Baala Kaanda - Sarga 45
In this Sarga, Rāma asks Viṡwāmitra about the city of Viṡāla. Viṡwāmitra starts telling the background story, which includes the churning of the milky ocean (Ksheera Sāgara Mathanam), one of the most celebrated legends of Indian mythology.
(Ksheera Sāgara Mathanam, as described here in the Bāla Kāṇḍa is a shortened version. A more elaborate version is available in Ṡrimad Bhāgavatam).
விஸ்வாமித்ரவசஸ்ஸ்ருத்வா ராகவஸ்ஸஹலக்ஷ்மண: ।
விஸ்மயம் பரமம் கத்வா விஸ்வாமித்ரமதாப்ரவீத் ॥
viṡvāmitravacaṡṡrutvā rāghavassahalakṣmaṇaḥ ।
vismayaṃ paramaṃ gatvā viṡvāmitramathābravīt ॥
Rāma along with Lakshmaṇa
was wonderstruck by the story told
by Viṡwāmitra and said to him:
அத்யத்புதமிதம் ப்ரஹ்மந் கதிதம் பரமம் த்வயா ।
கங்காவதரணம் புண்யம் ஸாகரஸ்யாபி பூரணம் ॥
atyadbhutamidaṃ brahman kathitaṃ paramaṃ tvayā ।
gaṅgāvataraṇaṃ puṇyaṃ sāgarasyāpi pūraṇam ॥
O Brahman! The story of the descent of Gaṅga
and the filling of auspicious ocean by those waters
is amazing and wonderful.
தஸ்ய ஸா ஸர்வரீ ஸர்வா ஸஹ ஸௌமித்ரிணா ததா ।
ஜகாம சிந்தயாநஸ்ய விஸ்வாமித்ரகதாம் ஸுபாம் ॥
tasya sā ṡarvarī sarvā saha saumitriṇā tadā ।
jagāma cintayānasya viṡvāmitrakathāṃ ṡubhām ॥
The night passed as he (Rāma) along with Lakshmaṇa
discussed and reminisced the auspicious stories
narrated by Viṡwāmitra .
தத: ப்ரபாதே விமலே விஸ்வாமித்ரம் மஹாமுநிம் ।
உவாச ராகவோ வாக்யம் க்ருதாஹ்நிகமரிந்தம: ॥
tata: prabhātē vimalē viṡvāmitraṃ mahāmunim ।
uvāca rāghavō vākyaṃ kṛtāhnikamarindama: ॥
After daybreak as Viṡwāmitra
completed his morning ablutions,
the prince of Raghu dynasty, the tormentor of foes, said to him:
கதா பகவதீ ராத்ரிஸ்ஸ்ரோதவ்யம் பரமம் ஸ்ருதம் ।
க்ஷணபூதேவ நௌ ராத்ரி ஸ்ஸம்வ்ருத்தேயம் மஹாதப: ।
இமாம் சிந்தயதஸ்ஸர்வாம் நிகிலேந கதாம் தவ ॥
gatā bhagavatī rātriṡṡrōtavyaṃ paramaṃ ṡrutam ।
kṣaṇabhūtēva nau rātri ssamvṛttēyaṃ mahātapa: ।
imāṃ cintayatassarvāṃ nikhilēna kathāṃ tava ॥
O accomplished one with great Tapa (Viṡwāmitra)!
We heard the best of the stories that should be heard.
The goddesses of night have left us.
Reminiscing the stories that you told,
the night passed for us like a second.
Referring to all natural powers that are beyond the control of humans as gods and goddesses is a unique way of relating to them. Here, 'night' is referred to as a 'goddess'.
As many of the readers would know, even 'sleep' and 'death' are referred to as goddesses in Indian culture.
