Baala Kaanda - Sarga 22
In this Sarga Daṡaratha sends Rāma and Lakshmaṇa with Viṡwāmitra. After reaching the banks of river Sarayu, Viṡwāmitra gives many Vidyas to Rāma, including Bala and Atibala. The brothers sleep on grass for the first time in their lives.
ததா வஸிஷ்டே ப்ருவதி ராஜா தஸரத: ஸுதம் ।
ப்ரஹ்ருஷ்டவதநோ ராமமாஜுஹாவ ஸலக்ஷ்மணம் ॥
tathā vasiṣṭhē bruvati rājā daṡarathaḥ sutam ।
prahṛṣṭavadanō rāmamājuhāva salakṣmaṇam ॥
With those words of Vasishṭha,
happiness descended on the face of Daṡaratha.
He then, himself called for Rāma and also Lakshmaṇa.
க்ருதஸ்வஸ்த்யயநம் மாத்ரா பித்ரா தஸரதேந ச ।
புரோதஸா வஸிஷ்டேந மங்கலைரபிமந்த்ரிதம் ॥
ஸ புத்ரம் மூர்த்ந்யுபாக்ராய ராஜா தஸரத: ப்ரியம் ।
ததௌ குஸிகபுத்ராய ஸுப்ரீதேநாந்தராத்மநா ॥
kṛtasvastyayanaṃ mātrā pitrā daṡarathēna ca ।
purōdhasā vasiṣṭhēna maṅgalairabhimantritam ॥
sa putraṃ mūrdhnyupāghrāya rājā daṡarathaḥ priyam ।
dadau kuṡikaputrāya suprītēnāntarātmanā ॥
Mother and father Daṡaratha pronounced customary blessings.
Purōhita Vasishṭha uttered Vedic benedictions.
King Daṡaratha kissed his dear son on the crown of his head.
He then gave his dear son to Viṡwāmitra
with his heart completely at peace.
One of the nice and powerful constructs in English are gerunds (verbal nouns) and nouns that can turn into verbs without changing form. These two constructs in English contribute to the ease with which business names, program names and trademarks can be created.
Sanskrit has different type of powerful constructs that lend themselves to poetic expression. One of them is to turn actions into adjectives.
If a sequence of events needs to be described, all the prior actions can be turned into 'Samāsas', which can further turn into adjectives, so that only one verb that indicates the final activity need to be used as a verb.
However, this does not flow well in English. So, for ease of flow, I translate them as the multiple activities that they are.
ததோ வாயு: ஸுகஸ்பர்ஸோ விரஜஸ்கோ வவௌ ததா ।
விஸ்வாமித்ரகதம் ராமம் த்ருஷ்ட்வா ராஜீவலோசநம் ॥
tatō vāyuḥ sukhasparṡō virajaskō vavau tadā ।
viṡvāmitragataṃ rāmaṃ dṛṣṭvā rājīvalōcanam ॥
As the lotus eyed Rāma followed Viṡwāmitra,
the wind, free of pollen and dust,
touched him gently and pleasantly.
It is difficult for me to bear the soft weight of poetry in this Ṡlōka!
புஷ்பவ்ருஷ்டிர்மஹத்யாஸீத்தேவதுந்துபிநி:ஸ்வநை: ।
ஸங்கதுந்துபிநிர்கோஷ: ப்ரயாதே து மஹாத்மநி ॥
puṣpavṛṣṭirmahatyāsīddēvadundubhiniḥsvanaiḥ ।
ṡaṅkhadundubhinirghōṣaḥ prayātē tu mahātmani ॥
As that Mahātma (Viṡwāmitra) set his foot out,
flowers showered, divine kettle drums blared,
and the sounds of conches and drums took over.
விஸ்வாமித்ரோ யயாவக்ரே ததோ ராமோ மஹாயஸா: ।
காகபக்ஷதரோ தந்வீ தம் ச ஸௌமித்ரிரந்வகாத் ॥
viṡvāmitrō yayāvagrē tatō rāmō mahāyaṡāḥ ।
kākapakṣadharō dhanvī taṃ ca saumitriranvagāt ॥
Viṡwāmitra led.
