Yuddha Kaanda Sargas 55

Yuddha Kaanda - Sarga 55
In this Sarga, hearing that Vajradaṃshṭra was slain by Aṅgada, Rāvaṇa sends Akampana to fight with the Vānaras. Akampana goes with a huge army, ignoring the bad omens he sees. A fierce battle ensues between Vānaras and Rākshasas.
6.55.1 அ
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6.55.1 ஈ
வஜ்ரதம்ஷ்ட்ரம் ஹதம் ஸ்ருத்வா
வாலிபுத்ரேண ராவண: ।
க்ருதாஞ்ஜலிமவஸ்திதம் ॥
vajradaṃṣṭraṃ hataṃ ṡrutvā
vāliputrēṇa rāvaṇaḥ ।
kṛtāñjalimavasthitam ॥
Hearing that Vajradaṃshṭra
was slain by the son of Vāli,
Rāvaṇa told the commander of the army,
who stood before him with folded hands:
6.55.2 அ
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ஸீக்ரம் நிர்யாந்து துர்தர்ஷா:
ராக்ஷஸா பீமவிக்ரமா: ।
அகம்பநம் புரஸ்க்ருத்ய
ஸர்வஸஸ்த்ரப்ரகோவிதம் ॥
ṡīghraṃ niryāntu durdharṣāḥ
rākṣasā bhīmavikramāḥ ।
akampanaṃ puraskṛtya
sarvaṡastraprakōvidam ॥
Let the invincible Rākshasas
of formidable prowess start immediately
under the command of Akampana,
who is a master of all Ṡastras.
6.55.3 அ
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ஏஷ ஸாஸ்தா ச கோப்தா ச
நேதா ச யுதி ஸம்மத: ।
பூதிகாமஸ்ச மே நித்யம்
நித்யம் ச ஸமரப்ரிய: ॥
ēṣa ṡāstā ca gōptā ca
nētā ca yudhi sammataḥ ।
bhūtikāmaṡca mē nityam
nityaṃ ca samarapriyaḥ ॥
He is known as a great commander,
protector and leader in a battle.
He is ever devoted to my interest
and always enjoys a fight.
6.55.4 அ
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ஏஷ ஜேஷ்யதி காகுத்ஸ்தௌ
ஸுக்ரீவம் ச மஹாபலம் ।
வாநராம்ஸ்சாபராந் கோராந்
ஹநிஷ்யதி பரந்தப: ॥
ēṣa jēṣyati kākutsthau
sugrīvaṃ ca mahābalam ।
vānarāṃṡcāparān ghōrān
haniṣyati parantapaḥ ॥
He will vanquish the scions of the Kākutsthas
and Sugreeva of immense strength.
He, scorcher of the foe, will slaughter
all the other formidable Vānaras also.
6.55.5 அ
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பரிக்ருஹ்ய ஸ தாமாஜ்ஞாம்
ராவணஸ்ய மஹாபல: ।
பலம் ஸம்ப்ரேரயாமாஸ
ததா லகுபராக்ரம: ॥
parigṛhya sa tāmājñām
rāvaṇasya mahābalaḥ ।
balaṃ samprērayāmāsa
tadā laghuparākramaḥ ॥
Following those orders of Rāvaṇa,
he, of immense strength and swift prowess,
spurred the army into action.
6.55.6 அ
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ததோ நாநாப்ரஹரணா
பீமாக்ஷா பீமதர்ஸநா: ।
நிஷ்பேதூ ரக்ஷஸாம் முக்யா
பலாத்யக்ஷப்ரசோதிதா: ॥
tatō nānāpraharaṇā
bhīmākṣā bhīmadarṡanāḥ ।
niṣpētū rakṣasāṃ mukhyā
balādhyakṣapracōditāḥ ॥
Many notable Rākshasas with
intimidating eyes and a frightful appearance,
armed with a variety of weapons,
started, prodded by the commander of the forces.
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ரதமாஸ்தாய விபுலம்
தப்தகாஞ்சநபூஷணம் ।
மேகாபோ மேகவர்ணஸ்ச
மேகஸ்வநமஹாஸ்வந: ।
ராக்ஷஸை: ஸம்வ்ருதோ கோரை:
ததா நிர்யாத்யகம்பந: ॥
rathamāsthāya vipulam
taptakāñcanabhūṣaṇam ।
mēghābhō mēghavarṇaṡca
mēghasvanamahāsvanaḥ ।
rākṣasaiḥ saṃvṛtō ghōraiḥ
tadā niryātyakampanaḥ ॥
Then started Akampana himself,
huge and black as a cloud and
with a voice like thunder,
surrounded by formidable Rākshasas, on a
grand chariot treated with gold purified in fire.
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ந ஹி கம்பயிதும் ஸக்ய:
ஸுரைரபி மஹாம்ருதே ।
ஆதித்ய இவ தேஜஸா ॥
na hi kampayituṃ ṡakyaḥ
surairapi mahāmṛdhē ।
āditya iva tējasā ॥
Powerful like the sun, Akampana
could not be shaken in a fight even by the Dēvas.
