Yuddha Kaanda Sarga - 12

Yuddha Kaanda - Sarga 12
In this Sarga, at the behest of Rāvaṇa, Prahasta deploys forces for the protection of the city all around. Rāvaṇa then rambles incoherently to the audience in the council hall, praising their capabilities, describing his raging passion for Seetā, and his worry about the enemies who are already camped on the other side of the ocean.
Kumbhakarṇa, outraged about the impediment that Rāvaṇa is stuck in, first chastises him for abducting Seetā without a fully laid out strategy, and then assures him that he can kill all the enemies of Rāvaṇa, including Rāma, Lakshmaṇa and all the Vānaras.
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ஸ தாம் பரிஷதம் க்ருத்ஸ்நாம்
ஸமீக்ஷ்ய ஸமிதிஞ்ஜய: ।
ப்ரசோதயாமாஸ ததா
ப்ரஹஸ்தம் வாஹிநீபதிம் ॥
sa tāṃ pariṣadaṃ kṛtsnām
samīkṣya samitiñjayaḥ ।
pracōdayāmāsa tadā
prahastaṃ vāhinīpatim ॥
Then, scanning the entire assembly with his glance,
he, who was ever victorious in battle,
exhorted Prahasta, the commander of the forces:
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ஸேநாபதே யதா தே ஸ்யு:
க்ருதவித்யாஸ்சதுர்விதா: ।
ததா வ்யாதேஷ்டுமர்ஹஸி ॥
sēnāpatē yathā tē syuḥ
kṛtavidyāṡcaturvidhāḥ ।
tathā vyādēṣṭumarhasi ॥
You should, O Commander-in-Chief,
arrange for the protection of the city,
deploying accomplished warriors
of the four divisions.
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ஸ ப்ரஹஸ்த: ப்ரதீதாத்மா
சிகீர்ஷந் ராஜஸாஸநம் ।
விநிக்ஷிபத்பலம் ஸர்வம்
பஹிரந்தஸ்ச மந்திரே ॥
sa prahastaḥ pratītātmā
cikīrṣan rājaṡāsanam ।
vinikṣipadbalaṃ sarvam
bahirantaṡca mandirē ॥
And Prahasta, who was in full attention
and eager to carry out the King’s orders,
posted the entire force
inside and outside the palace.
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ததோ விநிக்ஷிப்ய பலம்
ஸர்வம் நகரகுப்தயே ।
ப்ரஹஸ்த: ப்ரமுகே ராஜ்ஞோ
நிஷஸாத ஜகாத ச ॥
tatō vinikṣipya balam
sarvaṃ nagaraguptayē ।
prahastaḥ pramukhē rājñō
niṣasāda jagāda ca ॥
After posting the forces thus
to keep guard over the city,
Prahasta came back and,
seated in front of the king, said:
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நிஹிதம் பஹிரந்தஸ்ச
பலம் பலவதஸ்தவ ।
குருஷ்வாவிமநா: க்ஷிப்ரம்
யதபிப்ரேதமஸ்தி தே ॥
nihitaṃ bahirantaṡca
balaṃ balavatastava ।
kuruṣvāvimanāḥ kṣipram
yadabhiprētamasti tē ॥
Your forces, O strong one,
have been posted inside and outside.
You may now do whatever you like
and however quick, without a worry.
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ப்ரஹஸ்தஸ்ய வச: ஸ்ருத்வா
ராஜா ராஜ்யஹிதைஷிண: ।
ஸுகேப்ஸு: ஸுஹ்ருதாம் மத்யே
வ்யாஜஹார ஸ ராவண: ॥
prahastasya vacaḥ ṡrutvā
rājā rājyahitaiṣiṇaḥ ।
sukhēpsuḥ suhṛdāṃ madhyē
vyājahāra sa rāvaṇaḥ ॥
On hearing those words of Prahasta
who was devoted to the wellbeing of the kingdom,
Rāvaṇa spoke in the midst of the well-wishers,
unburdening himself (of the weight on his mind):
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ப்ரியாப்ரியே ஸுகம் து:கம்
லாபாலாபௌ ஹிதாஹிதே ।
யூயமர்ஹத வேதிதும் ॥
priyāpriyē sukhaṃ duḥkham
lābhālābhau hitāhitē ।
yūyamarhatha vēditum ॥
You are very much capable of finding out
what would be pleasant and what would be unpleasant,
what would be easy and what would be difficult,
what would be beneficial and what would be not,
what would lead to our wellbeing and what would not
in dealing with the challenges of
the pursuit of Dharma, Artha and Kāma.
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ஸர்வக்ருத்யாநி யுஷ்மாபி:
ஸமாரப்தாநி ஸர்வதா ।
ந ஜாது விபலாநி மே ॥
sarvakṛtyāni yuṣmābhiḥ
samārabdhāni sarvadā ।
na jātu viphalāni mē ॥
No endeavor of mine
that you had ever taken up in earnest
and pursued according to a strategy
has ever been unsuccessful.
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ஸ ஸோமக்ரஹநக்ஷத்ரை:
மருத்பிரிவ வாஸவ: ।
வ்ருத: ஸ்ரியமவாப்நுயாம் ॥
sa sōmagrahanakṣatraiḥ
marudbhiriva vāsavaḥ ।
vṛtaḥ ṡriyamavāpnuyām ॥
I shall, with your support,
achieve all prosperity as
Vāsava did with the support of the
moon, the planets and the Maruts.
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அஹம் து கலு ஸர்வாந் வ:
ஸமர்தயிதுமுத்யத: ।
கும்பகர்ணஸ்ய து ஸ்வப்நாத்
நேமமர்தமசோதயம் ॥
ahaṃ tu khalu sarvān vaḥ
samarthayitumudyataḥ ।
kumbhakarṇasya tu svapnāt
nēmamarthamacōdayam ॥
I could discuss this with all of you,
but not with Kumbhakarṇa,
as he had been (long) asleep.
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அயம் ஹி ஸுப்த: ஷண்மாஸாந்
கும்பகர்ணோ மஹாபல: ।
ஸர்வஸஸ்த்ரப்ருதாம் முக்ய:
ஸ இதாநீம் ஸமுத்தித: ॥
ayaṃ hi suptaḥ ṣaṇmāsān
kumbhakarṇō mahābalaḥ ।
sarvaṡastrabhṛtāṃ mukhyaḥ
sa idānīṃ samutthitaḥ ॥
The mighty strong Kumbhakarṇa,
foremost among those who bear arms,
has been asleep for six months
and woke up just now.
