Baala Kaanda - Sarga 13
Event Management has become a large industry over the past few years and mega events are being conducted everywhere. Even then, how many of them would involve inviting dozens of heads of state or building thousands of temporary housings? If you like to know how such mammoth events are arranged, you must read this Sarga.
If you are an event manager yourself, you will find a guidebook in this Sarga from Ṡlōkas 6 to 16 to conduct such mammoth events and yet offer 'customized' hospitality. It will certainly rev up your brain cells and give you many tips and insights on ensuring the satisfaction of the diverse invitees.
புந: ப்ராப்தே வஸந்தே து பூர்ண: ஸம்வத்ஸரோऽபவத் ।
ப்ரஸவார்தம் கதோ யஷ்டும் ஹயமேதேந வீர்யவாந் ॥
punaḥ prāptē vasantē tu pūrṇaḥ saṃvatsarō'bhavat ।
prasavārthaṃ gatō yaṣṭuṃ hayamēdhēna vīryavān ॥
A year passed by. It was spring again.
The able king started the Aṡwamēdha Yāga
for begetting offspring.
After going through a series of observances for a full year, one would enter the main 'Deeksha'. Hence the delay of one year as mentioned in this Ṡlōka.
அபிவாத்ய வஸிஷ்டம் ச ந்யாயத: ப்ரதிபூஜ்ய ச ।
அப்ரவீத்ப்ரஸ்ரிதம் வாக்யம் ப்ரஸவார்தம் த்விஜோத்தமம் ॥
abhivādya vasiṣṭhaṃ ca nyāyataḥ pratipūjya ca ।
abravītpraṡritaṃ vākyaṃ prasavārthaṃ dvijōttamam ॥
The king offered humble salutations and
performed Pūja in an appropriate manner to Vasishṭha,
the distinguished Brāhmaṇa and said:
யஜ்ஞோ மே க்ரியதாம் விப்ர யதோக்தம் முநிபுங்கவ ।
யதா ந விக்ந: க்ரியதே யஜ்ஞாங்கேஷு விதீயதாம் ॥
yajñō mē kriyatāṃ vipra yathōktaṃ munipuṅgava ।
yathā na vighnaḥ kriyatē yajñāṅgēṣu vidhīyatām ॥
O Brāhmaṇa, the best among Munis!
Please ensure that the Yajña is performed
without any problems and issues, even in any one of its aspects.
பவாந் ஸ்நிக்த: ஸுஹ்ருந்மஹ்யம் குருஸ்ச பரமோ மஹாந் ।
வோடவ்யோ பவதா சைவ பாரோ யஜ்ஞஸ்ய சோத்யத: ॥
bhavān snigdhaḥ suhṛnmahyaṃ guruṡca paramō mahān ।
vōḍhavyō bhavatā caiva bhārō yajñasya cōdyataḥ ॥
You are also my friend, well-wisher and ultimate Guru.
Only you are capable of taking this big endeavor smoothly to its end.
ததேதி ச ஸ ராஜாநமப்ரவீத்த்விஜஸத்தம: ।
கரிஷ்யே ஸர்வமேவைதத்பவதா யத்ஸமர்திதம் ॥
tathēti ca sa rājānamabravīddvijasattamaḥ ।
kariṣyē sarvamēvaitadbhavatā yatsamarthitam ॥
The distinguished Brāhmaṇa assured the king
that everything would be done as he willed.
