Sundara Kaanda Sarga 38

Sundara Kaanda - Sarga 38
In this Sarga, Hanuman praises Seetā for her virtue of not touching another man. He explains what propelled him to make the offer of carrying her on his back across the ocean. He asks her to give a token of identity to prove that he indeed saw her, if she cannot go with him.
Then Seetā tells him of an incident that happened when Rāma and she were alone at the foot of the mountain of Citrakūṭa. She tells how a crow came when Rāma was sleeping on her lap and started pecking at her between her breasts and how Rāma woke up when drops of blood fell on him and how he, in his anger, hurled the Astra of Brahma at the crow and how it fled, and how the arrow chased the crow, and how the crow finding no one who could save it from that Astra had to finally come back, seeking refuge in Rāma alone.
Then she conveys her message for Rāma and Lakshmana. She implores Hanumān, that it is upon him to urge Rāma and Lakshmaṇa into action, to rescue her. Hanumān assures her that it is the beginning of the end of her sorrows and that the two brothers will come to rescue her, reducing Laṅkā to ashes.
Seetā then gives a gemstone ornament that she wore in her tresses to Hanumān and tells him to give it to Rāma. Holding that ornament, Hanuman trembles like a tree in high wind, because of the power it had, having been worn by Seetā, daughter of Janaka.
5.38.1 அ
5.38.1 ஆ
5.38.1 இ
5.38.1 ஈ ததஸ்ஸ கபிஸார்தூல:
தேந வாக்யேந தோஷித: ।
ஸீதாமுவாச தச்ச்ருத்வா
வாக்யம் வாக்யவிஸாரத: ॥
tatassa kapiṡārdūlaḥ
tēna vākyēna tōṣitaḥ ।
sītāmuvāca tacchṛtvā
vākyaṃ vākyaviṡāradaḥ ॥
Then that tiger among Vānaras,
who knew what counted as well-made conversation,
was pleased with her words.
Hearing all that Seetā said,
he said these words to her:
5.38.2 அ
5.38.2 ஆ
5.38.2 இ
5.38.2 ஈ யுக்தரூபம் த்வயா தேவி
பாஷிதம் ஸுபதர்ஸநே ।
ஸத்ருஸம் ஸ்த்ரீஸ்வபாவஸ்ய
ஸாத்வீநாம் விநயஸ்ய ச ॥
yuktarūpaṃ tvayā dēvi
bhāṣitaṃ ṡubhadarṡanē ।
sadṛṡaṃ strīsvabhāvasya
sādhvīnāṃ vinayasya ca ॥
O Dēvi of auspicious looks!
What you said is appropriate
and to be expected of a woman,
and betrays the modesty of a virtuous woman.
5.38.3 அ
5.38.3 ஆ
5.38.3 இ
5.38.3 ஈ ஸ்த்ரீத்வம் ந து ஸமர்தம் ஹி
ஸாகரம் வ்யதிவர்திதும் ।
மாமதிஷ்டாய விஸ்தீர்ணம்
ஸதயோஜநமாயதம் ॥
strītvaṃ na tu samarthaṃ hi
sāgaraṃ vyativartitum ।
māmadhiṣṭhāya vistīrṇam
ṡatayōjanamāyatam ॥
Agreed, it is difficult for a woman
to cross the wide ocean that
stretches for a hundred-Yōjanas,
even if it is by sitting on my back.
5.38.4 அ
5.38.4 ஆ
5.38.4 இ
5.38.4 ஈ
5.38.5 அ
5.38.5 ஆ
5.38.5 இ
5.38.5 ஈ த்விதீயம் காரணம் யச்ச
ப்ரவீஷி விநயாந்விதே ।
ராமாதந்யஸ்ய நார்ஹாமி
ஸம்ஸ்பர்ஸமிதி ஜாநகி ।
ஏதத்தே ஸத்ருஸம் தேவி
பத்ந்யாஸ்தஸ்ய மஹாத்மந: ।
கா ஹ்யந்யா த்வாம்ருதே தேவி
ப்ரூயாத்வசநமீத்ருஸம் ॥
dvitīyaṃ kāraṇaṃ yacca
bravīṣi vinayānvitē ।
rāmādanyasya nārhāmi
saṃsparṡamiti jānaki ।
ētattē sadṛṡaṃ dēvi
patnyāstasya mahātmanaḥ ।
kā hyanyā tvāmṛtē dēvi
brūyādvacanamīdṛṡam ॥
O Seetā, O daughter of Janaka, O you full of modesty!
The second reason you gave,
‘it is not appropriate for me
to touch anyone other than Rāma’,
can only be expected of
the wife of a Mahātma like him!
Who else but you would speak thus, O Dēvi?
5.38.6 அ
5.38.6 ஆ
5.38.6 இ
5.38.6 ஈ ஸ்ரோஷ்யதே சைவ காகுத்ஸ்த:
ஸர்வம் நிரவஸேஷத: ।
சேஷ்டிதம் யத்த்வயா தேவி
பாஷிதம் மம சாக்ரத: ॥
ṡrōṣyatē caiva kākutsthaḥ
sarvaṃ niravaṡēṣataḥ ।
cēṣṭitaṃ yattvayā dēvi
bhāṣitaṃ mama cāgrataḥ ॥
Kākutstha shall hear everything,
with nothing left unmentioned,
that you did and said in my presence.
5.38.7 அ
5.38.7 ஆ
5.38.7 இ
5.38.7 ஈ காரணைர்பஹுபிர்தேவி
ராமப்ரியசிகீர்ஷயா ।
மயைதத்ஸமுதீரிதம் ॥
rāmapriyacikīrṣayā ।
mayaitatsamudīritam ॥
There are many reasons, O Dēvi,
for saying what I said,
(not the least of which is)
my eagerness to please Rāma and
my heart melting away with affection.