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இயம் ச தண்டகாரண்யாத்
ராமஸ்ய மஹீஷீ ப்ரியா ।
ஆநீதா ஜநகாத்மஜா ॥
iyaṃ ca daṇḍakāraṇyāt
rāmasya mahīṣī priyā ।
ānītā janakātmajā ॥
This beloved wife of Rāma, daughter of Janaka,
was brought from the Daṇḍaka Araṇya,
the region frequented by Rakshasas.
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ஸா மே ந ஸய்யாமாரோடும்
இச்சத்யலஸகாமிநீ ।
த்ரிஷு லோகேஷு சாந்யா மே
ந ஸீதாஸத்ருஸீ மதா ॥
sā mē na ṡayyāmārōḍhum
icchatyalasagāminī ।
triṣu lōkēṣu cānyā mē
na sītāsadṛṡī matā ॥
She of gentle strides, for whom
I do not find an equal in any of the three worlds,
is not willing to go to bed with me.
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தநுமத்யா ப்ருதுஸ்ரோணீ
ஸாரதேந்துநிபாநநா ।
ஹேமபிம்பநிபா ஸௌம்யா
மாயேவ மயநிர்மிதா ॥
tanumadhyā pṛthuṡrōṇī
ṡāradēndunibhānanā ।
hēmabimbanibhā saumyā
māyēva mayanirmitā ॥
So gentle and shining like a golden doll,
she looks like a magical being created by Maya,
with her slender waist, wide Kaṭee and
face resembling the moon in post-monsoon sky.
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ஸுலோஹிததலௌ ஸ்லக்ஷ்ணௌ
சரணௌ ஸுப்ரதிஷ்டிதௌ ।
த்ருஷ்ட்வா தாம்ரநகௌ தஸ்யா
தீப்யதே மே ஸரீரஜ: ॥
sulōhitatalau ṡlakṣṇau
caraṇau supratiṣṭhitau ।
dṛṣṭvā tāmranakhau tasyā
dīpyatē mē ṡarīrajaḥ ॥
My longing for her love rages
when I see her soft feet with
red soles and copper-shiny nails
that tread firmly and evenly.
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ஏநாம் ஸௌரீமிவ ப்ரபாம் ।
உந்நஸம் விமலம் வல்கு
வதநம் சாருலோசநம் ।
காமஸ்ய வஸமேயிவாந் ॥
ēnāṃ saurīmiva prabhām ।
unnasaṃ vimalaṃ valgu
vadanaṃ cārulōcanam ।
kāmasya vaṡamēyivān ॥
I lose all control over myself
and become the slave of passion
when I see her, who blazes like a
flame that is well fed with oblations,
who shares the radiance of the sun,
and whose spotless face is lovely
with its lofty nose and beautiful eyes.
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துர்வர்ணகரணேந ச ।
காமேந கலுஷீக்ருத: ॥
durvarṇakaraṇēna ca ।
kāmēna kaluṣīkṛtaḥ ॥
My mind is contaminated with passion for her,
rendering all my emotions bland,
making my anger and happiness
indistinguishable from each other,
and drowning me in sadness and grief forever.
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ஸா து ஸம்வத்ஸரம் காலம்
மாமயாசத பாமிநீ ।
ப்ரதீக்ஷமாணா பர்தாரம்
ராமமாயதலோசநா ॥
sā tu saṃvatsaraṃ kālaṃ
māmayācata bhāminī ।
pratīkṣamāṇā bhartāram
rāmamāyatalōcanā ॥
The lovely one of wide eyes
begged of me a year’s respite,
hoping that her husband Rāma
would come to her rescue.
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தந்மயா சாருநேத்ராயா:
ப்ரதிஜ்ஞாதம் வச: ஸுபம் ।
ஸ்ராந்தோऽஹம் ஸததம் காமாத்
யாதோ ஹய இவாத்வநி ॥
tanmayā cārunētrāyāḥ
pratijñātaṃ vacaḥ ṡubham ।
ṡrāntō'haṃ satataṃ kāmāt
yātō haya ivādhvani ॥
I agreed to that reasonable request
that she of lovely eyes made,
but I am worn out with perpetual longing,
like a horse that has run a long distance.
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கதம் ஸாகரமக்ஷோப்யம்
உத்தரந்தி வநௌகஸ: ।
தௌ வா தஸரதாத்மஜௌ ॥
kathaṃ sāgaramakṣōbhyam
uttaranti vanaukasaḥ ।
tau vā daṡarathātmajau ॥
There is no way that the Vana dwellers
or the sons of Daṡaratha can
cross the formidable ocean
that teems with many sea creatures!
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அதவா கபிநைகேந
க்ருதம் ந: கதநம் மஹத் ।
துர்ஜ்ஞேயா: கார்யகதயோ
ப்ரூத யஸ்ய யதா மதி: ॥
athavā kapinaikēna
kṛtaṃ naḥ kadanaṃ mahat ।
durjñēyāḥ kāryagatayō
brūta yasya yathā matiḥ ॥
But, just a single Vānara was able to
put up such a formidable fight
and hence it is difficult to know
how things will turn out.
Please tell me what you each think!
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மாநுஷாந்மே பயம் நாஸ்தி
ததாபி து விம்ருஸ்யதாம் ।
ததா தேவாஸுரே யுத்தே
யுஷ்மாபி: ஸஹிதோऽஜயம் ।
தே மே பவந்தஸ்ச ததா
ஸுக்ரீவப்ரமுகாந் ஹரீந் ।
பரே பாரே ஸமுத்ரஸ்ய
புரஸ்க்ருத்ய ந்ருபாத்மஜௌ ।
ஸீதாயா: பதவீம் ப்ராப்தௌ
ஸம்ப்ராப்தௌ வருணாலயம் ॥
mānuṣānmē bhayaṃ nāsti
tathāpi tu vimṛṡyatām ।
tadā dēvāsurē yuddhē
yuṣmābhiḥ sahitō'jayam ।
tē mē bhavantaṡca tathā
sugrīvapram ukhān harīn ।
parē pārē samudrasya
puraskṛtya nṛpātmajau ।
sītāyāḥ padavīṃ prāptau
samprāptau varuṇālayam ॥
I do not have fear of humans,
but we do have to take things seriously.