ததோऽப்ரவீத்த்விஜாந் வ்ருத்தாந் யஜ்ஞகர்மஸு நிஷ்டிதாந் ।
ஸ்தாபத்யே நிஷ்டிதாம்ஸ்சைவ வ்ருத்தாந் பரமதார்மிகாந் ॥
கர்மாந்திகாந் ஸில்பகராந் வர்த்தகீந் கநகாநபி ।
கணகாந் ஸில்பிநஸ்சைவ ததைவ நடநர்தகாந் ॥
ததா ஸுசீந் ஸாஸ்த்ரவித: புருஷாந் ஸுபஹுஸ்ருதாந் ।
யஜ்ஞகர்ம ஸமீஹந்தாம் பவந்தோ ராஜஸாஸநாத் ॥
tatō'bravīddvijān vṛddhān yajñakarmasu niṣṭhitān ।
sthāpatyē niṣṭhitāṃṡcaiva vṛddhān paramadhārmikān ॥
karmāntikān ṡilpakarān varddhakīn khanakānapi ।
gaṇakān ṡilpinaṡcaiva tathaiva naṭanartakān ॥
tathā ṡucīn ṡāstravidaḥ puruṣān subahuṡrutān ।
yajñakarma samīhantāṃ bhavantō rājaṡāsanāt ॥
Vasishṭha then spoke to the elderly Brāhmaṇas,
to the expert performers of Yajñas,
to the elderly and judicious expert builders,
to the workers and earth movers,
to the masons and carpenters,
to the sculptors and painters,
to the dancers and actors,
to the impeccable scholars of Ṡāstras and
to many skilled and learned men:
"May you all carry on the orders
of the king and plan the arrangements for the Yajña!"
I was fortunate enough to be involved in the Prāṇa Pratishṭa of Sri Venkatēswara Temple, Cary, North Carolina. My role was to be the journalist. It gave me a fantastic opportunity to see everything up close, the things that went right and things that did not go right, which is to be expected in such a mega event.
It was a tremendous amount of activity - managing people, expectations, schedules, work, arranging visas for dignitaries, hotel accommodations for visiting Arcaka Swamis from India and other parts of USA, managing gifts, admission tokens, setting up improvised stadium steps for a large number of attendees, managing water stations, parking and trash, ensuring that people get enough shade to sit or stand for long hours, managing audio/video systems, getting the required clearances and permissions from the City government, finishing up the last minute cleanup of the construction, adding the decorations, arches and welcome posters, informing and managing the artists to be at the right time at the right place … you get the picture.
At the same time I happened to read this very specific Sarga and was amazed at the parallels between a modern day event management and the event management of the days of Rāma.
The specific and comprehensive instructions given by Vasishṭha in these Ṡlōkas would serve as the guidebook for anybody who is managing a sizable event, especially a non-commercial event. If it is a commercial event, you can always say, 'You get what you paid for'. But in an event like this, the expectations are subtle, some based on tradition, some born out of custom and some simply out of the diverse human tendencies.
'Equality' has become the overriding Mantra of today, after we got intoxicated with the newly found ideas of socialism and democracy, to the extent that many of the complex ground realities and contradictions of life got blurred in our minds.
But people in those days had a clearer mind and hence a better Mantra. That Mantra was 'Diversity and Customization'. Treating everyone 'equal' is not as ideal as it sounds. Why? Because everyone's needs are different. People will be happy when their needs are met, but not necessarily, when they are treated the same as others.
Children will not be happy when they are treated as adults. Children will be happy only when they are treated as children, by providing toys, food and a place for them to run around. I will be happy if Vaḍa is served, not bagel. The needs of women are different from the needs of men. The needs of Brāhmaṇas are different from the needs of Kings. The needs of city people are different from the needs of rural people.
Vasishṭha gives clear instructions to meet the needs of every one appropriately and respectfully.
இஷ்டகா பஹுஸாஹஸ்ரீ: ஸீக்ரமாநீயதாமிதி ।
ஔபகார்யா: க்ரியந்தாம் ச ராஜ்ஞாம் பஹுகுணாந்விதா: ॥
iṣṭakā bahusāhasrīḥ ṡīghramānīyatāmiti ।
aupakāryāḥ kriyantāṃ ca rājñāṃ bahuguṇānvitāḥ ॥
Let thousands of bricks be arranged for, immediately.
Let wonderful, comfortable and well-equipped
temporary suites be built for
the kings (that would be arriving here).
ப்ராஹ்மணாவஸதாஸ்சைவ கர்தவ்யா: ஸதஸ: ஸுபா: ।
பக்ஷ்யாந்நபாநைர்பஹுபி: ஸமுபேதா: ஸுநிஷ்டிதா: ॥
brāhmaṇāvasathāṡcaiva kartavyāḥ ṡataṡaḥ ṡubhāḥ ।
bhakṣyānnapānairbahubhiḥ samupētāḥ suniṣṭhitāḥ ॥
Let hundreds of auspicious and well laid-out housings
filled with plenty of food items be built for the Brāhmaṇas.
