Sundara Kaanda Sargas 55

Sundara Kaanda - Sarga 55
In this Sarga, it suddenly occurs to Hanumān that Seetā might have also been burnt by the fire that he set off. He curses himself for succumbing to anger and doing it thoughtlessly. He knew that if Seetā was harmed, the entire purpose of his mission would be lost and no one but he would be responsible for that. With Seetā lost, he thinks, Rāma and Lakshmaṇa would not survive, and with them lost, Sugreeva and Vānaras would not survive, and so too Bharata and Ṡatrughna; and the entire world would be submerged in grief, with the lineage of Ikshwākus thus destroyed.
When he ponders thus, he sees some good omens and regains his confidence. He feels certain that Seetā cannot be touched by fire, as she had her own immense virtues for her armor. At the same time he hears amazed Cāraṇas talking about the unimaginable task that Hanumān had accomplished by burning down Laṅkā leaving Seetā alone unscathed.
Hanumān feels happy knowing that Seetā is unhurt and decides to see her again before returning.
5.55.1 அ
5.55.1 ஆ
5.55.1 இ
5.55.1 ஈ
5.55.2 அ
5.55.2 ஆ
ஸந்தீப்யமாநாம் வித்வஸ்தாம்
த்ரஸ்தரக்ஷோகணாம் புரீம் ।
ஆவேக்ஷ்ய ஹநுமாந் லங்காம்
சிந்தயாமாஸ வாநர: ।
குத்ஸா சாத்மந்யஜாயத ॥
sandīpyamānāṃ vidhvastām
trastarakṣōgaṇāṃ purīm ।
āvēkṣya hanumān laṅkām
cintayāmāsa vānaraḥ ।
kutsā cātmanyajāyata ॥
After seeing the city of Laṅkā
completely burnt, destroyed
and its hordes of Rākshasas gripped in fear,
a great fear gripped Hanumān, the Vānara,
and he thought, cursing himself:
5.55.2 இ
5.55.2 ஈ
5.55.3 அ
5.55.3 ஆ
5.55.3 இ
5.55.3 ஈ
லங்காம் ப்ரதஹதா கர்ம
கிம்ஸ்வித்க்ருதமிதம் மயா ।
தந்யாஸ்தே புருஷஸ்ரேஷ்டா
யே புத்த்யா கோபமுத்திதம் ।
நிருந்தந்தி மஹாத்மாநோ
தீப்தமக்நிமிவாம்பஸா ॥
laṅkāṃ pradahatā karma
kiṃsvitkṛtamidaṃ mayā ।
dhanyāstē puruṣaṡrēṣṭhā
yē buddhyā kōpamutthitam ।
nirundhanti mahātmānō
dīptamagnimivāmbhasā ॥
What have I done, burning down this Laṅkā?
Fortunate indeed are those truly great souls
whose anger is kept in check by their discernment,
like fire is, by the water.
5.55.4 அ
5.55.4 ஆ
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5.55.4 ஈ
க்ருத்த: பாபம் ந குர்யாத்க:
க்ருத்தோ ஹந்யாத்குரூநபி ।
க்ருத்த: பருஷயா வாசா
நரஸ்ஸாதூநதிக்ஷிபேத் ॥
kruddhaḥ pāpaṃ na kuryātkaḥ
kruddhō hanyādgurūnapi ।
kruddhaḥ paruṣayā vācā
narassādhūnadhikṣipēt ॥
Taken over by anger, which man would not
say harsh words, throw insults at saintly men,
commit sinful deeds and even kill revered elders?
5.55.5 அ
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5.55.5 ஈ
வாச்யாவாச்யம் ப்ரகுபிதோ
ந விஜாநாதி கர்ஹிசித் ।
நாகார்யமஸ்தி க்ருத்தஸ்ய
நாவாச்யம் வித்யதே க்வசித் ॥
vācyāvācyaṃ prakupitō
na vijānāti karhicit ।
nākāryamasti kruddhasya
nāvācyaṃ vidyatē kvacit ॥
One who is taken over by anger,
would not be able to distinguish between
what is appropriate to say and what is not.