I, with your help, and you yourselves too,
were victorious once upon a time
even in the war between Dēvas and Asuras.
The princes, led by the Vānaras like Sugreeva,
have reached the other shore of the ocean,
having come to know of Seetā’s whereabouts.
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அதேயா ச யதா ஸீதா
வத்யௌ தஸரதாத்மஜௌ ।
பவத்பிர்மந்த்ர்யதாம் மந்த்ர:
ஸுநீதம் சாபிதீயதாம் ॥
adēyā ca yathā sītā
vadhyau daṡarathātmajau ।
bhavadbhirmantryatāṃ mantraḥ
sunītaṃ cābhidhīyatām ॥
Think of a strategy of
how Seetā need not be surrendered
and how the sons of Daṡaratha can be slayed.
Present (to me) a well laid out plan.
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ந ஹி ஸக்திம் ப்ரபஸ்யாமி
ஜகத்யந்யஸ்ய கஸ்யசித் ।
ஸாகரம் வாநரைஸ்தீர்த்வா
நிஸ்சயேந ஜயோ மம ॥
na hi ṡaktiṃ prapaṡyāmi
jagatyanyasya kasyacit ।
sāgaraṃ vānaraistīrtvā
niṡcayēna jayō mama ॥
I cannot see anyone in this world
capable of crossing the ocean
with the help of Vānaras.
There is no doubt that victory will be mine.
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தஸ்ய காமபரீதஸ்ய
நிஸம்ய பரிதேவிதம் ।
கும்பகர்ண: ப்ரசுக்ரோத
வசநம் சேதமப்ரவீத் ॥
tasya kāmaparītasya
niṡamya paridēvitam ।
kumbhakarṇaḥ pracukrōdha
vacanaṃ cēdamabravīt ॥
Kumbhakarṇa was quite outraged
on hearing those doleful plaints
of that passion-stricken one,
and said these words:
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யதா து ராமஸ்ய ஸலக்ஷ்மணஸ்ய
ப்ரஸஹ்ய ஸீதா கலு ஸா இஹாஹ்ருதா ।
ஸக்ருத் ஸமீக்ஷ்யைவ ஸுநிஸ்சிதம் ததா
பஜேத சித்தம் யமுநேவ யாமுநம் ॥
yadā tu rāmasya salakṣmaṇasya
prasahya sītā khalu sā ihāhṛtā ।
sakṛt samīkṣyaiva suniṡcitaṃ tadā
bhajēta cittaṃ yamunēva yāmunam ॥
If only you had pondered well at least once
before forcefully bringing Seetā here
away from Rāma and Lakshmaṇa,
your mind would have had the
opportunity to collect its thoughts,
like water (from the mountains)
channeling into the Yamuna.
These seven Ṡlōkas, from 28 to 34, seems to be misplaced, may be because of shuffled palm leaves. These words would have been spoken by Vibheeshaṇa, but not by Kumbhakarṇa. These Ṡlōkas fit well to be part of the counsel of Vibheeshaṇa, in Sarga 9.
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க்ருதமப்ரதிமம் தவ ।
விதீயேத ஸஹாஸ்மாபி:
ஆதாவேவாஸ்ய கர்மண: ॥
kṛtamapratimaṃ tava ।
vidhīyēta sahāsmābhiḥ
ādāvēvāsya karmaṇaḥ ॥
There would have been nothing like it,
if only you had all these consultations with us
when you originally thought of doing what you did.
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ந்யாயேந ராஜகார்யாணி
ய: கரோதி தஸாநந ।
ந ஸ ஸந்தப்யதே பஸ்சாத்
நிஸ்சிதார்தமதிர்ந்ருப: ॥
nyāyēna rājakāryāṇi
yaḥ karōti daṡānana ।
na sa santapyatē paṡcāt
niṡcitārthamatirnṛpaḥ ॥
O Ten-Faced, a king who conducts
the affairs of the state
with clear objectives in mind
and in an ethical manner
would have nothing to resent later.
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6.12.31 ஈ
அநுபாயேந கர்மாணி
விபரீதாநி யாநி ச ।
க்ரியமாணாநி துஷ்யந்தி
ஹவீம்ஷ்யப்ரயதேஷ்விவ ॥
anupāyēna karmāṇi
viparītāni yāni ca ।
kriyamāṇāni duṣyanti
havīṃṣyaprayatēṣviva ॥
Failure will befall extreme undertakings
that lack proper strategy,
like Yajña offerings made without
the rigor of spiritual discipline.
6.12.32 அ
6.12.32 ஆ
6.12.32 இ
6.12.32 ஈ
ய: பஸ்சாத் பூர்வகார்யாணி
கர்மாண்யபிசிகீர்ஷதி ।
பூர்வம் சாபரகார்யாணி
ந ஸ வேத நயாநயௌ ॥
yaḥ paṡcāt pūrvakāryāṇi
karmāṇyabhicikīrṣati ।
pūrvaṃ cāparakāryāṇi
na sa vēda nayānayau ॥
He who does first what should be done later
and later what should have been done first,
has no sense of strategy.
6.12.33 அ
6.12.33 ஆ
6.12.33 இ
6.12.33 ஈ
சபலஸ்ய து க்ருத்யேஷு
ப்ரஸமீக்ஷ்யாதிகம் பலம் ।
சித்ரமந்யே ப்ரபத்யந்தே
க்ரௌஞ்சஸ்ய கமிவ த்விஜா: ॥
capalasya tu kṛtyēṣu
prasamīkṣyādhikaṃ balam ।
chidramanyē prapadyantē
krauñcasya khamiva dvijāḥ ॥
Others discover and exploit
the weaknesses in the undertakings
of one who does things heedlessly
relying on one’s own excessive strength,
like birds availing themselves of
the opening in the Krounca mountain.
6.12.34 அ
6.12.34 ஆ
6.12.34 இ
6.12.34 ஈ
த்வயேதம் மஹதாரப்தம்
கார்யமப்ரதிசிந்திதம் ।
திஷ்ட்யா த்வாம் நாவதீத்ராமோ
விஷமிஸ்ரமிவாமிஷம் ॥
tvayēdaṃ mahadārabdham
kāryamapraticintitam ।
diṣṭyā tvāṃ nāvadhīdrāmō
viṣamiṡramivāmiṣam ॥
You have embarked on this huge undertaking
without giving it careful thought;
it is only by the grace of Providence
that Rāma did not yet kill you,
leaving you out as one would spoiled meat.