ததா பௌரஜநஸ்யாபி கர்த்தவ்யா பஹுவிஸ்தரா: ।
ஆவாஸா பஹுபக்ஷ்யா வை ஸர்வகாமைருபஸ்திதா: ॥
tathā paurajanasyāpi karttavyā bahuvistarāḥ ।
āvāsā bahubhakṣyā vai sarvakāmairupasthitāḥ ॥
Let large and luxurious housings,
Filled with varieties of foods
be built for all the urban folks.
ததா ஜாநபதஸ்யாபி ஜநஸ்ய பஹு ஸோபநம் ।
தாதவ்யமந்நம் விதிவத் ஸத்க்ருத்ய ந து லீலதா ॥
tathā jānapadasyāpi janasya bahu ṡōbhanam ।
dātavyamannaṃ vidhivat satkṛtya na tu līlatā ॥
Let all the people coming from
rural areas be served with excellent food and
treated with respect and in an appropriate manner,
without at all being nonchalant.
ஸர்வவர்ணா யதா பூஜாம் ப்ராப்நுவந்தி ஸுஸத்க்ருதா: ।
ந சாவஜ்ஞா ப்ரயோக்தவ்யா காமக்ரோதவஸாதபி ॥
sarvavarṇā yathā pūjāṃ prāpnuvanti susatkṛtāḥ ।
na cāvajñā prayōktavyā kāmakrōdhavaṡādapi ॥
Let Pūja be done to the people of all the four Varnas
and let them all be treated well according to custom!
Let no disrespect or disdain be shown towards them,
even if they happened to be demanding or nasty!
யஜ்ஞகர்மணி யே வ்யக்ரா: புருஷா: ஸில்பிநஸ்ததா ।
தேஷாமபி விஸேஷேண பூஜா கார்யா யதாக்ரமம் ॥
தே ச ஸ்யு: ஸம்ப்ருதா: ஸர்வே வஸுபிர்போஜநேந ச ।
yajñakarmaṇi yē vyagrāḥ puruṣāḥ ṡilpinastathā ।
tēṣāmapi viṡēṣēṇa pūjā kāryā yathākramam ॥
tē ca syuḥ sambhṛtāḥ sarvē vasubhirbhōjanēna ca ।
Let all the people involved in various activities
of the Yajña, such as the sculptors be
well compensated, well fed and
and let special and customary Pūja be done to them.
யதா ஸர்வம் ஸுவிஹிதம் ந கிஞ்சித் பரிஹீயதே ॥
ததா பவந்த: குர்வந்து ப்ரீதிஸ்நிக்தேந சேதஸா ।
yathā sarvaṃ suvihitaṃ na kiñcit parihīyatē ॥
tathā bhavantaḥ kurvantu prītisnigdhēna cētasā ।
Let everything be done diligently by you in a
warm, friendly and pleasing manner without exception.
தத: ஸர்வே ஸமாகம்ய வஸிஷ்டமிதமப்ருவந் ॥
யதோக்தம் தத்ஸுவிஹிதம் ந கிஞ்சித் பரிஹீயதே ।
யதோக்தம் தத்கரிஷ்யாமோ ந கிஞ்சித் பரிஹீயதே ॥
tataḥ sarvē samāgamya vasiṣṭhamidamabruvan ॥
yathōktaṃ tatsuvihitaṃ na kiñcit parihīyatē ।
yathōktaṃ tatkariṣyāmō na kiñcit parihīyatē ॥
Then, all of them assured Vasishṭha that
everything would be arranged without exception
and every activity would be performed without deviation.
