Baala Kaanda - Sarga 52
In this Sarga, Viṡwāmitra and Vasishṭha exchange pleasantries. After indulging in a long conversation about matters of respective concerns, Vasishṭha requests Viṡwāmitra to be his guest and receive hospitalities. Viṡwāmitra obliges upon insistence by Vasishṭha. Vasishṭha calls upon the cow, Ṡabala, to shower all the food that was needed.
This Sarga sets the stage for the momentous conversation between Vasishṭha and Viṡwāmitra that will unfold in the next Sarga.
ஸ த்ருஷ்ட்வா பரமப்ரீதோ விஸ்வாமித்ரோ மஹாபல: ।
ப்ரணதோ விநயாத்வீரோ வஸிஷ்டம் ஜபதாம் வரம் ॥
sa dṛṣṭvā paramaprītō viṡvāmitrō mahābalaḥ ।
praṇatō vinayādvīrō vasiṣṭhaṃ japatāṃ varam ॥
The mighty strong Viṡwāmitra was
enchanted seeing it (the Āṡrama of Vasishṭha).
That Veera then offered salutations with all humility
to Vasishṭha, the foremost among those who do Japa.
ஸ்வாகதம் தவ சேத்யுக்தோ வஸிஷ்டேந மஹாத்மநா ।
ஆஸநம் சாஸ்ய பகவாந் வஸிஷ்டோ வ்யாதிதேஸ ஹ ॥
svāgataṃ tava cētyuktō vasiṣṭhēna mahātmanā ।
āsanaṃ cāsya bhagavān vasiṣṭhō vyādidēṡa ha ॥
"Welcome to you!" said the
Mahātma Bhagawan Vasishṭha
and asked him to be seated.
These Ṡlōkas describe an elaborate exchange of pleasantries between Vasishṭha and Viṡwāmitra.
To get a full sense of the solemnity of the occasion of their meeting, think of the president of India visiting the seer of Kañci Kāmakōṭi Mutt.
A parallel in the Western world would be president of United States visiting the Pope in the Vatican.
Notice that Viṡwāmitra asks Vasishṭha about concerns of running an Āṡrama, like Japa and Tapa, and Vasishṭha asks Viṡwāmitra about concerns of running a kingdom, like taking care of army and staff.
Whenever we have a visitor, we should make sure that we talk about matters of interest to them rather than drag them or bore them with matters of interest to us.
Suppose you are a doctor and you have a guest who is a realtor. To get the conversation going, and to fill the atmosphere with positivity, ask him about real estate matters, rather than indulging on human physiology or about the problems at your hospital.
Make sure your conversation is about general topics only. Talking about specifics will be an intrusion into their territory or personal life.
உபவிஷ்டாய ச ததா விஸ்வாமித்ராய தீமதே ।
யதாந்யாயம் முநிவர: பலமூலமுபாஹரத் ॥
upaviṣṭāya ca tadā viṡvāmitrāya dhīmatē ।
yathānyāyaṃ munivaraḥ phalamūlamupāharat ॥
To that brilliant Viṡwāmitra, who was thus seated,
the great Muni (Vasishṭha) served light refreshments
of fruits and roots in a customary manner.
ப்ரதிக்ருஹ்ய ச தாம் பூஜாம் வஸிஷ்டாத்ராஜஸத்தம: ।
தபோக்நிஹோத்ரஸிஷ்யேஷு குஸலம் பர்ய்யப்ருச்சத ॥
விஸ்வாமித்ரோ மஹாதேஜா வநஸ்பதிகணே ததா ।
ஸர்வத்ர குஸலம் சாஹ வஸிஷ்டோ ராஜஸத்தமம் ॥
pratigṛhya ca tāṃ pūjāṃ vasiṣṭhādrājasattamaḥ ।
tapōgnihōtraṡiṣyēṣu kuṡalaṃ paryyapṛcchata ॥
viṡvāmitrō mahātējā vanaspatigaṇē tathā ।
sarvatra kuṡalaṃ cāha vasiṣṭhō rājasattamam ॥
After receiving the hospitalities from Vasishṭha,
that supremely radiant and eminent king
Viṡwāmitra enquired about his well being
as well as about the activities of
Tapa, Agnihōtra, the vegetation and about the Ṡishyas.