6.12.35 அ
6.12.35 ஆ
6.12.35 இ
6.12.35 ஈ
தஸ்மாத்த்வயா ஸமாரப்தம்
கர்ம ஹ்யப்ரதிமம் பரை: ।
அஹம் ஸமீகரிஷ்யாமி
ஹத்வா ஸத்ரூம்ஸ்தவாநக ॥
tasmāttvayā samārabdham
karma hyapratimaṃ paraiḥ ।
ahaṃ samīkariṣyāmi
hatvā ṡatrūṃstavānagha ॥
O sinless one! I will kill the enemies
and finish off the incomparable attack
you launched against the enemies.
6.12.36 அ
6.12.36 ஆ
6.12.36 இ
6.12.36 ஈ
6.12.36 உ
6.12.36 ஊ
ஸத்ரூம்ஸ்தவ விஸாம்பதே ।
யதி ஸக்ரவிவஸ்வந்தௌ
யதி பாவகமாருதௌ ।
தாவஹம் யோதயிஷ்யாமி
குபேரவருணாவபி ॥
ṡatrūṃstava viṡāmpatē ।
yadi ṡakravivasvantau
yadi pāvakamārutau ।
tāvahaṃ yōdhayiṣyāmi
kubēravaruṇāvapi ॥
O King, I shall rout out your enemies,
whoever they may be, be it Ṡakra and Sūrya,
or Agni and Vāyu, or Kubēra and Varuṇa.
6.12.37 அ
6.12.37 ஆ
6.12.37 இ
6.12.37 ஈ
மஹாபரிகயோதிந: ।
பிபியாத்வை புரந்தர: ॥
mahāparighayōdhinaḥ ।
bibhiyādvai purandaraḥ ॥
Even Indra should be terrified of
my mountainous size and sharp fangs,
and as I fight with a huge Parigha
and let off a thunderous shout.
6.12.38 அ
6.12.38 ஆ
6.12.38 இ
6.12.38 ஈ
புநர்மாம் ஸ த்விதீயேந
ஸரேண நிஹநிஷ்யதி ।
ததோऽஹம் தஸ்ய பாஸ்யாமி
ருதிரம் காமமாஸ்வஸ ॥
punarmāṃ sa dvitīyēna
ṡarēṇa nihaniṣyati ।
tatō'haṃ tasya pāsyāmi
rudhiraṃ kāmamāṡvasa ॥
Before he shoots me with another arrow,
I shall have drunk quite a bit of his blood;
please be at ease in your mind.
6.12.39 அ
6.12.39 ஆ
6.12.39 இ
6.12.39 ஈ
வதேந வை தாஸரதே: ஸுகாவஹம்
ஜயம் தவாஹர்துமஹம் யதிஷ்யே ।
ஹத்வா ச ராமம் ஸஹ லக்ஷ்மணேந
காதாமி ஸர்வாந் ஹரியூதமுக்யாந் ॥
vadhēna vai dāṡarathēḥ sukhāvahaṃ
jayaṃ tavāhartumahaṃ yatiṣyē ।
hatvā ca rāmaṃ saha lakṣmaṇēna
khādāmi sarvān hariyūthamukhyān ॥
I will try to secure you the pleasure of
defeating and killing the son of Daṡaratha.
Having killed Rāma and Lakshmaṇa,
I will eat up all the Vānara chiefs.
6.12.40 அ
6.12.40 ஆ
6.12.40 இ
6.12.40 ஈ
ரமஸ்வ காமம் பிப சாக்ர்யவாருணீம்
குருஷ்வ கார்யாணி ஹிதாநி விஜ்வர: ।
மயா து ராமே கமிதே யமக்ஷயம்
சிராய ஸீதா வஸகா பவிஷ்யதி ॥
ramasva kāmaṃ piba cāgryavāruṇīṃ
kuruṣva kāryāṇi hitāni vijvaraḥ ।
mayā tu rāmē gamitē yamakṣayaṃ
cirāya sītā vaṡagā bhaviṣyati ॥
Sport yourself as you please!
Enjoy the best of the liquors!
Do whatever is good for you, without a worry!
With Rāma sent to the abode of Yama by me,
Seetā will be yours forever.
இத்யார்ஷே வால்மீகீயே
ஸ்ரீமத்ராமாயணே ஆதிகாவ்யே
யுத்தகாண்டே த்வாதஸ: ஸர்க:॥
ityārṣē vālmīkīyē
ṡrīmadrāmāyaṇē ādikāvyē
yuddhakāṇḍē dvādaṡaḥ sargaḥ॥
Thus concludes the twelfth Sarga
in Yuddha Kāṇḍa of the glorious Rāmāyaṇa,
the first ever poem of humankind,
composed by Maharshi Vālmeeki.

Yuddha Kaanda - Sarga 12
In this Sarga, at the behest of Rāvaṇa, Prahasta deploys forces for the protection of the city all around. Rāvaṇa then rambles incoherently to the audience in the council hall, praising their capabilities, describing his raging passion for Seetā, and his worry about the enemies who are already camped on the other side of the ocean.
Kumbhakarṇa, outraged about the impediment that Rāvaṇa is stuck in, first chastises him for abducting Seetā without a fully laid out strategy, and then assures him that he can kill all the enemies of Rāvaṇa, including Rāma, Lakshmaṇa and all the Vānaras.
6.12.1 அ
6.12.1 ஆ
6.12.1 இ
6.12.1 ஈ
ஸ தாம் பரிஷதம் க்ருத்ஸ்நாம்
ஸமீக்ஷ்ய ஸமிதிஞ்ஜய: ।
ப்ரசோதயாமாஸ ததா
ப்ரஹஸ்தம் வாஹிநீபதிம் ॥
sa tāṃ pariṣadaṃ kṛtsnām
samīkṣya samitiñjayaḥ ।
pracōdayāmāsa tadā
prahastaṃ vāhinīpatim ॥
Then, scanning the entire assembly with his glance,
he, who was ever victorious in battle,
exhorted Prahasta, the commander of the forces:
6.12.2 அ
6.12.2 ஆ
6.12.2 இ
6.12.2 ஈ
ஸேநாபதே யதா தே ஸ்யு:
க்ருதவித்யாஸ்சதுர்விதா: ।
ததா வ்யாதேஷ்டுமர்ஹஸி ॥
sēnāpatē yathā tē syuḥ
kṛtavidyāṡcaturvidhāḥ ।
tathā vyādēṣṭumarhasi ॥
You should, O Commander-in-Chief,
arrange for the protection of the city,
deploying accomplished warriors
of the four divisions.