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தஸ்ய நிர்தாவமாநஸ்ய
ஸம்ரப்தஸ்ய யுயத்ஸயா ।
ஹயாநாம் ரதவாஹிநாம் ॥
tasya nirdhāvamānasya
saṃrabdhasya yuyatsayā ।
hayānāṃ rathavāhinām ॥
As he dashed forth in haste, eager to attack,
the horses that drew his chariot,
all of a sudden, became dispirited.
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வ்யஸ்புரந்நயநம் சாஸ்ய
ஸவ்யம் யுத்தாபிநந்திந: ।
விவர்ணோ முகவர்ணஸ்ச
கத்கதஸ்சாபவத் ஸ்வந: ॥
vyasphurannayanaṃ cāsya
savyaṃ yuddhābhinandinaḥ ।
vivarṇō mukhavarṇaṡca
gadgadaṡcābhavat svanaḥ ॥
(And equally suddenly), he,
who was so keen on fighting,
found that his left eye quivered,
his face turned pale and
his voice developed a quaver in it.
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அபவத் ஸுதிநே சாபி
துர்திநம் ரூக்ஷமாருதம் ।
ஊசு: ககா ம்ருகா: ஸர்வே
வாச: க்ரூரா பயாவஹா: ॥
abhavat sudinē cāpi
durdinaṃ rūkṣamārutam ।
ūcuḥ khagā mṛgāḥ sarvē
vācaḥ krūrā bhayāvahāḥ ॥
That fine day suddenly turned out
to be a nasty one with a fierce gale.
All the birds and beasts uttered
terrible and eerie cries.
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ஸ ஸிம்ஹோபசிதஸ்கந்த:
ஸார்தூலஸமவிக்ரம: ।
நிர்ஜகாம ரணாஜிரம் ॥
sa siṃhōpacitaskandhaḥ
ṡārdūlasamavikramaḥ ।
nirjagāma raṇājiram ॥
But he, whose shoulders were
as imposing as those of a lion,
and whose stride recalled that of a tiger,
marched on to the battle field,
ignoring those evil portents.
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ததா நிர்கச்சதஸ்தஸ்ய
ரக்ஷஸ: ஸஹ ராக்ஷஸை: ।
பபூவ ஸுமஹாந்நாத:
க்ஷோபயந்நிவ ஸாகரம் ॥
tadā nirgacchatastasya
rakṣasaḥ saha rākṣasaiḥ ।
babhūva sumahānnādaḥ
kṣōbhayanniva sāgaram ॥
As the Rākshasa marched on
along with his Rākshasas,
there arose a tremendous din that
seemed to put the sea in a turmoil.
6.55.14 இ
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தேந ஸப்தேந வித்ரஸ்தா
வாநராணாம் மஹாசமூ: ।
யோத்தும் ஸமவதிஷ்டத ॥
tēna ṡabdēna vitrastā
vānarāṇāṃ mahācamūḥ ।
yōddhuṃ samavatiṣṭhata ॥
The great army of Vānaras,
alarmed by that din, took their stand,
ready to fight with trees and rocks.
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தேஷாம் யுத்தம் மஹாரௌத்ரம்
ஸஞ்ஜஜ்ஞே ஹரிரக்ஷஸாம் ।
ஸமபித்யக்தஜீவிநாம் ॥
tēṣāṃ yuddhaṃ mahāraudram
sañjajñē harirakṣasām ।
samabhityaktajīvinām ॥
There ensued a fierce battle between
Vānaras and Rākshasas, who were
prepared to throw away their lives
in the cause of Rāma and Rāvaṇa.
6.55.16 இ
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ஸர்வே ஹ்யதி பலா: ஸூரா:
ஸர்வே பர்வதஸந்நிபா: ।
ஹரயோ ராக்ஷஸாஸ்சைவ
பரஸ்பரஜிகாம்ஸவ: ॥
sarvē hyati balāḥ ṡūrāḥ
sarvē parvatasannibhāḥ ।
harayō rākṣasāṡcaiva
parasparajighāṃsavaḥ ॥
The Vānaras and the Rākshasas,
all of them exceedingly strong,
brave and mountainous in size,
were bent upon slaughtering each other.
6.55.17 இ
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தேஷாம் விநர்ததாம் ஸப்த:
ஸம்யுகேऽதிதரஸ்விநாம் ।
ஸுஸ்ருவே ஸுமஹாந் க்ரோதாத்
அந்யோந்யமபிகர்ஜதாம் ॥
tēṣāṃ vinardatāṃ ṡabdaḥ
saṃyugē'titarasvinām ।
suṡruvē sumahān krōdhāt
anyōnyamabhigarjatām ॥
Then, there was heard
a huge din on the battle field
from the roar of those powerful warriors
as they shouted at each other in wrath.
