(55) 2.16: - Adhikara Sangraham - Swamy Sri Desikan.
நின்றநிலைக்குற நிற்குங்கருமமும் நேர்மதியா
னன்றெனநாடியஞானமும் நல்குமுட்கண்ணுடையர்
ஒன்றியபத்தியும் ஒன்றுமிலாவிரைவார்க்கு, அருளால்
அன்றுபயந்தருமாறும் அறிந்தவரந்தணரே.
Ninth ChApter of SRTS: UpAya VibhAgAdhikAram
16th Paasuram of AdhikAra Sangraham and the 55th Desika Prabhandha Paasuram deals with UpAya VibhAgAdhikAram .
Here Swamy Desikan contrasts the two upAyams for Moksham .
55) Those who feel unfit to practise the rigors of Bhakthi yOgam and yet are eager to gain Moksham without dealy perform prapatthi yOgam .
Those who clearly understand Prapatthi as the upAyam that is quick to practise ( kshaNa karthavyam: done in a trice) and fast to yield phalan are the ones who understand the true message of Vedam.
The rigors of Bhakthi yOgam as upAyam for Moksham are formidable and very few have the capabilities to practice it in this yugam .
The key passage of this Pasuram is : " karumamum Jn~Anamum patthiyum onRumilA viraivArkku anRu aruLAl payan tarum aaRum aRindhavar anthaNar"
For those who can not practise Karma , Jn~Ana and Bhakthi yOgams ,
Prapatthi yOgam is the only UpAyam for Moksha siddhi.
For such PrapannAs, SrIman NaarAyaNan stands in place of Bhakthi yOgam (sTAnam of Bhakthi yOgam) and grants the fruits of Moksham , when desired .

(55) 2.16: - Adhikara Sangraham - Swamy Sri Desikan.
நின்றநிலைக்குற நிற்குங்கருமமும் நேர்மதியா
னன்றெனநாடியஞானமும் நல்குமுட்கண்ணுடையர்
ஒன்றியபத்தியும் ஒன்றுமிலாவிரைவார்க்கு, அருளால்
அன்றுபயந்தருமாறும் அறிந்தவரந்தணரே.
Ninth ChApter of SRTS: UpAya VibhAgAdhikAram
16th Paasuram of AdhikAra Sangraham and the 55th Desika Prabhandha Paasuram deals with UpAya VibhAgAdhikAram .
Here Swamy Desikan contrasts the two upAyams for Moksham .
55) Those who feel unfit to practise the rigors of Bhakthi yOgam and yet are eager to gain Moksham without dealy perform prapatthi yOgam .
Those who clearly understand Prapatthi as the upAyam that is quick to practise ( kshaNa karthavyam: done in a trice) and fast to yield phalan are the ones who understand the true message of Vedam.
The rigors of Bhakthi yOgam as upAyam for Moksham are formidable and very few have the capabilities to practice it in this yugam .
The key passage of this Pasuram is : " karumamum Jn~Anamum patthiyum onRumilA viraivArkku anRu aruLAl payan tarum aaRum aRindhavar anthaNar"
For those who can not practise Karma , Jn~Ana and Bhakthi yOgams ,
Prapatthi yOgam is the only UpAyam for Moksha siddhi.
For such PrapannAs, SrIman NaarAyaNan stands in place of Bhakthi yOgam (sTAnam of Bhakthi yOgam) and grants the fruits of Moksham , when desired .