5.38.8 அ
5.38.8 ஆ
5.38.8 இ
5.38.8 ஈ லங்காயா துஷ்ப்ரவேஸத்வாத்
துஸ்தரத்வாந்மஹோததே: ।
மயைதத்ஸமுதீரிதம் ॥
laṅkāyā duṣpravēṡatvāt
dustaratvānmahōdadhēḥ ।
mayaitatsamudīritam ॥
I said what I said considering
the difficulty in crossing the ocean,
the difficulty in penetrating Laṅkā,
and my own capability (to carry you back).
5.38.9 அ
5.38.9 ஆ
5.38.9 இ
5.38.9 ஈ இச்சாமி த்வாம் ஸமாநேதும்
அத்யைவ ரகுபந்துநா ।
குருஸ்நேஹேந பக்த்யா ச
நாந்யதைததுதாஹ்ருதம் ॥
icchāmi tvāṃ samānētum
adyaiva raghubandhunā ।
gurusnēhēna bhaktyā ca
nānyathaitadudāhṛtam ॥
I wish to unite you this very day
with the scion of the Raghus,
propelled by my love and devotion to my master;
there is no other reason for saying what I said.
5.38.10 அ
5.38.10 ஆ
5.38.10 இ
5.38.10 ஈ யதி நோத்ஸஹஸே யாதும்
மயா ஸார்தமநிந்திதே ।
அபிஜ்ஞாநம் ப்ரயச்ச த்வம்
ஜாநீயாத்ராகவோ ஹி யத் ॥
yadi nōtsahasē yātum
mayā sārthamaninditē ।
abhijñānaṃ prayaccha tvam
jānīyādrāghavō hi yat ॥
If you do not like to go with me, O blameless one,
give me a token of identity that Rāghava would recognize.
5.38.11 அ
5.38.11 ஆ
5.38.11 இ
5.38.11 ஈ ஏவமுக்தா ஹநுமதா
ஸீதா ஸுரஸுதோபமா ।
உவாச வசநம் மந்தம்
பாஷ்பப்ரக்ரதிதாக்ஷரம் ॥
ēvamuktā hanumatā
sītā surasutōpamā ।
uvāca vacanaṃ mandam
bāṣpapragrathitākṣaram ॥
Thus told by Hanumān,
Seetā who was like a princess of Dēvas,
spoke in a paced manner,
with each of her words pierced with tears:
5.38.12 அ
5.38.12 ஆ இதம் ஸ்ரேஷ்டமபிஜ்ஞாநம்
ப்ரூயாஸ்த்வம் து மம ப்ரியம் ॥
idaṃ ṡrēṣṭhamabhijñānam
brūyāstvaṃ tu mama priyam ॥
Please tell my beloved this best of
the memories that he would recognize:
5.38.12 இ
5.38.12 ஈ
5.38.13 அ
5.38.13 ஆ
5.38.13 இ
5.38.13 ஈ
5.38.14 அ
5.38.14 ஆ
5.38.14 இ
5.38.14 ஈ ஸைலஸ்ய சித்ரகூடஸ்ய
பாதே பூர்வோத்தரே புரா ।
ப்ராஜ்யமூலபலோதகே ।
தஸ்மிந்ஸித்தாஸ்ரமே தேஸே
மந்தாகிந்யா விதூரத: ।
நாநாபுஷ்பஸுகந்திஷு ।
விஹ்ருத்ய ஸலிலே க்லிந்நா
மமாங்கே ஸமுபாவிஸ: ॥
ṡailasya citrakūṭasya
pādē pūrvōttarē purā ।
prājyamūlaphalōdakē ।
tasminsiddhāṡramē dēṡē
mandākinyā vidūrataḥ ।
tasyōpavanaṣaṇḍēṣu< br>nānāpuṣpasugandhiṣu ।
vihṛtya salilē klinnā
mamāṅkē samupāviṡaḥ ॥
Once upon a time, you sat by my lap,
wet after playing in the streams of clear water,
by the woods filled with the fragrance
of many kinds of flowers that
were not too far from Mandākini
at the foot of the Citrakūṭa mountain
on its north eastern side
where fruits and roots abounded,
a place that Siddhas made their home.
5.38.15 அ
5.38.15 ஆ
5.38.15 இ
5.38.15 ஈ ததோ மாம்ஸஸமாயுக்தோ
வாயஸ: பர்யதுண்டயத் ।
தமஹம் லோஷ்டமுத்யம்ய
வாரயாமிஸ்ம வாயஸம் ॥
tatō māṃsasamāyuktō
vāyasaḥ paryatuṇḍayat ।
tamahaṃ lōṣṭamudyamya
vārayāmisma vāyasam ॥
A crow, greedy for flesh,
started pecking at me with its beak.
I tried to ward the crow off
by throwing a clod of mud.
5.38.16 அ
5.38.16 ஆ
5.38.16 இ
5.38.16 ஈ தாரயந்ஸ ச மாம் காக:
தத்த்ரைவ பரிலீயதே ।
ந சாப்யுபாரமந்மாம்ஸாத்
பக்ஷார்தி பலிபோஜந: ॥
dārayansa ca māṃ kākaḥ
tattraiva parilīyatē ।
na cāpyupāramanmāṃsāt
bhakṣārthi balibhōjanaḥ ॥
It kept hovering around, tearing my flesh.
Hungry for a meal, the crow would
not move away from where the flesh was.
5.38.17 அ
5.38.17 ஆ
5.38.17 இ
5.38.17 ஈ உத்கர்ஷந்த்யாம் ச ரஸநாம்
க்ருத்தாயாம் மயி பக்ஷிணி ।
ஸ்ரஸ்யமாநே ச வஸநே
ததோ த்ருஷ்டா த்வயா ஹ்யஹம் ॥
utkarṣantyāṃ ca raṡanām
kruddhāyāṃ mayi pakṣiṇi ।
srasyamānē ca vasanē
tatō dṛṣṭā tvayā hyaham ॥
You saw me, when I was thus
annoyed by that bird and
was pulling up my waist-belt to
hold my garment that was slipping off.