6.55.18 இ
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ஸுபீமமபவத்ப்ருஸம் ।
உத்ததம் ஹரிரக்ஷோபி:
ஸம்ருரோத திஸோ தஸ ॥
subhīmamabhavadbhṛṡam ।
uddhataṃ harirakṣōbhiḥ
saṃrurōdha diṡō daṡa ॥
Then there arose tawny-colored dust
kicked up by the heels of
the Vānaras and the Rākshasas
eerily blotting out the ten directions.
6.55.19 இ
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அந்யோந்யம் ரஜஸா தேந
கௌஸேயோத்தூதபாண்டுநா ।
ஸம்வ்ருதாநி ச பூதாநி
தத்ருஸுர்ந ரணாஜிரே ॥
anyōnyaṃ rajasā tēna
kauṡēyōddhūtapāṇḍunā ।
saṃvṛtāni ca bhūtāni
dadṛṡurna raṇājirē ॥
The dust, which rose up
like a white silk cloth,
covered all the creatures;
and no one could see the others
on the battle-field.
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6.55.21 ஆ
ந த்வஜா ந பதாகா வா
சர்ம வா துரகோऽபி வா ।
ஆயுதம் ஸ்யந்தநம் வாऽபி
தத்ருஸே தேந ரேணுநா ॥
na dhvajā na patākā vā
carma vā turagō'pi vā ।
āyudhaṃ syandanaṃ vā'pi
dadṛṡē tēna rēṇunā ॥
Because of that dust,
neither banners nor flags,
neither coat of mail nor horse,
neither weapon nor chariot, could be seen.
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ஸப்தஸ்ச ஸுமஹாம்ஸ்தேஷாம்
நர்ததாமபிதாவதாம் ।
ஸ்ரூயதே துமுலே யுத்தே
ந ரூபாணி சகாஸிரே ॥
ṡabdaṡca sumahāṃstēṣām
nardatāmabhidhāvatām ।
ṡrūyatē tumulē yuddhē
na rūpāṇi cakāṡirē ॥
No one was visible; only the mighty din of
their shouts as they attacked each other
could be heard, in that tumultuous battle.
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ஹரீநேவ ஸுஸங்க்ருத்தா
ஹரயோ ஜக்நுராஹவே ।
ராக்ஷஸாஸ்சாபி ரக்ஷாம்ஸி
நிஜக்நுஸ்திமிரே ததா ॥
harīnēva susaṅkruddhā
harayō jaghnurāhavē ।
rākṣasāṡcāpi rakṣāṃsi
nijaghnustimirē tadā ॥
Then, in their indiscriminate wrath,
and in that battle fought in darkness
the Vānaras killed Vānaras, and
the Rākshasas, their own Rākshasas.
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6.55.24 ஆ
பராம்ஸ்சைவ விநிக்நந்த:
ஸ்வாம்ஸ்ச வாநரராக்ஷஸா: ।
ருதிரார்த்ராம் ததா சக்ரு:
மஹீம் பங்காநுலேபநாம் ॥
parāṃṡcaiva vinighnantaḥ
svāṃṡca vānararākṣasāḥ ।
rudhirārdrāṃ tadā cakruḥ
mahīṃ paṅkānulēpanām ॥
Killing foe and friend alike,
the Vānaras and Rākshasas
drenched the ground with blood
and smeared it with mire.
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ததஸ்து ருதிரௌகேண
ஸிக்தம் வ்யபகதம் ரஜ: ।
பபூவ ச வஸுந்தரா ॥
tatastu rudhiraughēṇa
siktaṃ vyapagataṃ rajaḥ ।
babhūva ca vasundharā ॥
The dust settled with the
ground drenched in blood,
and the ground was packed
with corpses and (severed) bodies.
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ஸிலாபரிகதோமரை: ।
ஹரயோ ராக்ஷஸாஸ்சைவ
ஜக்நுரந்யோந்யமோஜஸா ॥
ṡilāparighatōmaraiḥ ।
harayō rākṣasāṡcaiva
jaghnuranyōnyamōjasā ॥
The Vānaras and Rākshasas
struck each other with trees, rocks and
Prāsas, Parighas, Tōmaras,
javelins, maces, with all their power.
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பாஹுபி: பரிகாகாரை:
யுத்த்யந்த: பர்வதோபமா: ।
ஹரயோ பீமகர்மாண:
ராக்ஷஸாந் ஜக்நுராஹவே ॥
bāhubhiḥ parighākāraiḥ
yuddhyantaḥ parvatōpamāḥ ।
harayō bhīmakarmāṇaḥ
rākṣasān jaghnurāhavē ॥
The Vānaras, huge as mountains,
with arms strong as Parighas,
capable of fearsome feats,
slew the Rākshasas in that battle.
