Sundara Kaanda Sargas 45

Sundara Kaanda - Sarga 45
In this Sarga, the seven sons of ministers sent by Rāvaṇa, along with their armies, attack Hanuman. They rained a barrage of arrows on Hanumān, which did not harm Hanumān any more than a downpour on a mountain. Pounding with his fist, chest and thighs and rending with his nails, Hanumān kills all of them, turning the streets into streams of blood. The entire Laṅkā reverberates with horrible shrieks.
5.45.1 அ
5.45.1 ஆ
5.45.1 இ
5.45.1 ஈ
5.45.2 அ
5.45.2 ஆ
5.45.2 இ
5.45.2 ஈ
5.45.3 அ
5.45.3 ஆ
5.45.3 இ
5.45.3 ஈ
5.45.4 அ
5.45.4 ஆ
5.45.4 இ
5.45.4 ஈ ததஸ்தே ராக்ஷஸேந்த்ரேண
சோதிதா மந்த்ரிணஸ்ஸுதா: ।
ஸப்தஸப்தார்சிவர்சஸ: ।
தநுஷ்மந்தோ மஹாபலா: ।
க்ருதாஸ்த்ராஸ்த்ரவிதாம் ஸ்ரேஷ்டா:
பரஸ்பரஜயைஷிண: ।
த்வஜவத்பி: பதாகிபி: ।
வாஜியுக்தைர்மஹாரதை: ।
சாபாந்யமிதவிக்ரமா: ।
விஸ்பாரயந்தஸ்ஸம்ஹ்ருஷà ��டா:
தடித்வந்த இவாம்புதா: ॥
tatastē rākṣasēndrēṇa
cōditā mantriṇassutāḥ ।
saptasaptārcivarcasaḥ ।
dhanuṣmantō mahābalāḥ ।
kṛtāstrāstravidāṃ ṡrēṣṭhāḥ
parasparajayaiṣiṇaḥ ।
dhvajavadbhiḥ patākibhiḥ ।
vājiyuktairmahārathaiḥ ।
cāpānyamitavikramāḥ ।
taṭitvanta ivāmbudāḥ ॥
Directed by the King of Rākshasas,
the seven mighty strong sons of ministers,
best among the savants of Astras,
possessing limitless prowess,
armed with bows, trained well in Astras,
glowing like fire, eager to outdo the rest,
marched forth in high spirits from that palace
on imposing chariots drawn by horses,
rumbling and flashing like rainclouds
with flag posts and flags
decorated with lacework of gold,
supported by great contingents of army,
twanging the strings of the bows
that had a variety of decorations
made of gold purified in fire on them.
5.45.5 அ
5.45.5 ஆ
5.45.5 இ
5.45.5 ஈ ஜநந்யஸ்து ததஸ்தேஷாம்
விதித்வா கிங்கராந்ஹதாந் ।
ஸபாந்தவஸுஹ்ருஜ்ஜநா: ॥
jananyastu tatastēṣām
viditvā kiṅkarānhatān ।
sabāndhavasuhṛjjanāḥ ॥
But their mothers, as well as
their relations and friends
felt very sad and worried,
having already learnt about
the slaughter of Kiṅkaras.
5.45.6 அ
5.45.6 ஆ
5.45.6 இ
5.45.6 ஈ தே பரஸ்பரஸங்கர்ஷாத்
தப்தகாஞ்சநபூஷணா: ।
தோரணஸ்தமவஸ்திதம் ॥
tē parasparasaṅgharṣāt
taptakāñcanabhūṣaṇāḥ ।
tōraṇasthamavasthitam ॥
Each vying to be ahead of the other,
wearing ornaments made of gold purified in fire,
they rushed to Hanumān who was
ready (for the fight), at the archway.
5.45.7 அ
5.45.7 ஆ
5.45.7 இ
5.45.7 ஈ ஸ்ருஜந்தோ பாணவ்ருஷ்டிம் தே
ரதகர்ஜிதநிஸ்ஸ்வநா: ।
வ்ருஷ்டிமந்த இவாம்போதா
விசேருர்நைருதாம்புதா: ॥
sṛjantō bāṇavṛṣṭiṃ tē
rathagarjitanissvanāḥ ।
vṛṣṭimanta ivāṃbhōdā
vicērurnaiṛtāmbudāḥ ॥
Those cloud-like Rākshasas,
moved about like rain clouds
creating a torrent of arrows,
with the rumble of chariots for thunder.