5.38.18 அ
5.38.18 ஆ
5.38.18 இ
5.38.18 ஈ த்வயாऽபஹஸிதா சாஹம்
க்ருத்தா ஸம்லஜ்ஜிதா ததா ।
பக்ஷக்ருத்நேந காகேந
தாரிதா த்வாமுபாகதா ॥
tvayā'pahasitā cāham
kruddhā saṃlajjitā tadā ।
bhakṣagṛdhnēna kākēna
dāritā tvāmupāgatā ॥
You then made fun of me and
I became annoyed and felt ashamed.
Torn by that crow that was
greedy for food, I came to you.
5.38.19 அ
5.38.19 ஆ
5.38.19 இ
5.38.19 ஈ ஆஸீநஸ்ய ச தே ஸ்ராந்தா
புநருத்ஸங்கமாவிஸம் ।
க்ருத்யந்தீ ச ப்ரஹ்ருஷ்டேந
த்வயாऽஹம் பரிஸாந்த்விதா ॥
āsīnasya ca tē ṡrāntā
punarutsaṅgamāviṡam ।
krudhyantī ca prahṛṣṭēna
tvayā'haṃ parisāntvitā ॥
Tired, I then came and sat on your lap again.
You enjoyed the whole thing,
but seeing me angry, you consoled me.
5.38.20 அ
5.38.20 ஆ
5.38.20 இ
5.38.20 ஈ பாஷ்பபூர்ணமுகீ மந்தம்
சக்ஷுஷீ பரிமார்ஜதீ ।
லக்ஷிதாऽஹம் த்வயா நாத
வாயஸேந ப்ரகோபிதா ॥
bāṣpapūrṇamukhī mandam
cakṣuṣī parimārjatī ।
lakṣitā'haṃ tvayā nātha
vāyasēna prakōpitā ॥
O my lord! You saw me ,
angered by the crow and face filled with tears,
wiping my eyes slowly.
5.38.21 அ
5.38.21 ஆ
5.38.21 இ
5.38.21 ஈ பரிஸ்ரமாத்ப்ரஸுப்தா ச
ராகவாங்கேऽப்யஹம் சிரம் ।
பர்யாயேண ப்ரஸுப்தஸ்ச
மமாங்கே பரதாக்ரஜ: ॥
pariṡramātprasuptā ca
rāghavāṅkē'pyahaṃ ciram ।
paryāyēṇa prasuptaṡca
mamāṅkē bharatāgrajaḥ ॥
Tired, I fell asleep on Rāghava’s lap for a long time.
Then the elder brother of Bharata
took h turn and slept on my lap.
5.38.22 அ
5.38.22 ஆ
5.38.22 இ
5.38.22 ஈ ஸ தத்ர புநரேவாத
வாயஸஸ்ஸமுபாகமத் ।
ததஸ்ஸுப்தப்ரபுத்தாம் மாம்
ராமஸ்யாங்காத்ஸமுத்திதாம் ॥
sa tatra punarēvātha
vāyasassamupāgamat ।
tatassuptaprabuddhāṃ mām
rāmasyāṅkātsamutthitām ॥
Then just as I woke up from sleep
and got up from Rāma’s lap,
the crow came again.
5.38.23 அ
5.38.23 ஆ
5.38.23 இ
5.38.23 ஈ வாயஸஸ்ஸஹஸாகம்ய
விததார ஸ்தநாந்தரே ।
புந: புநரதோத்பத்ய
விததார ஸ மாம் ப்ருஸம் ॥
vidadāra stanāntarē ।
punaḥ punarathōtpatya
vidadāra sa māṃ bhṛṡam ॥
The crow dashed onto me and
tore away at me between my breasts.
It kept flying up and down
tearing away hard at me.
5.38.24 அ
5.38.24 ஆ
5.38.24 இ
5.38.24 ஈ
5.38.25 அ
5.38.25 ஆ ததஸ்ஸமுக்ஷிதோ ராமோ
முக்தைஸ்ஸோணிதபிந்துபி: ।
வாயஸேந ததஸ்தேந
பலவத்க்லிஸ்யமாநயா ।
ஸ மயா போதிதஸ்ஸ்ரீமாந்
ஸுகஸுப்த: பரந்தப: ॥
tatassamukṣitō rāmō
muktaiṡṡōṇitabindubhiḥ ।
vāyasēna tatastēna
balavatkliṡyamānayā ।
sa mayā bōdhitaṡṡrīmān
sukhasuptaḥ parantapaḥ ॥
Then the drops of blood fell on Rāma.
That blessed one, who torments his foe,
who was enjoying his sleep, was woken up
by me, who was badgered hard by the crow.
5.38.25 இ
5.38.25 ஈ
5.38.26 அ
5.38.26 ஆ ஸ மாம் த்ருஷ்ட்வா மஹாபாஹு:
விதுந்நாம் ஸ்தநயோஸ்ததா ।
ஆஸீவிஷ இவ க்ருத்த:
ஸ்வஸந்வாக்யமபாஷத ॥
sa māṃ dṛṣṭvā mahābāhuḥ
vitunnāṃ stanayōstadā ।
āṡīviṣa iva kruddhaḥ
ṡvasanvākyamabhāṣata ॥
Then, he of mighty arm,
seeing me with my breasts torn,
became outraged and said these words,
hissing like a venomous serpent:
5.38.26 இ
5.38.26 ஈ
5.38.27 அ
5.38.27 ஆ கேந தே நாகநாஸோரு
விக்ஷதம் வை ஸ்தநாந்தரம் ।
க: க்ரீடதி ஸரோஷேண
பஞ்சவக்த்ரேண போகிநா ॥
kēna tē nāganāsōru
vikṣataṃ vai stanāntaram ।
kaḥ krīḍati sarōṣēṇa
pañcavaktrēṇa bhōginā ॥
O you with thighs like elephant’s trunk!