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ராக்ஷஸாஸ்த்வபி ஸங்க்ருத்தா:
ப்ராஸதோமரபாணய: ।
கபீந்நிஜக்நிரே தத்ர
ஸஸ்த்ரை: பரமதாருணை: ॥
rākṣasāstvapi saṅkruddhāḥ
prāsatōmarapāṇayaḥ ।
kapīnnijaghnirē tatra
ṡastraiḥ paramadāruṇaiḥ ॥
The Rākshasas too, wielding
extremely terrible Ṡastras
like Prāsas and Tōmaras
slaughtered the Vānaras in rage.
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அகம்பந: ஸுஸங்க்ருத்தோ
ராக்ஷஸாநாம் சமூபதி: ।
ஸம்ஹர்ஷயதி தாந் ஸர்வாந்
ராக்ஷஸாந் பீமவிக்ரமாந் ॥
akampanaḥ susaṅkruddhō
rākṣasānāṃ camūpatiḥ ।
saṃharṣayati tān sarvān
rākṣasān bhīmavikramān ॥
Akampana, the commander of the Rākshasa army,
showing his wrath (at the Vānaras), cheered up
all those Rākshasas of terrific prowess.
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ஹரயஸ்த்வபி ரக்ஷாம்ஸி
மஹாத்ருமமஹாஸ்மபி: ।
ஸஸ்த்ராண்யாச்சித்ய வீர்யத: ॥
harayastvapi rakṣāṃsi
mahādrumamahāṡmabhiḥ ।
ṡastrāṇyācchidya vīryataḥ ॥
The Vānaras pounced on the Rākshasas,
snatched their weapons, and showing their valor,
tore them apart with huge trees and huge rocks.
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ஏதஸ்மிந்நந்தரே வீரா
ஹரய: குமுதோ நல: ।
மைந்தஸ்ச த்விவித: க்ருத்தா:
சக்ருர்வேகமநுத்தமம் ॥
ētasminnantarē vīrā
harayaḥ kumudō nalaḥ ।
maindaṡca dvividaḥ kruddhāḥ
cakrurvēgamanuttamam ॥
Meanwhile, the Vānara Veeras
Kumuda, Nala, Mainda and Dwivida,
revved up their assault
like never seen before.
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6.55.32 இ
6.55.32 ஈ
தே து வ்ருக்ஷைர்மஹாவேகா
ராக்ஷஸாநாம் சமூமுகே ।
கதநம் ஸுமஹச்சக்ரு:
லீலயா ஹரியூதபா: ।
மமந்தூ ராக்ஷஸாந் ஸர்வே
வாநரா கணஸோ ப்ருஸம் ॥
tē tu vṛkṣairmahāvēgā
rākṣasānāṃ camūmukhē ।
kadanaṃ sumahaccakruḥ
līlayā hariyūthapāḥ ।
mamanthū rākṣasān sarvē
vānarā gaṇaṡō bhṛṡam ॥
Armed with trees, the great captains
of the Vānara forces wrought havoc
on the enemy, as if it was child’s play.
All the Vānaras pounded the Rākshasas mercilessly,
taking quite a few of them on at a time.
இத்யார்ஷே வால்மீகீயே
ஸ்ரீமத்ராமாயணே ஆதிகாவ்யே
யுத்தகாண்டே பஞ்சபஞ்சாஸ: ஸர்க:॥
ityārṣē vālmīkīyē
ṡrīmadrāmāyaṇē ādikāvyē
yuddhakāṇḍē pañcapañcāṡaḥ sargaḥ॥
Thus concludes the thirty second Sarga
in Yuddha Kāṇḍa of the glorious Rāmāyaṇa,
the first ever poem of humankind,
composed by Maharshi Vālmeeki.

Yuddha Kaanda - Sarga 55
In this Sarga, hearing that Vajradaṃshṭra was slain by Aṅgada, Rāvaṇa sends Akampana to fight with the Vānaras. Akampana goes with a huge army, ignoring the bad omens he sees. A fierce battle ensues between Vānaras and Rākshasas.
6.55.1 அ
6.55.1 ஆ
6.55.1 இ
6.55.1 ஈ
வஜ்ரதம்ஷ்ட்ரம் ஹதம் ஸ்ருத்வா
வாலிபுத்ரேண ராவண: ।
க்ருதாஞ்ஜலிமவஸ்திதம் ॥
vajradaṃṣṭraṃ hataṃ ṡrutvā
vāliputrēṇa rāvaṇaḥ ।
kṛtāñjalimavasthitam ॥
Hearing that Vajradaṃshṭra
was slain by the son of Vāli,
Rāvaṇa told the commander of the army,
who stood before him with folded hands:
6.55.2 அ
6.55.2 ஆ
6.55.2 இ
6.55.2 ஈ
ஸீக்ரம் நிர்யாந்து துர்தர்ஷா:
ராக்ஷஸா பீமவிக்ரமா: ।
அகம்பநம் புரஸ்க்ருத்ய
ஸர்வஸஸ்த்ரப்ரகோவிதம் ॥
ṡīghraṃ niryāntu durdharṣāḥ
rākṣasā bhīmavikramāḥ ।
akampanaṃ puraskṛtya
sarvaṡastraprakōvidam ॥
Let the invincible Rākshasas
of formidable prowess start immediately
under the command of Akampana,
who is a master of all Ṡastras.
