Baala Kaanda - Sarga 47
The previous Sarga left us in suspense regarding what would happen after the fetus of Diti was cut into pieces by Indra.
In this Sarga, Diti reconciles with Indra and asks him to make the seven pieces of the fetus to be the overseers of the seven Maruts under his command. Indra obliges her.
The Sarga ends with Sumati, the king of Viṡāla, receiving Viṡwāmitra.
ஸப்ததா து க்ருதே கர்பே திதி: பரமது:கிதா ।
ஸஹஸ்ராக்ஷம் துராதர்ஷம் வாக்யம் ஸாநுநயாப்ரவீத் ॥
saptadhā tu kṛtē garbhē ditiḥ paramaduḥkhitā ।
sahasrākṣaṃ durādharṣaṃ vākyaṃ sānunayābravīt ॥
Diti was overwhelmed by sadness
upon the fetus being cut into seven pieces.
However, she adapted a reconciliatory tone
and said to the invincible thousand-eyed Indra:
மமாபராதாத் கர்போऽயம் ஸப்ததா விபலீக்ருத: ।
நாபராதோऽஸ்தி தேவேஸ தவாத்ர பலஸூதந ॥
mamāparādhād garbhō'yaṃ saptadhā viphalīkṛtaḥ ।
nāparādhō'sti dēvēṡa tavātra balasūdana ॥
O lord of Dēvas, annihilator of Balāsura!
It is all my fault that the fetus is cut into seven pieces,
and you cannot be held responsible for this!
ப்ரியம் து கர்துமிச்சாமி மம கர்பவிபர்யயே ।
மருதாம் ஸப்த ஸப்தாநாம் ஸ்தாநபாலா பவந்த்விமே ॥
priyaṃ tu kartumicchāmi mama garbhaviparyayē ।
marutāṃ sapta saptānāṃ sthānapālā bhavantvimē ॥
Since I have lost my fetus unexpectedly,
I would request a favor from you.
Make those seven pieces
as overseers of the seven Maruts.
Maruts are seven states or layers of the 'Vāyu' or wind element.
Higgs-Boson, which was predicted in 1964 and detected in 2012 is at the border of energy and mass. In a similar way Indic sages saw a gradual progression from energy into matter.
From the Ākāsa (space) emerges Vāyu (air).The energy in the Space is in wave (Ṡabda) form and when it becomes Vāyu, it acquires the first substantial (material) form.
Within the Vāyu state, the sages envisioned seven sub-states, which are called the Maruts. Another way to understand Maruts is by likening them to the layers of atmosphere such as Troposphere, Stratosphere, Mesosphere, etc.
The concerns of particle physics and astronomy and the concerns of ancient sages with regard to the 'Brahman' (Brahman is described as the smallest of the small and the biggest of the big) are same. They both attempt at modeling the complexities of the Universe.
Hence the often drawn comparison between ancient Vedanta and modern physics. It is a germane and genuine comparison, and not artificial or meant to steal the thunder from modern achievements, as some would often mistake.
Whether the sages described the complexity of Universe 'correctly' or not, can be questioned. But the sages certainly envisaged the complexities that could be expected in 'something coming out of nothing'.
They did not dismiss the complexity of the emergence of universe, with a simplistic notion like "god said, 'let there be light' and there it is". They attempted to peer into it. That is why modern day physicists ridicule Abrahamic descriptions of the Universe, but pause and admire Indic descriptions.
வாதஸ்கந்தா இமே ஸப்த சரந்து திவி புத்ரக ।
மாருதா இதி விக்யாதா திவ்யரூபா மமாத்மஜா: ॥
vātaskandhā imē sapta carantu divi putraka ।
mārutā iti vikhyātā divyarūpā mamātmajāḥ ॥
Dear son! May my seven sons be known
forever as Maruts living in divine forms,
as overseers of the seven layers of air.
ப்ரஹ்மலோகம் சரத்வேக இந்த்ரலோகம் ததாபர: ।
திவி வாயுரிதி க்யாதஸ்த்ருதீயோऽபி மஹாயஸா: ॥
brahmalōkaṃ caratvēka indralōkaṃ tathāparaḥ ।
divi vāyuriti khyātastṛtīyō'pi mahāyaṡāḥ ॥
One of them would go to the Brahma Lōka,
another would be in Indra Lōka,
and the third one to be known as Vāyu!
What we consider as Vāyu (air) or wind god
is one of the seven Maruts.
சத்வாரஸ்து ஸுரஸ்ரேஷ்ட திஸோ வை தவ ஸாஸநாத் ।
ஸஞ்சரிஷ்யந்து பத்ரம் தே தேவபூதா மமாத்மஜா: ॥
த்வத்க்ருதேநைவ நாம்நா ச மாருதா இதி விஸ்ருதா: ॥
catvārastu suraṡrēṣṭha diṡō vai tava ṡāsanāt ।
sañcariṣyantu bhadraṃ tē dēvabhūtā mamātmajāḥ ॥
tvatkṛtēnaiva nāmnā ca mārutā iti viṡrutāḥ ॥
O best among Suras! May all bode well for you!
