Sri Lakshmi Narayanar, Senkurichi, TN.
(53) - 2.14: Adhikara Sangraham - Swamy Sri Desikan.
நின்றபுராணனடியிணையேந்தும் நெடும்பயனும்
பொன்றுதலேநிலையென்றிடப் பொங்கும்பவக்கடலும்
நன்றிதுதீயதிதென்று நவின்றவர்நல்லருளால்
வென்றுபுலங்களை வீடினைவேண்டும் பெரும்பயனே.
Seventh AdhikAram of SRTS : MumukshuthvaadhikAram
53) Moksham is the ultimate desired goal , when one performs kaimakryam to the Timeless Lord , who is never ever separated from His Devi , MahA Lakshmi.
This Moksha Sukham is perennial and will be growing forever for the one, who has been blessed with Moksha Sukham.
In contrast , the pleasures enjoyed in the SamsAric world are inherently perishable and do not last long.
Our AchAryAs evaluated both these kinds of Sukhams and concluded that
Moksha Sukham is by far the best and instructed us to seek it.
Our AchAryAs with the sole goal of uplifting others from the SamsAric sufferings have blessed us with knowledge about the three tatthvams (Tatthva Jn~Anam ) so that we can disengage our indhriyams from insignificant pleasures of this SamsAric world and set our goals on seeking the lasting pleasures of Moksham.
The key passages of the Paasuram are: "navinRavar nal aruLAl , pulankaLai venRu Perum payan veedinai vENDum " ( Through SadAchArya UpadEsam , the chEthanam controls its sensory organs and seeks the Moksha Sukham).
This chapter of SrImath Rahasya Thraya Saaram(SRTS) is about the generation of desire for Moksham in the Chethanams.
Through the recitation of and reflection on the deep meanings of AshtAkshara MahA manthram, the ChEthanam banishes pravrutthi dharmams and engages in pursuit of nivrutthi dharmams and becomes Mumukshu or the one desirous of gaining Moksham, liberation from the cycles of repeated births and deaths in this SamsAric world.
The Sanskrit slOkam passage echoing these thoughts in SRTS is :
" niravadhi mahAnandha BrahmAnubhUthi kuthUhali DhaivAth
jihAsitha Samsruthi: bhavithA ".
( With BhagavAn"s anugraham, the ChEthanam becomes desirous of enjoying the limitless,
great bliss of MokshAnubhavam and becomes a Mumukshu).

Sri Lakshmi Narayanar, Senkurichi, TN.
(53) - 2.14: Adhikara Sangraham - Swamy Sri Desikan.
நின்றபுராணனடியிணையேந்தும் நெடும்பயனும்
பொன்றுதலேநிலையென்றிடப் பொங்கும்பவக்கடலும்
நன்றிதுதீயதிதென்று நவின்றவர்நல்லருளால்
வென்றுபுலங்களை வீடினைவேண்டும் பெரும்பயனே.
Seventh AdhikAram of SRTS : MumukshuthvaadhikAram
53) Moksham is the ultimate desired goal , when one performs kaimakryam to the Timeless Lord , who is never ever separated from His Devi , MahA Lakshmi.
This Moksha Sukham is perennial and will be growing forever for the one, who has been blessed with Moksha Sukham.
In contrast , the pleasures enjoyed in the SamsAric world are inherently perishable and do not last long.
Our AchAryAs evaluated both these kinds of Sukhams and concluded that
Moksha Sukham is by far the best and instructed us to seek it.
Our AchAryAs with the sole goal of uplifting others from the SamsAric sufferings have blessed us with knowledge about the three tatthvams (Tatthva Jn~Anam ) so that we can disengage our indhriyams from insignificant pleasures of this SamsAric world and set our goals on seeking the lasting pleasures of Moksham.
The key passages of the Paasuram are: "navinRavar nal aruLAl , pulankaLai venRu Perum payan veedinai vENDum " ( Through SadAchArya UpadEsam , the chEthanam controls its sensory organs and seeks the Moksha Sukham).
This chapter of SrImath Rahasya Thraya Saaram(SRTS) is about the generation of desire for Moksham in the Chethanams.
Through the recitation of and reflection on the deep meanings of AshtAkshara MahA manthram, the ChEthanam banishes pravrutthi dharmams and engages in pursuit of nivrutthi dharmams and becomes Mumukshu or the one desirous of gaining Moksham, liberation from the cycles of repeated births and deaths in this SamsAric world.
The Sanskrit slOkam passage echoing these thoughts in SRTS is :
" niravadhi mahAnandha BrahmAnubhUthi kuthUhali DhaivAth
jihAsitha Samsruthi: bhavithA ".
( With BhagavAn"s anugraham, the ChEthanam becomes desirous of enjoying the limitless,
great bliss of MokshAnubhavam and becomes a Mumukshu).