6.55.3 அ
6.55.3 ஆ
6.55.3 இ
6.55.3 ஈ
ஏஷ ஸாஸ்தா ச கோப்தா ச
நேதா ச யுதி ஸம்மத: ।
பூதிகாமஸ்ச மே நித்யம்
நித்யம் ச ஸமரப்ரிய: ॥
ēṣa ṡāstā ca gōptā ca
nētā ca yudhi sammataḥ ।
bhūtikāmaṡca mē nityam
nityaṃ ca samarapriyaḥ ॥
He is known as a great commander,
protector and leader in a battle.
He is ever devoted to my interest
and always enjoys a fight.
6.55.4 அ
6.55.4 ஆ
6.55.4 இ
6.55.4 ஈ
ஏஷ ஜேஷ்யதி காகுத்ஸ்தௌ
ஸுக்ரீவம் ச மஹாபலம் ।
வாநராம்ஸ்சாபராந் கோராந்
ஹநிஷ்யதி பரந்தப: ॥
ēṣa jēṣyati kākutsthau
sugrīvaṃ ca mahābalam ।
vānarāṃṡcāparān ghōrān
haniṣyati parantapaḥ ॥
He will vanquish the scions of the Kākutsthas
and Sugreeva of immense strength.
He, scorcher of the foe, will slaughter
all the other formidable Vānaras also.
6.55.5 அ
6.55.5 ஆ
6.55.5 இ
6.55.5 ஈ
பரிக்ருஹ்ய ஸ தாமாஜ்ஞாம்
ராவணஸ்ய மஹாபல: ।
பலம் ஸம்ப்ரேரயாமாஸ
ததா லகுபராக்ரம: ॥
parigṛhya sa tāmājñām
rāvaṇasya mahābalaḥ ।
balaṃ samprērayāmāsa
tadā laghuparākramaḥ ॥
Following those orders of Rāvaṇa,
he, of immense strength and swift prowess,
spurred the army into action.
6.55.6 அ
6.55.6 ஆ
6.55.6 இ
6.55.6 ஈ
ததோ நாநாப்ரஹரணா
பீமாக்ஷா பீமதர்ஸநா: ।
நிஷ்பேதூ ரக்ஷஸாம் முக்யா
பலாத்யக்ஷப்ரசோதிதா: ॥
tatō nānāpraharaṇā
bhīmākṣā bhīmadarṡanāḥ ।
niṣpētū rakṣasāṃ mukhyā
balādhyakṣapracōditāḥ ॥
Many notable Rākshasas with
intimidating eyes and a frightful appearance,
armed with a variety of weapons,
started, prodded by the commander of the forces.
6.55.7 அ
6.55.7 ஆ
6.55.7 இ
6.55.7 ஈ
6.55.8 அ
6.55.8 ஆ
ரதமாஸ்தாய விபுலம்
தப்தகாஞ்சநபூஷணம் ।
மேகாபோ மேகவர்ணஸ்ச
மேகஸ்வநமஹாஸ்வந: ।
ராக்ஷஸை: ஸம்வ்ருதோ கோரை:
ததா நிர்யாத்யகம்பந: ॥
rathamāsthāya vipulam
taptakāñcanabhūṣaṇam ।
mēghābhō mēghavarṇaṡca
mēghasvanamahāsvanaḥ ।
rākṣasaiḥ saṃvṛtō ghōraiḥ
tadā niryātyakampanaḥ ॥
Then started Akampana himself,
huge and black as a cloud and
with a voice like thunder,
surrounded by formidable Rākshasas, on a
grand chariot treated with gold purified in fire.
6.55.8 இ
6.55.8 ஈ
6.55.9 அ
6.55.9 ஆ
ந ஹி கம்பயிதும் ஸக்ய:
ஸுரைரபி மஹாம்ருதே ।
ஆதித்ய இவ தேஜஸா ॥
na hi kampayituṃ ṡakyaḥ
surairapi mahāmṛdhē ।
āditya iva tējasā ॥
Powerful like the sun, Akampana
could not be shaken in a fight even by the Dēvas.
6.55.9 இ
6.55.9 ஈ
6.55.10 அ
6.55.10 ஆ
தஸ்ய நிர்தாவமாநஸ்ய
ஸம்ரப்தஸ்ய யுயத்ஸயா ।
ஹயாநாம் ரதவாஹிநாம் ॥
tasya nirdhāvamānasya
saṃrabdhasya yuyatsayā ।
hayānāṃ rathavāhinām ॥
As he dashed forth in haste, eager to attack,
the horses that drew his chariot,
all of a sudden, became dispirited.