5.45.8 அ
5.45.8 ஆ
5.45.8 இ
5.45.8 ஈ அவகீர்ணஸ்ததஸ்தாபி:
ஹநுமாந்ஸரவ்ருஷ்டிபி: ।
ஸைலராடிவ வ்ருஷ்டிபி: ॥
hanumānṡaravṛṣṭibhiḥ ।
ṡailarāḍiva vṛṣṭibhiḥ ॥
With those volleys of arrows showering on him,
Hanumān looked like the king of mountains
with its outline blurred by a downpour.
5.45.9 அ
5.45.9 ஆ
5.45.9 இ
5.45.9 ஈ ஸ ஸராந்மோகயாமாஸ
தேஷாமாஸுசர: கபி: ।
ரதவேகம் ச வீராணாம்
விசரந்விமலேऽம்பரே ॥
sa ṡarānmōghayāmāsa
tēṣāmāṡucaraḥ kapiḥ ।
rathavēgaṃ ca vīrāṇām
vicaranvimalē'mbarē ॥
The swift moving Vānara rendered those arrows and
the speed of the chariots of those Veeras futile,
darting around in the clear sky.
5.45.10 அ
5.45.10 ஆ
5.45.10 இ
5.45.10 ஈ ஸ தை: க்ரீடந்தநுஷ்மத்பி:
வ்யோம்நி வீர: ப்ரகாஸதே ।
தநுஷ்மத்பிர்யதா மேகை:
மாருத: ப்ரபுரம்பரே ॥
sa taiḥ krīḍandhanuṣmadbhiḥ
vyōmni vīraḥ prakāṡatē ।
dhanuṣmadbhiryathā mēghaiḥ
mārutaḥ prabhurambarē ॥
Like the lordly Wind-god playing
with clouds and their rainbows in the sky,
that Veera shone in the air
playing with those bow-wielders.
5.45.11 அ
5.45.11 ஆ
5.45.11 இ
5.45.11 ஈ ஸ க்ருத்வா நிநதம் கோரம்
த்ராஸயம்ஸ்தாம் மஹாசமூம் ।
சகார ஹநுமாந்வேகம்
தேஷு ரக்ஷஸ்ஸு வீர்யவாந் ॥
sa kṛtvā ninadaṃ ghōram
trāsayaṃstāṃ mahācamūm ।
cakāra hanumānvēgam
tēṣu rakṣassu vīryavān ॥
Letting off a terrible yell
and terrifying that mighty army,
the valorous Hanumān increased
the speed (of attack) towards those Rākshasas.
5.45.12 அ
5.45.12 ஆ
5.45.12 இ
5.45.12 ஈ தலேநாப்யஹநத்காம்ஸ்சித்
பாதை: காம்ஸ்சித்பரந்தப: ।
நகை: காம்ஸ்சித்வ்யதாரயத் ॥
pādaiḥ kāṃṡcitparantapaḥ ।
nakhaiḥ kāṃṡcidvyadārayat ॥
He, scorcher of the foe,
struck some with the open palm of his hand,
some with his feet,
some he pummeled with his fist,
and some he rent with his nails.
5.45.13 அ
5.45.13 ஆ
5.45.13 இ
5.45.13 ஈ ப்ரமமாதோரஸா காம்ஸ்சித்
ஊருப்யாமபராந்கபி: ।
கேசித்தஸ்ய நிநாதேந
தத்ரைவ பதிதா புவி ॥
pramamāthōrasā kāṃṡcit
ūrubhyāmaparānkapiḥ ।
kēcittasya ninādēna
tatraiva patitā bhuvi ॥
The Vānara crushed some with his chest
and others with his thighs;
some fell to the ground just hearing his roar.
5.45.14 அ
5.45.14 ஆ
5.45.14 இ
5.45.14 ஈ ததஸ்தேஷ்வவஸந்நேஷு
பூமௌ நிபதிதேஷு ச ।
திஸோதஸ பயார்திதம் ॥
bhūmau nipatitēṣu ca ।
diṡōdaṡa bhayārditam ॥
When they fell down dead on the ground,
the entire army, panic-stricken,
scattered in all ten directions.
5.45.15 அ
5.45.15 ஆ
5.45.15 இ
5.45.15 ஈ விநேதுர்விஸ்வரம் நாகா
நிபேதுர்புவி வாஜிந: ।
பூஸ்ச கீர்ணாऽபவத்ரதை: ॥
vinēdurvisvaraṃ nāgā
nipēturbhuvi vājinaḥ ।
bhūṡca kīrṇā'bhavadrathaiḥ ॥
Elephants wailed loudly and
horses fell down to the ground.