Who is it that wounded your breasts?
Who is it that wants to play
with a five-hooded serpent?
5.38.27 இ
5.38.27 ஈ
5.38.28 அ
5.38.28 ஆ வீக்ஷமாணஸ்ததஸ்தம் வை
வாயஸம் ஸமுதைக்ஷத ।
மாமேவாபிமுகம் ஸ்திதம் ॥
vīkṣamāṇastatastaṃ vai
vāyasaṃ samudaikṣata ।
māmēvābhimukhaṃ sthitam ॥
Looking around, he saw the crow
with its sharp talons smeared in blood
and its face turned towards me!
5.38.28 இ
5.38.28 ஈ
5.38.29 அ
5.38.29 ஆ புத்ர: கில ஸ ஸக்ரஸ்ய
வாயஸ: பததாம் வர: ।
பவநஸ்ய கதௌ ஸம: ॥
putraḥ kila sa ṡakrasya
vāyasaḥ patatāṃ varaḥ ।
pavanasya gatau samaḥ ॥
It seemed that that eminent bird was the son of Ṡakra,
who was an equal to the wind in speed and
could pass through ranges of mountains in a jiffy.
5.38.29 இ
5.38.29 ஈ
5.38.30 அ
5.38.30 ஆ ததஸ்தஸ்மிந்மஹாபாஹு:
கோபஸம்வர்திதேக்ஷண: ।
வாயஸே க்ருதவாந்க்ரூராம்
மதிம் மதிமதாம் வர: ॥
kōpasaṃvartitēkṣaṇaḥ ।
vāyasē kṛtavānkrūrām
matiṃ matimatāṃ varaḥ ॥
He of mighty arm, the best among thoughtful men,
his eyes rolling with rage,
resolved in his mind to show no mercy to that crow.
5.38.30 இ
5.38.30 ஈ
5.38.31 அ
5.38.31 ஆ ஸ தர்பம் ஸம்ஸ்தராத்க்ருஹ்ய
ப்ராஹ்மேணாஸ்த்ரேண யோஜயத் ।
ஸ தீப்த இவ காலாக்நி:
ஜஜ்வாலாபிமுகோ த்விஜம் ॥
sa darbhaṃ saṃstarādgṛhya
brāhmēṇāstrēṇa yōjayat ।
sa dīpta iva kālāgniḥ
jajvālābhimukhō dvijam ॥
He drew a reed of Darbha grass from his grass mat
and infused it with the power of the Astra of Brahma.
And it blazed before the eyes of the
bird like the fire of Dissolution.
5.38.31 இ
5.38.31 ஈ
5.38.32 அ
5.38.32 ஆ ஸ தம் ப்ரதீப்தம் சிக்ஷேப
தர்பம் தம் வாயஸம் ப்ரதி ।
ததஸ்தம் வாயஸம் தர்ப:
ஸோம்பரேऽநுஜகாம ஹ ॥
sa taṃ pradīptaṃ cikṣēpa
darbhaṃ taṃ vāyasaṃ prati ।
tatastaṃ vāyasaṃ darbhaḥ
sōmbarē'nujagāma ha ॥
And he hurled that blazing Darbha at the crow.
The Darbha chased the crow as it fled into the sky.
5.38.32 இ
5.38.32 ஈ
5.38.33 அ
5.38.33 ஆ அநுஸ்ருஷ்டஸ்ததா காகோ
ஜகாம விவிதாம் கதிம் ।
லோககாம இமம் லோகம்
ஸர்வம் வை விசசார ஹ ॥
anusṛṣṭastadā kākō
jagāma vividhāṃ gatim ।
lōkakāma imaṃ lōkam
sarvaṃ vai vicacāra ha ॥
Thus chased, the crow flew in every direction.
Looking for someone to save it,
it went all around the earth.
5.38.33 இ
5.38.33 ஈ
5.38.34 அ
5.38.34 ஆ ஸ பித்ரா ச பரித்யக்த:
ஸுரைஸ்ச ஸமஹர்ஷிபி: ।
தமேவ ஸரணம் கத: ॥
sa pitrā ca parityaktaḥ
suraiṡca samaharṣibhiḥ ।
tamēva ṡaraṇaṃ gataḥ ॥
Repudiated by his father,
and by all the Dēvas and Maharshis alike,
he went around all the three worlds in vain,
and finally sought refuge in him (Rāma) alone.
5.38.34 இ
5.38.34 ஈ
5.38.35 அ
5.38.35 ஆ ஸ தம் நிபதிதம் பூமௌ
ஸரண்யஸ்ஸரணாகதம் ।
வதார்ஹமபி காகுத்ஸ்த:
க்ருபயா பர்யபாலயத் ॥
sa taṃ nipatitaṃ bhūmau
ṡaraṇyaṡṡaraṇāgatam ।
vadhārhamapi kākutsthaḥ
kṛpayā paryapālayat ॥
Seeing him thus fall on the ground
seeking refuge, Kākutstha who is
the ultimate recourse for all,
spared him out of compassion,
though he deserved to be killed.
5.38.35 இ
5.38.35 ஈ
5.38.36 அ
5.38.36 ஆ பரித்யூநம் விஷண்ணம் ச
ஸ தமாயாந்தமப்ரவீத் ।
மோகம் கர்தும் ந ஸக்யம் து
ப்ராஹ்மமஸ்த்ரம் ததுச்யதாம் ॥
paridyūnaṃ viṣaṇṇaṃ ca
sa tamāyāntamabravīt ।
mōghaṃ kartuṃ na ṡakyaṃ tu
brāhmamastraṃ taducyatām ॥
Then he spoke to him who came back tired and repenting,
“Once invoked, the Astra of Brahma cannot go in vain;
tell me what to do!”