There is nothing that a man
possessed by rage would not say or do.
5.55.6 அ
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5.55.6 ஈ
யஸ்ஸமுத்பதிதம் க்ரோதம்
க்ஷமயைவ நிரஸ்யதி ।
யதோரகஸ்த்வசம் ஜீர்ணாம்
ஸ வை புருஷ உச்யதே ॥
yassamutpatitaṃ krōdham
kṣamayaiva nirasyati ।
yathōragastvacaṃ jīrṇām
sa vai puruṣa ucyatē ॥
Only he who can cast aside his anger
as quickly as it rises,
like a snake sloughing off its worn-out skin,
only can be said to be a capable man.
5.55.7 அ
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5.55.7 ஈ
திகஸ்து மாம் ஸுதுர்புத்திம்
நிர்லஜ்ஜம் பாபக்ருத்தமம் ।
அசிந்தயித்வா தாம் ஸீதாம்
அக்நிதம் ஸ்வாமிகாதுகம் ॥
dhigastu māṃ sudurbuddhim
nirlajjaṃ pāpakṛttamam ।
acintayitvā tāṃ sītām
agnidaṃ svāmighātukam ॥
Dhik me, the wretched one,
for shamelessly committing
the sin of hurting my master!
Without thinking about Seetā,
I set (everything on) fire!
5.55.8 அ
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5.55.8 ஈ
யதி தக்தா த்வியம் லங்கா
நூநமார்யாऽபி ஜாநகீ ।
தக்தா தேந மயா பர்து:
ஹதம் கார்யமஜாநதா ॥
yadi dagdhā tviyaṃ laṅkā
nūnamāryā'pi jānakī ।
dagdhā tēna mayā bhartuḥ
hataṃ kāryamajānatā ॥
With Laṅkā burnt down, so would be Jānaki, the noble one!
I ruined the purpose of my lord, even before I knew it!
5.55.9 அ
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தத்கார்யமவஸாதிதம் ।
மயா ஹி தஹதா லங்காம்
ந ஸீதா பரிரக்ஷிதா ॥
tatkāryamavasāditam ।
mayā hi dahatā laṅkām
na sītā parirakṣitā ॥
The very purpose for which all this
effort was made, has been undone;
Seetā is, of course, not saved,
by (the folly of) my burning down Laṅkā!
5.55.10 அ
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5.55.10 ஈ
ஈஷத்கார்யமிதம் கார்யம்
க்ருதமாஸீந்ந ஸம்ஸய: ।
தஸ்ய க்ரோதாபிபூதேந
மயா மூலக்ஷய: க்ருத: ॥
īṣatkāryamidaṃ kāryam
kṛtamāsīnna saṃṡayaḥ ।
tasya krōdhābhibhūtēna
mayā mūlakṣayaḥ kṛtaḥ ॥
Without a doubt, just when
everything is all but accomplished,
I was undone by anger
and ruined the very purpose of it all.
5.55.11 அ
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5.55.11 ஈ
விநஷ்டா ஜாநகீ நூநம்
ந ஹ்யதக்த: ப்ரத்ருஸ்யதே ।
லங்காயாம் கஸ்சிதுத்தேஸ:
ஸர்வா பஸ்மீக்ருதா புரீ ॥
vinaṣṭā jānakī nūnam
na hyadagdhaḥ pradṛṡyatē ।
laṅkāyāṃ kaṡciduddhēṡaḥ
sarvā bhasmīkṛtā purī ॥
Jānaki must have perished, without a doubt,
for there is no part of the city,
that has not been burnt down
as far as I can see; the entire
city is reduced to ashes.