6.55.10 இ
6.55.10 ஈ
6.55.11 அ
6.55.11 ஆ
வ்யஸ்புரந்நயநம் சாஸ்ய
ஸவ்யம் யுத்தாபிநந்திந: ।
விவர்ணோ முகவர்ணஸ்ச
கத்கதஸ்சாபவத் ஸ்வந: ॥
vyasphurannayanaṃ cāsya
savyaṃ yuddhābhinandinaḥ ।
vivarṇō mukhavarṇaṡca
gadgadaṡcābhavat svanaḥ ॥
(And equally suddenly), he,
who was so keen on fighting,
found that his left eye quivered,
his face turned pale and
his voice developed a quaver in it.
6.55.11 இ
6.55.11 ஈ
6.55.12 அ
6.55.12 ஆ
அபவத் ஸுதிநே சாபி
துர்திநம் ரூக்ஷமாருதம் ।
ஊசு: ககா ம்ருகா: ஸர்வே
வாச: க்ரூரா பயாவஹா: ॥
abhavat sudinē cāpi
durdinaṃ rūkṣamārutam ।
ūcuḥ khagā mṛgāḥ sarvē
vācaḥ krūrā bhayāvahāḥ ॥
That fine day suddenly turned out
to be a nasty one with a fierce gale.
All the birds and beasts uttered
terrible and eerie cries.
6.55.12 இ
6.55.12 ஈ
6.55.13 அ
6.55.13 ஆ
ஸ ஸிம்ஹோபசிதஸ்கந்த:
ஸார்தூலஸமவிக்ரம: ।
நிர்ஜகாம ரணாஜிரம் ॥
sa siṃhōpacitaskandhaḥ
ṡārdūlasamavikramaḥ ।
nirjagāma raṇājiram ॥
But he, whose shoulders were
as imposing as those of a lion,
and whose stride recalled that of a tiger,
marched on to the battle field,
ignoring those evil portents.
6.55.13 இ
6.55.13 ஈ
6.55.14 அ
6.55.14 ஆ
ததா நிர்கச்சதஸ்தஸ்ய
ரக்ஷஸ: ஸஹ ராக்ஷஸை: ।
பபூவ ஸுமஹாந்நாத:
க்ஷோபயந்நிவ ஸாகரம் ॥
tadā nirgacchatastasya
rakṣasaḥ saha rākṣasaiḥ ।
babhūva sumahānnādaḥ
kṣōbhayanniva sāgaram ॥
As the Rākshasa marched on
along with his Rākshasas,
there arose a tremendous din that
seemed to put the sea in a turmoil.
6.55.14 இ
6.55.14 ஈ
6.55.15 அ
6.55.15 ஆ
தேந ஸப்தேந வித்ரஸ்தா
வாநராணாம் மஹாசமூ: ।
யோத்தும் ஸமவதிஷ்டத ॥
tēna ṡabdēna vitrastā
vānarāṇāṃ mahācamūḥ ।
yōddhuṃ samavatiṣṭhata ॥
The great army of Vānaras,
alarmed by that din, took their stand,
ready to fight with trees and rocks.
6.55.15 இ
6.55.15 ஈ
6.55.16 அ
6.55.16 ஆ
தேஷாம் யுத்தம் மஹாரௌத்ரம்
ஸஞ்ஜஜ்ஞே ஹரிரக்ஷஸாம் ।
ஸமபித்யக்தஜீவிநாம் ॥
tēṣāṃ yuddhaṃ mahāraudram
sañjajñē harirakṣasām ।
samabhityaktajīvinām ॥
There ensued a fierce battle between
Vānaras and Rākshasas, who were
prepared to throw away their lives
in the cause of Rāma and Rāvaṇa.
6.55.16 இ
6.55.16 ஈ
6.55.17 அ
6.55.17 ஆ
ஸர்வே ஹ்யதி பலா: ஸூரா:
ஸர்வே பர்வதஸந்நிபா: ।
ஹரயோ ராக்ஷஸாஸ்சைவ
பரஸ்பரஜிகாம்ஸவ: ॥
sarvē hyati balāḥ ṡūrāḥ
sarvē parvatasannibhāḥ ।
harayō rākṣasāṡcaiva
parasparajighāṃsavaḥ ॥
The Vānaras and the Rākshasas,
all of them exceedingly strong,
brave and mountainous in size,
were bent upon slaughtering each other.
6.55.17 இ
6.55.17 ஈ
6.55.18 அ
6.55.18 ஆ
தேஷாம் விநர்ததாம் ஸப்த:
ஸம்யுகேऽதிதரஸ்விநாம் ।
ஸுஸ்ருவே ஸுமஹாந் க்ரோதாத்
அந்யோந்யமபிகர்ஜதாம் ॥
tēṣāṃ vinardatāṃ ṡabdaḥ
saṃyugē'titarasvinām ।
suṡruvē sumahān krōdhāt
anyōnyamabhigarjatām ॥
Then, there was heard
a huge din on the battle field
from the roar of those powerful warriors
as they shouted at each other in wrath.