தராம ஸரிதாம் ஸ்ரேஷ்டாம் புண்யாம் த்ரிபதகாம் நதீம் ।
நௌரேஷா ஹி ஸுகாஸ்தீர்ணா ருஷீணாம் புண்யகர்மணாம் ।
பகவந்தமிஹ ப்ராப்தம் ஜ்ஞாத்வா த்வரிதமாகதா ॥
tarāma saritāṃ ṡrēṣṭhāṃ puṇyāṃ tripathagāṃ nadīm ।
naurēṣā hi sukhāstīrṇā ṛṣīṇāṃ puṇyakarmaṇām ।
bhagavantamiha prāptaṃ jñātvā tvaritamāgatā ॥
Now we shall cross this great and auspicious river Tripathagā.
This well covered boat of Ṛshis
has been made ready for you,
knowing of your arrival here.
தஸ்ய தத்வசநம் ஸ்ருத்வா ராகவஸ்ய மஹாத்மந: ।
ஸந்தாரம் காரயாமாஸ ஸர்ஷிஸங்கஸ்ஸராகவ: ॥
tasya tadvacanaṃ ṡrutvā rāghavasya mahātmanaḥ ।
santāraṃ kārayāmāsa sarṣisaṅghassarāghavaḥ ॥
Upon hearing those words of
the Mahātma, the prince of Raghu dynasty,
Viṡwāmitra prepared to
cross the river along with all the Ṛshis and
the princes of Raghu dynasty.
உத்தரம் தீரமாஸாத்ய ஸம்பூஜ்யர்ஷிகணம் ததா ।
கங்காகூலே நிவிஷ்டாஸ்தே விஸாலாம் தத்ருஸு: புரீம் ॥
uttaraṃ tīramāsādya sampūjyarṣigaṇaṃ tadā ।
gaṅgākūlē niviṣṭāstē viṡālāṃ dadṛṡuḥ purīm ॥
They reached the northern bank of Gaṅga and rested there
after paying homage to the Ṛshis who helped them cross the river.
Then they saw a city called Viṡāla.
ததோ முநிவரஸ்தூர்ணம் ஜகாம ஸஹராகவ: ।
விஸாலாம் நகரீம் ரம்யாம் திவ்யாம் ஸ்வர்கோபமாம் ததா ॥
tatō munivarastūrṇaṃ jagāma saharāghavaḥ ।
viṡālāṃ nagarīṃ ramyāṃ divyāṃ svargōpamāṃ tadā ॥
The best among Munis then,
along with the princes of Raghu dynasty
went to that splendid, beautiful and
heaven-like city of Viṡāla.
அத ராமோ மஹாப்ராஜ்ஞோ விஸ்வாமித்ரம் மஹாமுநிம் ।
பப்ரச்ச ப்ராஞ்ஜலிர்பூத்வா விஸாலாமுத்தமாம் புரீம் ॥
atha rāmō mahāprājñō viṡvāmitraṃ mahāmunim ।
papraccha prāñjalirbhūtvā viṡālāmuttamāṃ purīm ॥
Then the astute Rāma, with folded hands, asked
the great Muni Viṡwāmitra about that city of Viṡāla.
கதரோ ராஜவம்ஸோऽயம் விஸாலாயாம் மஹாமுநே ।
ஸ்ரோதுமிச்சாமி பத்ரம் தே பரம் கௌதூஹலம் ஹி மே ॥
katarō rājavaṃṡō'yaṃ viṡālāyāṃ mahāmunē ।
ṡrōtumicchāmi bhadraṃ tē paraṃ kautūhalaṃ hi mē ॥
O great Muni! What is the dynasty that rules this city of Viṡāla?
I am very curious and would like to know.
May all bode well for you!
தஸ்ய தத்வசநம் ஸ்ருத்வா ராமஸ்ய முநிபுங்கவ: ।
ஆக்யாதும் தத்ஸமாரேபே விஸாலஸ்ய புராதநம் ॥
tasya tadvacanaṃ ṡrutvā rāmasya munipuṅgavaḥ ।
ākhyātuṃ tatsamārēbhē viṡālasya purātanam ॥
Hearing those words of Rāma,
the eminent Muni began reciting
the story of that legendary city Viṡāla.
