விண்ணவர்வேண்டிவிலக்கின்றிமேவும் அடிமையெலா
மண்ணுலகத்தில் மகிழ்ந்தடைகின்றனர், வண்துவரைக்
கண்ணனடைக்கலங்கொள்ளக் கடன்கள் கழற்றியநம்
பண்ணமருந்தமிழ் வேதமறிந்தபகவர்களே
(61) After the Lord accepts the plea for accepting the burden of protection of the chEthanam, the Prapannan is freed from the debts to DevAs, Rishis and Pithrus .
With this glory , Prapannan acquires the power of uninterrupted kaimkaryams performed by nithyasooris in Srivaikuntam, right here on this earth during their remaining days here.
There are still duties that are to be performed by the Prapannan in his post-prapatthi period until he ascends to Srivaikuntam to join the MukthAs and the Nithyasooris for nithya kaimkaryam to the Lord.
He should engage in Bhagavath-BhAgavatha Kaimkaryam with delight and without expecting anything in return (Svayam-prayOjanam).
He should learn with humility from ParamaikAnthis, move with them and banish even a touch of ego about his status.
He should understand and meditate on the avathAra rahasyams of the Lord taught to him in SrImad Bhagavath GitA.
He should consume Saathvik aaaharam and continue to do Aj~nA , anuj~nA kaimakryams without discontinuity.
The key pasage of this Paasuram is:
"VaNN Thuvarai KaNNan koLLa kadankaL kazhaRRiya BhagavargaL vilakku inRi mEvum adimai yellAm maNN ulahatthil mahizhnthu adaihinRanar"
(After the Lord of DhwArakai accepts their Prapatthi, the PrapannAs gain all kaimkaryams done by the nithyasooris in Srivaikuntam right here on this earth) .