Baala Kaanda - Sarga 16
In this Sarga, the Dēvas request Vishṇu to take human form and kill Rāvaṇa. Vishṇu agrees and decides to take Daṡaratha as his mortal parent. A magnificent Being appears from the Hōma Kuṇḍa of Daṡaratha, giving him a pitcher containing Pāyasam. Daṡaratha gives the Pāyasam to his three wives and they become pregnant.
ததோ நாராயணோ விஷ்ணுர்நியுக்த: ஸுரஸத்தமை: ।
ஜாநந்நபி ஸுராநேவம் ஸ்லக்ஷ்ணம் வசநமப்ரவீத் ॥
tatō nārāyaṇō viṣṇurniyuktaḥ surasattamaiḥ ।
jānannapi surānēvaṃ ṡlakṣṇaṃ vacanamabravīt ॥
Then, Nārāyana, the Dēva,
thus entrusted by the august Suras,
asked them in a pleasant manner,
even though he knew the answer:
Nārāyana is another name for Vishṇu.
Sura is another name for Dēva.
Vishṇu is perceived as the chief executive of the universe, besides being perceived as the ultimate in many other dimensions of the universe.
A successful executive (and even a good consultant) knows that he should elicit the answer from his subordinates (or clients), even when he knows the answer.
உபாய: கோ வதே தஸ்ய ராக்ஷஸாதிபதேஸ்ஸுரா: ।
யமஹம் தம் ஸமாஸ்தாய நிஹந்யாம்ருஷிகண்டகம் ॥
upāyaḥ kō vadhē tasya rākṣasādhipatēssurāḥ ।
yamahaṃ taṃ samāsthāya nihanyāmṛṣikaṇṭakam ॥
"Can you think of an Upāya to
kill the evil-minded Rāvaṇa,
who is troubling the Ṛshis?"
Upāya is a nice Sanskrit word that permeated into many Indian languages. Whatever gets us out of a predicament and beyond an impasse is Upāya. It means solution, strategy, escape, remedy and 'way out', all combined into one.
ஏவமுக்தா: ஸுரா: ஸர்வே ப்ரத்யூசுர்விஷ்ணுமவ்யயம் ।
மாநுஷீம் தநுமாஸ்தாய ராவணம் ஜஹி ஸம்யுகே ॥
ēvamuktāḥ surāḥ sarvē pratyūcurviṣṇumavyayam ।
mānuṣīṃ tanumāsthāya rāvaṇaṃ jahi saṃyugē ॥
All the Suras then responded to
Vishṇu, the imperishable, saying:
"Take a human form and kill him in a battle."
ஸ ஹி தேபே தபஸ்தீவ்ரம் தீர்ககாலமரிந்தம ।
யேந துஷ்டோऽபவத்ப்ரஹ்மா லோகக்ருல்லோகபூர்வஜ: ॥
sa hi tēpē tapastīvraṃ dīrghakālamarindama ।
yēna tuṣṭō'bhavadbrahmā lōkakṛllōkapūrvajaḥ ॥
O, Destroyer of enemies!
He performed arduous Tapa for a long time.
Brahma, the creator of the worlds and
the one who existed even before the worlds did,
was pleased.
ஸந்துஷ்ட: ப்ரததௌ தஸ்மை ராக்ஷஸாய வரம் ப்ரபு: ।
நாநாவிதேப்யோ பூதேப்யோ பயம் நாந்யத்ர மாநுஷாத் ॥
அவஜ்ஞாதா: புரா தேந வரதாநே ஹி மாநவா: ।
santuṣṭaḥ pradadau tasmai rākṣasāya varaṃ prabhuḥ ।
nānāvidhēbhyō bhūtēbhyō bhayaṃ nānyatra mānuṣāt ॥
avajñātāḥ purā tēna varadānē hi mānavāḥ ।
Then he gave the Rākshasa a boon that
he would not have to fear any kind of beings, except humans.
That is because the Rākshasa was very dismissive of humans.