ஸ்ரூயதாம் ராம ஸக்ரஸ்ய கதாம் கதயதஸ்ஸுபாம் ।
அஸ்மிந் தேஸே து யத்வ்ருத்தம் ததபி ஸ்ருணு ராகவ ॥
ṡrūyatāṃ rāma ṡakrasya kathāṃ kathayataṡṡubhām ।
asmin dēṡē tu yadvṛttaṃ tadapi ṡṛṇu rāghava ॥
O prince of Raghu dynasty,
let me start with the auspicious story of Indra
and then what happened in this city.
பூர்வம் க்ருதயுகே ராம திதே: புத்ரா மஹாபலா: ।
அதிதேஸ்ச மஹாபாக வீர்யவந்தஸ்ஸுதார்மிகா: ॥
pūrvaṃ kṛtayugē rāma ditēḥ putrā mahābalāḥ ।
aditēṡca mahābhāga vīryavantassudhārmikāḥ ॥
O Rāma! In the ages gone by, in the Kṛta Yuga
there were sons of Diti, who were strong and
the sons of Aditi, who were Dhārmikas and spirited.
ததஸ்தேஷாம் நரஸ்ரேஷ்ட புத்திராஸீந்மஹாத்மநாம் ।
அமரா அஜராஸ்சைவ கதம் ஸ்யாம நிராமயா: ॥
tatastēṣāṃ naraṡrēṣṭha buddhirāsīnmahātmanām ।
amarā ajarāṡcaiva kathaṃ syāma nirāmayāḥ ॥
Those great souls wanted to become
immortal, disease-free and young forever.
தேஷாம் சிந்தயதாம் ராம புத்திராஸீந்மஹாத்மநாம் ।
க்ஷீரோதமதநம் க்ருத்வா ரஸம் ப்ராப்ஸ்யாம தத்ர வை ॥
tēṣāṃ cintayatāṃ rāma buddhirāsīnmahātmanām ।
kṣīrōdamathanaṃ kṛtvā rasaṃ prāpsyāma tatra vai ॥
O Rāma! Then it occurred to those great souls
that they could churn the milky ocean and
obtain its nectar and consume it.
ததோ நிஸ்சித்ய மதநம் யோக்த்ரம் க்ருத்வா ச வாஸுகிம் ।
மந்தாநம் மந்தரம் க்ருத்வா மமந்துரமிதௌஜஸ: ॥
tatō niṡcitya mathanaṃ yōktraṃ kṛtvā ca vāsukim ।
manthānaṃ mandaraṃ kṛtvā mamanthuramitaujasaḥ ॥
Having decided on churning the ocean,
those supremely radiant souls
made the mount Mandara as the churning rod
and the great serpent Vāsuki as the churning rope
and started churning the ocean.
அத வர்ஷஸஹஸ்ரேண யோக்த்ரஸர்பஸிராம்ஸி ச।
வமந்த்யதி விஷம் தத்ர ததம்ஸுர்தஸநைஸ்ஸிலா:॥
atha varṣasahasrēṇa yōktrasarpaṡirāṃsi ca।
vamantyati viṣaṃ tatra dadaṃṡurdaṡanaiṡṡilā:॥
After a thousand years passed thus churning,
the heads of the snake that was
used as the churning rope started
spewing poison and started biting the rocks with their teeth.
உத்பபாதாக்நிஸங்காஸம் ஹாலாஹலமஹாவிஷம் ।
தேந தக்தம் ஜகத்ஸர்வம் ஸதேவாஸுரமாநுஷம்॥
utpapātāgnisaṅkāṡaṃ hālāhalamahāviṣam ।
tēna dagdhaṃ jagatsarvaṃ sadēvāsuramānuṣam॥
Then arose a fiery poison called 'Hālāhala'
which started burning the entire world
along with all the Dēvas, Asuras and Humans.
From our recent memory, we can recollect the Bhopal gas tragedy. There is a lot buried under the earth and in the milky ocean. The Milky ocean symbolically represents the mystery of the universe.
