(62) - 2.23 - Adhikara Sangraham - Swamy Sri Desikan.
வேதமறிந்த பகவர்வியக்க விளங்கியசீர்
நாதன் வகுத்தவகைபெறுநாம் அவன் நல்லடியார்க்கு
ஆதாரமிக்க அடிமையிசைந்து அழியாமறைநூல்
நீதிநிறுத்த நிலைகுலையாவகைநின்றனமே.
The BhagavathAs of the Lord have clear comprehension of' the VedAnthams and will continue to marvel at the anantha kalyANa gunams of their Lord.
We, as the servants of the Lord, should perform kaimkaryams to the Lord's BhAgavathAs with affection and should not swerve from the path shown by the SaasthrAs of the Lord.
The Key passage of this Paasuram is:
"NaaTan vahuttha vahai peRum nAmm nalladiyArkku aadharam mikka isainthu nilai kulayA vahai ninRanam"
(We who have gained the grace of the Lord through our Prapatthi stay on the righteous path shown by the Lord through our loving kaimakryams to His BhAgavathAs).
Additional Comments
The most desired kaimkaryam by BhagavAn is the kaimkaryam that the PrapannAs perform for His BhAgavathAs.
Therefore , BhAgavatha Kaimkaryam is the ultimate limit of Bhagavath Kaimkaryam.
Courtesy :[fb]Sujatha Rana.

(62) - 2.23 - Adhikara Sangraham - Swamy Sri Desikan.
வேதமறிந்த பகவர்வியக்க விளங்கியசீர்
நாதன் வகுத்தவகைபெறுநாம் அவன் நல்லடியார்க்கு
ஆதாரமிக்க அடிமையிசைந்து அழியாமறைநூல்
நீதிநிறுத்த நிலைகுலையாவகைநின்றனமே.
The BhagavathAs of the Lord have clear comprehension of' the VedAnthams and will continue to marvel at the anantha kalyANa gunams of their Lord.
We, as the servants of the Lord, should perform kaimkaryams to the Lord's BhAgavathAs with affection and should not swerve from the path shown by the SaasthrAs of the Lord.
The Key passage of this Paasuram is:
"NaaTan vahuttha vahai peRum nAmm nalladiyArkku aadharam mikka isainthu nilai kulayA vahai ninRanam"
(We who have gained the grace of the Lord through our Prapatthi stay on the righteous path shown by the Lord through our loving kaimakryams to His BhAgavathAs).
Additional Comments
The most desired kaimkaryam by BhagavAn is the kaimkaryam that the PrapannAs perform for His BhAgavathAs.
Therefore , BhAgavatha Kaimkaryam is the ultimate limit of Bhagavath Kaimkaryam.
Courtesy :[fb]Sujatha Rana.