The earth was scattered with chariots,
their roofs, flagstaffs and umbrellas broken.
5.45.16 அ
5.45.16 ஆ
5.45.16 இ
5.45.16 ஈ ஸ்ரவதா ருதிரேணாத
ஸ்ரவந்த்யோ தர்ஸிதா: பதி ।
விவிதைஸ்ச ஸ்வரைர்லங்கா
நநாத விக்ருதம் ததா ॥
sravatā rudhirēṇātha
sravantyō darṡitāḥ pathi ।
vividhaiṡca svarairlaṅkā
nanāda vikṛtaṃ tadā ॥
The streets looked like rivers
with the flowing blood.
Laṅkā reverberated with
every kind of horribly scream.
5.45.17 அ
5.45.17 ஆ
5.45.17 இ
5.45.17 ஈ ஸ தாந்ப்ரவ்ருத்தாந்விநிஹத்ய ராக்ஷஸாந்
மஹாபலஸ்சண்டபராக்ரம: கபி: ।
யுயுத்ஸுரந்யை: புநரேவ ராக்ஷஸை:
தமேவ வீரோऽபிஜகாம தோரணம் ॥
sa tānpravṛddhānvinihatya rākṣasān
mahābalaṡcaṇḍaparākramaḥ kapiḥ ।
yuyutsuranyaiḥ punarēva rākṣasaiḥ
tamēva vīrō'bhijagāma tōraṇam ॥
Having destroyed those
over-vaunting Rakshasas,
the Vānara, a Veera of
fiery prowess and immense strength,
returned to the archway,
eager for a fight again
with more Rākshasas.
இத்யார்ஷே வால்மீகீயே
ஸ்ரீமத்ராமாயணே ஆதிகாவ்யே
ஸுந்தரகாண்டே பஞ்சசத்வாரிம்ஸஸ்ஸர்க:॥
ityārṣē vālmīkīyē
ṡrīmadrāmāyaṇē ādikāvyē
sundarakāṇḍē pañcacatvāriṃṡassargaḥ॥
Thus concludes the forty fifth Sarga
in Sundara Kāṇḍa of the glorious Rāmāyaṇa,
the first ever poem of humankind,
composed by Maharshi Vālmeeki.

Sundara Kaanda - Sarga 45
In this Sarga, the seven sons of ministers sent by Rāvaṇa, along with their armies, attack Hanuman. They rained a barrage of arrows on Hanumān, which did not harm Hanumān any more than a downpour on a mountain. Pounding with his fist, chest and thighs and rending with his nails, Hanumān kills all of them, turning the streets into streams of blood. The entire Laṅkā reverberates with horrible shrieks.
5.45.1 அ
5.45.1 ஆ
5.45.1 இ
5.45.1 ஈ
5.45.2 அ
5.45.2 ஆ
5.45.2 இ
5.45.2 ஈ
5.45.3 அ
5.45.3 ஆ
5.45.3 இ
5.45.3 ஈ
5.45.4 அ
5.45.4 ஆ
5.45.4 இ
5.45.4 ஈ ததஸ்தே ராக்ஷஸேந்த்ரேண
சோதிதா மந்த்ரிணஸ்ஸுதா: ।
ஸப்தஸப்தார்சிவர்சஸ: ।
தநுஷ்மந்தோ மஹாபலா: ।
க்ருதாஸ்த்ராஸ்த்ரவிதாம் ஸ்ரேஷ்டா:
பரஸ்பரஜயைஷிண: ।
த்வஜவத்பி: பதாகிபி: ।
வாஜியுக்தைர்மஹாரதை: ।
சாபாந்யமிதவிக்ரமா: ।
விஸ்பாரயந்தஸ்ஸம்ஹ்ருஷà ��டா:
தடித்வந்த இவாம்புதா: ॥
tatastē rākṣasēndrēṇa
cōditā mantriṇassutāḥ ।
saptasaptārcivarcasaḥ ।
dhanuṣmantō mahābalāḥ ।
kṛtāstrāstravidāṃ ṡrēṣṭhāḥ
parasparajayaiṣiṇaḥ ।
dhvajavadbhiḥ patākibhiḥ ।
vājiyuktairmahārathaiḥ ।
cāpānyamitavikramāḥ ।
taṭitvanta ivāmbudāḥ ॥
Directed by the King of Rākshasas,
the seven mighty strong sons of ministers,
best among the savants of Astras,
possessing limitless prowess,
armed with bows, trained well in Astras,
glowing like fire, eager to outdo the rest,
marched forth in high spirits from that palace
on imposing chariots drawn by horses,
rumbling and flashing like rainclouds
with flag posts and flags
decorated with lacework of gold,
supported by great contingents of army,
twanging the strings of the bows
that had a variety of decorations
made of gold purified in fire on them.