5.55.12 அ
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5.55.12 ஈ
யதி தத்விஹதம் கார்யம்
மம ப்ரஜ்ஞாவிபர்யயாத் ।
இஹைவ ப்ராணஸம்ந்யாஸோ
மமாபி ஹ்யத்ய ரோசதே ॥
yadi tadvihataṃ kāryam
mama prajñāviparyayāt ।
ihaiva prāṇasaṃnyāsō
mamāpi hyadya rōcatē ॥
I shall lay down my life right here,
the mission I am on thus undone by my lack of judgement.
5.55.13 அ
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5.55.13 ஈ
கிமக்நௌ நிபதாம்யத்ய
ஆஹோஸ்வித்படபாமுகே ।
ஸரீரமாஹோ ஸத்த்வாநாம்
தத்மி ஸாகரவாஸிநாம் ॥
kimagnau nipatāmyadya
āhōsvidbaḍabāmukhē ।
ṡarīramāhō sattvānām
dadmi sāgaravāsinām ॥
Now, shall I throw myself into the fire
or fall into the jaws of the great fire
in the depths of the ocean or consign
my body (as food) to the creatures of the sea?
5.55.14 அ
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5.55.14 ஈ
கதம் ஹி ஜீவதா ஸக்யோ
மயா த்ரஷ்டும் ஹரீஸ்வர: ।
தௌ வா புருஷஸார்தூலௌ
கார்யஸர்வஸ்வகாதிநா ॥
kathaṃ hi jīvatā ṡakyō
mayā draṣṭuṃ harīṡvaraḥ ।
tau vā puruṣaṡārdūlau
kāryasarvasvaghātinā ॥
Having ruined the entire mission,
how can I continue to be alive
and see the lord of Vānaras
and the duo of the tigers among men?
5.55.15 அ
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5.55.15 ஈ
மயா கலு ததேவேதம்
ரோஷதோஷாத்ப்ரதர்ஸிதம் ।
ப்ரதிதம் த்ரிஷு லோகேஷு
கபித்வமநவஸ்திதம் ॥
mayā khalu tadēvēdam
rōṣadōṣātpradarṡitam ।
prathitaṃ triṣu lōkēṣu
kapitvamanavasthitam ॥
I have indeed demonstrated the
proverbial fickleness of a monkey
that is well-known in the three worlds,
having succumbed to anger.
5.55.16 அ
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5.55.16 ஈ
திகஸ்து ராஜஸம் பாவம்
அநீஸமநவஸ்திதம் ।
ஈஸ்வரேணாபி யத்ராகாந்
மயா ஸீதா ந ரக்ஷிதா ॥
dhigastu rājasaṃ bhāvam
anīṡamanavasthitam ।
īṡvarēṇāpi yadrāgān
mayā sītā na rakṣitā ॥
Dhik the arrogance, which knows no control!
I was capable of it in every manner,
but Seetā could not be saved
by me, because of my arrogance!
5.55.17 அ
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5.55.17 ஈ
விநஷ்டாயாம் து ஸீதாயாம்
தாவுபௌ விநஸிஷ்யத: ।
தயோர்விநாஸே ஸுக்ரீவ:
ஸபந்துர்விநஸிஷ்யதி ॥
vinaṣṭāyāṃ tu sītāyām
tāvubhau vinaṡiṣyataḥ ।
tayōrvināṡē sugrīvaḥ
sabandhurvinaṡiṣyati ॥
If Seetā perishes, those two will perish;
and with them, Sugreeva will too, along with his kin.
5.55.18 அ
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5.55.18 ஈ
ஏததேவ வசஸ்ஸ்ருத்வா
பரதோ ப்ராத்ருவத்ஸல: ।
தர்மாத்மா ஸஹஸத்ருக்ந:
கதம் ஸக்ஷ்யதி ஜீவிதும் ॥
ētadēva vacaṡṡrutvā
bharatō bhrātṛvatsalaḥ ।
dharmātmā sahaṡatrughnaḥ
kathaṃ ṡakṣyati jīvitum ॥
How would Bharata, the Dharmātma,
the affectionate brother, and Ṡatrughna
hold on to their lives hearing the news?