Vasishṭha replied to that eminent king
that everything was going well.
Agnihōtra indicates the daily fire ritual. Vegetation
refers to the trees, plants, etc., that the Āṡrama depends upon.
ஸுகோபவிஷ்டம் ராஜாநம் விஸ்வாமித்ரம் மஹாதபா: ।
பப்ரச்ச ஜபதாம் ஸ்ரேஷ்டோ வஸிஷ்டோ ப்ரஹ்மண: ஸுத: ॥
sukhōpaviṣṭaṃ rājānaṃ viṡvāmitraṃ mahātapāḥ ।
papraccha japatāṃ ṡrēṣṭhō vasiṣṭhō brahmaṇaḥ sutaḥ ॥
Vasishṭha, the son of Brahma,
the best among people who perform Japa,
the one who had done great Tapa,
asked that comfortably seated king Viṡwāmitra:
கச்சித்தே குஸலம் ராஜந் கச்சித்தர்மேண ரஞ்ஜயந் ।
ப்ரஜா: பாலயஸே வீர ராஜவ்ருத்தேந தார்மிக ॥
kaccittē kuṡalaṃ rājan kacciddharmēṇa rañjayan ।
prajāḥ pālayasē vīra rājavṛttēna dhārmika ॥
O King! O Veera! O Dhārmika!
'Trust that you are doing well!
'Trust that you are taking care of
your people as every king would and
making them happy by providing righteous governance!
கச்சித்தே ஸம்ப்ருதா ப்ருத்யா: கச்சித்திஷ்டந்தி ஸாஸநே ।
கச்சித்தே விஜிதா: ஸர்வே ரிபவோ ரிபுஸூதந ॥
kaccittē sambhṛtā bhṛtyāḥ kaccittiṣṭhanti ṡāsanē ।
kaccittē vijitāḥ sarvē ripavō ripusūdana ॥
'Trust that you are taking care of all your staff.
'Trust that all of them follow your orders.
'Trust that you are able to control all your detractors,
for which you are known.
கச்சித்பலேஷு கோஸேஷு மித்ரேஷு ச பரந்தப ।
குஸலம் தே நரவ்யாக்ர புத்ரபௌத்ரே தவாநக ॥
kaccidbalēṣu kōṡēṣu mitrēṣu ca parantapa ।
kuṡalaṃ tē naravyāghra putrapautrē tavānagha ॥
O tormenter of foes! O tiger among men!
Trust your armies, treasuries, alliances,
children and grandchildren are doing well!
ஸர்வத்ர குஸலம் ராஜா வஸிஷ்டம் ப்ரத்யுதாஹரத் ।
விஸ்வாமித்ரோ மஹாதேஜா வஸிஷ்டம் விநயாந்வித: ॥
sarvatra kuṡalaṃ rājā vasiṣṭhaṃ pratyudāharat ।
viṡvāmitrō mahātējā vasiṣṭhaṃ vinayānvitaḥ ॥
The supremely radiant king Viṡwāmitra
replied in a humble manner that all was well.
க்ருத்வோபௌ ஸுசிரம் காலம் தர்மிஷ்டௌ தா: கதாஸ்ஸுபா: ।
முதா பரமயா யுக்தௌ ப்ரீயேதாம் தௌ பரஸ்பரம் ॥
kṛtvōbhau suciraṃ kālaṃ dharmiṣṭhau tāḥ kathāṡṡubhāḥ ।
mudā paramayā yuktau prīyētāṃ tau parasparam ॥
Both those righteous souls
had a long conversation with each other,
exchanging stories about all those good topics,
pleasing, and pleased with each other.
ததோ வஸிஷ்டோ பகவாந் கதாந்தே ரகுநந்தந ।
விஸ்வாமித்ரமிதம் வாக்யமுவாச ப்ரஹஸந்நிவ ॥
tatō vasiṣṭhō bhagavān kathāntē raghunandana ।
viṡvāmitramidaṃ vākyamuvāca prahasanniva ॥
O prince of Raghu dynasty!