5.45.5 அ
5.45.5 ஆ
5.45.5 இ
5.45.5 ஈ ஜநந்யஸ்து ததஸ்தேஷாம்
விதித்வா கிங்கராந்ஹதாந் ।
ஸபாந்தவஸுஹ்ருஜ்ஜநா: ॥
jananyastu tatastēṣām
viditvā kiṅkarānhatān ।
sabāndhavasuhṛjjanāḥ ॥
But their mothers, as well as
their relations and friends
felt very sad and worried,
having already learnt about
the slaughter of Kiṅkaras.
5.45.6 அ
5.45.6 ஆ
5.45.6 இ
5.45.6 ஈ தே பரஸ்பரஸங்கர்ஷாத்
தப்தகாஞ்சநபூஷணா: ।
தோரணஸ்தமவஸ்திதம் ॥
tē parasparasaṅgharṣāt
taptakāñcanabhūṣaṇāḥ ।
tōraṇasthamavasthitam ॥
Each vying to be ahead of the other,
wearing ornaments made of gold purified in fire,
they rushed to Hanumān who was
ready (for the fight), at the archway.
5.45.7 அ
5.45.7 ஆ
5.45.7 இ
5.45.7 ஈ ஸ்ருஜந்தோ பாணவ்ருஷ்டிம் தே
ரதகர்ஜிதநிஸ்ஸ்வநா: ।
வ்ருஷ்டிமந்த இவாம்போதா
விசேருர்நைருதாம்புதா: ॥
sṛjantō bāṇavṛṣṭiṃ tē
rathagarjitanissvanāḥ ।
vṛṣṭimanta ivāṃbhōdā
vicērurnaiṛtāmbudāḥ ॥
Those cloud-like Rākshasas,
moved about like rain clouds
creating a torrent of arrows,
with the rumble of chariots for thunder.
5.45.8 அ
5.45.8 ஆ
5.45.8 இ
5.45.8 ஈ அவகீர்ணஸ்ததஸ்தாபி:
ஹநுமாந்ஸரவ்ருஷ்டிபி: ।
ஸைலராடிவ வ்ருஷ்டிபி: ॥
hanumānṡaravṛṣṭibhiḥ ।
ṡailarāḍiva vṛṣṭibhiḥ ॥
With those volleys of arrows showering on him,
Hanumān looked like the king of mountains
with its outline blurred by a downpour.
5.45.9 அ
5.45.9 ஆ
5.45.9 இ
5.45.9 ஈ ஸ ஸராந்மோகயாமாஸ
தேஷாமாஸுசர: கபி: ।
ரதவேகம் ச வீராணாம்
விசரந்விமலேऽம்பரே ॥
sa ṡarānmōghayāmāsa
tēṣāmāṡucaraḥ kapiḥ ।
rathavēgaṃ ca vīrāṇām
vicaranvimalē'mbarē ॥
The swift moving Vānara rendered those arrows and
the speed of the chariots of those Veeras futile,
darting around in the clear sky.
5.45.10 அ
5.45.10 ஆ
5.45.10 இ
5.45.10 ஈ ஸ தை: க்ரீடந்தநுஷ்மத்பி:
வ்யோம்நி வீர: ப்ரகாஸதே ।
தநுஷ்மத்பிர்யதா மேகை:
மாருத: ப்ரபுரம்பரே ॥
sa taiḥ krīḍandhanuṣmadbhiḥ
vyōmni vīraḥ prakāṡatē ।
dhanuṣmadbhiryathā mēghaiḥ
mārutaḥ prabhurambarē ॥
Like the lordly Wind-god playing
with clouds and their rainbows in the sky,
that Veera shone in the air
playing with those bow-wielders.
5.45.11 அ
5.45.11 ஆ
5.45.11 இ
5.45.11 ஈ ஸ க்ருத்வா நிநதம் கோரம்
த்ராஸயம்ஸ்தாம் மஹாசமூம் ।
சகார ஹநுமாந்வேகம்
தேஷு ரக்ஷஸ்ஸு வீர்யவாந் ॥
sa kṛtvā ninadaṃ ghōram
trāsayaṃstāṃ mahācamūm ।
cakāra hanumānvēgam
tēṣu rakṣassu vīryavān ॥
Letting off a terrible yell
and terrifying that mighty army,
the valorous Hanumān increased
the speed (of attack) towards those Rākshasas.