To be continued

Sundara Kaanda - Sarga 55
In this Sarga, it suddenly occurs to Hanumān that Seetā might have also been burnt by the fire that he set off. He curses himself for succumbing to anger and doing it thoughtlessly. He knew that if Seetā was harmed, the entire purpose of his mission would be lost and no one but he would be responsible for that. With Seetā lost, he thinks, Rāma and Lakshmaṇa would not survive, and with them lost, Sugreeva and Vānaras would not survive, and so too Bharata and Ṡatrughna; and the entire world would be submerged in grief, with the lineage of Ikshwākus thus destroyed.
When he ponders thus, he sees some good omens and regains his confidence. He feels certain that Seetā cannot be touched by fire, as she had her own immense virtues for her armor. At the same time he hears amazed Cāraṇas talking about the unimaginable task that Hanumān had accomplished by burning down Laṅkā leaving Seetā alone unscathed.
Hanumān feels happy knowing that Seetā is unhurt and decides to see her again before returning.
5.55.1 அ
5.55.1 ஆ
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5.55.1 ஈ
5.55.2 அ
5.55.2 ஆ
ஸந்தீப்யமாநாம் வித்வஸ்தாம்
த்ரஸ்தரக்ஷோகணாம் புரீம் ।
ஆவேக்ஷ்ய ஹநுமாந் லங்காம்
சிந்தயாமாஸ வாநர: ।
குத்ஸா சாத்மந்யஜாயத ॥
sandīpyamānāṃ vidhvastām
trastarakṣōgaṇāṃ purīm ।
āvēkṣya hanumān laṅkām
cintayāmāsa vānaraḥ ।
kutsā cātmanyajāyata ॥
After seeing the city of Laṅkā
completely burnt, destroyed
and its hordes of Rākshasas gripped in fear,
a great fear gripped Hanumān, the Vānara,
and he thought, cursing himself:
5.55.2 இ
5.55.2 ஈ
5.55.3 அ
5.55.3 ஆ
5.55.3 இ
5.55.3 ஈ
லங்காம் ப்ரதஹதா கர்ம
கிம்ஸ்வித்க்ருதமிதம் மயா ।
தந்யாஸ்தே புருஷஸ்ரேஷ்டா
யே புத்த்யா கோபமுத்திதம் ।
நிருந்தந்தி மஹாத்மாநோ
தீப்தமக்நிமிவாம்பஸா ॥
laṅkāṃ pradahatā karma
kiṃsvitkṛtamidaṃ mayā ।
dhanyāstē puruṣaṡrēṣṭhā
yē buddhyā kōpamutthitam ।
nirundhanti mahātmānō
dīptamagnimivāmbhasā ॥
What have I done, burning down this Laṅkā?
Fortunate indeed are those truly great souls
whose anger is kept in check by their discernment,
like fire is, by the water.
5.55.4 அ
5.55.4 ஆ
5.55.4 இ
5.55.4 ஈ
க்ருத்த: பாபம் ந குர்யாத்க:
க்ருத்தோ ஹந்யாத்குரூநபி ।
க்ருத்த: பருஷயா வாசா
நரஸ்ஸாதூநதிக்ஷிபேத் ॥
kruddhaḥ pāpaṃ na kuryātkaḥ
kruddhō hanyādgurūnapi ।
kruddhaḥ paruṣayā vācā
narassādhūnadhikṣipēt ॥
Taken over by anger, which man would not
say harsh words, throw insults at saintly men,
commit sinful deeds and even kill revered elders?
5.55.5 அ
5.55.5 ஆ
5.55.5 இ
5.55.5 ஈ
வாச்யாவாச்யம் ப்ரகுபிதோ
ந விஜாநாதி கர்ஹிசித் ।
நாகார்யமஸ்தி க்ருத்தஸ்ய
நாவாச்யம் வித்யதே க்வசித் ॥
vācyāvācyaṃ prakupitō
na vijānāti karhicit ।
nākāryamasti kruddhasya
nāvācyaṃ vidyatē kvacit ॥
One who is taken over by anger,
would not be able to distinguish between
what is appropriate to say and what is not.
