Baala Kaanda - Sarga 38
Viṡwāmitra, after having narrated the story of the birth of Kārtikēya in the previous Sarga, continues to tell another story, that of the descent of Gaṅga, which will be the subject of the next seven Sargas, including this one.
தாம் கதாம் கௌஸிகோ ராமே நிவேத்ய குஸிகாத்மஜ: ।
புநரேவாபரம் வாக்யம் காகுத்ஸ்தமிதமப்ரவீத் ॥
tāṃ kathāṃ kauṡikō rāmē nivēdya kuṡikātmajaḥ ।
punarēvāparaṃ vākyaṃ kākutsthamidamabravīt ॥
The descendant of Kuṡa, Viṡwāmitra,
having told that story to Rāma,
said again to him:
அயோத்யாதிபதி: ஸூர: பூர்வமாஸீந்நராதிப: ।
ஸகரோ நாம தர்மாத்மா ப்ரஜாகாம: ஸ சாப்ரஜ: ॥
ayōdhyādhipatiḥ ṡūraḥ pūrvamāsīnnarādhipaḥ ।
sagarō nāma dharmātmā prajākāmaḥ sa cāprajaḥ ॥
Once upon a time, there was a valorous king
by name Sagara who was a Dharmātmā,
who ruled the kingdom of Ayōdhyā.
He had no children and was seeking one.
Sagara is an ancestor of Rāma, who also ruled the same city of Ayōdhyā.
வைதர்பதுஹிதா ராம கேஸிநீ நாம நாமத: ।
ஜ்யேஷ்டா ஸகரபத்நீ ஸா தர்மிஷ்டா ஸத்யவாதிநீ ॥
vaidarbhaduhitā rāma kēṡinī nāma nāmataḥ ।
jyēṣṭhā sagarapatnī sā dharmiṣṭhā satyavādinī ॥
His first wife was Kēṡini, daughter of the king of Vidarbha.
She was an adherent of Dharma avowed to truth.
அரிஷ்டநேமிதுஹிதா ரூபேணாப்ரதிமா புவி ।
த்விதீயா ஸகரஸ்யாஸீத் பத்நீ ஸுமதிஸஞ்ஜ்ஞிதா ॥
ariṣṭanēmiduhitā rūpēṇāpratimā bhuvi ।
dvitīyā sagarasyāsīt patnī sumatisañjñitā ॥
His second wife was an exceptionally beautiful lady.
Her name was Sumati and she was the daughter of Arishṭanēmi.
தாப்யாம் ஸஹ ததா ராஜா பத்நீப்யாம் தப்தவாம்ஸ்தப: ।
ஹிமவந்தம் ஸமாஸாத்ய ப்ருகுப்ரஸ்ரவணே கிரௌ ॥
tābhyāṃ saha tathā rājā patnībhyāṃ taptavāṃstapaḥ ।
himavantaṃ samāsādya bhṛguprasravaṇē girau ॥
The king, along with his wives went to Mount Bhṛguprasravaṇa,
which was a part of the mountain range of Himalayas, and did Tapa.
அத வர்ஷஸதே பூர்ணே தபஸாராதிதோ முநி: ।
ஸகராய வரம் ப்ராதாத்ப்ருகு: ஸத்யவதாம் வர: ॥
atha varṣaṡatē pūrṇē tapasārādhitō muniḥ ।
sagarāya varaṃ prādādbhṛguḥ satyavatāṃ varaḥ ॥
After one hundred years of Tapa by Sagara,
the pleased Bhṛgu Maharshi gave him a boon.
அபத்யலாப: ஸுமஹாந் பவிஷ்யதி தவாநக ।
கீர்திம் சாப்ரதிமாம் லோகே ப்ராப்ஸ்யஸே புருஷர்ஷப ॥
apatyalābhaḥ sumahān bhaviṣyati tavānagha ।
kīrtiṃ cāpratimāṃ lōkē prāpsyasē puruṣarṣabha ॥
O unafflicted one! You will indeed be blessed with great children!
You will gain unequalled fame and name in the world!
ஏகா ஜநயிதா தாத புத்ரம் வம்ஸகரம் தவ ।
ஷஷ்டிம் புத்ரஸஹஸ்ராணி அபரா ஜநயிஷ்யதி ॥
ēkā janayitā tāta putraṃ vaṃṡakaraṃ tava ।
ṣaṣṭiṃ putrasahasrāṇi aparā janayiṣyati ॥
My dear! One of your wives will give birth
to a son who will make your lineage notable.
Your other wife will give birth to
sixty thousand children.
பாஷமாணம் மஹாத்மாநம் ராஜபுத்ர்யௌ ப்ரஸாத்ய தம் ।
ஊசது: பரமப்ரீதே க்ருதாஞ்ஜலிபுடே ததா ॥
bhāṣamāṇaṃ mahātmānaṃ rājaputryau prasādya tam ।
ūcatuḥ paramaprītē kṛtāñjalipuṭē tadā ॥
The two princesses (wives of Sagara) felt very happy
and profoundly thanked that great Mahātma,
for his benevolent words.