The rest of the four of my sons should become Dēvas and
overseers of four directions under your command.
They would be known as Maruts, because of you!
Māruta comes from the phrase, “Mā Ruda!” – “don't cry!”
which was uttered by Indra.
தஸ்யாஸ்தத்வசநம் ஸ்ருத்வா ஸஹஸ்ராக்ஷ: புரந்தர: ।
உவாச ப்ராஞ்ஜலிர்வாக்யம் திதிம் பலநிஷூதந: ॥
tasyāstadvacanaṃ ṡrutvā sahasrākṣaḥ purandaraḥ ।
uvāca prāñjalirvākyaṃ ditiṃ balaniṣūdanaḥ ॥
The annihilator of Bālāsura,
the thousand-eyed Purandara (Indra),
with folded hands said to Diti:
ஸர்வமேதத்யதோக்தம் தே பவிஷ்யதி ந ஸம்ஸய: ।
விசரிஷ்யந்தி பத்ரம் தே தேவரூபாஸ்தவாத்மஜா: ॥
sarvamētadyathōktaṃ tē bhaviṣyati na saṃṡayaḥ ।
vicariṣyanti bhadraṃ tē dēvarūpāstavātmajāḥ ॥
Everything will happen as you said, for certain.
Your sons will become Dēvas and
shall be overseers as you wished!
ஏவம் தௌ நிஸ்சயம் க்ருத்வா மாதாபுத்ரௌ தபோவநே ।
ஜக்மதுஸ்த்ரிதிவம் ராம க்ருதார்தாவிதி ந: ஸ்ருதம் ॥
ēvaṃ tau niṡcayaṃ kṛtvā mātāputrau tapōvanē ।
jagmatustridivaṃ rāma kṛtārthāviti naḥ ṡrutam ॥
O Rāma! Having reached a compromise thus in that Tapōvana,
both the mother and son went to Heaven
with their respective missions accomplished.
And thus we hear about them.
ஏஷ தேஸஸ்ஸ காகுத்ஸ்த மஹேந்த்ராத்யுஷித: புரா ।
திதிம் யத்ர தபஸ்ஸித்தாமேவம் பரிசசார ஸ: ॥
ēṣa dēṡassa kākutstha mahēndrādhyuṣitaḥ purā ।
ditiṃ yatra tapassiddhāmēvaṃ paricacāra saḥ ॥
O prince of Kākutstha lineage!
This (Viṡāla) is the land where
Diti performed Tapa and Indra served her,
having made it his abode for a while.
இக்ஷ்வாகோஸ்து நரவ்யாக்ர புத்ர: பரமதார்மிக: ।
அலம்புஸாயாமுத்பந்நோ விஸால இதி விஸ்ருத: ॥
தேந சாஸீதிஹ ஸ்தாநே விஸாலேதி புரீ க்ருதா ।
ikṣvākōstu naravyāghra putraḥ paramadhārmikaḥ ।
alambusāyāmutpannō viṡāla iti viṡrutaḥ ॥
tēna cāsīdiha sthānē viṡālēti purī kṛtā ।
O tiger among men!
Ikshwāku had a renowned son in Alambusa
by name Viṡāla, who was a virtuous Dhārmika.
This city named Viṡāla was built by him.
A single person creating a whole city is not very common. We see it happening a few times in history here and there. But in epic times, as can be expected, it occurs more often than normal.
விஸாலஸ்ய ஸுதோ ராம ஹேமசந்த்ரோ மஹாபல: ।
ஸுசந்த்ர இதி விக்யாதோ ஹேமசந்த்ராதநந்தர: ॥
viṡālasya sutō rāma hēmacandrō mahābalaḥ ।
sucandra iti vikhyātō hēmacandrādanantaraḥ ॥
O Rāma! Viṡāla's son was the mighty strong Hēmacandra.
And after Hēmacandra came the renowned Sucandra.
ஸுசந்த்ரதநயோ ராம தூம்ராஸ்வ இதி விஸ்ருத: ।
தூம்ராஸ்வதநயஸ்சாபி ஸ்ருஞ்ஜய: ஸமபத்யத ॥
sucandratanayō rāma dhūmrāṡva iti viṡrutaḥ ।
dhūmrāṡvatanayaṡcāpi sṛñjayaḥ samapadyata ॥
O Rāma! Sucandra's son was the well-known Dhoomraṡwa.
Dhoomraṡwa's son was Sṛñjaya.
ஸ்ருஞ்ஜயஸ்ய ஸுத: ஸ்ரீமாந் ஸஹதேவ: ப்ரதாபவாந் ।
குஸாஸ்வ: ஸஹதேவஸ்ய புத்ர: பரமதார்மிக: ॥
sṛñjayasya sutaḥ ṡrīmān sahadēvaḥ pratāpavān ।
kuṡāṡvaḥ sahadēvasya putraḥ paramadhārmikaḥ ॥
Sṛñjaya's son was the rich and valiant Sahadēva.