6.55.18 இ
6.55.18 ஈ
6.55.19 அ
6.55.19 ஆ
ஸுபீமமபவத்ப்ருஸம் ।
உத்ததம் ஹரிரக்ஷோபி:
ஸம்ருரோத திஸோ தஸ ॥
subhīmamabhavadbhṛṡam ।
uddhataṃ harirakṣōbhiḥ
saṃrurōdha diṡō daṡa ॥
Then there arose tawny-colored dust
kicked up by the heels of
the Vānaras and the Rākshasas
eerily blotting out the ten directions.
6.55.19 இ
6.55.19 ஈ
6.55.20 அ
6.55.20 ஆ
அந்யோந்யம் ரஜஸா தேந
கௌஸேயோத்தூதபாண்டுநா ।
ஸம்வ்ருதாநி ச பூதாநி
தத்ருஸுர்ந ரணாஜிரே ॥
anyōnyaṃ rajasā tēna
kauṡēyōddhūtapāṇḍunā ।
saṃvṛtāni ca bhūtāni
dadṛṡurna raṇājirē ॥
The dust, which rose up
like a white silk cloth,
covered all the creatures;
and no one could see the others
on the battle-field.
6.55.20 இ
6.55.20 ஈ
6.55.21 அ
6.55.21 ஆ
ந த்வஜா ந பதாகா வா
சர்ம வா துரகோऽபி வா ।
ஆயுதம் ஸ்யந்தநம் வாऽபி
தத்ருஸே தேந ரேணுநா ॥
na dhvajā na patākā vā
carma vā turagō'pi vā ।
āyudhaṃ syandanaṃ vā'pi
dadṛṡē tēna rēṇunā ॥
Because of that dust,
neither banners nor flags,
neither coat of mail nor horse,
neither weapon nor chariot, could be seen.
6.55.21 இ
6.55.21 ஈ
6.55.22 அ
6.55.22 ஆ
ஸப்தஸ்ச ஸுமஹாம்ஸ்தேஷாம்
நர்ததாமபிதாவதாம் ।
ஸ்ரூயதே துமுலே யுத்தே
ந ரூபாணி சகாஸிரே ॥
ṡabdaṡca sumahāṃstēṣām
nardatāmabhidhāvatām ।
ṡrūyatē tumulē yuddhē
na rūpāṇi cakāṡirē ॥
No one was visible; only the mighty din of
their shouts as they attacked each other
could be heard, in that tumultuous battle.
6.55.22 இ
6.55.22 ஈ
6.55.23 அ
6.55.23 ஆ
ஹரீநேவ ஸுஸங்க்ருத்தா
ஹரயோ ஜக்நுராஹவே ।
ராக்ஷஸாஸ்சாபி ரக்ஷாம்ஸி
நிஜக்நுஸ்திமிரே ததா ॥
harīnēva susaṅkruddhā
harayō jaghnurāhavē ।
rākṣasāṡcāpi rakṣāṃsi
nijaghnustimirē tadā ॥
Then, in their indiscriminate wrath,
and in that battle fought in darkness
the Vānaras killed Vānaras, and
the Rākshasas, their own Rākshasas.
6.55.23 இ
6.55.23 ஈ
6.55.24 அ
6.55.24 ஆ
பராம்ஸ்சைவ விநிக்நந்த:
ஸ்வாம்ஸ்ச வாநரராக்ஷஸா: ।
ருதிரார்த்ராம் ததா சக்ரு:
மஹீம் பங்காநுலேபநாம் ॥
parāṃṡcaiva vinighnantaḥ
svāṃṡca vānararākṣasāḥ ।
rudhirārdrāṃ tadā cakruḥ
mahīṃ paṅkānulēpanām ॥
Killing foe and friend alike,
the Vānaras and Rākshasas
drenched the ground with blood
and smeared it with mire.
6.55.24 இ
6.55.24 ஈ
6.55.25 அ
6.55.25 ஆ
ததஸ்து ருதிரௌகேண
ஸிக்தம் வ்யபகதம் ரஜ: ।
பபூவ ச வஸுந்தரா ॥
tatastu rudhiraughēṇa
siktaṃ vyapagataṃ rajaḥ ।
babhūva ca vasundharā ॥
The dust settled with the
ground drenched in blood,
and the ground was packed
with corpses and (severed) bodies.
6.55.25 இ
6.55.25 ஈ
6.55.26 அ
6.55.26 ஆ
ஸிலாபரிகதோமரை: ।
ஹரயோ ராக்ஷஸாஸ்சைவ
ஜக்நுரந்யோந்யமோஜஸா ॥
ṡilāparighatōmaraiḥ ।
harayō rākṣasāṡcaiva
jaghnuranyōnyamōjasā ॥
The Vānaras and Rākshasas
struck each other with trees, rocks and
Prāsas, Parighas, Tōmaras,
javelins, maces, with all their power.