To be continued

Sundara Kaanda - Sarga 38
In this Sarga, Hanuman praises Seetā for her virtue of not touching another man. He explains what propelled him to make the offer of carrying her on his back across the ocean. He asks her to give a token of identity to prove that he indeed saw her, if she cannot go with him.
Then Seetā tells him of an incident that happened when Rāma and she were alone at the foot of the mountain of Citrakūṭa. She tells how a crow came when Rāma was sleeping on her lap and started pecking at her between her breasts and how Rāma woke up when drops of blood fell on him and how he, in his anger, hurled the Astra of Brahma at the crow and how it fled, and how the arrow chased the crow, and how the crow finding no one who could save it from that Astra had to finally come back, seeking refuge in Rāma alone.
Then she conveys her message for Rāma and Lakshmana. She implores Hanumān, that it is upon him to urge Rāma and Lakshmaṇa into action, to rescue her. Hanumān assures her that it is the beginning of the end of her sorrows and that the two brothers will come to rescue her, reducing Laṅkā to ashes.
Seetā then gives a gemstone ornament that she wore in her tresses to Hanumān and tells him to give it to Rāma. Holding that ornament, Hanuman trembles like a tree in high wind, because of the power it had, having been worn by Seetā, daughter of Janaka.
5.38.1 அ
5.38.1 ஆ
5.38.1 இ
5.38.1 ஈ ததஸ்ஸ கபிஸார்தூல:
தேந வாக்யேந தோஷித: ।
ஸீதாமுவாச தச்ச்ருத்வா
வாக்யம் வாக்யவிஸாரத: ॥
tatassa kapiṡārdūlaḥ
tēna vākyēna tōṣitaḥ ।
sītāmuvāca tacchṛtvā
vākyaṃ vākyaviṡāradaḥ ॥
Then that tiger among Vānaras,
who knew what counted as well-made conversation,
was pleased with her words.
Hearing all that Seetā said,
he said these words to her:
5.38.2 அ
5.38.2 ஆ
5.38.2 இ
5.38.2 ஈ யுக்தரூபம் த்வயா தேவி
பாஷிதம் ஸுபதர்ஸநே ।
ஸத்ருஸம் ஸ்த்ரீஸ்வபாவஸ்ய
ஸாத்வீநாம் விநயஸ்ய ச ॥
yuktarūpaṃ tvayā dēvi
bhāṣitaṃ ṡubhadarṡanē ।
sadṛṡaṃ strīsvabhāvasya
sādhvīnāṃ vinayasya ca ॥
O Dēvi of auspicious looks!
What you said is appropriate
and to be expected of a woman,
and betrays the modesty of a virtuous woman.
5.38.3 அ
5.38.3 ஆ
5.38.3 இ
5.38.3 ஈ ஸ்த்ரீத்வம் ந து ஸமர்தம் ஹி
ஸாகரம் வ்யதிவர்திதும் ।
மாமதிஷ்டாய விஸ்தீர்ணம்
ஸதயோஜநமாயதம் ॥
strītvaṃ na tu samarthaṃ hi
sāgaraṃ vyativartitum ।
māmadhiṣṭhāya vistīrṇam
ṡatayōjanamāyatam ॥
Agreed, it is difficult for a woman
to cross the wide ocean that
stretches for a hundred-Yōjanas,
even if it is by sitting on my back.
5.38.4 அ
5.38.4 ஆ
5.38.4 இ
5.38.4 ஈ
5.38.5 அ
5.38.5 ஆ
5.38.5 இ
5.38.5 ஈ த்விதீயம் காரணம் யச்ச
ப்ரவீஷி விநயாந்விதே ।
ராமாதந்யஸ்ய நார்ஹாமி
ஸம்ஸ்பர்ஸமிதி ஜாநகி ।
ஏதத்தே ஸத்ருஸம் தேவி
பத்ந்யாஸ்தஸ்ய மஹாத்மந: ।
கா ஹ்யந்யா த்வாம்ருதே தேவி
ப்ரூயாத்வசநமீத்ருஸம் ॥
dvitīyaṃ kāraṇaṃ yacca
bravīṣi vinayānvitē ।
rāmādanyasya nārhāmi
saṃsparṡamiti jānaki ।
ētattē sadṛṡaṃ dēvi
patnyāstasya mahātmanaḥ ।
kā hyanyā tvāmṛtē dēvi
brūyādvacanamīdṛṡam ॥
O Seetā, O daughter of Janaka, O you full of modesty!
The second reason you gave,
‘it is not appropriate for me
to touch anyone other than Rāma’,
can only be expected of
the wife of a Mahātma like him!
Who else but you would speak thus, O Dēvi?
5.38.6 அ
5.38.6 ஆ
5.38.6 இ
5.38.6 ஈ ஸ்ரோஷ்யதே சைவ காகுத்ஸ்த:
ஸர்வம் நிரவஸேஷத: ।
சேஷ்டிதம் யத்த்வயா தேவி
பாஷிதம் மம சாக்ரத: ॥
ṡrōṣyatē caiva kākutsthaḥ
sarvaṃ niravaṡēṣataḥ ।
cēṣṭitaṃ yattvayā dēvi
bhāṣitaṃ mama cāgrataḥ ॥
Kākutstha shall hear everything,
with nothing left unmentioned,
that you did and said in my presence.
5.38.7 அ
5.38.7 ஆ
5.38.7 இ
5.38.7 ஈ காரணைர்பஹுபிர்தேவி
ராமப்ரியசிகீர்ஷயா ।
மயைதத்ஸமுதீரிதம் ॥
rāmapriyacikīrṣayā ।
mayaitatsamudīritam ॥
There are many reasons, O Dēvi,
for saying what I said,
(not the least of which is)
my eagerness to please Rāma and
my heart melting away with affection.