6.12.3 அ
6.12.3 ஆ
6.12.3 இ
6.12.3 ஈ
ஸ ப்ரஹஸ்த: ப்ரதீதாத்மா
சிகீர்ஷந் ராஜஸாஸநம் ।
விநிக்ஷிபத்பலம் ஸர்வம்
பஹிரந்தஸ்ச மந்திரே ॥
sa prahastaḥ pratītātmā
cikīrṣan rājaṡāsanam ।
vinikṣipadbalaṃ sarvam
bahirantaṡca mandirē ॥
And Prahasta, who was in full attention
and eager to carry out the King’s orders,
posted the entire force
inside and outside the palace.
6.12.4 அ
6.12.4 ஆ
6.12.4 இ
6.12.4 ஈ
ததோ விநிக்ஷிப்ய பலம்
ஸர்வம் நகரகுப்தயே ।
ப்ரஹஸ்த: ப்ரமுகே ராஜ்ஞோ
நிஷஸாத ஜகாத ச ॥
tatō vinikṣipya balam
sarvaṃ nagaraguptayē ।
prahastaḥ pramukhē rājñō
niṣasāda jagāda ca ॥
After posting the forces thus
to keep guard over the city,
Prahasta came back and,
seated in front of the king, said:
6.12.5 அ
6.12.5 ஆ
6.12.5 இ
6.12.5 ஈ
நிஹிதம் பஹிரந்தஸ்ச
பலம் பலவதஸ்தவ ।
குருஷ்வாவிமநா: க்ஷிப்ரம்
யதபிப்ரேதமஸ்தி தே ॥
nihitaṃ bahirantaṡca
balaṃ balavatastava ।
kuruṣvāvimanāḥ kṣipram
yadabhiprētamasti tē ॥
Your forces, O strong one,
have been posted inside and outside.
You may now do whatever you like
and however quick, without a worry.
6.12.6 அ
6.12.6 ஆ
6.12.6 இ
6.12.6 ஈ
ப்ரஹஸ்தஸ்ய வச: ஸ்ருத்வா
ராஜா ராஜ்யஹிதைஷிண: ।
ஸுகேப்ஸு: ஸுஹ்ருதாம் மத்யே
வ்யாஜஹார ஸ ராவண: ॥
prahastasya vacaḥ ṡrutvā
rājā rājyahitaiṣiṇaḥ ।
sukhēpsuḥ suhṛdāṃ madhyē
vyājahāra sa rāvaṇaḥ ॥
On hearing those words of Prahasta
who was devoted to the wellbeing of the kingdom,
Rāvaṇa spoke in the midst of the well-wishers,
unburdening himself (of the weight on his mind):
6.12.7 அ
6.12.7 ஆ
6.12.7 இ
6.12.7 ஈ
ப்ரியாப்ரியே ஸுகம் து:கம்
லாபாலாபௌ ஹிதாஹிதே ।
யூயமர்ஹத வேதிதும் ॥
priyāpriyē sukhaṃ duḥkham
lābhālābhau hitāhitē ।
yūyamarhatha vēditum ॥
You are very much capable of finding out
what would be pleasant and what would be unpleasant,
what would be easy and what would be difficult,
what would be beneficial and what would be not,
what would lead to our wellbeing and what would not
in dealing with the challenges of
the pursuit of Dharma, Artha and Kāma.
6.12.8 அ
6.12.8 ஆ
6.12.8 இ
6.12.8 ஈ
ஸர்வக்ருத்யாநி யுஷ்மாபி:
ஸமாரப்தாநி ஸர்வதா ।
ந ஜாது விபலாநி மே ॥
sarvakṛtyāni yuṣmābhiḥ
samārabdhāni sarvadā ।
na jātu viphalāni mē ॥
No endeavor of mine
that you had ever taken up in earnest
and pursued according to a strategy
has ever been unsuccessful.
6.12.9 அ
6.12.9 ஆ
6.12.9 இ
6.12.9 ஈ
ஸ ஸோமக்ரஹநக்ஷத்ரை:
மருத்பிரிவ வாஸவ: ।
வ்ருத: ஸ்ரியமவாப்நுயாம் ॥
sa sōmagrahanakṣatraiḥ
marudbhiriva vāsavaḥ ।
vṛtaḥ ṡriyamavāpnuyām ॥
I shall, with your support,
achieve all prosperity as
Vāsava did with the support of the
moon, the planets and the Maruts.
6.12.10 அ
6.12.10 ஆ
6.12.10 இ
6.12.10 ஈ
அஹம் து கலு ஸர்வாந் வ:
ஸமர்தயிதுமுத்யத: ।
கும்பகர்ணஸ்ய து ஸ்வப்நாத்
நேமமர்தமசோதயம் ॥
ahaṃ tu khalu sarvān vaḥ
samarthayitumudyataḥ ।
kumbhakarṇasya tu svapnāt
nēmamarthamacōdayam ॥
I could discuss this with all of you,
but not with Kumbhakarṇa,
as he had been (long) asleep.
6.12.11 அ
6.12.11 ஆ
6.12.11 இ
6.12.11 ஈ
அயம் ஹி ஸுப்த: ஷண்மாஸாந்
கும்பகர்ணோ மஹாபல: ।
ஸர்வஸஸ்த்ரப்ருதாம் முக்ய:
ஸ இதாநீம் ஸமுத்தித: ॥
ayaṃ hi suptaḥ ṣaṇmāsān
kumbhakarṇō mahābalaḥ ।
sarvaṡastrabhṛtāṃ mukhyaḥ
sa idānīṃ samutthitaḥ ॥
The mighty strong Kumbhakarṇa,
foremost among those who bear arms,
has been asleep for six months
and woke up just now.
6.12.12 அ
6.12.12 ஆ
6.12.12 இ
6.12.12 ஈ
இயம் ச தண்டகாரண்யாத்
ராமஸ்ய மஹீஷீ ப்ரியா ।
ஆநீதா ஜநகாத்மஜா ॥
iyaṃ ca daṇḍakāraṇyāt
rāmasya mahīṣī priyā ।
ānītā janakātmajā ॥
This beloved wife of Rāma, daughter of Janaka,
was brought from the Daṇḍaka Araṇya,
the region frequented by Rakshasas.