Nature knows how to keep the harmful substances away from us, and us away from them. But when we churn they all come out. There is no guarantee all that is hidden from us is valuable.
The gas that came out in the Bhopal factory was a result of several combinations of chemicals that would not have occurred naturally, but did due to the churning of nature by humans.
அத தேவா மஹாதேவம் ஸங்கரம் ஸரணார்திந:।
ஜக்மு: பஸுபதிம் ருத்ரம் த்ராஹி த்ராஹீதி துஷ்டுவு:॥
atha dēvā mahādēvaṃ ṡaṅkaraṃ ṡaraṇārthina:।
jagmu: paṡupatiṃ rudraṃ trāhi trāhīti tuṣṭuvu:॥
Then the Dēvas went to the great, fierce Dēva,
Ṡaṅkara, the lord of all beings,
seeking respite, and begged him to save them.
ஏவமுக்தஸ்ததோ தேவைர்தேவதேவேஸ்வர: ப்ரபு:।
ப்ராதுராஸீத்ததோऽத்ரைவ ஸங்கசக்ரதரோ ஹரி: ॥
ēvamuktastatō dēvairdēvadēvēṡvara: prabhu:।
prādurāsīttatō'traiva ṡaṅkhacakradharō hari: ॥
As the Dēvas implored the Dēva of the Dēvas (Ṡiva),
Hari (Vishṇu) appeared there adorned with
Ṡankha (conch) and Chakra (discuss).
உவாசைநம் ஸ்மிதம் க்ருத்வா ருத்ரம் ஸூலப்ருதம் ஹரி:।
தைவதைர்மத்யமாநே து யத்பூர்வம் ஸமுபஸ்திதம் ॥
த்வதீயம்ஹி ஸுரஸ்ரேஷ்ட ஸுராணாமக்ரஜோऽஸி யத் ।
அக்ரபூஜாமிமாம் மத்வா க்ருஹாணேதம் விஷம் ப்ரபோ ॥
uvācainaṃ smitaṃ kṛtvā rudraṃ ṡūlabhṛtaṃ hari:।
daivatairmathyamānē tu yatpūrvaṃ samupasthitam ॥
tvadīyaṃhi suraṡrēṣṭha surāṇāmagrajō'si yat ।
agrapūjāmimāṃ matvā gṛhāṇēdaṃ viṣaṃ prabhō ॥
With a smile on his face, Hari told Rudra, the bearer of Ṡoola:
"what came first from this churning done by Dēvas
goes to you, the first among all the Dēvas.
Consider that you are offered the
first among the honors, and take this poison."
Indic civilization knows how to make humor even out of gods. What Vishṇu says here is quite funny. But for those whose palate does not agree with fun among gods, there is also a deep meaning.
Vishṇu says that Ṡiva is first among the gods. The form of Ṡiva represents the universe before it has taken a form, for which Vishṇu became responsible.
இத்யுக்த்வா ச ஸுரஸ்ரேஷ்டஸ்தத்ரைவாந்தரதீயத।
தேவதாநாம் பயம் த்ருஷ்டவாஸ்ருத்வா வாக்யம் து ஸார்ங்கிண:।
ஹாலாஹலவிஷம் கோரம் ஸ ஜக்ராஹாம்ருதோபமம்॥
ityuktvā ca suraṡrēṣṭhastatraivāntaradhīyata।
dēvatānāṃ bhayaṃ dṛṣṭavāṡrutvā vākyaṃ tu ṡārṅgiṇa:।
hālāhalaviṣaṃ ghōraṃ sa jagrāhāmṛtōpamam॥
The chief of the Dēvas, Vishṇu disappeared after speaking thus.
To assuage the fears of Dēvas and to respect the words of Vishṇu,
He (Ṡiva) consumed the Hālāhala as if it were Amrita.
தேவாந்விஸ்ருஜ்ய தேவேஸோ ஜகாம பகவாந் ஹர: ।
ததோ தேவாஸுராஸ்ஸர்வே மமந்தூ ரகுநந்தந ॥
dēvānvisṛjya dēvēṡō jagāma bhagavān hara: ।
tatō dēvāsurāssarvē mamanthū raghunandana ॥
O prince of Raghu dynasty!