5.38.8 அ
5.38.8 ஆ
5.38.8 இ
5.38.8 ஈ லங்காயா துஷ்ப்ரவேஸத்வாத்
துஸ்தரத்வாந்மஹோததே: ।
மயைதத்ஸமுதீரிதம் ॥
laṅkāyā duṣpravēṡatvāt
dustaratvānmahōdadhēḥ ।
mayaitatsamudīritam ॥
I said what I said considering
the difficulty in crossing the ocean,
the difficulty in penetrating Laṅkā,
and my own capability (to carry you back).
5.38.9 அ
5.38.9 ஆ
5.38.9 இ
5.38.9 ஈ இச்சாமி த்வாம் ஸமாநேதும்
அத்யைவ ரகுபந்துநா ।
குருஸ்நேஹேந பக்த்யா ச
நாந்யதைததுதாஹ்ருதம் ॥
icchāmi tvāṃ samānētum
adyaiva raghubandhunā ।
gurusnēhēna bhaktyā ca
nānyathaitadudāhṛtam ॥
I wish to unite you this very day
with the scion of the Raghus,
propelled by my love and devotion to my master;
there is no other reason for saying what I said.
5.38.10 அ
5.38.10 ஆ
5.38.10 இ
5.38.10 ஈ யதி நோத்ஸஹஸே யாதும்
மயா ஸார்தமநிந்திதே ।
அபிஜ்ஞாநம் ப்ரயச்ச த்வம்
ஜாநீயாத்ராகவோ ஹி யத் ॥
yadi nōtsahasē yātum
mayā sārthamaninditē ।
abhijñānaṃ prayaccha tvam
jānīyādrāghavō hi yat ॥
If you do not like to go with me, O blameless one,
give me a token of identity that Rāghava would recognize.
5.38.11 அ
5.38.11 ஆ
5.38.11 இ
5.38.11 ஈ ஏவமுக்தா ஹநுமதா
ஸீதா ஸுரஸுதோபமா ।
உவாச வசநம் மந்தம்
பாஷ்பப்ரக்ரதிதாக்ஷரம் ॥
ēvamuktā hanumatā
sītā surasutōpamā ।
uvāca vacanaṃ mandam
bāṣpapragrathitākṣaram ॥
Thus told by Hanumān,
Seetā who was like a princess of Dēvas,
spoke in a paced manner,
with each of her words pierced with tears:
5.38.12 அ
5.38.12 ஆ இதம் ஸ்ரேஷ்டமபிஜ்ஞாநம்
ப்ரூயாஸ்த்வம் து மம ப்ரியம் ॥
idaṃ ṡrēṣṭhamabhijñānam
brūyāstvaṃ tu mama priyam ॥
Please tell my beloved this best of
the memories that he would recognize:
5.38.12 இ
5.38.12 ஈ
5.38.13 அ
5.38.13 ஆ
5.38.13 இ
5.38.13 ஈ
5.38.14 அ
5.38.14 ஆ
5.38.14 இ
5.38.14 ஈ ஸைலஸ்ய சித்ரகூடஸ்ய
பாதே பூர்வோத்தரே புரா ।
ப்ராஜ்யமூலபலோதகே ।
தஸ்மிந்ஸித்தாஸ்ரமே தேஸே
மந்தாகிந்யா விதூரத: ।
நாநாபுஷ்பஸுகந்திஷு ।
விஹ்ருத்ய ஸலிலே க்லிந்நா
மமாங்கே ஸமுபாவிஸ: ॥
ṡailasya citrakūṭasya
pādē pūrvōttarē purā ।
prājyamūlaphalōdakē ।
tasminsiddhāṡramē dēṡē
mandākinyā vidūrataḥ ।
tasyōpavanaṣaṇḍēṣu< br>nānāpuṣpasugandhiṣu ।
vihṛtya salilē klinnā
mamāṅkē samupāviṡaḥ ॥
Once upon a time, you sat by my lap,
wet after playing in the streams of clear water,
by the woods filled with the fragrance
of many kinds of flowers that
were not too far from Mandākini
at the foot of the Citrakūṭa mountain
on its north eastern side
where fruits and roots abounded,
a place that Siddhas made their home.
5.38.15 அ
5.38.15 ஆ
5.38.15 இ
5.38.15 ஈ ததோ மாம்ஸஸமாயுக்தோ
வாயஸ: பர்யதுண்டயத் ।
தமஹம் லோஷ்டமுத்யம்ய
வாரயாமிஸ்ம வாயஸம் ॥
tatō māṃsasamāyuktō
vāyasaḥ paryatuṇḍayat ।
tamahaṃ lōṣṭamudyamya
vārayāmisma vāyasam ॥
A crow, greedy for flesh,
started pecking at me with its beak.
I tried to ward the crow off
by throwing a clod of mud.
5.38.16 அ
5.38.16 ஆ
5.38.16 இ
5.38.16 ஈ தாரயந்ஸ ச மாம் காக:
தத்த்ரைவ பரிலீயதே ।
ந சாப்யுபாரமந்மாம்ஸாத்
பக்ஷார்தி பலிபோஜந: ॥
dārayansa ca māṃ kākaḥ
tattraiva parilīyatē ।
na cāpyupāramanmāṃsāt
bhakṣārthi balibhōjanaḥ ॥
It kept hovering around, tearing my flesh.
Hungry for a meal, the crow would
not move away from where the flesh was.
5.38.17 அ
5.38.17 ஆ
5.38.17 இ
5.38.17 ஈ உத்கர்ஷந்த்யாம் ச ரஸநாம்
க்ருத்தாயாம் மயி பக்ஷிணி ।
ஸ்ரஸ்யமாநே ச வஸநே
ததோ த்ருஷ்டா த்வயா ஹ்யஹம் ॥
utkarṣantyāṃ ca raṡanām
kruddhāyāṃ mayi pakṣiṇi ।
srasyamānē ca vasanē
tatō dṛṣṭā tvayā hyaham ॥
You saw me, when I was thus
annoyed by that bird and
was pulling up my waist-belt to
hold my garment that was slipping off.