5.45.12 அ
5.45.12 ஆ
5.45.12 இ
5.45.12 ஈ தலேநாப்யஹநத்காம்ஸ்சித்
பாதை: காம்ஸ்சித்பரந்தப: ।
நகை: காம்ஸ்சித்வ்யதாரயத் ॥
pādaiḥ kāṃṡcitparantapaḥ ।
nakhaiḥ kāṃṡcidvyadārayat ॥
He, scorcher of the foe,
struck some with the open palm of his hand,
some with his feet,
some he pummeled with his fist,
and some he rent with his nails.
5.45.13 அ
5.45.13 ஆ
5.45.13 இ
5.45.13 ஈ ப்ரமமாதோரஸா காம்ஸ்சித்
ஊருப்யாமபராந்கபி: ।
கேசித்தஸ்ய நிநாதேந
தத்ரைவ பதிதா புவி ॥
pramamāthōrasā kāṃṡcit
ūrubhyāmaparānkapiḥ ।
kēcittasya ninādēna
tatraiva patitā bhuvi ॥
The Vānara crushed some with his chest
and others with his thighs;
some fell to the ground just hearing his roar.
5.45.14 அ
5.45.14 ஆ
5.45.14 இ
5.45.14 ஈ ததஸ்தேஷ்வவஸந்நேஷு
பூமௌ நிபதிதேஷு ச ।
திஸோதஸ பயார்திதம் ॥
bhūmau nipatitēṣu ca ।
diṡōdaṡa bhayārditam ॥
When they fell down dead on the ground,
the entire army, panic-stricken,
scattered in all ten directions.
5.45.15 அ
5.45.15 ஆ
5.45.15 இ
5.45.15 ஈ விநேதுர்விஸ்வரம் நாகா
நிபேதுர்புவி வாஜிந: ।
பூஸ்ச கீர்ணாऽபவத்ரதை: ॥
vinēdurvisvaraṃ nāgā
nipēturbhuvi vājinaḥ ।
bhūṡca kīrṇā'bhavadrathaiḥ ॥
Elephants wailed loudly and
horses fell down to the ground.
The earth was scattered with chariots,
their roofs, flagstaffs and umbrellas broken.
5.45.16 அ
5.45.16 ஆ
5.45.16 இ
5.45.16 ஈ ஸ்ரவதா ருதிரேணாத
ஸ்ரவந்த்யோ தர்ஸிதா: பதி ।
விவிதைஸ்ச ஸ்வரைர்லங்கா
நநாத விக்ருதம் ததா ॥
sravatā rudhirēṇātha
sravantyō darṡitāḥ pathi ।
vividhaiṡca svarairlaṅkā
nanāda vikṛtaṃ tadā ॥
The streets looked like rivers
with the flowing blood.
Laṅkā reverberated with
every kind of horribly scream.
5.45.17 அ
5.45.17 ஆ
5.45.17 இ
5.45.17 ஈ ஸ தாந்ப்ரவ்ருத்தாந்விநிஹத்ய ராக்ஷஸாந்
மஹாபலஸ்சண்டபராக்ரம: கபி: ।
யுயுத்ஸுரந்யை: புநரேவ ராக்ஷஸை:
தமேவ வீரோऽபிஜகாம தோரணம் ॥
sa tānpravṛddhānvinihatya rākṣasān
mahābalaṡcaṇḍaparākramaḥ kapiḥ ।
yuyutsuranyaiḥ punarēva rākṣasaiḥ
tamēva vīrō'bhijagāma tōraṇam ॥
Having destroyed those
over-vaunting Rakshasas,
the Vānara, a Veera of
fiery prowess and immense strength,
returned to the archway,
eager for a fight again
with more Rākshasas.
இத்யார்ஷே வால்மீகீயே
ஸ்ரீமத்ராமாயணே ஆதிகாவ்யே
ஸுந்தரகாண்டே பஞ்சசத்வாரிம்ஸஸ்ஸர்க:॥
ityārṣē vālmīkīyē
ṡrīmadrāmāyaṇē ādikāvyē
sundarakāṇḍē pañcacatvāriṃṡassargaḥ॥
Thus concludes the forty fifth Sarga
in Sundara Kāṇḍa of the glorious Rāmāyaṇa,
the first ever poem of humankind,
composed by Maharshi Vālmeeki.