ஏவம் பிதாமஹாத்தஸ்மாத்வரம் ப்ராப்ய ஸ தர்பித: ।
உத்ஸாதயதி லோகாஸ்த்ரீந் ஸ்த்ரியஸ்சாப்யவகர்ஷதி ॥
தஸ்மாத்தஸ்ய வதோ த்ருஷ்டோ மாநுஷேப்ய: பரந்தப ।
ēvaṃ pitāmahāttasmādvaraṃ prāpya sa darpitaḥ ।
utsādayati lōkāँstrīn striyaṡcāpyavakarṣati ॥
tasmāttasya vadhō dṛṣṭō mānuṣēbhyaḥ parantapa ।
After getting this boon from the Progenitor
he became arrogant and started
troubling all the three worlds and
violating the modesty of women.
Only humans are capable of killing him.
Brahma is the progenitor or grandparent of all.
Seetā is not the first woman that Rāvaṇa had forced, as many people think. He had the disrepute of committing transgressions against women much before Rāma was born.
இத்யேதத்வசநம் ஸ்ருத்வா ஸுராணாம் விஷ்ணுராத்மவாந் ।
பிதரம் ரோசயாமாஸ ததா தஸரதம் ந்ருபம் ॥
ityētadvacanaṃ ṡrutvā surāṇāṃ viṣṇurātmavān ।
pitaraṃ rōcayāmāsa tadā daṡarathaṃ nṛpam ॥
Having heard the Dēvas, the sentient Vishṇu
selected king Daṡaratha to be his mortal parent.
ஸ சாப்யபுத்ரோ ந்ருபதிஸ்தஸ்மிந் காலே மஹாத்யுதி: ।
அயஜத்புத்ரியாமிஷ்டிம் புத்ரேப்ஸுரரிஸூதந: ॥
sa cāpyaputrō nṛpatistasmin kālē mahādyutiḥ ।
ayajatputriyāmiṣṭiṃ putrēpsurarisūdanaḥ ॥
At the same time, the radiant king (Daṡaratha),
the nemesis of enemies, who had no children,
was performing the Yajña to beget children.
ஸ க்ருத்வா நிஸ்சயம் விஷ்ணுராமந்த்ர்ய ச பிதாமஹம் ।
அந்தர்தாநம் கதோ தேவை: பூஜ்யமாநோ மஹர்ஷிபி: ॥
sa kṛtvā niṡcayaṃ viṣṇurāmantrya ca pitāmaham ।
antardhānaṃ gatō dēvaiḥ pūjyamānō maharṣibhiḥ ॥
Having thus decided,
Vishṇu bid farewell to Brahma and disappeared,
receiving honors and respects from Dēvas and Ṛshis.
ததோ வை யஜமாநஸ்ய பாவகாததுலப்ரபம் ।
ப்ராதுர்பூதம் மஹத்பூதம் மஹாவீர்யம் மஹாபலம் ॥
க்ருஷ்ணரக்தாம்பரதரம் ரக்தாக்ஷம் துந்துபிஸ்வநம் ।
ஸ்நிக்தஹர்யக்ஷதநுஜஸ்மஸ்ருப்ரவரமூர்த்தஜம் ॥
ஸுபலக்ஷணஸம்பந்நம் திவ்யாபரணபூஷிதம் ।
ஸைலஸ்ருங்கஸமுத்ஸேதம் த்ருப்தஸார்தூலவிக்ரமம் ॥
திவாகரஸமாகாரம் தீப்தாநலஸிகோபமம் ।
தப்தஜாம்பூநதமயீம் ராஜதாந்தபரிச்சதாம் ॥
திவ்யபாயஸஸம்பூர்ணாம் பாத்ரீம் பத்நீமிவ ப்ரியாம் ।
ப்ரக்ருஹ்ய விபுலாம் தோர்ப்யாம் ஸ்வயம் மாயாமயீமிவ ॥
tatō vai yajamānasya pāvakādatulaprabham ।
prādurbhūtaṃ mahadbhūtaṃ mahāvīryaṃ mahābalam ॥
kṛṣṇaraktāmbaradharaṃ raktākṣaṃ dundubhisvanam ।
snigdhaharyakṣatanujaṡmaṡrupravaramūrddhajam ॥
ṡubhalakṣaṇasampannaṃ divyābharaṇabhūṣitam ।
ṡailaṡṛṅgasamutsēdhaṃ dṛptaṡārdūlavikramam ॥
divākarasamākāraṃ dīptānalaṡikhōpamam ।
taptajāmbūnadamayīṃ rājatāntaparicchadām ॥
divyapāyasasampūrṇāṃ pātrīṃ patnīmiva priyām ।
pragṛhya vipulāṃ dōrbhyāṃ svayaṃ māyāmayīmiva ॥