5.38.18 அ
5.38.18 ஆ
5.38.18 இ
5.38.18 ஈ த்வயாऽபஹஸிதா சாஹம்
க்ருத்தா ஸம்லஜ்ஜிதா ததா ।
பக்ஷக்ருத்நேந காகேந
தாரிதா த்வாமுபாகதா ॥
tvayā'pahasitā cāham
kruddhā saṃlajjitā tadā ।
bhakṣagṛdhnēna kākēna
dāritā tvāmupāgatā ॥
You then made fun of me and
I became annoyed and felt ashamed.
Torn by that crow that was
greedy for food, I came to you.
5.38.19 அ
5.38.19 ஆ
5.38.19 இ
5.38.19 ஈ ஆஸீநஸ்ய ச தே ஸ்ராந்தா
புநருத்ஸங்கமாவிஸம் ।
க்ருத்யந்தீ ச ப்ரஹ்ருஷ்டேந
த்வயாऽஹம் பரிஸாந்த்விதா ॥
āsīnasya ca tē ṡrāntā
punarutsaṅgamāviṡam ।
krudhyantī ca prahṛṣṭēna
tvayā'haṃ parisāntvitā ॥
Tired, I then came and sat on your lap again.
You enjoyed the whole thing,
but seeing me angry, you consoled me.
5.38.20 அ
5.38.20 ஆ
5.38.20 இ
5.38.20 ஈ பாஷ்பபூர்ணமுகீ மந்தம்
சக்ஷுஷீ பரிமார்ஜதீ ।
லக்ஷிதாऽஹம் த்வயா நாத
வாயஸேந ப்ரகோபிதா ॥
bāṣpapūrṇamukhī mandam
cakṣuṣī parimārjatī ।
lakṣitā'haṃ tvayā nātha
vāyasēna prakōpitā ॥
O my lord! You saw me ,
angered by the crow and face filled with tears,
wiping my eyes slowly.
5.38.21 அ
5.38.21 ஆ
5.38.21 இ
5.38.21 ஈ பரிஸ்ரமாத்ப்ரஸுப்தா ச
ராகவாங்கேऽப்யஹம் சிரம் ।
பர்யாயேண ப்ரஸுப்தஸ்ச
மமாங்கே பரதாக்ரஜ: ॥
pariṡramātprasuptā ca
rāghavāṅkē'pyahaṃ ciram ।
paryāyēṇa prasuptaṡca
mamāṅkē bharatāgrajaḥ ॥
Tired, I fell asleep on Rāghava’s lap for a long time.
Then the elder brother of Bharata
took h turn and slept on my lap.
5.38.22 அ
5.38.22 ஆ
5.38.22 இ
5.38.22 ஈ ஸ தத்ர புநரேவாத
வாயஸஸ்ஸமுபாகமத் ।
ததஸ்ஸுப்தப்ரபுத்தாம் மாம்
ராமஸ்யாங்காத்ஸமுத்திதாம் ॥
sa tatra punarēvātha
vāyasassamupāgamat ।
tatassuptaprabuddhāṃ mām
rāmasyāṅkātsamutthitām ॥
Then just as I woke up from sleep
and got up from Rāma’s lap,
the crow came again.
5.38.23 அ
5.38.23 ஆ
5.38.23 இ
5.38.23 ஈ வாயஸஸ்ஸஹஸாகம்ய
விததார ஸ்தநாந்தரே ।
புந: புநரதோத்பத்ய
விததார ஸ மாம் ப்ருஸம் ॥
vidadāra stanāntarē ।
punaḥ punarathōtpatya
vidadāra sa māṃ bhṛṡam ॥
The crow dashed onto me and
tore away at me between my breasts.
It kept flying up and down
tearing away hard at me.
5.38.24 அ
5.38.24 ஆ
5.38.24 இ
5.38.24 ஈ
5.38.25 அ
5.38.25 ஆ ததஸ்ஸமுக்ஷிதோ ராமோ
முக்தைஸ்ஸோணிதபிந்துபி: ।
வாயஸேந ததஸ்தேந
பலவத்க்லிஸ்யமாநயா ।
ஸ மயா போதிதஸ்ஸ்ரீமாந்
ஸுகஸுப்த: பரந்தப: ॥
tatassamukṣitō rāmō
muktaiṡṡōṇitabindubhiḥ ।
vāyasēna tatastēna
balavatkliṡyamānayā ।
sa mayā bōdhitaṡṡrīmān
sukhasuptaḥ parantapaḥ ॥
Then the drops of blood fell on Rāma.
That blessed one, who torments his foe,
who was enjoying his sleep, was woken up
by me, who was badgered hard by the crow.
5.38.25 இ
5.38.25 ஈ
5.38.26 அ
5.38.26 ஆ ஸ மாம் த்ருஷ்ட்வா மஹாபாஹு:
விதுந்நாம் ஸ்தநயோஸ்ததா ।
ஆஸீவிஷ இவ க்ருத்த:
ஸ்வஸந்வாக்யமபாஷத ॥
sa māṃ dṛṣṭvā mahābāhuḥ
vitunnāṃ stanayōstadā ।
āṡīviṣa iva kruddhaḥ
ṡvasanvākyamabhāṣata ॥
Then, he of mighty arm,
seeing me with my breasts torn,
became outraged and said these words,
hissing like a venomous serpent:
5.38.26 இ
5.38.26 ஈ
5.38.27 அ
5.38.27 ஆ கேந தே நாகநாஸோரு
விக்ஷதம் வை ஸ்தநாந்தரம் ।
க: க்ரீடதி ஸரோஷேண
பஞ்சவக்த்ரேண போகிநா ॥
kēna tē nāganāsōru
vikṣataṃ vai stanāntaram ।
kaḥ krīḍati sarōṣēṇa
pañcavaktrēṇa bhōginā ॥
O you with thighs like elephant’s trunk!
