(49) - 2.10: - Adhikara Sangraham - Swamy Sri Desikan.
நிலைதந்த தாரகனாய் நியமிக்குமிறைவனுமாய்
இலதொன்றனாவகை எல்லாந்தனதெனுமெந்தையுமாய்த்
துலையொன்றிலையெனநின்ற துழாய்முடியானுடம்பாய்
விலையின்றிநாமடியோமெனும் வேதியர்மெய்ப்பொருளே.
(49) PradhAna prathitantrAdhikAram:
ChEthanam and AchEthnam are the Lord's body.
SrIman NaarAyaNan gives svaroopam and sustenance to all sentient and insentient beings .
He is the receiver of the fruits of all karmAs .
Our SarvEswaran is matchless and all chEthanams and achEthanams stay as His body (sarIram).
The sathya siddhAntham of the VedAnthis is that, we are the unconditional
and eternal servants (niruphAdhika nithy a daasAs) of our Lord, and, it is our destiny to perform nithya kaimakryam to Him in SrI Vaikuntam.
Additional comments:
Only a God who can provide DhArakathvam ,Niyanthruthavam and display sEshithvam can have the distinction of having others as His body.
These three sambhandhams are inherent to SrIman NaarAyaNan that enables Him to have the chEthanams and achEthanams as His SarIram.
This sambhandham (relationship) between Him as the Lord and us as His eternal servants is unique to VisishtAdhvaitham and is celebrated as SarIrAthma BhAvam.
This relationship (sambhandham) is known as PradhAna Prathitantram.
DhArakathvam is the conferral of Svaroopam and sustenance for all by the Lord.
Niyanthruthvam is the power to command the jeevans to engage in the performance of their karmAs.
sEshithvam is the grace of the Lord , our Master , to treat His prayOjanam as the prayOjanams of chEthanams and being pleased about recieving them.
Only God who can have the above three sambhandhams can have the sentients and insentients as His SarIram .
SrIman NaarAyaNan is the only God fit to qualify as SarvEswaran because of having these three attributes.
This is the essence of PradhAna Prathitantram and is the doctrine that is unique to SrI VisishtAdhvaitha SiddhAntham.