
I am here to beseech you!
May all bode well for you!
யஷ்டுகாமோ மஹாயஜ்ஞம் ததநுஜ்ஞாதுமர்ஹத ।
குருபுத்ராநஹம் ஸர்வாந்நமஸ்க்ருத்ய ப்ரஸாதயே ॥
yaṣṭukāmō mahāyajñaṃ tadanujñātumarhatha ।
guruputrānahaṃ sarvānnamaskṛtya prasādayē ॥
I need your consent to perform a great Yajña.
I bow to you all, the sons of my Guru.
Hope you would be kind enough!
ஸிரஸா ப்ரணதோ யாசே ப்ராஹ்மணாம்ஸ்தபஸி ஸ்திதாந் ।
தே மாம் பவந்த: ஸித்த்யர்தம் யாஜயந்து ஸமாஹிதா: ।
ஸஸரீரோ யதாஹம் ஹி தேவலோகமவாப்நுயாம் ॥
ṡirasā praṇatō yācē brāhmaṇāṃstapasi sthitān ।
tē māṃ bhavantaḥ siddhyarthaṃ yājayantu samāhitāḥ ।
saṡarīrō yathāhaṃ hi dēvalōkamavāpnuyām ॥
I bow my head to you Brāhmaṇas,
who are performing Tapa.
I hope you will help me perform a Yajña with all your heart,
that will take me to Heaven with my mortal body.
ப்ரத்யாக்யாதோ வஸிஷ்டேந கதிமந்யாம் தபோதநா: ।
குருபுத்ராந்ருதே ஸர்வாந்நாஹம் பஸ்யாமி காஞ்சந ॥
pratyākhyātō vasiṣṭhēna gatimanyāṃ tapōdhanāḥ ।
guruputrānṛtē sarvānnāhaṃ paṡyāmi kāñcana ॥
O souls enriched with Tapa!
Brushed aside by Vasishṭha,
I can see no other recourse
than to approach all of you, his sons!
இக்ஷ்வாகூணாம் ஹி ஸர்வேஷாம் புரோதா: பரமா கதி: ।
புரோதஸஸ்து வித்வாம்ஸஸ்தாரயந்தி ஸதா ந்ருபாந் ।
தஸ்மாதநந்தரம் ஸர்வே பவந்தோ தைவதம் மம ॥
ikṣvākūṇāṃ hi sarvēṣāṃ purōdhāḥ paramā gatiḥ ।
purōdhasastu vidvāṃsastārayanti sadā nṛpān ।
tasmādanantaraṃ sarvē bhavantō daivataṃ mama ॥
For all of us Ikshwākus, the Purōhita is the ultimate recourse.
The scholarly Purōhitas always come to the help of kings.
After Vasishṭha, you all are my gods.
இத்யார்ஷே ஸ்ரீமத்ராமாயணே வால்மீகீயே ஆதிகாவ்யே
ஸ்ரீமத்பாலகாண்டே ஸப்தபஞ்சாஸ: ஸர்க: ॥
ityārṣē ṡrīmadrāmāyaṇē vālmīkīyē ādikāvyē
ṡrīmadbālakāṇḍē saptapañcāṡaḥ sargaḥ ॥
Thus concludes the fifty seventh Sarga
in Bāla Kāṇḍa of the glorious Rāmāyaṇa,
the first ever poem of humankind,
composed by Vālmeeki.
We completed reading 1690 Ṡlōkas out of ~24,000 Ṡlōkas of Vālmeeki Rāmāyaṇa.