Baala Kaanda - Sarga 46
In the previous Sarga, the sons of Aditi killed the sons of Diti, in the fight that erupted as Amrita came out of the ocean as a result of churning.
In this Sarga, Diti sets herself upon doing a thousand year old Tapa to get a son who can kill Indra, the leader among the sons of Aditi.
Rāmāyaṇa is called an epic for a reason. The stories herein are of epic scale and defy human considerations and imagination.
In this story, Diti setting herself upon a thousand year Tapa for getting a son that can kill Indra is beyond the scale of humans. So is the dutiful and patient service by Indra to his step-mother Diti, though with an intention.
So is Indra's patient wait to cut off the fetus, before it is born. So is the magical and brutal killing. If this leaves you in awe, wait for more exciting fare to come, as the story continues into the next Sarga.
ஹதேஷு தேஷு புத்ரேஷு திதி: பரமது:கிதா ।
மாரீசம் காஸ்யபம் ராம பர்த்தாரமிதமப்ரவீத் ॥
hatēṣu tēṣu putrēṣu ditiḥ paramaduḥkhitā ।
mārīcaṃ kāṡyapaṃ rāma bharttāramidamabravīt ॥
O Rāma! Diti was overwhelmed
with sorrow as her sons were killed.
She said to her husband Kāṡyapa, son of Mareeci:
ஹதபுத்ராஸ்மி பகவம்ஸ்தவ புத்ரைர்மஹாபலை: ।
ஸக்ரஹந்தாரமிச்சாமி புத்ரம் தீர்கதபோர்ஜிதம் ॥
hataputrāsmi bhagavaṃstava putrairmahābalaiḥ ।
ṡakrahantāramicchāmi putraṃ dīrghatapōrjitam ॥
O Bhagawan! My sons were killed
by your ( i.e., the children of Aditi) mighty strong sons.
With long Tapa I would like to have a son
that can kill Ṡakra (Indra).
ஸாஹம் தபஸ்சரிஷ்யாமி கர்பம் மே தாதுமர்ஹஸி ।
ஈஸ்வரம் ஸக்ரஹந்தாரம் த்வமநுஜ்ஞாதுமர்ஹஸி ॥
sāhaṃ tapaṡcariṣyāmi garbhaṃ mē dātumarhasi ।
īṡvaraṃ ṡakrahantāraṃ tvamanujñātumarhasi ॥
I will perform (the required) Tapa.
May you bestow me a son that can
kill Ṡakra and control the entire world.
தஸ்யாஸ்தத்வசநம் ஸ்ருத்வா மாரீச: காஸ்யபஸ்ததா ।
ப்ரத்யுவாச மஹாதேஜா திதிம் பரமது:கிதாம் ॥
tasyāstadvacanaṃ ṡrutvā mārīcaḥ kāṡyapastadā ।
pratyuvāca mahātējā ditiṃ paramaduḥkhitām ॥
Hearing her words, the supremely radiant Kāṡyapa,
the son of Mareeca, said to Diti who was deeply sad:
ஏவம் பவது பத்ரம் தே ஸுசிர்பவ தபோதநே ।
ஜநயிஷ்யஸி புத்ரம் த்வம் ஸக்ரஹந்தாரமாஹவே ॥
ēvaṃ bhavatu bhadraṃ tē ṡucirbhava tapōdhanē ।
janayiṣyasi putraṃ tvaṃ ṡakrahantāramāhavē ॥
May it be so! May all bode well for you!
You will bear a son that can kill Ṡakra in the fight.
You are rich with Tapa! May you maintain Ṡuchi!
Maintaining Ṡuchi means keeping body and mind clean and pure
in accordance with the regimen laid out in the Ṡāstras.
பூர்ணே வர்ஷஸஹஸ்ரே து ஸுசிர்யதி பவிஷ்யஸி ।
புத்ரம் த்ரைலோக்யபர்தாரம் மத்தஸ்த்வம் ஜநயிஷ்யஸி ॥
pūrṇē varṣasahasrē tu ṡuciryadi bhaviṣyasi ।
putraṃ trailōkyabhartāraṃ mattastvaṃ janayiṣyasi ॥
If you manage to maintain Ṡuchi,
you would have a son by me
at the end of one thousand years
who can rule all the three worlds.
Having a clean body and clean mind obviously would result in healthy and strong offspring.
The stories in the Rāmāyaṇa indirectly encourage and inspire people to consider being clean both inside and outside all the time in general, and during pregnancy in particular.
ஏவமுக்த்வா மஹாதேஜா: பாணிநா ஸ மமார்ஜ தாம் ।
ஸமாலப்ய ததஸ்ஸ்வஸ்தீத்யுக்த்வா ஸ தபஸே யயௌ ॥
ēvamuktvā mahātējāḥ pāṇinā sa mamārja tām ।
samālabhya tatassvastītyuktvā sa tapasē yayau ॥
After saying thus, the supremely radiant (Kāṡyapa)
stroked down her body with his hand
and bid farewell to her and left for doing Tapa.
