(58) - 2.19: Adhikara Sangraham - Swamy Sri Desikan.
அறவேபரமென்று அடைக்கலம்வைத்தனர், அன்றுநம்மைப்
பெறவேகருதிப் பெருந்தகவுற்றபிரானடிக் கீழ்
உறவேயிவனுயிர்காக்கின்ற ஓருயிருண்மையை, நீ
மறவேலென நம்மறைமுடிசூடியமன்னவரே.
Explanation of the Swaroopam of Prapatthi
The 58th slOkam of Desika Prabhandham ( the19th slOkam of AdhikAra Sangraham) explains the ways to perform one of the four kinds of Prapatthi(Svanishtai, Ukthi Nishtai , AchArya Nishtai and BhAgavatha Nishtai).
58) Our Lord has vowed to protect us because of our eternal and indissoluble relationship with Him.
He longs from ancient times (anAdhi Kaalam) to gain us and blesses us with His rejuvenating shower of Mercy.
Our AchAryAs -- who have seen the shores of VedAnthA-- recognize us as the Jeevans needing that protection of the most merciful Lord and have placed us at His sacred feet for unfailing protection.
The key passage of this 58th Paasuram is: " MaRai soodiya namm mannavar----perum tahavu uRRa PirAn adik-keezh bharam aRavE yenRu adaikkalam vaitthanar"
Our AchAryAs as Emperors of VedAntham have placed us at the feet of our most merciful Lord as objects that need protection from Him.
They did so because they wanted the chEthanam to banish any thoughts about protecting itself by itself.

(58) - 2.19: Adhikara Sangraham - Swamy Sri Desikan.
அறவேபரமென்று அடைக்கலம்வைத்தனர், அன்றுநம்மைப்
பெறவேகருதிப் பெருந்தகவுற்றபிரானடிக் கீழ்
உறவேயிவனுயிர்காக்கின்ற ஓருயிருண்மையை, நீ
மறவேலென நம்மறைமுடிசூடியமன்னவரே.
Explanation of the Swaroopam of Prapatthi
The 58th slOkam of Desika Prabhandham ( the19th slOkam of AdhikAra Sangraham) explains the ways to perform one of the four kinds of Prapatthi(Svanishtai, Ukthi Nishtai , AchArya Nishtai and BhAgavatha Nishtai).
58) Our Lord has vowed to protect us because of our eternal and indissoluble relationship with Him.
He longs from ancient times (anAdhi Kaalam) to gain us and blesses us with His rejuvenating shower of Mercy.
Our AchAryAs -- who have seen the shores of VedAnthA-- recognize us as the Jeevans needing that protection of the most merciful Lord and have placed us at His sacred feet for unfailing protection.
The key passage of this 58th Paasuram is: " MaRai soodiya namm mannavar----perum tahavu uRRa PirAn adik-keezh bharam aRavE yenRu adaikkalam vaitthanar"
Our AchAryAs as Emperors of VedAntham have placed us at the feet of our most merciful Lord as objects that need protection from Him.
They did so because they wanted the chEthanam to banish any thoughts about protecting itself by itself.