6.55.26 இ
6.55.26 ஈ
6.55.27 அ
6.55.27 ஆ
பாஹுபி: பரிகாகாரை:
யுத்த்யந்த: பர்வதோபமா: ।
ஹரயோ பீமகர்மாண:
ராக்ஷஸாந் ஜக்நுராஹவே ॥
bāhubhiḥ parighākāraiḥ
yuddhyantaḥ parvatōpamāḥ ।
harayō bhīmakarmāṇaḥ
rākṣasān jaghnurāhavē ॥
The Vānaras, huge as mountains,
with arms strong as Parighas,
capable of fearsome feats,
slew the Rākshasas in that battle.
6.55.27 இ
6.55.27 ஈ
6.55.28 அ
6.55.28 ஆ
ராக்ஷஸாஸ்த்வபி ஸங்க்ருத்தா:
ப்ராஸதோமரபாணய: ।
கபீந்நிஜக்நிரே தத்ர
ஸஸ்த்ரை: பரமதாருணை: ॥
rākṣasāstvapi saṅkruddhāḥ
prāsatōmarapāṇayaḥ ।
kapīnnijaghnirē tatra
ṡastraiḥ paramadāruṇaiḥ ॥
The Rākshasas too, wielding
extremely terrible Ṡastras
like Prāsas and Tōmaras
slaughtered the Vānaras in rage.
6.55.28 இ
6.55.28 ஈ
6.55.29 அ
6.55.29 ஆ
அகம்பந: ஸுஸங்க்ருத்தோ
ராக்ஷஸாநாம் சமூபதி: ।
ஸம்ஹர்ஷயதி தாந் ஸர்வாந்
ராக்ஷஸாந் பீமவிக்ரமாந் ॥
akampanaḥ susaṅkruddhō
rākṣasānāṃ camūpatiḥ ।
saṃharṣayati tān sarvān
rākṣasān bhīmavikramān ॥
Akampana, the commander of the Rākshasa army,
showing his wrath (at the Vānaras), cheered up
all those Rākshasas of terrific prowess.
6.55.29 இ
6.55.29 ஈ
6.55.30 அ
6.55.30 ஆ
ஹரயஸ்த்வபி ரக்ஷாம்ஸி
மஹாத்ருமமஹாஸ்மபி: ।
ஸஸ்த்ராண்யாச்சித்ய வீர்யத: ॥
harayastvapi rakṣāṃsi
mahādrumamahāṡmabhiḥ ।
ṡastrāṇyācchidya vīryataḥ ॥
The Vānaras pounced on the Rākshasas,
snatched their weapons, and showing their valor,
tore them apart with huge trees and huge rocks.
6.55.30 இ
6.55.30 ஈ
6.55.31 அ
6.55.31 ஆ
ஏதஸ்மிந்நந்தரே வீரா
ஹரய: குமுதோ நல: ।
மைந்தஸ்ச த்விவித: க்ருத்தா:
சக்ருர்வேகமநுத்தமம் ॥
ētasminnantarē vīrā
harayaḥ kumudō nalaḥ ।
maindaṡca dvividaḥ kruddhāḥ
cakrurvēgamanuttamam ॥
Meanwhile, the Vānara Veeras
Kumuda, Nala, Mainda and Dwivida,
revved up their assault
like never seen before.
6.55.31 இ
6.55.31 ஈ
6.55.32 அ
6.55.32 ஆ
6.55.32 இ
6.55.32 ஈ
தே து வ்ருக்ஷைர்மஹாவேகா
ராக்ஷஸாநாம் சமூமுகே ।
கதநம் ஸுமஹச்சக்ரு:
லீலயா ஹரியூதபா: ।
மமந்தூ ராக்ஷஸாந் ஸர்வே
வாநரா கணஸோ ப்ருஸம் ॥
tē tu vṛkṣairmahāvēgā
rākṣasānāṃ camūmukhē ।
kadanaṃ sumahaccakruḥ
līlayā hariyūthapāḥ ।
mamanthū rākṣasān sarvē
vānarā gaṇaṡō bhṛṡam ॥
Armed with trees, the great captains
of the Vānara forces wrought havoc
on the enemy, as if it was child’s play.
All the Vānaras pounded the Rākshasas mercilessly,
taking quite a few of them on at a time.
இத்யார்ஷே வால்மீகீயே
ஸ்ரீமத்ராமாயணே ஆதிகாவ்யே
யுத்தகாண்டே பஞ்சபஞ்சாஸ: ஸர்க:॥
ityārṣē vālmīkīyē
ṡrīmadrāmāyaṇē ādikāvyē
yuddhakāṇḍē pañcapañcāṡaḥ sargaḥ॥
Thus concludes the thirty second Sarga
in Yuddha Kāṇḍa of the glorious Rāmāyaṇa,
the first ever poem of humankind,
composed by Maharshi Vālmeeki.