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Nrusimha avatar sloka from Narayaneeyam

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  • Nrusimha avatar sloka from Narayaneeyam

    Courtesy: Smt.Dr.Saroja Ramanujam
    dhathye dhikshu visrshtachakshushi mhaasamrambhiNi
    sambhoothamna mrgaathmakam na manujaakaaram vapusthe vibho
    kim kim bheeshaNam adhbhutham ithivyudhbhraantha chitthe asure
    visphoorjath Dhavalograromavikasath varshmaa samaajrmbhThaaH
    When the asura with his eyes roaming around with anger in all directions, you emerged from the pillar, Oh Lord with a form which was neither an animal nor a man.While the asura was wondering what it was with an agitated mind you grew into a huge form with while sharp hairs bristling.
    dhithye – when the asura
    mahaasamrabhiNi- with great anger
    visrshtachakshushi-and his eyes roaming
    hishu- in all directions
    the vapuH – your form
    sambhootham – emerged
    sthambhathaH- from the pillar
    vibho- Oh Lord!
    na mrgathmakam – which was neither of an animal
    na manujaakaaram- nor of a human
    asure – when the asura
    vibhraantha chitthe – with baffled mind thibking
    kim kim idham- what ever is this
    bheeshanam – which is terrifying
    adhbutham- and a wonder
    samaajrmbhaThaaH – you grew into
    vikasath varshmaa- shining body
    Dhavalograroma- with white mane
    Visphoorjath- bristling
    Narayaneeyam- Nrsimhavathara