Who is it that wounded your breasts?
Who is it that wants to play
with a five-hooded serpent?
5.38.27 இ
5.38.27 ஈ
5.38.28 அ
5.38.28 ஆ வீக்ஷமாணஸ்ததஸ்தம் வை
வாயஸம் ஸமுதைக்ஷத ।
மாமேவாபிமுகம் ஸ்திதம் ॥
vīkṣamāṇastatastaṃ vai
vāyasaṃ samudaikṣata ।
māmēvābhimukhaṃ sthitam ॥
Looking around, he saw the crow
with its sharp talons smeared in blood
and its face turned towards me!
5.38.28 இ
5.38.28 ஈ
5.38.29 அ
5.38.29 ஆ புத்ர: கில ஸ ஸக்ரஸ்ய
வாயஸ: பததாம் வர: ।
பவநஸ்ய கதௌ ஸம: ॥
putraḥ kila sa ṡakrasya
vāyasaḥ patatāṃ varaḥ ।
pavanasya gatau samaḥ ॥
It seemed that that eminent bird was the son of Ṡakra,
who was an equal to the wind in speed and
could pass through ranges of mountains in a jiffy.
5.38.29 இ
5.38.29 ஈ
5.38.30 அ
5.38.30 ஆ ததஸ்தஸ்மிந்மஹாபாஹு:
கோபஸம்வர்திதேக்ஷண: ।
வாயஸே க்ருதவாந்க்ரூராம்
மதிம் மதிமதாம் வர: ॥
kōpasaṃvartitēkṣaṇaḥ ।
vāyasē kṛtavānkrūrām
matiṃ matimatāṃ varaḥ ॥
He of mighty arm, the best among thoughtful men,
his eyes rolling with rage,
resolved in his mind to show no mercy to that crow.
5.38.30 இ
5.38.30 ஈ
5.38.31 அ
5.38.31 ஆ ஸ தர்பம் ஸம்ஸ்தராத்க்ருஹ்ய
ப்ராஹ்மேணாஸ்த்ரேண யோஜயத் ।
ஸ தீப்த இவ காலாக்நி:
ஜஜ்வாலாபிமுகோ த்விஜம் ॥
sa darbhaṃ saṃstarādgṛhya
brāhmēṇāstrēṇa yōjayat ।
sa dīpta iva kālāgniḥ
jajvālābhimukhō dvijam ॥
He drew a reed of Darbha grass from his grass mat
and infused it with the power of the Astra of Brahma.
And it blazed before the eyes of the
bird like the fire of Dissolution.
5.38.31 இ
5.38.31 ஈ
5.38.32 அ
5.38.32 ஆ ஸ தம் ப்ரதீப்தம் சிக்ஷேப
தர்பம் தம் வாயஸம் ப்ரதி ।
ததஸ்தம் வாயஸம் தர்ப:
ஸோம்பரேऽநுஜகாம ஹ ॥
sa taṃ pradīptaṃ cikṣēpa
darbhaṃ taṃ vāyasaṃ prati ।
tatastaṃ vāyasaṃ darbhaḥ
sōmbarē'nujagāma ha ॥
And he hurled that blazing Darbha at the crow.
The Darbha chased the crow as it fled into the sky.
5.38.32 இ
5.38.32 ஈ
5.38.33 அ
5.38.33 ஆ அநுஸ்ருஷ்டஸ்ததா காகோ
ஜகாம விவிதாம் கதிம் ।
லோககாம இமம் லோகம்
ஸர்வம் வை விசசார ஹ ॥
anusṛṣṭastadā kākō
jagāma vividhāṃ gatim ।
lōkakāma imaṃ lōkam
sarvaṃ vai vicacāra ha ॥
Thus chased, the crow flew in every direction.
Looking for someone to save it,
it went all around the earth.
5.38.33 இ
5.38.33 ஈ
5.38.34 அ
5.38.34 ஆ ஸ பித்ரா ச பரித்யக்த:
ஸுரைஸ்ச ஸமஹர்ஷிபி: ।
தமேவ ஸரணம் கத: ॥
sa pitrā ca parityaktaḥ
suraiṡca samaharṣibhiḥ ।
tamēva ṡaraṇaṃ gataḥ ॥
Repudiated by his father,
and by all the Dēvas and Maharshis alike,
he went around all the three worlds in vain,
and finally sought refuge in him (Rāma) alone.
5.38.34 இ
5.38.34 ஈ
5.38.35 அ
5.38.35 ஆ ஸ தம் நிபதிதம் பூமௌ
ஸரண்யஸ்ஸரணாகதம் ।
வதார்ஹமபி காகுத்ஸ்த:
க்ருபயா பர்யபாலயத் ॥
sa taṃ nipatitaṃ bhūmau
ṡaraṇyaṡṡaraṇāgatam ।
vadhārhamapi kākutsthaḥ
kṛpayā paryapālayat ॥
Seeing him thus fall on the ground
seeking refuge, Kākutstha who is
the ultimate recourse for all,
spared him out of compassion,
though he deserved to be killed.
5.38.35 இ
5.38.35 ஈ
5.38.36 அ
5.38.36 ஆ பரித்யூநம் விஷண்ணம் ச
ஸ தமாயாந்தமப்ரவீத் ।
மோகம் கர்தும் ந ஸக்யம் து
ப்ராஹ்மமஸ்த்ரம் ததுச்யதாம் ॥
paridyūnaṃ viṣaṇṇaṃ ca
sa tamāyāntamabravīt ।
mōghaṃ kartuṃ na ṡakyaṃ tu
brāhmamastraṃ taducyatām ॥
Then he spoke to him who came back tired and repenting,
“Once invoked, the Astra of Brahma cannot go in vain;
tell me what to do!”
To be continued