Rāma, with his bow and arrows, followed.
And the son of Sumitrā, who had beautiful side locks,
Also with bow and arrows, followed them.
கலாபிநௌ தநுஷ்பாணீ ஸோபயாநௌ திஸோ தஸ ।
விஸ்வாமித்ரம் மஹாத்மாநம் த்ரிஸீர்ஷாவிவ பந்நகௌ ॥
அநுஜக்மதுரக்ஷுத்ரௌ பிதாமஹமிவாஸ்விநௌ ।
kalāpinau dhanuṣpāṇī ṡōbhayānau diṡō daṡa ।
viṡvāmitraṃ mahātmānaṃ triṡīrṣāviva pannagau ॥
anujagmaturakṣudrau pitāmahamivāṡvinau ।
With the quiver and the bow, Rāma and Lakshmaṇa
looked like three headed serpents.
Their radiance lit up every direction.
They went along with Viṡwāmitra,
as if it were Aṡwini Dēvatas following Brahma.
Aṡwini Dēvatas are known to be the most handsome celestial beings.
Vālmeeki’s poetic metaphors and visuals are par excellence. It is only after many millennia that we could find a match for him in Kālidāsa.
Vālmeeki's visuals are as clear, beautiful and powerful as anything that can be found in the screen-plays of the best of the modern motion pictures.
In this Ṡlōka, the visual is amazing. With quiver raised above one shoulder and the bow on the other, both Rāma and Lakshmaṇa look like three-headed serpents or dragons.
Imagine it as a visual in a movie, with Rāma walking towards the camera over the horizon with the quiver, bow and head appearing in the frame slowly, starting from the top, suggesting a gentle, confident, and commanding stride, against the backdrop of a sunrise.
ததா குஸிகபுத்ரம் து தநுஷ்பாணீ ஸ்வலங்க்ருதௌ ॥
பத்தகோதாங்குலித்ராணௌ கட்கவந்தௌ மஹாத்யுதீ ।
குமாரௌ சாருவபுஷௌ ப்ராதரௌ ராமலக்ஷ்மணௌ ॥
அநுயாதௌ ஸ்ரியா தீப்த்யா ஸோபயேதாமநிந்திதௌ ।
ஸ்தாணும் தேவமிவாசிந்த்யம் குமாராவிவ பாவகீ ॥
tadā kuṡikaputraṃ tu dhanuṣpāṇī svalaṅkṛtau ॥
baddhagōdhāṅgulitrāṇau khaḍgavantau mahādyutī ।
kumārau cāruvapuṣau bhrātarau rāmalakṣmaṇau ॥
anuyātau ṡriyā dīptyā ṡōbhayētāmaninditau ।
sthāṇuṃ dēvamivācintyaṃ kumārāviva pāvakī ॥
With bows in their hands, palms protected with gloves
made from the skin of monitor lizard, holding swords,
the young, radiant and handsome brothers
Rāma and Lakshmaṇa, made Viṡwāmitra glow,
like the sons (Skanda and Visākha) did
to the Sthāṇu, the Dēva who is difficult to contemplate up on.
Sthāṇu is another name for Ṡiva. Sthāṇu also means stone.
அத்யர்த்தயோஜநம் கத்வா ஸரய்வா தக்ஷிணே தடே ।
ராமேதி மதுராம் வாணீம் விஸ்வாமித்ரோऽப்யபாஷத ॥
adhyarddhayōjanaṃ gatvā sarayvā dakṣiṇē taṭē ।
rāmēti madhurāṃ vāṇīṃ viṡvāmitrō'bhyabhāṣata ॥
After going for a distance of half a Yōjana,
on the southern bank of the river Sarayu,
Viṡwāmitra said 'O Rāma!' in a pleasant and sweet voice.