Then, towards the end of that conversation,
Bhagawan Vasishṭha said to Viṡwāmitra
in a gracious manner:
ஆதித்யம் கர்துமிச்சாமி பலஸ்யாஸ்ய மஹாபல ।
தவ சைவாப்ரமேயஸ்ய யதார்ஹம் ஸம்ப்ரதீச்ச மே ॥
ātithyaṃ kartumicchāmi balasyāsya mahābala ।
tava caivāpramēyasya yathārhaṃ sampratīccha mē ॥
O mighty strong!
I would like you, the extraordinaire,
along with all your armies to be
my guest and receive my hospitalities.
I hope you will oblige!
ஸத்க்ரியாம் ஹி பவாநேதாம் ப்ரதீச்சது மயோத்யதாம் ।
ராஜா த்வமதிதிஸ்ரேஷ்ட: பூஜநீய: ப்ரயத்நத: ॥
satkriyāṃ hi bhavānētāṃ pratīcchatu mayōdyatām ।
rājā tvamatithiṡrēṣṭhaḥ pūjanīyaḥ prayatnataḥ ॥
O king! Indeed one must try hard
to have an august guest like you.
I hope you will oblige to receive
the hospitalities offered by me.
Why is Vasishṭha repeating himself?
Remember that at the start of Bāla Kāṇḍa, we mentioned that Rāmāyaṇa should be read as if it is a screenplay.
Vasishṭha made the request and camera moves to the face of Viṡwāmitra for a response. But he says nothing, neither accepting, nor rejecting the request.
The camera moves back to the face of Vasishṭha. And he repeats the request in more words in support of the sincerity of his request.
This conversation ends when Viṡwāmitra agrees by saying OK (बाढम् in Sanskrit - which is used in the Upanayanam ceremony even today.)
This conversation proves to be pivotal for the events that are to unfold soon.
ஏவமுக்தோ வஸிஷ்டேந விஸ்வாமித்ரோ மஹாமதி: ।
க்ருதமித்யப்ரவீத்ராஜா ப்ரியவாக்யேந மே த்வயா ॥
ēvamuktō vasiṣṭhēna viṡvāmitrō mahāmatiḥ ।
kṛtamityabravīdrājā priyavākyēna mē tvayā ॥
The thoughtful Viṡwāmitra
responded to Vasishṭha by saying:
Your pleasing words themselves
are great enough hospitality for me.
பலமூலேந பகவந் வித்யதே யத்தவாஸ்ரமே ।
பாத்யேநாசமநீயேந பகவத்தர்ஸநேந ச ॥
ஸர்வதா ச மஹாப்ராஜ்ஞ பூஜார்ஹேண ஸுபூஜித: ।
கமிஷ்யாமி நமஸ்தேऽஸ்து மைத்ரேணேக்ஷஸ்வ சக்ஷுஷா ॥
phalamūlēna bhagavan vidyatē yattavāṡramē ।
pādyēnācamanīyēna bhagavaddarṡanēna ca ॥
sarvathā ca mahāprājña pūjārhēṇa supūjitaḥ ।
gamiṣyāmi namastē'stu maitrēṇēkṣasva cakṣuṣā ॥
I feel that I have already been treated well
in every possible way by you,
the most respectable and knowledgeable person,
with drinks and refreshments of fruits
that you served me.
Further I feel honored just to have visited you.
I shall take leave now. Salutations to you.
May your eyes cast continued warmth on me!
ஏவம் ப்ருவந்தம் ராஜாநம் வஸிஷ்ட: புநரேவ ஹி ।
ந்யமந்த்ரயத தர்மாத்மா புந: புநருதாரதீ: ॥
ēvaṃ bruvantaṃ rājānaṃ vasiṣṭhaḥ punarēva hi ।
nyamantrayata dharmātmā punaḥ punarudāradhīḥ ॥
Then Vasishṭha, the charitable Dharmātmā,
insisted upon the hesitating king.
பாடமித்யேவ காதேயோ வஸிஷ்டம் ப்ரத்யுவாச ஹ ।
யதாப்ரியம் பகவதஸ்ததாஸ்து முநிஸத்தம ॥
bāḍhamityēva gādhēyō vasiṣṭhaṃ pratyuvāca ha ।
yathāpriyaṃ bhagavatastathāstu munisattama ॥
Then the son of Gādhi said to Vasishṭha:
"O best among Munis! O respectable one!