After the lord of Dēvas, Bhagawan Hara (Ṡiva) left,
all the Dēvas and Asuras continued the churning.
ப்ரவிவேஸாத பாதாலம் மந்தாந: பர்வதோऽநக।
ததோ தேவாஸ்ஸகந்தர்வாஸ்துஷ்டுவுர்மதுஸூதநம் ॥
pravivēṡātha pātālaṃ manthāna: parvatō'nagha।
tatō dēvāssagandharvāstuṣṭuvurmadhusūdanam ॥
Then the mountain that was used as the churning rod
sunk into the depths of the nether world.
All the Dēvas then, along with Gandharvas
prayed to the annihilator of the Rākshasa Madhu (Vishṇu):
த்வம் கதி: ஸர்வபூதாநாம் விஸேஷேண திவௌகஸாம் ।
பாலயாஸ்மாந்மஹாபாஹோ கிரிமுத்தர்துமர்ஹஸி ॥
tvaṃ gati: sarvabhūtānāṃ viṡēṣēṇa divaukasām ।
pālayāsmānmahābāhō girimuddhartumarhasi ॥
You are the ultimate resort and the savior of all beings
and especially of the Dēvas.
O mighty armed, please take care of us.
Only you would be able to lift this mountain.
இதி ஸ்ருத்வா ஹ்ருஷீகேஸ: காமடம் ரூபமாஸ்தித:।
பர்வதம் ப்ருஷ்டத: க்ருத்வா ஸிஸ்யே தத்ரோததௌ ஹரி:॥
iti ṡrutvā hṛṣīkēṡa: kāmaṭhaṃ rūpamāsthita:।
parvataṃ pṛṣṭhata: kṛtvā ṡiṡyē tatrōdadhau hari:॥
Hearing those pleas, Hṛshikesha (Vishṇu)
took the form of a turtle and lifted it on his back
and reclined in that ocean supporting it.
Hṛshikesha is one who is in charge of all Indriyas (senses).
பர்வதாக்ரே து லோகாத்மா ஹஸ்தேநாக்ரம்ய கேஸவ:।
தேவாநாம் மத்யத: ஸ்தித்வா மமந்த புருஷோத்தம:॥
parvatāgrē tu lōkātmā hastēnākramya kēṡava:।
dēvānāṃ madhyata: sthitvā mamantha puruṣōttama:॥
Kēsava, the soul of all the worlds
and the foremost of all active beings,
also stood among the Dēvas and held the top of the mountain
with his hand (so that it would stay stable).
அத வர்ஷஸஹஸ்ரேண ஸதண்டஸ்ஸகமண்டலு:।
பூர்வம் தந்வந்தரிர்நாம அப்ஸராஸ்ச ஸுவர்சஸ:॥
atha varṣasahasrēṇa sadaṇḍassakamaṇḍalu:।
pūrvaṃ dhanvantarirnāma apsarāṡca suvarcasa:॥
After another thousand years of churning,
Dhanvantari with Daṇḍa and Kamaṇḍala
and beautiful Apsaras emerged from it.
Daṇḍa is a staff used by Munis, as a support to their hand.
Kamaṇḍala is a water pitcher.
Dhanvantari would turn out to be the physician of Dēvas.
Apsaras were women that would become the nymphs of Dēvas.
அப்ஸு நிர்மதநாதேவ ரஸாஸ்தஸ்மாத்வரஸ்த்ரிய:।
உத்பேதுர்மநுஜஸ்ரேஷ்ட தஸ்மாதப்ஸரஸோऽபவந் ॥
apsu nirmathanādēva rasāstasmādvarastriya:।
utpēturmanujaṡrēṣṭha tasmādapsarasō'bhavan ॥
O best among men! Because those women
came out of churning liquid (Apsu) they came
to be known as Apsaras.