The concept of Tapa is elaborate, deep and even enigmatic. It keeps recurring throughout the Rāmāyaṇa.
Kings, Dēvas and Dānavas perform Tapa mostly for gaining certain powers or to gain boons from the Gods.
Brāhmaṇas do Tapa mostly as a matter of spiritual practice to gain spiritual energy.
Gods themselves do Tapa (including Brahma - see 1.44.10), as that is their default state of being.
கதே தஸ்மிந்நரஸ்ரேஷ்ட திதி: பரமஹர்ஷிதா ।
குஸப்லவநமாஸாத்ய தபஸ்தேபே ஸுதாருணம் ॥
gatē tasminnaraṡrēṣṭha ditiḥ paramaharṣitā ।
kuṡaplavanamāsādya tapastēpē sudāruṇam ॥
O best among men!
After he left (thus granting her wish),
Diti felt better and happy.
She went to the land of Kuṡaplavana
and performed very demanding Tapa.
தபஸ்தஸ்யாம் ஹி குர்வந்த்யாம் பரிசர்யாம் சகார ஹ ।
ஸஹஸ்ராக்ஷோ நரஸ்ரேஷ்ட பரயா குணஸம்பதா ॥
tapastasyāṃ hi kurvantyāṃ paricaryāṃ cakāra ha ।
sahasrākṣō naraṡrēṣṭha parayā guṇasampadā ॥
O best among men! As she was performing Tapa,
the thousand-eyed (Indra) took care of all her
personal needs with utmost respect and regard.
அக்நிம் குஸாந் காஷ்டமப: பலம் மூலம் ததைவ ச ।
ந்யவேதயத் ஸஹஸ்ராக்ஷோ யச்சாந்யதபி காங்க்ஷிதம் ॥
agniṃ kuṡān kāṣṭhamapaḥ phalaṃ mūlaṃ tathaiva ca ।
nyavēdayat sahasrākṣō yaccānyadapi kāṅkṣitam ॥
The thousand-eyed (Indra) took care of
whatever she needed and wanted
like Kuṡa grass, twigs, water, fire, fruits and roots.
காத்ரஸம்வஹநைஸ்சைவ ஸ்ரமாபநயநைஸ்ததா ।
ஸக்ரஸ்ஸர்வேஷு காலேஷு திதிம் பரிசசார ஹ ॥
gātrasaṃvahanaiṡcaiva ṡramāpanayanaistathā ।
ṡakrassarvēṣu kālēṣu ditiṃ paricacāra ha ॥
Ṡakra took care of Diti all the time, as needed,
including giving her massage to relieve her bodily stress.
அத வர்ஷஸஹஸ்ரே து தஸோநே ரகுநந்தந ।
திதி: பரமஸம்ப்ரீதா ஸஹஸ்ராக்ஷமதாப்ரவீத் ॥
atha varṣasahasrē tu daṡōnē raghunandana ।
ditiḥ paramasamprītā sahasrākṣamathābravīt ॥
O prince of Raghu dynasty!
Just as there were ten more years to go by
before the completion of a thousand years,
Diti, who was very pleased with Indra said:
யாசிதேந ஸுரஸ்ரேஷ்ட பித்ரா தவ மஹாத்மநா ।
வரோ வர்ஷஸஹஸ்ராந்தே மம தத்தஸ்ஸுதம் ப்ரதி ॥
yācitēna suraṡrēṣṭha pitrā tava mahātmanā ।
varō varṣasahasrāntē mama dattassutaṃ prati ॥
O best among the Suras!
Your father granted me a boon that
I would have a son after a thousand years.
தபஸ்சரந்த்யா வர்ஷாணி தஸ வீர்யவதாம் வர ।
அவஸிஷ்டாநி பத்ரம் தே ப்ராதரம் த்ரக்ஷ்யஸே தத: ॥
tapaṡcarantyā varṣāṇi daṡa vīryavatāṃ vara ।
avaṡiṣṭāni bhadraṃ tē bhrātaraṃ drakṣyasē tataḥ ॥
O best among Veeras!
Just ten more years are left
before my Tapa will come to its end.
Then you will be able to see your new born brother.
May all bode well for you!
தமஹம் த்வத்க்ருதே புத்ரம் ஸமாதாஸ்யே ஜயோத்ஸுகம் ।
த்ரைலோக்யவிஜயம் புத்ரம் ஸஹ போக்ஷ்யஸி விஜ்வர: ॥
tamahaṃ tvatkṛtē putraṃ samādhāsyē jayōtsukam ।
trailōkyavijayaṃ putraṃ saha bhōkṣyasi vijvaraḥ ॥
Dear son! For your sake I will convince him
to win over all the three worlds.
You, along with him, may enjoy it all,
leaving all worries behind you.
ஏவமுக்த்வா திதி: ஸக்ரம் ப்ராப்தே மத்யம் திவாகரே ।
நித்ரயாபஹ்ருதா தேவீ பாதௌ க்ருத்வாத ஸீர்ஷத: ॥
ēvamuktvā ditiḥ ṡakraṃ prāptē madhyaṃ divākarē ।
nidrayāpahṛtā dēvī pādau kṛtvātha ṡīrṣataḥ ॥
As mid-day was approaching,
Diti fell asleep with her legs stretched
in the direction where her head would be.