Then, from the Hōma Kuṇḍa of Daṡaratha,
who was performing the Yajña
arose a mighty, magnificent and dazzling Being
that had a blood-red face and
a voice resounding like a kettle-drum,
clothed in black and red robes,
with silky hair on the face and head like that of a lion
decked with a variety of ornaments
portending all good omens
towering like the pinnacle of a mountain
with gait like that of a proud tiger
glowing like the bright sun
resembling the radiant and stretched tongues of fire
holding a magical pitcher in its two hands
as dearly as one would hold a lovely wife,
which was made of gold that is purified by melting
and with the lid made of sterling silver,
filled with a divine Pāyasam.
Pāyasam is a delicious, sweet semi-solid food.
The metaphors and poetic superlatives used in these five Ṡlōkas are amazing. They paint a vivid image of a magnificent being in front of your eyes.
If you have children, read this out to them. It catches their vivid imagination and fires up main brain cells.
They will not only register this image, but the entire environment in which you read this out to them, including your facial expressions as you read this out. This is how the bonds between parents and children used to get strengthened in times gone by. You can do the same even now.
ஸமவேக்ஷ்யாப்ரவீத்வாக்யமிதம் தஸரதம் ந்ருபம் ।
ப்ராஜாபத்யம் நரம் வித்தி மாமிஹாப்யாகதம் ந்ருப ॥
samavēkṣyābravīdvākyamidaṃ daṡarathaṃ nṛpam ।
prājāpatyaṃ naraṃ viddhi māmihābhyāgataṃ nṛpa ॥
That Being looked at king Daṡaratha and said:
"O king, I have been sent here by Prajāpati!"
தத: பரம் ததா ராஜா ப்ரத்யுவாச க்ருதாஞ்ஜலி: ।
பகவந் ஸ்வாகதம் தேऽஸ்து கிமஹம் கரவாணி தே ॥
tataḥ paraṃ tadā rājā pratyuvāca kṛtāñjaliḥ ।
bhagavan svāgataṃ tē'stu kimahaṃ karavāṇi tē ॥
Then the king, with folded hands said:
"Bhagawan, welcome to thee! What can I do for you!"
அதோ புநரிதம் வாக்யம் ப்ராஜாபத்யோ நரோऽப்ரவீத் ।
ராஜந்நர்சயதா தேவாநத்ய ப்ராப்தமிதம் த்வயா ॥
athō punaridaṃ vākyaṃ prājāpatyō narō'bravīt ।
rājannarcayatā dēvānadya prāptamidaṃ tvayā ॥
The Being, sent by Prajāpati, again said:
"O king, You are receiving this
because you prayed to the Dēvas."
இதம் து நரஸார்தூல பாயஸம் தேவநிர்மிதம் ।
ப்ரஜாகரம் க்ருஹாண த்வம் தந்யமாரோக்யவர்த்தநம் ॥
idaṃ tu naraṡārdūla pāyasaṃ dēvanirmitam ।
prajākaraṃ gṛhāṇa tvaṃ dhanyamārōgyavarddhanam ॥
"O Tiger among men!
This Pāyasam was made by the Dēvas.
It will give you offspring,
and enhance your wealth and health.
Please take it!"