க்ருஹாண வத்ஸ ஸலிலம் மாபூத் காலவிபர்யய: ।
மந்த்ரக்ராமம் க்ருஹாண த்வம் பலாமதிபலாம் ததா ॥
gṛhāṇa vatsa salilaṃ mābhūt kālaviparyayaḥ ।
mantragrāmaṃ gṛhāṇa tvaṃ balāmatibalāṃ tathā ॥
My dear, before it is too late (for the sun to set),
come and take water. I will give you
the 'Bala' and 'Atibala' Vidyas and many other Mantras.
Vidya is skill, technique and knowledge of the associated Mantras, processes and procedures related to any subject.
It is my great fortune that almost twenty years ago, I got to play the role of Viṡwāmitra in a Kūcipūdi dance drama in Minneapolis, in a professional setting organized and directed by a professional choreographer and dancer.
In that role, I remember, giving the Bala and Atibala to Rāma

ந ஸ்ரமோ ந ஜ்வரோ வா தே ந ரூபஸ்ய விபர்யய: ।
ந ச ஸுப்தம் ப்ரமத்தம் வா தர்ஷயிஷ்யந்தி நைருதா: ॥
na ṡramō na jvarō vā tē na rūpasya viparyayaḥ ।
na ca suptaṃ pramattaṃ vā dharṣayiṣyanti naiṛtāḥ ॥
You will not fall sick, or feel tired,
nor will you suffer disfigurement.
The Rākshasas will not be able to harm you
regardless of whether you are on guard or asleep.
ந பாஹ்வோ: ஸத்ருஸோ வீர்யே ப்ருதிவ்யாமஸ்தி கஸ்சந ।
த்ரிஷு லோகேஷு வை ராம ந பவேத் ஸத்ருஸஸ்தவ ॥
na bāhvōḥ sadṛṡō vīryē pṛthivyāmasti kaṡcana ।
triṣu lōkēṣu vai rāma na bhavēt sadṛṡastava ॥
O Rāma! No one in this world has arms as strong as you have.
None in the three worlds can ever become comparable to you.
ந ஸௌபாக்யே ந தாக்ஷிண்யே ந ஜ்ஞாநே புத்திநிஸ்சயே ।
நோத்தரே ப்ரதிவக்தவ்யே ஸமோ லோகே தவாநக ॥
na saubhāgyē na dākṣiṇyē na jñānē buddhiniṡcayē ।
nōttarē prativaktavyē samō lōkē tavānagha ॥
O faultless one! Neither in knowledge,
nor in judgment, nor in compassion,
nor in fortitude, nor in giving a befitting reply,
would there ever be an equivalent to you!
ஏதத்வித்யாத்வயே லப்தே பவிதா நாஸ்தி தே ஸம: ।
பலா சாதிபலா சைவ ஸர்வஜ்ஞாநஸ்ய மாதரௌ ॥
ētadvidyādvayē labdhē bhavitā nāsti tē samaḥ ।
balā cātibalā caiva sarvajñānasya mātarau ॥
Now that you have received the Bala and Atibala,
there would not be anyone equivalent to you.
These two are the mothers of all types of knowledge.
க்ஷுத்பிபாஸே ந தே ராம பவிஷ்யேதே நரோத்தம ।
பலாமதிபலாம் சைவ படத: பதி ராகவ ॥
kṣutpipāsē na tē rāma bhaviṣyētē narōttama ।
balāmatibalāṃ caiva paṭhataḥ pathi rāghava ॥
O the noble among men! You will not
succumb to pangs of hunger, when you chant
the Mantras of Bala and Atibala.
வித்யாத்வயமதீயாநே யஸஸ்சாப்யதுலம் த்வயி ।
பிதாமஹஸுதே ஹ்யேதே வித்யே தேஜ:ஸமந்விதே ॥
ப்ரதாதும் தவ காகுத்ஸ்த ஸத்ருஸஸ்த்வம் ஹி தார்மிக ।
vidyādvayamadhīyānē yaṡaṡcāpyatulaṃ tvayi ।
pitāmahasutē hyētē vidyē tējaḥsamanvitē ॥
pradātuṃ tava kākutstha sadṛṡastvaṃ hi dhārmika ।
With these two Vidyas on your side,
your fame will have no parallel.