தத: ஸுமந்த்ரமாநீய வஸிஷ்டோ வாக்யமப்ரவீத் ।
நிமந்த்ரயஸ்வ ந்ருபதீந் ப்ருதிவ்யாம் யே ச தார்மிகா: ॥
ப்ராஹ்மணாந் க்ஷத்ரியாந் வைஸ்யாந் ஸூத்ராம்ஸ்சைவ ஸஹஸ்ரஸ: ।
ஸமாநயஸ்வ ஸத்க்ருத்ய ஸர்வதேஸேஷு மாநவாந் ॥
tataḥ sumantramānīya vasiṣṭhō vākyamabravīt ।
nimantrayasva nṛpatīn pṛthivyāṃ yē ca dhārmikāḥ ॥
brāhmaṇān kṣatriyān vaiṡyān ṡūdrāṃṡcaiva sahasraṡaḥ ।
samānayasva satkṛtya sarvadēṡēṣu mānavān ॥
Then Vasishṭha requested the presence of Sumantra and said:
"Please invite the kings from all around the world
that rule their subjects in a just manner.
Please invite Brāhmaṇas, Kshatriyas, Vaiṡyas and Sūdras
in thousands from everywhere, with proper respect.
மிதிலாதிபதிம் ஸூரம் ஜநகம் ஸத்யவிக்ரமம் ।
நிஷ்டிதம் ஸர்வஸாஸ்த்ரேஷு ததா வேதேஷு நிஷ்டிதம் ॥
தமாநய மஹாபாகம் ஸ்வயமேவ ஸுஸத்க்ருதம் ।
பூர்வஸம்பந்திநம் ஜ்ஞாத்வா தத: பூர்வம் ப்ரவீமி தே ॥
mithilādhipatiṃ ṡūraṃ janakaṃ satyavikramam ।
niṣṭhitaṃ sarvaṡāstrēṣu tathā vēdēṣu niṣṭhitam ॥
tamānaya mahābhāgaṃ svayamēva susatkṛtam ।
pūrvasambandhinaṃ jñātvā tataḥ pūrvaṃ bravīmi tē ॥
You may personally go and bring with due honors
the prosperous Janaka, the king of Mithilā,
a warrior of true heroic valor,
proficient in all Ṡāstras and Vēdas.
I have chosen him first, because of
our long lasting relationship with him.
Vasishṭha was in-charge, as far as the Yajña was concerned. The power, the confidence and the command he wielded, as narrated in these Ṡlōkas, is admirable and awe-inspiring.
King Daṡaratha was what he was because of people like Vasishṭha that he had with him.
ததா காஸீபதிம் ஸ்நிக்தம் ஸததம் ப்ரியவாதிநம் ।
வயஸ்யம் ராஜஸிம்ஹஸ்ய ஸ்வயமேவாநயஸ்வ ஹ ॥
tathā kāṡīpatiṃ snigdhaṃ satataṃ priyavādinam ।
vayasyaṃ rājasiṃhasya svayamēvānayasva ha ॥
Then, you may personally bring our good friend and
the affectionate king from Kāsi, a lion among kings,
whose pleasant disposition is everlasting.
ததா கேகயராஜாநம் வ்ருத்தம் பரமதார்மிகம் ।
ஸ்வஸுரம் ராஜஸிம்ஹஸ்ய ஸபுத்ரம் த்வமிஹாநய ॥
tathā kēkayarājānaṃ vṛddhaṃ paramadhārmikam ।
ṡvaṡuraṃ rājasiṃhasya saputraṃ tvamihānaya ॥
Then, you bring here the father-in-law of our king,
the aged and very righteous king of Kēkaya and his sons.
அங்கேஸ்வரம் மஹாபாகம் ரோமபாதம் ஸுஸத்க்ருதம் ।
வயஸ்யம் ராஜஸிம்ஹஸ்ய ஸமாநய யஸஸ்விநம் ॥
aṅgēṡvaraṃ mahābhāgaṃ rōmapādaṃ susatkṛtam ।
vayasyaṃ rājasiṃhasya samānaya yaṡasvinam ॥
Please also bring, with due honors,
the celebrated and prosperous king of Aṅga, Rōmapāda,
who is a good friend of our king Daṡaratha.