ஷஷ்டி: கோட்யோऽபவம்ஸ்தாஸாமப்ஸராணாம் ஸுவர்சஸாம் ।
அஸங்க்யேயாஸ்து காகுத்ஸ்த யாஸ்தாஸாம் பரிசாரிகா: ॥
ṣaṣṭiḥ kōṭyō'bhavaṃstāsāmapsarāṇāṃ suvarcasām ।
asaṅkhyēyāstu kākutstha yāstāsāṃ paricārikāḥ ॥
O prince of Kākutstha lineage!
Sixty crores of those gorgeous Apsaras were thus born.
And the attendants for them were beyond count.
ந தாஸ்ஸ்ம ப்ரதிக்ருஹ்ணந்தி ஸர்வே தே தேவதாநவா: ।
அப்ரதிக்ரஹணாதேவ தேந ஸாதாரணாஸ்ஸ்ம்ருதா: ॥
na tāssma pratigṛhṇanti sarvē tē dēvadānavāḥ ।
apratigrahaṇādēva tēna sādhāraṇāssmṛtāḥ ॥
However, none of the Dēvas and Dānavas
claimed them as theirs and
they were all left to be common to all.
வருணஸ்ய தத: கந்யா வாருணீ ரகுநந்தந ।
உத்பபாத மஹாபாகா மார்கமாணா பரிக்ரஹம் ॥
varuṇasya tataḥ kanyā vāruṇī raghunandana ।
utpapāta mahābhāgā mārgamāṇā parigraham ॥
O prince of Raghu dynasty!
Then came the enticing and blessed damsel Vāruṇi
and wondered who would take her.
I have never been able to find a satisfactory explanation of what Vāruṇi (Sura) is. It is generally described as a type of intoxicating liquid. Its significance is not clear. It is also not clear why Dēvas consumed it and Dānavas did not.
In this Ṡlōka, Vāruṇi is referred to as a woman symbolically, just as Gaṅga was referred to as a woman in the earlier Sargas.
திதே: புத்ரா ந தாம் ராம ஜக்ருஹுர்வருணாத்மஜாம் ।
அதிதேஸ்து ஸுதா வீர ஜக்ருஹுஸ்தாமநிந்திதாம் ॥
ditēḥ putrā na tāṃ rāma jagṛhurvaruṇātmajām ।
aditēstu sutā vīra jagṛhustāmaninditām ॥
O Rāma! The sons of Diti would not court her,
the daughter of Varuna.
O Veera! But the sons of Aditi took her, the untainted.
அஸுராஸ்தேந தைதேயாஸ்ஸுராஸ்தேநாதிதேஸ்ஸுதா: ।
ஹ்ருஷ்டா: ப்ரமுதிதாஸ்சாஸந் வாருணீக்ரஹணாத்ஸுரா: ॥
asurāstēna daitēyāssurāstēnāditēssutāḥ ।
hṛṣṭāḥ pramuditāṡcāsan vāruṇīgrahaṇātsurāḥ ॥
For not taking the Sura
the sons of Diti came to be known as Asuras
and the sons of Aditi are known as Suras.
Suras felt happy for taking Vāruṇi.
உச்சைஸ்ஸ்ரவா ஹயஸ்ரேஷ்டோ மணிரத்நம் ச கௌஸ்துபம் ।
உததிஷ்டந்நரஸ்ரேஷ்ட ததைவாம்ருதமுத்தமம் ॥
uccaiṡṡravā hayaṡrēṣṭhō maṇiratnaṃ ca kaustubham ।
udatiṣṭhannaraṡrēṣṭha tathaivāmṛtamuttamam ॥
O best among men! Then came out
Ucchaiṡrava, the best among horses and
Koustubha, the best among precious stones
and then Amrita, the potion of immortality.
அத தஸ்ய க்ருதே ராம மஹாநாஸீத்குலக்ஷய: ।
அதிதேஸ்து தத: புத்ரா திதே: புத்ராநஸூதயந் ॥
atha tasya kṛtē rāma mahānāsītkulakṣayaḥ ।
aditēstu tataḥ putrā ditēḥ putrānasūdayan ॥
In the fight for that Amrita, lineages became decimated.