பார்யாணாமநுரூபாணாமஸ்நீதேதி ப்ரயச்ச வை ।
தாஸு த்வம் லப்ஸ்யஸே புத்ராந் யதர்தம் யஜஸே ந்ருப ॥
bhāryāṇāmanurūpāṇāmaṡnītēti prayaccha vai ।
tāsu tvaṃ lapsyasē putrān yadarthaṃ yajasē nṛpa ॥
"Give this Pāyasam to your deserving wives
and ask them to consume it.
They will beget the sons
that you are performing the Yajña for."
ததேதி ந்ருபதி: ப்ரீதஸ்ஸிரஸா ப்ரதிக்ருஹ்யதாம் ।
பாத்ரீம் தேவாந்நஸம்பூர்ணாம் தேவதத்தாம் ஹிரண்மயீம் ॥
tathēti nṛpati: prītaṡṡirasā pratigṛhyatām ।
pātrīṃ dēvānnasampūrṇāṃ dēvadattāṃ hiraṇmayīm ॥
The king said: "I shall do so!" with delight,
and held the golden pitcher on his head,
that was filled with the food specially prepared by the Dēvas.
அபிவாத்ய ச தத்பூதமத்புதம் ப்ரியதர்ஸநம் ।
முதா பரமயா யுக்தஸ்சகாராபிப்ரதக்ஷிணம் ॥
abhivādya ca tadbhūtamadbhutaṃ priyadarṡanam ।
mudā paramayā yuktaṡcakārābhipradakṣiṇam ॥
The extremely delighted king completed a Pradakshiṇa
to that magnificent and pleasing Being and offered salutations.
ததோ தஸரத: ப்ராப்ய பாயஸம் தேவநிர்மிதம் ।
பபூவ பரமப்ரீத: ப்ராப்ய வித்தமிவாதந: ॥
tatō daṡarathaḥ prāpya pāyasaṃ dēvanirmitam ।
babhūva paramaprītaḥ prāpya vittamivādhanaḥ ॥
Daṡaratha, having received the Pāyasam made by the Dēvas
felt extremely joyful like a desolate person that received a bounty.
ததஸ்ததத்புதப்ரக்யம் பூதம் பரமபாஸ்வரம் ।
ஸம்வர்தயித்வா தத்கர்ம தத்ரைவாந்தரதீயத ॥
tatastadadbhutaprakhyaṃ bhūtaṃ paramabhāsvaram ।
saṃvartayitvā tatkarma tatraivāntaradhīyata ॥
After thus completing its task
that incredible and effulgent Being disappeared.
ஹர்ஷரஸ்மிபிருத்யோதம் தஸ்யாந்த:புரமாபபௌ ।
ஸாரதஸ்யாபிராமஸ்ய சந்த்ரஸ்யேவ நபோம்ऽஸுமி: ॥
harṣaraṡmibhirudyōtaṃ tasyāntaḥpuramābabhau ।
ṡāradasyābhirāmasya candrasyēva nabhōṃ'ṡumiḥ ॥
The palace of Daṡaratha shined with joy
like the clear moonlit nights of the months after monsoon.
ஸோऽந்த:புரம் ப்ரவிஸ்யைவ கௌஸல்யாமிதமப்ரவீத் ।
பாயஸம் ப்ரதிக்ருஹ்ணீஷ்வ புத்ரீயம் த்விதமாத்மந: ॥
sō'ntaḥpuraṃ praviṡyaiva kausalyāmidamabravīt ।
pāyasaṃ pratigṛhṇīṣva putrīyaṃ tvidamātmanaḥ ॥
Reaching the palace, he said to Kousalyā:
"Please take this Pāyasam by which you will beget sons".