ப்ராசீநாந் ஸிந்துஸௌவீராந் ஸௌராஷ்ட்ரேயாம்ஸ்ச பார்திவாந் ।
தாக்ஷிணாத்யாந்நரேந்த்ராம்ஸ்ச ஸமஸ்தாநாநயஸ்வ ஹ ॥
prācīnān sindhusauvīrān saurāṣṭrēyāṃṡca pārthivān ।
dākṣiṇātyānnarēndrāṃṡca samastānānayasva ha ॥
Please also bring all the kings from
the many countries towards the south and east
and from the Sindhu, Souveera and Sourāshṭra regions.
ஸந்தி ஸ்நிக்தாஸ்ச யே சாந்யே ராஜாந: ப்ருதிவீதலே ।
தாநாநய யதாக்ஷிப்ரம் ஸாநுகாந் ஸஹ பாந்தவாந் ॥
santi snigdhāṡca yē cānyē rājānaḥ pṛthivītalē ।
tānānaya yathākṣipraṃ sānugān saha bāndhavān ॥
Please invite friendly kings from all around the world
along with their retinues, families and relatives.
வஸிஷ்டவாக்யம் தச்ச்ருத்வா ஸுமந்த்ரஸ்த்வரிதஸ்ததா ।
வ்யாதிஸத்புருஷாம்ஸ்தத்ர ராஜ்ஞாமாநயநே ஸுபாந் ॥
vasiṣṭhavākyaṃ tacchrutvā sumantrastvaritastadā ।
vyādiṡatpuruṣāṃstatra rājñāmānayanē ṡubhān ॥
Sumantra heard the words of Vasishṭha.
He immediately arranged for many noble men
to bring the many kings.
ஸ்வயமேவ ஹி தர்மாத்மா ப்ரயயௌ முநிஸாஸநாத் ।
ஸுமந்த்ரஸ்த்வரிதோ பூத்வா ஸமாநேதும் மஹீக்ஷித: ॥
svayamēva hi dharmātmā prayayau muniṡāsanāt ।
sumantrastvaritō bhūtvā samānētuṃ mahīkṣitaḥ ॥
The dutiful Sumantra himself personally set out immediately
to bring the principal kings, as told by Vasishṭha.
தே ச கர்மாந்திகா: ஸர்வே வஸிஷ்டாய ச தீமதே ।
ஸர்வம் நிவேதயந்தி ஸ்ம யஜ்ஞே யதுபகல்பிதம் ॥
tē ca karmāntikāḥ sarvē vasiṣṭhāya ca dhīmatē ।
sarvaṃ nivēdayanti sma yajñē yadupakalpitam ॥
All workers reported to the ingenious Vasishṭha
about the preparations that were completed for the Yajña.
தத: ப்ரீதோ த்விஜஸ்ரேஷ்டஸ்தாந் ஸர்வாந் புநரப்ரவீத் ।
அவஜ்ஞயா ந தாதவ்யம் கஸ்யசில்லீலயாபி வா ॥
அவஜ்ஞயா க்ருதம் ஹந்யாத்தாதாரம் நாத்ர ஸம்ஸய: ।
tataḥ prītō dvijaṡrēṣṭhastān sarvān punarabravīt ।
avajñayā na dātavyaṃ kasyacillīlayāpi vā ॥
avajñayā kṛtaṃ hanyāddātāraṃ nātra saṃṡayaḥ ।
Vasishṭha then reminded everyone:
Ensure there is no nonchalance or disrespect in giving.
Giving without due courtesy will, for sure, bring death to the giver.
தத: கைஸ்சிதஹோராத்ரைருபயாதா மஹீக்ஷித: ॥
பஹூநி ரத்நாந்யாதாய ராஜ்ஞோ தஸரதஸ்ய ஹி ।
tataḥ kaiṡcidahōrātrairupayātā mahīkṣitaḥ ॥
bahūni ratnānyādāya rājñō daṡarathasya hi ।
After a few days, many kings arrived
bringing many precious stones as gifts
for the king Daṡaratha.