The sons of Aditi killed the sons of Diti.
ஏகதோऽப்யாகமந் ஸர்வே ஹ்யஸுரா ராக்ஷஸைஸ்ஸஹ ।
யுத்தமாஸீந்மஹாகோரம் வீர த்ரைலோக்யமோஹநம் ॥
ēkatō'bhyāgaman sarvē hyasurā rākṣasaissaha ।
yuddhamāsīnmahāghōraṃ vīra trailōkyamōhanam ॥
With the sons of Diti along with Rākshasas on one side,
and the sons of Aditi on the other side
a terrible battle took place that held all the three worlds by awe.
யதா க்ஷயம் கதம் ஸர்வம் ததா விஷ்ணுர்மஹாபல: ।
அம்ருதம் ஸோऽஹரத்தூர்ணம் மாயாமாஸ்தாய மோஹிநீம் ॥
yadā kṣayaṃ gataṃ sarvaṃ tadā viṣṇurmahābalaḥ ।
amṛtaṃ sō'harattūrṇaṃ māyāmāsthāya mōhinīm ॥
As everything was perishing, the mighty strong Vishṇu
took away the Amrita quickly,
by deluding everyone in the form of Mōhini.
யே கதாபிமுகம் விஷ்ணுமக்ஷயம் புருஷோத்தமம் ।
ஸம்பிஷ்டாஸ்தே ததா யுத்தே விஷ்ணுநா ப்ரபவிஷ்ணுநா ॥
yē gatābhimukhaṃ viṣṇumakṣayaṃ puruṣōttamam ।
sampiṣṭāstē tadā yuddhē viṣṇunā prabhaviṣṇunā ॥
Everyone that tried to stop Vishṇu,
the foremost of active beings,
was crushed to the ground in a fight by that capable Vishṇu.
அதிதேராத்மஜா வீரா திதே: புத்ராந்நிஜக்ிநரே ।
தஸ்மிந் யுத்தே மஹாகோரே தைதேயாதித்யயோர்ப்ருஸம் ॥
aditērātmajā vīrā ditēḥ putrānnijaghinarē ।
tasmin yuddhē mahāghōrē daitēyādityayōrbhṛṡam ॥
In that terrible fight between the sons of Diti and Aditi,
Aditi's sons killed the sons of Diti.
Ṡlōkas 43 and 44 do not seem to go with the flow, by structure and by content. I suspect that these Ṡlōkas must have got here because of probable shuffling of palm leaves somewhere.
நிஹத்ய திதிபுத்ராம்ஸ்ச ராஜ்யம் ப்ராப்ய புரந்தர: ।
ஸஸாஸ முதிதோ லோகாந் ஸர்ஷிஸங்காந் ஸசாரணாந் ॥
nihatya ditiputrāṃṡca rājyaṃ prāpya purandaraḥ ।
ṡaṡāsa muditō lōkān sarṣisaṅghān sacāraṇān ॥
Having killed all the sons of Diti, Purandara (Indra)
gained the kingdom including all the Ṛshis and Cāraṇas
and ruled over it happily.
The word Cāraṇa is interpreted variedly as Dēvas and as Singers.
இத்யார்ஷே ஸ்ரீமத்ராமாயணே வால்மீகீயே ஆதிகாவ்யே
ஸ்ரீமத்பாலகாண்டே பஞ்சசத்வாரிம்ஸ: ஸர்க: ॥
ityārṣē ṡrīmadrāmāyaṇē vālmīkīyē ādikāvyē
ṡrīmadbālakāṇḍē pañcacatvāriṃṡaḥ sargaḥ ॥
Thus concludes the forty fifth Sarga
in Bāla Kāṇḍa of the glorious Rāmāyaṇa,
the first ever poem of humankind,
composed by Vālmeeki.
We completed reading 1391 Ṡlōkas out of ~24,000 Ṡlōkas of Vālmeeki Rāmāyaṇa.