6.12.13 அ
6.12.13 ஆ
6.12.13 இ
6.12.13 ஈ
ஸா மே ந ஸய்யாமாரோடும்
இச்சத்யலஸகாமிநீ ।
த்ரிஷு லோகேஷு சாந்யா மே
ந ஸீதாஸத்ருஸீ மதா ॥
sā mē na ṡayyāmārōḍhum
icchatyalasagāminī ।
triṣu lōkēṣu cānyā mē
na sītāsadṛṡī matā ॥
She of gentle strides, for whom
I do not find an equal in any of the three worlds,
is not willing to go to bed with me.
6.12.14 அ
6.12.14 ஆ
6.12.14 இ
6.12.14 ஈ
தநுமத்யா ப்ருதுஸ்ரோணீ
ஸாரதேந்துநிபாநநா ।
ஹேமபிம்பநிபா ஸௌம்யா
மாயேவ மயநிர்மிதா ॥
tanumadhyā pṛthuṡrōṇī
ṡāradēndunibhānanā ।
hēmabimbanibhā saumyā
māyēva mayanirmitā ॥
So gentle and shining like a golden doll,
she looks like a magical being created by Maya,
with her slender waist, wide Kaṭee and
face resembling the moon in post-monsoon sky.
6.12.15 அ
6.12.15 ஆ
6.12.15 இ
6.12.15 ஈ
ஸுலோஹிததலௌ ஸ்லக்ஷ்ணௌ
சரணௌ ஸுப்ரதிஷ்டிதௌ ।
த்ருஷ்ட்வா தாம்ரநகௌ தஸ்யா
தீப்யதே மே ஸரீரஜ: ॥
sulōhitatalau ṡlakṣṇau
caraṇau supratiṣṭhitau ।
dṛṣṭvā tāmranakhau tasyā
dīpyatē mē ṡarīrajaḥ ॥
My longing for her love rages
when I see her soft feet with
red soles and copper-shiny nails
that tread firmly and evenly.
6.12.16 அ
6.12.16 ஆ
6.12.16 இ
6.12.16 ஈ
6.12.17 அ
6.12.17 ஆ
ஏநாம் ஸௌரீமிவ ப்ரபாம் ।
உந்நஸம் விமலம் வல்கு
வதநம் சாருலோசநம் ।
காமஸ்ய வஸமேயிவாந் ॥
ēnāṃ saurīmiva prabhām ।
unnasaṃ vimalaṃ valgu
vadanaṃ cārulōcanam ।
kāmasya vaṡamēyivān ॥
I lose all control over myself
and become the slave of passion
when I see her, who blazes like a
flame that is well fed with oblations,
who shares the radiance of the sun,
and whose spotless face is lovely
with its lofty nose and beautiful eyes.
6.12.17 இ
6.12.17 ஈ
6.12.18 அ
6.12.18 ஆ
துர்வர்ணகரணேந ச ।
காமேந கலுஷீக்ருத: ॥
durvarṇakaraṇēna ca ।
kāmēna kaluṣīkṛtaḥ ॥
My mind is contaminated with passion for her,
rendering all my emotions bland,
making my anger and happiness
indistinguishable from each other,
and drowning me in sadness and grief forever.
6.12.18 இ
6.12.18 ஈ
6.12.19 அ
6.12.19 ஆ
ஸா து ஸம்வத்ஸரம் காலம்
மாமயாசத பாமிநீ ।
ப்ரதீக்ஷமாணா பர்தாரம்
ராமமாயதலோசநா ॥
sā tu saṃvatsaraṃ kālaṃ
māmayācata bhāminī ।
pratīkṣamāṇā bhartāram
rāmamāyatalōcanā ॥
The lovely one of wide eyes
begged of me a year’s respite,
hoping that her husband Rāma
would come to her rescue.
6.12.19 இ
6.12.19 ஈ
6.12.20 அ
6.12.20 ஆ
தந்மயா சாருநேத்ராயா:
ப்ரதிஜ்ஞாதம் வச: ஸுபம் ।
ஸ்ராந்தோऽஹம் ஸததம் காமாத்
யாதோ ஹய இவாத்வநி ॥
tanmayā cārunētrāyāḥ
pratijñātaṃ vacaḥ ṡubham ।
ṡrāntō'haṃ satataṃ kāmāt
yātō haya ivādhvani ॥
I agreed to that reasonable request
that she of lovely eyes made,
but I am worn out with perpetual longing,
like a horse that has run a long distance.
6.12.20 இ
6.12.20 ஈ
6.12.21 அ
6.12.21 ஆ
கதம் ஸாகரமக்ஷோப்யம்
உத்தரந்தி வநௌகஸ: ।
தௌ வா தஸரதாத்மஜௌ ॥
kathaṃ sāgaramakṣōbhyam
uttaranti vanaukasaḥ ।
tau vā daṡarathātmajau ॥
There is no way that the Vana dwellers
or the sons of Daṡaratha can
cross the formidable ocean
that teems with many sea creatures!
6.12.21 இ
6.12.21 ஈ
6.12.22 அ
6.12.22 ஆ
அதவா கபிநைகேந
க்ருதம் ந: கதநம் மஹத் ।
துர்ஜ்ஞேயா: கார்யகதயோ
ப்ரூத யஸ்ய யதா மதி: ॥
athavā kapinaikēna
kṛtaṃ naḥ kadanaṃ mahat ।
durjñēyāḥ kāryagatayō
brūta yasya yathā matiḥ ॥
But, just a single Vānara was able to
put up such a formidable fight
and hence it is difficult to know
how things will turn out.
Please tell me what you each think!