Having gained his grace, they spoke to him:
ஏக: கஸ்யாஸ்ஸுதோ ப்ரஹ்மந் கா பஹூந் ஜநயிஷ்யதி ।
ஸ்ரோதுமிச்சாவஹே ப்ரஹ்மந் ஸத்யமஸ்து வசஸ்தவ ॥
ēkaḥ kasyāssutō brahman kā bahūn janayiṣyati ।
ṡrōtumicchāvahē brahman satyamastu vacastava ॥
O Brahman! Your words would indeed become true!
Can you tell us which one of us will get one child
and which one will get sixty thousand?
தயோஸ்தத்வசநம் ஸ்ருத்வா ப்ருகு: பரமதார்மிக: ।
உவாச பரமாம் வாணீம் ஸ்வச்சந்தோऽத்ர விதீயதாம் ॥
tayōstadvacanaṃ ṡrutvā bhṛguḥ paramadhārmikaḥ ।
uvāca paramāṃ vāṇīṃ svacchandō'tra vidhīyatām ॥
That supreme Dhārmika, Bhṛgu, answered them:
"You may choose however you wish"!
ஏகோ வம்ஸகரோ வாऽஸ்து பஹவோ வா மஹாபலா: ।
கீர்திமந்தோ மஹோத்ஸாஹா: கா வா கம் வரமிச்சதி ॥
ēkō vaṃṡakarō vā'stu bahavō vā mahābalāḥ ।
kīrtimantō mahōtsāhāḥ kā vā kaṃ varamicchati ॥
Who would like to have a son that will make the lineage notable?
Who would like to have many sons that are
exceptionally strong, exceptionally motivated
and will be known in this world for long?
It is your choice!
People can make themselves notable. Or they can make their lineage or country or community notable with their presence. A subtle but important difference as posed in the question in this Ṡlōka.
முநேஸ்து வசநம் ஸ்ருத்வா கேஸிநீ ரகுநந்தந ।
புத்ரம் வம்ஸகரம் ராம ஜக்ராஹ ந்ருபஸந்நிதௌ ॥
munēstu vacanaṃ ṡrutvā kēṡinī raghunandana ।
putraṃ vaṃṡakaraṃ rāma jagrāha nṛpasannidhau ॥
O prince of Raghu dynasty!
Hearing those words of the Muni,
Kēṡini chose, witnessed by the king,
the son that would make the lineage notable.
ஷஷ்டிம் புத்ரஸஹஸ்ராணி ஸுபர்ணபகிநீ ததா ।
மஹோத்ஸாஹாந் கீர்திமதோ ஜக்ராஹ ஸுமதி: ஸுதாந் ॥
ṣaṣṭiṃ putrasahasrāṇi suparṇabhaginī tadā ।
mahōtsāhān kīrtimatō jagrāha sumatiḥ sutān ॥
The sister of Garuda (Sumati) chose
the sixty thousand sons that would be
exceptionally motivated and known for long.
ப்ரதக்ஷிணம்ருஷிம் க்ருத்வா ஸிரஸாபிப்ரணம்ய ச ।
ஜகாம ஸ்வபுரம் ராஜா ஸபார்யோ ரகுநந்தந ॥
pradakṣiṇamṛṣiṃ kṛtvā ṡirasābhipraṇamya ca ।
jagāma svapuraṃ rājā sabhāryō raghunandana ॥
O prince of Raghu dynasty!
The king then circumambulated the Ṛshi
and prostrated in front of him and took leave of him.
He went back to his city along with his wives.
அத காலே கதே தஸ்மிந் ஜ்யேஷ்டா புத்ரம் வ்யஜாயத ।
அஸமஞ்ஜ இதி க்யாதம் கேஸிநீ ஸகராத்மஜம் ॥
atha kālē gatē tasmin jyēṣṭhā putraṃ vyajāyata ।
asamañja iti khyātaṃ kēṡinī sagarātmajam ॥
After a while, the elder son of Sagara,
known as Asamanja was born to Kēṡini.
ஸுமதிஸ்து நரவ்யாக்ர கர்பதும்பம் வ்யஜாயத ।
ஷஷ்டி: புத்ரா: ஸஹஸ்ராணி தும்பபேதாத்விநி:ஸ்ருதா: ॥
sumatistu naravyāghra garbhatumbaṃ vyajāyata ।
ṣaṣṭiḥ putrāḥ sahasrāṇi tumbabhēdādviniḥsṛtāḥ ॥
O tiger among men!
Sumati delivered an object that looked like a gourd.
When it broke apart, sixty thousand sons came out of it.