OK. May it be as you please!"
ஏவமுக்தோ மஹாதேஜா வஸிஷ்டோ ஜபதாம் வர: ।
ஆஜுஹாவ தத: ப்ரீத: கல்மாஷீம் தூதகல்மஷ: ॥
ēvamuktō mahātējā vasiṣṭhō japatāṃ varaḥ ।
ājuhāva tataḥ prītaḥ kalmāṣīṃ dhūtakalmaṣaḥ ॥
Pleased with those words,
the supremely radiant Vasishṭha,
the best among those who perform Japa,
free from all afflictions,
then called upon the colorful cow.
The association of Indic civilization with cows is deep rooted and multi-pronged. The relationship with cows is functional as well as magical.
The cute calves are adored by one and all. Mother cows are treated with the same affection and love that every young mother deserves.
People are ever grateful to the cows for giving products like milk, butter, dung, urine and giving away the offspring (bullocks) for agriculture.
This special, deep and cherished relationship, not surprisingly, has become a central theme of Indian mythology, rituals and folk lore.
ஏஹ்யேஹி ஸபலே க்ஷிப்ரம் ஸ்ருணு சாபி வாசோ மம ।
ஸபலஸ்யாஸ்ய ராஜர்ஷே: கர்தும் வ்யவஸிதோऽஸ்ம்யஹம் ।
போஜநேந மஹார்ஹேண ஸத்காரம் ஸம்விதத்ஸ்வ மே ॥
ēhyēhi ṡabalē kṣipraṃ ṡṛṇu cāpi vācō mama ।
sabalasyāsya rājarṣēḥ kartuṃ vyavasitō'smyaham ।
bhōjanēna mahārhēṇa satkāraṃ saṃvidhatsva mē ॥
O Ṡabala! Please come here soon. Listen to me.
I would like to feast this Rājarshi and his army
with the best foods. Please do the needful.
யஸ்ய யஸ்ய யதாகாமம் ஷட்ரஸேஷ்வபிபூஜிதம் ।
தத்ஸர்வம் காமதுக் க்ஷிப்ரமபிவர்ஷ க்ருதே மம ॥
yasya yasya yathākāmaṃ ṣaḍrasēṣvabhipūjitam ।
tatsarvaṃ kāmadhuk kṣipramabhivarṣa kṛtē mama ॥
O my benefactor! Shower all the tasty foods,
replete with all the six flavors immediately
as per everyone's respective tastes and preferences!
ரஸேநாந்நேந பாநேந லேஹ்யசோஷ்யேண ஸம்யுதம் ।
அந்நாநாம் நிசயம் ஸர்வம் ஸ்ருஜஸ்வ ஸபலே த்வர ॥
rasēnānnēna pānēna lēhyacōṣyēṇa saṃyutam ।
annānāṃ nicayaṃ sarvaṃ sṛjasva ṡabalē tvara ॥
Please prepare quickly abundant varieties
of flavorful foods including solid items,
licking items, sipping items and liquid items.
The classical Indian classification of foods:
भक्ष्य (Bhakshya) - solids that should be chewed
लेह्य (Lēhya) - semi-solids that yield juice when sucked or licked
चोष्य (Cōshya) - semi-liquids that should be sipped
पान (Pāna) - liquids / drinks
இத்யார்ஷே ஸ்ரீமத்ராமாயணே வால்மீகீயே ஆதிகாவ்யே
ஸ்ரீமத்பாலகாண்டே த்விபஞ்சாஸ: ஸர்க: ॥
ityārṣē ṡrīmadrāmāyaṇē vālmīkīyē ādikāvyē
ṡrīmadbālakāṇḍē dvipañcāṡaḥ sargaḥ ॥
Thus concludes the fifty second Sarga
in Bāla Kāṇḍa of the glorious Rāmāyaṇa,
the first ever poem of humankind,
composed by Vālmeeki.
We completed reading 1568 Ṡlōkas out of ~24,000 Ṡlōkas of Vālmeeki Rāmāyaṇa.