6.12.22 இ
6.12.22 ஈ
6.12.23 அ
6.12.23 ஆ
6.12.23 இ
6.12.23 ஈ
6.12.24 அ
6.12.24 ஆ
6.12.24 இ
6.12.24 ஈ
மாநுஷாந்மே பயம் நாஸ்தி
ததாபி து விம்ருஸ்யதாம் ।
ததா தேவாஸுரே யுத்தே
யுஷ்மாபி: ஸஹிதோऽஜயம் ।
தே மே பவந்தஸ்ச ததா
ஸுக்ரீவப்ரமுகாந் ஹரீந் ।
பரே பாரே ஸமுத்ரஸ்ய
புரஸ்க்ருத்ய ந்ருபாத்மஜௌ ।
ஸீதாயா: பதவீம் ப்ராப்தௌ
ஸம்ப்ராப்தௌ வருணாலயம் ॥
mānuṣānmē bhayaṃ nāsti
tathāpi tu vimṛṡyatām ।
tadā dēvāsurē yuddhē
yuṣmābhiḥ sahitō'jayam ।
tē mē bhavantaṡca tathā
sugrīvapram ukhān harīn ।
parē pārē samudrasya
puraskṛtya nṛpātmajau ।
sītāyāḥ padavīṃ prāptau
samprāptau varuṇālayam ॥
I do not have fear of humans,
but we do have to take things seriously.
I, with your help, and you yourselves too,
were victorious once upon a time
even in the war between Dēvas and Asuras.
The princes, led by the Vānaras like Sugreeva,
have reached the other shore of the ocean,
having come to know of Seetā’s whereabouts.
6.12.25 அ
6.12.25 ஆ
6.12.25 இ
6.12.25 ஈ
அதேயா ச யதா ஸீதா
வத்யௌ தஸரதாத்மஜௌ ।
பவத்பிர்மந்த்ர்யதாம் மந்த்ர:
ஸுநீதம் சாபிதீயதாம் ॥
adēyā ca yathā sītā
vadhyau daṡarathātmajau ।
bhavadbhirmantryatāṃ mantraḥ
sunītaṃ cābhidhīyatām ॥
Think of a strategy of
how Seetā need not be surrendered
and how the sons of Daṡaratha can be slayed.
Present (to me) a well laid out plan.
6.12.26 அ
6.12.26 ஆ
6.12.26 இ
6.12.26 ஈ
ந ஹி ஸக்திம் ப்ரபஸ்யாமி
ஜகத்யந்யஸ்ய கஸ்யசித் ।
ஸாகரம் வாநரைஸ்தீர்த்வா
நிஸ்சயேந ஜயோ மம ॥
na hi ṡaktiṃ prapaṡyāmi
jagatyanyasya kasyacit ।
sāgaraṃ vānaraistīrtvā
niṡcayēna jayō mama ॥
I cannot see anyone in this world
capable of crossing the ocean
with the help of Vānaras.
There is no doubt that victory will be mine.
6.12.27 அ
6.12.27 ஆ
6.12.27 இ
6.12.27 ஈ
தஸ்ய காமபரீதஸ்ய
நிஸம்ய பரிதேவிதம் ।
கும்பகர்ண: ப்ரசுக்ரோத
வசநம் சேதமப்ரவீத் ॥
tasya kāmaparītasya
niṡamya paridēvitam ।
kumbhakarṇaḥ pracukrōdha
vacanaṃ cēdamabravīt ॥
Kumbhakarṇa was quite outraged
on hearing those doleful plaints
of that passion-stricken one,
and said these words:
6.12.28 அ
6.12.28 ஆ
6.12.28 இ
6.12.28 ஈ
யதா து ராமஸ்ய ஸலக்ஷ்மணஸ்ய
ப்ரஸஹ்ய ஸீதா கலு ஸா இஹாஹ்ருதா ।
ஸக்ருத் ஸமீக்ஷ்யைவ ஸுநிஸ்சிதம் ததா
பஜேத சித்தம் யமுநேவ யாமுநம் ॥
yadā tu rāmasya salakṣmaṇasya
prasahya sītā khalu sā ihāhṛtā ।
sakṛt samīkṣyaiva suniṡcitaṃ tadā
bhajēta cittaṃ yamunēva yāmunam ॥
If only you had pondered well at least once
before forcefully bringing Seetā here
away from Rāma and Lakshmaṇa,
your mind would have had the
opportunity to collect its thoughts,
like water (from the mountains)
channeling into the Yamuna.
These seven Ṡlōkas, from 28 to 34, seems to be misplaced, may be because of shuffled palm leaves. These words would have been spoken by Vibheeshaṇa, but not by Kumbhakarṇa. These Ṡlōkas fit well to be part of the counsel of Vibheeshaṇa, in Sarga 9.
6.12.29 அ
6.12.29 ஆ
6.12.29 இ
6.12.29 ஈ
க்ருதமப்ரதிமம் தவ ।
விதீயேத ஸஹாஸ்மாபி:
ஆதாவேவாஸ்ய கர்மண: ॥
kṛtamapratimaṃ tava ।
vidhīyēta sahāsmābhiḥ
ādāvēvāsya karmaṇaḥ ॥
There would have been nothing like it,
if only you had all these consultations with us
when you originally thought of doing what you did.
6.12.30 அ
6.12.30 ஆ
6.12.30 இ
6.12.30 ஈ
ந்யாயேந ராஜகார்யாணி
ய: கரோதி தஸாநந ।
ந ஸ ஸந்தப்யதே பஸ்சாத்
நிஸ்சிதார்தமதிர்ந்ருப: ॥
nyāyēna rājakāryāṇi
yaḥ karōti daṡānana ।
na sa santapyatē paṡcāt
niṡcitārthamatirnṛpaḥ ॥
O Ten-Faced, a king who conducts
the affairs of the state
with clear objectives in mind
and in an ethical manner
would have nothing to resent later.
6.12.31 அ
6.12.31 ஆ
6.12.31 இ
6.12.31 ஈ
அநுபாயேந கர்மாணி
விபரீதாநி யாநி ச ।
க்ரியமாணாநி துஷ்யந்தி
ஹவீம்ஷ்யப்ரயதேஷ்விவ ॥
anupāyēna karmāṇi
viparītāni yāni ca ।
kriyamāṇāni duṣyanti
havīṃṣyaprayatēṣviva ॥
Failure will befall extreme undertakings
that lack proper strategy,
like Yajña offerings made without
the rigor of spiritual discipline.
6.12.32 அ
6.12.32 ஆ
6.12.32 இ
6.12.32 ஈ
ய: பஸ்சாத் பூர்வகார்யாணி
கர்மாண்யபிசிகீர்ஷதி ।
பூர்வம் சாபரகார்யாணி
ந ஸ வேத நயாநயௌ ॥
yaḥ paṡcāt pūrvakāryāṇi
karmāṇyabhicikīrṣati ।
pūrvaṃ cāparakāryāṇi
na sa vēda nayānayau ॥
He who does first what should be done later
and later what should have been done first,
has no sense of strategy.