க்ருதபூர்ணேஷு கும்பேஷு தாத்ர்யஸ்தாந் ஸமவர்த்தயந் ।
காலேந மஹதா ஸர்வே யௌவநம் ப்ரதிபேதிரே ॥
ghṛtapūrṇēṣu kumbhēṣu dhātryastān samavarddhayan ।
kālēna mahatā sarvē yauvanaṃ pratipēdirē ॥
They were incubated in pots of clarified butter
and were raised by nannies.
As time passed by, they all grew to be young adults.
அத தீர்கேண காலேந ரூபயௌவநஸாலிந: ।
ஷஷ்டி: புத்ரஸஹஸ்ராணி ஸகரஸ்யாபவம்ஸ்ததா ॥
atha dīrghēṇa kālēna rūpayauvanaṡālinaḥ ।
ṣaṣṭiḥ putrasahasrāṇi sagarasyābhavaṃstadā ॥
After a long time, those sixty thousand sons of Sagara
became handsome and youthful.
ஸ ச ஜ்யேஷ்டோ நரஸ்ரேஷ்டஸ்ஸகரஸ்யாத்மஸம்பவ: ।
பாலாந் க்ருஹீத்வா து ஜலே ஸரய்வா ரகுநந்தந ।
ப்ரக்ஷிப்ய ப்ரஹஸந்நித்யம் மஜ்ஜதஸ்தாந் ஸமீக்ஷ்ய வை ॥
sa ca jyēṣṭhō naraṡrēṣṭhassagarasyātmasambhavaḥ ।
bālān gṛhītvā tu jalē sarayvā raghunandana ।
prakṣipya prahasannityaṃ majjatastān samīkṣya vai ॥
O best among men! O prince of Raghu dynasty!
The elder son of Sagara (Asamanja) used to throw
children in the waters of river Sarayu
and derive sadistic pleasure watching them drown.
ஏவம் பாபஸமாசார: ஸஜ்ஜநப்ரதிபாதக: ।
பௌராணாமஹிதே யுக்த: புத்ரோ நிர்வாஸித: புராத் ॥
ēvaṃ pāpasamācāraḥ sajjanapratibādhakaḥ ।
paurāṇāmahitē yuktaḥ putrō nirvāsitaḥ purāt ॥
He used to do commit many evil acts and
trouble the simple and good people.
The king then expelled his son from the city
to save the people from his bullying.
Rāma belongs to the same lineage as Sagara. That dynasty held the well-being of their subjects above everything else, including the well-being of their own kith and kin.
Sagara expelled his son, but with a reason, that can be easily justified. Whereas Rāma, as we know, had to expel Seetā, in deference of the standards held by his subjects, which many people find difficult to justify.
தஸ்ய புத்ரோம்ऽஸுமாந்நாம அஸமஞ்ஜஸ்ய வீர்யவாந் ।
ஸம்மத: ஸர்வலோகஸ்ய ஸர்வஸ்யாபி ப்ரியம்வத: ॥
tasya putrōṃ'ṡumānnāma asamañjasya vīryavān ।
sammataḥ sarvalōkasya sarvasyāpi priyaṃvadaḥ ॥
The valorous son of Asamanja, known as Amṡuman,
on the other hand, was gentle with every one
and was liked by all worlds.
தத: காலேந மஹதா மதி: ஸமபிஜாயத ।
ஸகரஸ்ய நரஸ்ரேஷ்ட யஜேயமிதி நிஸ்சிதா ॥
tataḥ kālēna mahatā matiḥ samabhijāyata ।
sagarasya naraṡrēṣṭha yajēyamiti niṡcitā ॥
O best among men! After a long time,
Sagara thought of performing a Yajña.
Just as normal people celebrate various occasions and perform various types of rituals, kings of those days used to perform Yajñas.
ஸ க்ருத்வா நிஸ்சயம் ராம ஸோபாத்யாயகணஸ்ததா ।
யஜ்ஞகர்மணி வேதஜ்ஞோ யஷ்டும் ஸமுபசக்ரமே ॥
sa kṛtvā niṡcayaṃ rāma sōpādhyāyagaṇastadā ।
yajñakarmaṇi vēdajñō yaṣṭuṃ samupacakramē ॥
Having decided to perform the Yajña,
he started the necessary and prescribed activities
for the Yajña under the guidance of
his Purōhitas who were learned in Vēdas.
இத்யார்ஷே ஸ்ரீமத்ராமாயணே வால்மீகீயே ஆதிகாவ்யே
ஸ்ரீமத்பாலகாண்டே அஷ்டாத்ரிம்ஸ: ஸர்க: ॥
ityārṣē ṡrīmadrāmāyaṇē vālmīkīyē ādikāvyē
ṡrīmadbālakāṇḍē aṣṭātriṃṡaḥ sargaḥ ॥
Thus concludes the thirty eighth Sarga
in Bāla Kāṇḍa of the glorious Rāmāyaṇa,
the first ever poem of humankind,
composed by Vālmeeki.
We completed reading 1177 Ṡlōkas out of ~24,000 Ṡlōkas of Vālmeeki Rāmāyaṇa.