O Dhārmika, O prince of Kākutstha lineage!
You alone are the fitting recipient of
these glorious Vidyas that are the
daughters of grand Progenitor Brahma.
காமம் பஹுகுணா: ஸர்வே த்வய்யேதே நாத்ர ஸம்ஸய: ।
தபஸா ஸம்ப்ருதே சைதே பஹுரூபே பவிஷ்யத: ॥
kāmaṃ bahuguṇāḥ sarvē tvayyētē nātra saṃṡayaḥ ।
tapasā sambhṛtē caitē bahurūpē bhaviṣyataḥ ॥
You are going to have many uses for them, without doubt.
And they will evolve into multitudes of techniques
as you keep working on them.
ததோ ராமோ ஜலம் ஸ்ப்ருஷ்ட்வா ப்ரஹ்ருஷ்டவதந: ஸுசி: ।
ப்ரதிஜக்ராஹ தே வித்யே மஹர்ஷேர்பாவிதாத்மந: ॥
tatō rāmō jalaṃ spṛṣṭvā prahṛṣṭavadanaḥ ṡuciḥ ।
pratijagrāha tē vidyē maharṣērbhāvitātmanaḥ ॥
Then, Rāma touched the water.
With body purified with water and face cheerful,
he received those Vidyas from
the Maharshi, a pure soul.
வித்யாஸமுதிதோ ராம: ஸுஸுபே பூரிவிக்ரம: ।
ஸஹஸ்ரரஸ்மிர்பகவாந் ஸரதீவ திவாகர: ॥
குருகார்யாணி ஸர்வாணி நியுஜ்ய குஸிகாத்மஜே ।
ஊஷுஸ்தாம் ரஜநீம் தத்ர ஸரய்வாம் ஸுஸுக: த்ரய: ॥
vidyāsamuditō rāmaḥ ṡuṡubhē bhūrivikramaḥ ।
sahasraraṡmirbhagavān ṡaradīva divākaraḥ ॥
gurukāryāṇi sarvāṇi niyujya kuṡikātmajē ।
ūṣustāṃ rajanīṃ tatra sarayvāṃ susukhaḥ trayaḥ ॥
The mightily capable Rāma,
having gained the Vidyas,
and having done everything he owed his Guru,
shined like the sun in the season of Ṡarat
with many bright, clear rays.
The three of them, then rested for the night
on the banks of river Sarayu.
த்ருணஸயநேऽநுசிதே ததோஷிதாப்யாம் ।
ஸுகமிவ ஸா விபபௌ விபாவரீ ச ॥
tṛṇaṡayanē'nucitē tadōṣitābhyām ।
sukhamiva sā vibabhau vibhāvarī ca ॥
For the sons of king Daṡaratha, lying down
on a bed made of grass was a new experience.
But they very well enjoyed the experience of
that night - of sleeping together and
listening to the words of doting Viṡwāmitra.
Vālmeeki never misses an opportunity to mention the tender aspects of life and I never fail to enjoy them, just like you all do!
இத்யார்ஷே ஸ்ரீமத்ராமாயணே வால்மீகீயே ஆதிகாவ்யே
ஸ்ரீமத்பாலகாண்டே த்வாவிம்ஸ: ஸர்க: ॥
ityārṣē ṡrīmadrāmāyaṇē vālmīkīyē ādikāvyē
ṡrīmadbālakāṇḍē dvāviṃṡaḥ sargaḥ ॥
Thus concludes the twenty second Sarga
in Bāla Kāṇḍa of the glorious Rāmāyaṇa,
the first ever poem of humankind,
composed by Vālmeeki.
We completed reading 755 Ṡlōkas out of ~24,000 Ṡlōkas of Vālmeeki Rāmāyaṇa.