6.12.33 அ
6.12.33 ஆ
6.12.33 இ
6.12.33 ஈ
சபலஸ்ய து க்ருத்யேஷு
ப்ரஸமீக்ஷ்யாதிகம் பலம் ।
சித்ரமந்யே ப்ரபத்யந்தே
க்ரௌஞ்சஸ்ய கமிவ த்விஜா: ॥
capalasya tu kṛtyēṣu
prasamīkṣyādhikaṃ balam ।
chidramanyē prapadyantē
krauñcasya khamiva dvijāḥ ॥
Others discover and exploit
the weaknesses in the undertakings
of one who does things heedlessly
relying on one’s own excessive strength,
like birds availing themselves of
the opening in the Krounca mountain.
6.12.34 அ
6.12.34 ஆ
6.12.34 இ
6.12.34 ஈ
த்வயேதம் மஹதாரப்தம்
கார்யமப்ரதிசிந்திதம் ।
திஷ்ட்யா த்வாம் நாவதீத்ராமோ
விஷமிஸ்ரமிவாமிஷம் ॥
tvayēdaṃ mahadārabdham
kāryamapraticintitam ।
diṣṭyā tvāṃ nāvadhīdrāmō
viṣamiṡramivāmiṣam ॥
You have embarked on this huge undertaking
without giving it careful thought;
it is only by the grace of Providence
that Rāma did not yet kill you,
leaving you out as one would spoiled meat.
6.12.35 அ
6.12.35 ஆ
6.12.35 இ
6.12.35 ஈ
தஸ்மாத்த்வயா ஸமாரப்தம்
கர்ம ஹ்யப்ரதிமம் பரை: ।
அஹம் ஸமீகரிஷ்யாமி
ஹத்வா ஸத்ரூம்ஸ்தவாநக ॥
tasmāttvayā samārabdham
karma hyapratimaṃ paraiḥ ।
ahaṃ samīkariṣyāmi
hatvā ṡatrūṃstavānagha ॥
O sinless one! I will kill the enemies
and finish off the incomparable attack
you launched against the enemies.
6.12.36 அ
6.12.36 ஆ
6.12.36 இ
6.12.36 ஈ
6.12.36 உ
6.12.36 ஊ
ஸத்ரூம்ஸ்தவ விஸாம்பதே ।
யதி ஸக்ரவிவஸ்வந்தௌ
யதி பாவகமாருதௌ ।
தாவஹம் யோதயிஷ்யாமி
குபேரவருணாவபி ॥
ṡatrūṃstava viṡāmpatē ।
yadi ṡakravivasvantau
yadi pāvakamārutau ।
tāvahaṃ yōdhayiṣyāmi
kubēravaruṇāvapi ॥
O King, I shall rout out your enemies,
whoever they may be, be it Ṡakra and Sūrya,
or Agni and Vāyu, or Kubēra and Varuṇa.
6.12.37 அ
6.12.37 ஆ
6.12.37 இ
6.12.37 ஈ
மஹாபரிகயோதிந: ।
பிபியாத்வை புரந்தர: ॥
mahāparighayōdhinaḥ ।
bibhiyādvai purandaraḥ ॥
Even Indra should be terrified of
my mountainous size and sharp fangs,
and as I fight with a huge Parigha
and let off a thunderous shout.
6.12.38 அ
6.12.38 ஆ
6.12.38 இ
6.12.38 ஈ
புநர்மாம் ஸ த்விதீயேந
ஸரேண நிஹநிஷ்யதி ।
ததோऽஹம் தஸ்ய பாஸ்யாமி
ருதிரம் காமமாஸ்வஸ ॥
punarmāṃ sa dvitīyēna
ṡarēṇa nihaniṣyati ।
tatō'haṃ tasya pāsyāmi
rudhiraṃ kāmamāṡvasa ॥
Before he shoots me with another arrow,
I shall have drunk quite a bit of his blood;
please be at ease in your mind.
6.12.39 அ
6.12.39 ஆ
6.12.39 இ
6.12.39 ஈ
வதேந வை தாஸரதே: ஸுகாவஹம்
ஜயம் தவாஹர்துமஹம் யதிஷ்யே ।
ஹத்வா ச ராமம் ஸஹ லக்ஷ்மணேந
காதாமி ஸர்வாந் ஹரியூதமுக்யாந் ॥
vadhēna vai dāṡarathēḥ sukhāvahaṃ
jayaṃ tavāhartumahaṃ yatiṣyē ।
hatvā ca rāmaṃ saha lakṣmaṇēna
khādāmi sarvān hariyūthamukhyān ॥
I will try to secure you the pleasure of
defeating and killing the son of Daṡaratha.
Having killed Rāma and Lakshmaṇa,
I will eat up all the Vānara chiefs.
6.12.40 அ
6.12.40 ஆ
6.12.40 இ
6.12.40 ஈ
ரமஸ்வ காமம் பிப சாக்ர்யவாருணீம்
குருஷ்வ கார்யாணி ஹிதாநி விஜ்வர: ।
மயா து ராமே கமிதே யமக்ஷயம்
சிராய ஸீதா வஸகா பவிஷ்யதி ॥
ramasva kāmaṃ piba cāgryavāruṇīṃ
kuruṣva kāryāṇi hitāni vijvaraḥ ।
mayā tu rāmē gamitē yamakṣayaṃ
cirāya sītā vaṡagā bhaviṣyati ॥
Sport yourself as you please!
Enjoy the best of the liquors!
Do whatever is good for you, without a worry!
With Rāma sent to the abode of Yama by me,
Seetā will be yours forever.
இத்யார்ஷே வால்மீகீயே
ஸ்ரீமத்ராமாயணே ஆதிகாவ்யே
யுத்தகாண்டே த்வாதஸ: ஸர்க:॥
ityārṣē vālmīkīyē
ṡrīmadrāmāyaṇē ādikāvyē
yuddhakāṇḍē dvādaṡaḥ sargaḥ॥
Thus concludes the twelfth Sarga
in Yuddha Kāṇḍa of the glorious Rāmāyaṇa,
the first ever poem of humankind,
composed by Maharshi Vālmeeki.