கௌஸல்யாயை நரபதி: பாயஸார்த்தம் ததௌ ததா ।
அர்த்தாதர்த்தம் ததௌ சாபி ஸுமித்ராயை நராதிப: ।
கைகேய்யை சாவஸிஷ்டார்த்தம் ததௌ புத்ரார்தகாரணாத் ॥
ப்ரததௌ சாவஸிஷ்டார்த்தம் பாயஸஸ்யாம்ருதோபமம் ।
அநுசிந்த்ய ஸுமித்ராயை புநரேவ மஹீபதி: ॥
ஏவம் தாஸாம் ததௌ ராஜா பார்யாணாம் பாயஸம் ப்ருதக் ॥
kausalyāyai narapatiḥ pāyasārddhaṃ dadau tadā ।
arddhādarddhaṃ dadau cāpi sumitrāyai narādhipaḥ ।
kaikēyyai cāvaṡiṣṭārddhaṃ dadau putrārthakāraṇāt ॥
pradadau cāvaṡiṣṭārddhaṃ pāyasasyāmṛtōpamam ।
anucintya sumitrāyai punarēva mahīpatiḥ ॥
ēvaṃ tāsāṃ dadau rājā bhāryāṇāṃ pāyasaṃ pṛthak ॥
The king thoughtfully divided the Pāyasam
in varying proportions among his three wives.
He gave half of the Pāyasam to Kousalyā.
From the remaining, he gave half to Sumitrā.
From the remaining, he gave half to Kaikēyee.
He gave the left over, again, to Sumitrā.
தாஸ்த்வேதத்பாயஸம் ப்ராப்ய நரேந்த்ரஸ்யோத்தமா: ஸ்த்ரிய: ।
ஸம்மாநம் மேநிரே ஸர்வா: ப்ரஹர்ஷோதிதசேதஸ: ॥
tāstvētatpāyasaṃ prāpya narēndrasyōttamāḥ striyaḥ ।
sammānaṃ mēnirē sarvāḥ praharṣōditacētasaḥ ॥
Having thus received the Pāyasam,
minds filled with joy,
the king's women felt honored.
ததஸ்து தா: ப்ராஸ்ய ததுத்தமஸ்த்ரியோ மஹீபதேருத்தமபாயஸம் ப்ருதக் ।
ஹுதாஸநாதித்யஸமாநதேஜஸோऽசிரேண கர்பாந் ப்ரதிபேதிரே ததா ॥
tatastu tāḥ prāṡya taduttamastriyō mahīpatēruttamapāyasaṃ pṛthak ।
hutāṡanādityasamānatējasō'cirēṇa garbhān pratipēdirē tadā ॥
Those noble women of the king,
then consumed the Pāyasam.
After a while, they became pregnant
and were glowing with the radiance of the sun and fire.
ததஸ்து ராஜா ப்ரதிவீக்ஷ்ய தா: ஸ்த்ரிய: ப்ரரூடகர்பா: ப்ரதிலப்தமாநஸ: ।
பபூவ ஹ்ருஷ்டஸ்த்ரிதிவே யதா ஹரிஸ்ஸுரேந்த்ரஸித்தர்ஷிகணாபிபூஜித: ॥
tatastu rājā prativīkṣya tāḥ striyaḥ prarūḍhagarbhāḥ pratilabdhamānasaḥ ।
babhūva hṛṣṭastridivē yathā harissurēndrasiddharṣigaṇābhipūjitaḥ ॥
Seeing his women pregnant,
the king felt as happy and content as
Hari in heaven, surrounded and revered by
Indra, Siddhas and Ṛshis.
Hari is another name for Vishṇu.
இத்யார்ஷே ஸ்ரீமத்ராமாயணே வால்மீகீயே ஆதிகாவ்யே
ஸ்ரீமத்பாலகாண்டே ஷோடஸ: ஸர்க: ॥
ityārṣē ṡrīmadrāmāyaṇē vālmīkīyē ādikāvyē
ṡrīmadbālakāṇḍē ṣōḍaṡaḥ sargaḥ ॥
Thus concludes the sixteenth Sarga
in Bāla Kāṇḍa of the glorious Rāmāyaṇa,
the first ever poem of humankind,
composed by Vālmeeki.
We completed reading 570 Ṡlōkas out of ~24,000 Ṡlōkas of Vālmeeki Rāmāyaṇa.