It is like someone crashing, after a tiring day of work, in the wrong direction on the bed, with feet in the direction of the headboard and head in the direction of footboard.
த்ருஷ்ட்வா தாமஸுசிம் ஸக்ர: பாதத: க்ருதமூர்த்தஜாம் ।
ஸிரஸ்ஸ்தாநே க்ருதௌ பாதௌ ஜஹாஸ ச முமோத ச ॥
dṛṣṭvā tāmaṡuciṃ ṡakraḥ pādataḥ kṛtamūrddhajām ।
ṡirassthānē kṛtau pādau jahāsa ca mumōda ca ॥
Ṡakra, seeing her with hair lying in the direction of feet,
and feet lying where the head should be, thus violating
the principles of Ṡuchi, had a good laugh and felt very happy.
தஸ்யாஸ்ஸரீரவிவரம் விவேஸ ச புரந்தர: ।
கர்பம் ச ஸப்ததா ராம பிபேத பரமாத்மவாந் ॥
tasyāṡṡarīravivaraṃ vivēṡa ca purandaraḥ ।
garbhaṃ ca saptadhā rāma bibhēda paramātmavān ॥
O Rāma! Then, the self-assured Purandara (Indra)
entered her body through the opening
and cut the fetus into seven pieces.
பித்யமாநஸ்ததோ கர்போ வஜ்ரேண ஸதபர்வணா ।
ருரோத ஸுஸ்வரம் ராம ததோ திதிரபுத்யத ॥
bhidyamānastatō garbhō vajrēṇa ṡataparvaṇā ।
rurōda susvaraṃ rāma tatō ditirabudhyata ॥
O Rāma! Cut thus by the Vajra that has a hundred teeth,
the fetus cried pitifully and Diti woke up by that sound.
Vajra is Indra's weapon that looks like a chain saw.
மா ருதோ மா ருதஸ்சேதி கர்பம் ஸக்ரோऽப்யபாஷத ।
பிபேத ச மஹாதேஜா ருதந்தமபி வாஸவ: ॥
mā rudō mā rudaṡcēti garbhaṃ ṡakrō'bhyabhāṣata ।
bibhēda ca mahātējā rudantamapi vāsavaḥ ॥
The supremely radiant Vāsava (Indra)
cut the fetus that was crying, saying:
"Shhh... stay calm, stay quiet, do not cry!"
ந ஹந்தவ்யோ ந ஹந்தவ்ய இத்யேவம் திதிரப்ரவீத் ।
நிஷ்பபாத ததஸ்ஸக்ரோ மாதுர்வசநகௌரவாத் ॥
na hantavyō na hantavya ityēvaṃ ditirabravīt ।
niṣpapāta tataṡṡakrō māturvacanagauravāt ॥
"Don't kill! Don't kill!" cried Diti.
Heeding the words of his (step) mother
Indra came out immediately.
ப்ராஞ்ஜலிர்வஜ்ரஸஹிதோ திதிம் ஸக்ரோऽப்யபாஷத ।
அஸுசிர்தேவி ஸுப்தாஸி பாதயோ: க்ருதமூர்த்தஜா ॥
prāñjalirvajrasahitō ditiṃ ṡakrō'bhyabhāṣata ।
aṡucirdēvi suptāsi pādayōḥ kṛtamūrddhajā ॥
With folded hands, which were still holding the Vajra,
Ṡakra (Indra) said to Diti:
You were sleeping violating the rules of Ṡuchi,
with your feet where your head should have been.
ததந்தரமஹம் லப்த்வா ஸக்ரஹந்தாரமாஹவே ।
அபிதம் ஸப்ததா தேவி தந்மே த்வம் க்ஷந்துமர்ஹஸி ॥
tadantaramahaṃ labdhvā ṡakrahantāramāhavē ।
abhidaṃ saptadhā dēvi tanmē tvaṃ kṣantumarhasi ॥
Hence, I got the chance to cut the fetus into seven pieces,
who could otherwise kill me in a fight.
Please forgive me with good heart.
இத்யார்ஷே ஸ்ரீமத்ராமாயணே வால்மீகீயே ஆதிகாவ்யே
ஸ்ரீமத்பாலகாண்டே ஷட்சத்வாரிம்ஸ: ஸர்க: ॥
ityārṣē ṡrīmadrāmāyaṇē vālmīkīyē ādikāvyē
ṡrīmadbālakāṇḍē ṣaṭcatvāriṃṡaḥ sargaḥ ॥
Thus concludes the forty sixth Sarga
in Bāla Kāṇḍa of the glorious Rāmāyaṇa,
the first ever poem of humankind,
composed by Vālmeeki.
We completed reading 1414 Ṡlōkas out of ~24,000 Ṡlōkas of Vālmeeki Rāmāyaṇa.