ததோ வஸிஷ்ட: ஸுப்ரீதோ ராஜாநமிதமப்ரவீத் ॥
உபயாதா நரவ்யாக்ர ராஜாநஸ்தவ ஸாஸநாத் ।
மயாபி ஸத்க்ருதா: ஸர்வே யதார்ஹம் ராஜஸத்தமா: ॥
tatō vasiṣṭhaḥ suprītō rājānamidamabravīt ॥
upayātā naravyāghra rājānastava ṡāsanāt ।
mayāpi satkṛtā: sarvē yathārhaṃ rājasattamā: ॥
The pleased Vasishṭha told king Daṡaratha:
“O tiger among men!
All the esteemed kings have arrived as you desired.
I have received them with befitting hospitality.”
யஜ்ஞியம் ச க்ருதம் ராஜந் புருஷை: ஸுஸமாஹிதை: ।
நிர்யாது ச பவாந் யஷ்டும் யஜ்ஞாயதநமந்திகாத் ॥
yajñiyaṃ ca kṛtaṃ rājan puruṣaiḥ susamāhitaiḥ ।
niryātu ca bhavān yaṣṭuṃ yajñāyatanamantikāt ॥
Our men have diligently completed
all the arrangements for the Yajña.
May your highness go to the
nearby Yajña Ṡāla to perform Yajña.
Yajña Ṡāla is the place where Yajña is performed.
ஸர்வகாமைருபஹ்ருதைருபேதம் வை ஸமந்தத: ।
த்ரஷ்டுமர்ஹஸி ராஜேந்த்ர மநஸேவ விநிர்மிதம் ॥
sarvakāmairupahṛtairupētaṃ vai samantataḥ ।
draṣṭumarhasi rājēndra manasēva vinirmitam ॥
You would now see a place
laid out with everything that is desirable
and feel as if it came straight out of one's mind.
'Straight out of mind' is one of the wonderful expressions in Indic culture. It basically says that everything is implemented as it is conceived in the mind, without any compromises or distortions.
ததா வஸிஷ்டவசநாத்ருஸ்யஸ்ருங்கஸ்ய சோபயோ: ।
ஸுபே திவஸநக்ஷத்ரே நிர்யாதோ ஜகதீபதி: ॥
tathā vasiṣṭhavacanādṛṡyaṡṛṅgasya cōbhayōḥ ।
ṡubhē divasanakṣatrē niryātō jagatīpatiḥ ॥
Vasishṭha and Ṛṡyaṡṛṅga asked the
the ruler of the earth to set out (for the Yajña)
on that day of auspicious Nakshatra.
ததோ வஸிஷ்டப்ரமுகா: ஸர்வ ஏவ த்விஜோத்தமா: ।
ருஸ்யஸ்ருங்கம் புரஸ்க்ருத்ய யஜ்ஞகர்மாரபம்ஸ்ததா ।
யஜ்ஞவாடகதா: ஸர்வே யதாஸாஸ்த்ரம் யதாவிதி ॥
tatō vasiṣṭhapramukhāḥ sarva ēva dvijōttamāḥ ।
ṛṡyaṡṛṅgaṃ puraskṛtya yajñakarmārabhaṃstadā ।
yajñavāṭagatāḥ sarvē yathāṡāstraṃ yathāvidhi ॥
Then all the eminent Brāhmaṇas like Vasishṭha
reached the Yajña Ṡāla with Ṛṡyaṡṛṅga leading them
and started the Yajña as per the
procedures enunciated in the Ṡāstras.
இத்யார்ஷே ஸ்ரீமத்ராமாயணே வால்மீகீயே ஆதிகாவ்யே
ஸ்ரீமத்பாலகாண்டே த்ரயோதஸ: ஸர்க:
ityārṣē ṡrīmadrāmāyaṇē vālmīkīyē ādikāvyē
ṡrīmadbālakāṇḍē trayōdaṡaḥ sargaḥ
Thus concludes the thirteenth Sarga
in Bāla Kāṇḍa of the glorious Rāmāyaṇa,
the first ever poem of humankind,
composed by Vālmeeki.
We completed reading 448 Ṡlōkas out of ~24,000 Ṡlōkas of Vālmeeki Rāmāyaṇa.