And Sahadēva's son was Kuṡāṡwa, the supreme Dhārmika.
குஸாஸ்வஸ்ய மஹாதேஜா ஸோமதத்த: ப்ரதாபவாந்।
ஸோமதத்தஸ்ய புத்ரஸ்து காகுத்ஸ்த இதி விஸ்ருத: ॥
kuṡāṡvasya mahātējā sōmadatta: pratāpavān।
sōmadattasya putrastu kākutstha iti viṡrutaḥ ॥
Kuṡāṡwa's son was the supremely radiant and valiant Sōmadatta.
Sōmadatta's son was the well-known Kākutstha.
தஸ்ய புத்ரோ மஹாதேஜா: ஸம்ப்ரத்யேஷ புரீமிமாம் ।
ஆவஸத்யமரப்ரக்ய: ஸுமதிர்நாம துர்ஜய: ॥
tasya putrō mahātējāḥ sampratyēṣa purīmimām ।
āvasatyamaraprakhyaḥ sumatirnāma durjayaḥ ॥
His indomitable, supremely radiant son
who is comparable to Amaras (Dēvas),
by name Sumati, is living in this city now.
இக்ஷ்வாகோஸ்து ப்ரஸாதேந ஸர்வே வைஸாலிகா ந்ருபா: ।
தீர்காயுஷோ மஹாத்மாநோ வீர்யவந்த: ஸுதார்மிகா: ॥
ikṣvākōstu prasādēna sarvē vaiṡālikā nṛpāḥ ।
dīrghāyuṣō mahātmānō vīryavantaḥ sudhārmikāḥ ॥
By the blessings of Ikshwāku, all the kings of Viṡāla
lived long, and had been Mahātmas, Dhārmikas and spirited.
இஹாத்ய ரஜநீம் ராம ஸுகம் வத்ஸ்யாமஹே வயம் ।
ஸ்வ: ப்ரபாதே நரஸ்ரேஷ்ட ஜநகம் த்ரஷ்டுமர்ஹஸி ॥
ihādya rajanīṃ rāma sukhaṃ vatsyāmahē vayam ।
ṡvaḥ prabhātē naraṡrēṣṭha janakaṃ draṣṭumarhasi ॥
O Rāma! We will take rest for the night here.
We will proceed tomorrow to visit
Janaka, the prominent among kings.
ஸுமதிஸ்து மஹாதேஜா விஸ்வாமித்ரமுபாகதம் ।
ஸ்ருத்வா நரவரஸ்ரேஷ்ட: ப்ரத்யுத்கச்சந்மஹாயஸா: ॥
sumatistu mahātējā viṡvāmitramupāgatam ।
ṡrutvā naravaraṡrēṣṭhaḥ pratyudgacchanmahāyaṡāḥ ॥
The best among men, supremely radiant and renowned Sumati
learned about the arrival of Viṡwāmitra
and went to receive him.
பூஜாம் ச பரமாம் க்ருத்வா ஸோபாத்யாய: ஸபாந்தவ: ।
ப்ராஞ்ஜலி: குஸலம் ப்ருஷ்ட்வா விஸ்வாமித்ரமதாப்ரவீத் ॥
pūjāṃ ca paramāṃ kṛtvā sōpādhyāyaḥ sabāndhavaḥ ।
prāñjaliḥ kuṡalaṃ pṛṣṭvā viṡvāmitramathābravīt ॥
He, along with his Gurus and relatives
offered the best of his regards and respects to Viṡwāmitra and
with folded hands enquired about his well-being and said:
தந்யோऽஸ்ம்யநுக்ருஹீதோऽஸ்மி யஸ்ய மே விஷயம் முநி: ।
ஸம்ப்ராப்தோ தர்ஸநம் சைவ நாஸ்தி தந்யதரோ மயா ॥
dhanyō'smyanugṛhītō'smi yasya mē viṣayaṃ muniḥ ।
samprāptō darṡanaṃ caiva nāsti dhanyatarō mayā ॥
O Muni! I am indeed fortunate.
No one could be more fortunate than me.
With your visit to my country, and with
the fortune of being in your presence, I feel blessed.
இத்யார்ஷே ஸ்ரீமத்ராமாயணே வால்மீகீயே ஆதிகாவ்யே
ஸ்ரீமத்பாலகாண்டே ஸப்தசத்வாரிம்ஸ: ஸர்க: ॥
ityārṣē ṡrīmadrāmāyaṇē vālmīkīyē ādikāvyē
ṡrīmadbālakāṇḍē saptacatvāriṃṡaḥ sargaḥ ॥
Thus concludes the forty seventh Sarga
in Bāla Kāṇḍa of the glorious Rāmāyaṇa,
the first ever poem of humankind,
composed by Vālmeeki.
We completed reading 1436 Ṡlōkas out of ~24,000 Ṡlōkas of Vālmeeki Rāmāyaṇa.