There is nothing that a man
possessed by rage would not say or do.
5.55.6 அ
5.55.6 ஆ
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5.55.6 ஈ
யஸ்ஸமுத்பதிதம் க்ரோதம்
க்ஷமயைவ நிரஸ்யதி ।
யதோரகஸ்த்வசம் ஜீர்ணாம்
ஸ வை புருஷ உச்யதே ॥
yassamutpatitaṃ krōdham
kṣamayaiva nirasyati ।
yathōragastvacaṃ jīrṇām
sa vai puruṣa ucyatē ॥
Only he who can cast aside his anger
as quickly as it rises,
like a snake sloughing off its worn-out skin,
only can be said to be a capable man.
5.55.7 அ
5.55.7 ஆ
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5.55.7 ஈ
திகஸ்து மாம் ஸுதுர்புத்திம்
நிர்லஜ்ஜம் பாபக்ருத்தமம் ।
அசிந்தயித்வா தாம் ஸீதாம்
அக்நிதம் ஸ்வாமிகாதுகம் ॥
dhigastu māṃ sudurbuddhim
nirlajjaṃ pāpakṛttamam ।
acintayitvā tāṃ sītām
agnidaṃ svāmighātukam ॥
Dhik me, the wretched one,
for shamelessly committing
the sin of hurting my master!
Without thinking about Seetā,
I set (everything on) fire!
5.55.8 அ
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5.55.8 ஈ
யதி தக்தா த்வியம் லங்கா
நூநமார்யாऽபி ஜாநகீ ।
தக்தா தேந மயா பர்து:
ஹதம் கார்யமஜாநதா ॥
yadi dagdhā tviyaṃ laṅkā
nūnamāryā'pi jānakī ।
dagdhā tēna mayā bhartuḥ
hataṃ kāryamajānatā ॥
With Laṅkā burnt down, so would be Jānaki, the noble one!
I ruined the purpose of my lord, even before I knew it!
5.55.9 அ
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5.55.9 ஈ
தத்கார்யமவஸாதிதம் ।
மயா ஹி தஹதா லங்காம்
ந ஸீதா பரிரக்ஷிதா ॥
tatkāryamavasāditam ।
mayā hi dahatā laṅkām
na sītā parirakṣitā ॥
The very purpose for which all this
effort was made, has been undone;
Seetā is, of course, not saved,
by (the folly of) my burning down Laṅkā!
5.55.10 அ
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5.55.10 ஈ
ஈஷத்கார்யமிதம் கார்யம்
க்ருதமாஸீந்ந ஸம்ஸய: ।
தஸ்ய க்ரோதாபிபூதேந
மயா மூலக்ஷய: க்ருத: ॥
īṣatkāryamidaṃ kāryam
kṛtamāsīnna saṃṡayaḥ ।
tasya krōdhābhibhūtēna
mayā mūlakṣayaḥ kṛtaḥ ॥
Without a doubt, just when
everything is all but accomplished,
I was undone by anger
and ruined the very purpose of it all.
5.55.11 அ
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5.55.11 ஈ
விநஷ்டா ஜாநகீ நூநம்
ந ஹ்யதக்த: ப்ரத்ருஸ்யதே ।
லங்காயாம் கஸ்சிதுத்தேஸ:
ஸர்வா பஸ்மீக்ருதா புரீ ॥
vinaṣṭā jānakī nūnam
na hyadagdhaḥ pradṛṡyatē ।
laṅkāyāṃ kaṡciduddhēṡaḥ
sarvā bhasmīkṛtā purī ॥
Jānaki must have perished, without a doubt,
for there is no part of the city,
that has not been burnt down
as far as I can see; the entire
city is reduced to ashes.
