Swami Madhurakavi Azhwar, Kanchi, TN.
41 - (அதிகாரசங்கிரகம் - ஸ்ரீமந் நிகமாந்த மஹாதேசிகன்)
இகழாத பல்லுறவிலிராக மாற்றில்தன்பற்றில் வினைவிலக்கில்தகவோக்கத்திற்
றத்துவத்தையுணர்த்துதலிற் றன்மையாகில்
அருமறைகள் தமிழ் செய்தான் தாளேகொண்டு
துன்பற்ற மதுரகவிதோன்றக்காட்டுந்
தொல்வழியேநல்வழி கடுணிவார் கட்கே.
The Path shown by Madhura Kavi is the blessed path
(41) The Jeevans have ten kinds of relationships with their Lord :
(1) The enjoyment of the Lord , who is the embodiment of bliss (2) Seeking Him as the goal for total Self-surrender (3) Accepting Him as the ultimate fruit appropriate for their Svaroopam (4) Establishing many types of personal relationships with the Lord (5) Sundering attachment to inaapropriate things identified by SaasthrAs with
His help (6) Development of attachment to Him (7) destruction of the Sins (8) Becoming the object of the Lord's DayA (9) Growth of Tatthva Jn~Anam as a result of His anugraham and growing attachment to Him (10) Gaining the boon of becoming like Him with His sankalpam.
Madhura Kavi AzhwAr was present on this earth, when Lord KrishNa had His Vibhava avathAram. Thus , He was a contemproary of Lord KrishNa.Yet, Madhura Kavi did not engage His mind in the Lord but chose Swamy NammAzhwAr as his Lord and developed the ten kinds of relationships referred to above. He expressed his commitment to Swamy NammAzhwAr over Lord KrishNa as His AchAryan and blessed us with the dhivya Prabhandham of "KaNNInuNN SirutthAmpu" that deals with the ten kinds of relationships with his AchAryan. The noble path shown by Madhura Kavi ( seeking surrender at the sacred feet of one's AchAryan as PurushArTam) is the best and most effective path to chase away the alpa sukhams ( transient and insignificant sukhams)
for the courageous aasthikAs .
The Key passage here is " Thunbhu aRRa Madhura Kavi thOnRak-kAttum tholl vazhiyE thuNivArkatkku nall vazhikaL".