5.55.12 அ
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5.55.12 ஈ
யதி தத்விஹதம் கார்யம்
மம ப்ரஜ்ஞாவிபர்யயாத் ।
இஹைவ ப்ராணஸம்ந்யாஸோ
மமாபி ஹ்யத்ய ரோசதே ॥
yadi tadvihataṃ kāryam
mama prajñāviparyayāt ।
ihaiva prāṇasaṃnyāsō
mamāpi hyadya rōcatē ॥
I shall lay down my life right here,
the mission I am on thus undone by my lack of judgement.
5.55.13 அ
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5.55.13 ஈ
கிமக்நௌ நிபதாம்யத்ய
ஆஹோஸ்வித்படபாமுகே ।
ஸரீரமாஹோ ஸத்த்வாநாம்
தத்மி ஸாகரவாஸிநாம் ॥
kimagnau nipatāmyadya
āhōsvidbaḍabāmukhē ।
ṡarīramāhō sattvānām
dadmi sāgaravāsinām ॥
Now, shall I throw myself into the fire
or fall into the jaws of the great fire
in the depths of the ocean or consign
my body (as food) to the creatures of the sea?
5.55.14 அ
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5.55.14 ஈ
கதம் ஹி ஜீவதா ஸக்யோ
மயா த்ரஷ்டும் ஹரீஸ்வர: ।
தௌ வா புருஷஸார்தூலௌ
கார்யஸர்வஸ்வகாதிநா ॥
kathaṃ hi jīvatā ṡakyō
mayā draṣṭuṃ harīṡvaraḥ ।
tau vā puruṣaṡārdūlau
kāryasarvasvaghātinā ॥
Having ruined the entire mission,
how can I continue to be alive
and see the lord of Vānaras
and the duo of the tigers among men?
5.55.15 அ
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5.55.15 ஈ
மயா கலு ததேவேதம்
ரோஷதோஷாத்ப்ரதர்ஸிதம் ।
ப்ரதிதம் த்ரிஷு லோகேஷு
கபித்வமநவஸ்திதம் ॥
mayā khalu tadēvēdam
rōṣadōṣātpradarṡitam ।
prathitaṃ triṣu lōkēṣu
kapitvamanavasthitam ॥
I have indeed demonstrated the
proverbial fickleness of a monkey
that is well-known in the three worlds,
having succumbed to anger.
5.55.16 அ
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திகஸ்து ராஜஸம் பாவம்
அநீஸமநவஸ்திதம் ।
ஈஸ்வரேணாபி யத்ராகாந்
மயா ஸீதா ந ரக்ஷிதா ॥
dhigastu rājasaṃ bhāvam
anīṡamanavasthitam ।
īṡvarēṇāpi yadrāgān
mayā sītā na rakṣitā ॥
Dhik the arrogance, which knows no control!
I was capable of it in every manner,
but Seetā could not be saved
by me, because of my arrogance!
5.55.17 அ
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5.55.17 ஈ
விநஷ்டாயாம் து ஸீதாயாம்
தாவுபௌ விநஸிஷ்யத: ।
தயோர்விநாஸே ஸுக்ரீவ:
ஸபந்துர்விநஸிஷ்யதி ॥
vinaṣṭāyāṃ tu sītāyām
tāvubhau vinaṡiṣyataḥ ।
tayōrvināṡē sugrīvaḥ
sabandhurvinaṡiṣyati ॥
If Seetā perishes, those two will perish;
and with them, Sugreeva will too, along with his kin.
5.55.18 அ
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5.55.18 ஈ
ஏததேவ வசஸ்ஸ்ருத்வா
பரதோ ப்ராத்ருவத்ஸல: ।
தர்மாத்மா ஸஹஸத்ருக்ந:
கதம் ஸக்ஷ்யதி ஜீவிதும் ॥
ētadēva vacaṡṡrutvā
bharatō bhrātṛvatsalaḥ ।
dharmātmā sahaṡatrughnaḥ
kathaṃ ṡakṣyati jīvitum ॥
How would Bharata, the Dharmātma,
the affectionate brother, and Ṡatrughna
hold on to their lives hearing the news?
To be continued