Kishkindha Kaanda - Sarga 63
In this Sarga, Sampāti tells the Vānaras how he was persuaded by Niṡākara to hold on to his life and that he has been waiting to see the Vānaras.
While Sampāti speaks thus, he regains his wings, vigor and strength, and becomes happy like he never was before. He cites his gaining of the wings as a portent for the success of the Vānaras in their mission.
The Vānaras, feeling very happy, set themselves to search for Seetā.
4.63.1 அ
4.63.1 ஆ
4.63.1 இ
4.63.1 ஈ ஏதைரந்யைஸ்ச பஹுபி:
வாக்யைர்வாக்யவிஸாரத: ।
மாம் ப்ரஸஸ்யாப்யநுஜ்ஞாப்ய
ப்ரவிஷ்டஸ்ஸ ஸ்வமாலயம் ॥
ētairanyaiṡca bahubhiḥ
vākyairvākyaviṡāradaḥ ।
māṃ praṡasyābhyanujñāpya
praviṣṭassa svamālayam ॥
Saying these words and speaking further at length,
that articulate speaker cheered me up
and convinced me, before retiring into his dwelling.
4.63.2 அ
4.63.2 ஆ
4.63.2 இ
4.63.2 ஈ கந்தராத்து விஸர்பித்வா
பர்வதஸ்ய ஸநைஸ்ஸநை: ।
அஹம் விந்த்யம் ஸமாருஹ்ய
பவத: ப்ரதிபாலயே ॥
kandarāttu visarpitvā
parvatasya ṡanaiṡṡanaiḥ ।
ahaṃ vindhyaṃ samāruhya
bhavataḥ pratipālayē ॥
Leaving the cave and crawling
ever so slowly to the top of the Vindhya,
I have been waiting for you ever since.
4.63.3 அ
4.63.3 ஆ
4.63.3 இ அத்யத்வேதஸ்ய காலஸ்ய
ஸாக்ரம் வர்ஷஸதத்ரயம் ।
adyatvētasya kālasya
sāgraṃ varṣaṡatatrayam ।
It has been more than three hundred years.
I have been waiting for the
time to come and the events to unfold,
reminding myself of the words of the Muni.
4.63.3 ஈ
4.63.4 அ
4.63.4 ஆ
4.63.4 இ
4.63.4 ஈ
4.63.5 அ மஹாப்ரஸ்தாநமாஸாத்ய
ஸ்வர்கதே து நிஸாகரே ।
மாம் நிர்தஹதி ஸந்தாபோ
விதர்கைர்பஹுபிர்வ்ருதம் ।
உதிதாம் மரணே புத்திம்
முநிவாக்யைர்நிவர்தயே ॥
svargatē tu niṡākarē ।
māṃ nirdahati santāpō
vitarkairbahubhirvṛtam ।
uditāṃ maraṇē buddhim
munivākyairnivartayē ॥
After Niṡākara launched upon
his final journey and reached heaven,
I was consumed by anxiety,
imagining all sorts of things.
Whenever the thought of giving up
this life arose, I shut it off
by recalling the words of the Muni.
4.63.5 ஆ
4.63.5 இ
4.63.5 ஈ
4.63.6 அ புத்திர்யா தேந மே தத்தா
ப்ராணாநாம் ரக்ஷணே மம ।
ஸா மேऽபநயதே து:கம்
தீப்தேவாக்நிஸிகா தம: ॥
buddhiryā tēna mē dattā
prāṇānāṃ rakṣaṇē mama ।
sā mē'panayatē duḥkham
dīptēvāgniṡikhā tamaḥ ॥
The advice he gave to hold on to my life
dispels my misery like a
blazing tongue of flame dispels darkness.
Note: Read Sarga 59 here for a logical flow of narration. (As noted at the conclusion of Sarga 59, it is placed out of order).
4.63.6 ஆ
4.63.6 இ
4.63.6 ஈ
4.63.7 அ தஸ்ய த்வேவம் ப்ருவாணஸ்ய
ஸம்ஹதைர்வாநரைஸ்ஸஹ ।
உத்பேததுஸ்ததா பக்ஷௌ
ஸமக்ஷம் வநசாரிணாம் ॥
tasya tvēvaṃ bruvāṇasya
saṃhatairvānaraissaha ।
utpētatustadā pakṣau
samakṣaṃ vanacāriṇām ॥
As he was saying this
in the midst of the Vānaras,
his two wings sprouted
right in front of the eyes
of those Vana dwellers.
4.63.7 ஆ
4.63.7 இ
4.63.7 ஈ
4.63.8 அ ஸ த்ருஷ்ட்வா ஸ்வாம் தநும் பக்ஷை:
உத்கதைரருணச்சதை: ।
ப்ரஹர்ஷமதுலம் லேபே
வாநராம்ஸ்சேதமப்ரவீத் ॥
sa dṛṣṭvā svāṃ tanuṃ pakṣaiḥ
udgatairaruṇacchadaiḥ ।
praharṣamatulaṃ lēbhē
vānarāṃṡcēdamabravīt ॥
He felt happy like never before,
seeing his body with the fresh grown
wings of reddish feathers.
Then he said these words to the Vānaras:
4.63.8 ஆ
4.63.8 இ
4.63.8 ஈ
4.63.9 அ நிஸாகரஸ்ய ராஜர்ஷே:
ப்ரபாவாதமிதௌஜஸ: ।
பக்ஷௌ புநருபஸ்திதௌ ॥
niṡākarasya rājarṣēḥ
prabhāvādamitaujasaḥ ।
pakṣau punarupasthitau ॥
By the power of Niṡākara,
the Rājarshi of limitless radiance,
my wings that had been burnt
by the sun’s rays have been restored.
4.63.9 ஆ
4.63.9 இ
4.63.9 ஈ
4.63.10 அ யௌவநே வர்தமாநஸ்ய
மமாऽऽஸீத்ய: பராக்ரம: ।
பலம் பௌருஷமேவ ச ॥
yauvanē vartamānasya
mamā''sīdya: parākramaḥ ।
balaṃ pauruṣamēva ca ॥
I now feel the same degree of prowess
that I used to enjoy in my youth;
and also the same strength and vigor.
4.63.10 ஆ
4.63.10 இ
4.63.10 ஈ
4.63.11 அ ஸர்வதா க்ரியதாம் யத்ந:
ஸீதாமதிகமிஷ்யத ।
பக்ஷலாபோ மமாயம் வ:
ஸித்திப்ரத்யயகாரக: ॥
sarvathā kriyatāṃ yatnaḥ
sītāmadhigamiṣyatha ।
pakṣalābhō mamāyaṃ vaḥ
siddhipratyayakārakaḥ ॥
Make an all-out effort and you will find Seetā.
My regaining these wings is a sure indication
that you too will meet with success.
4.63.11 ஆ
4.63.11 இ
4.63.11 ஈ
4.63.12 அ இத்யுக்த்வா தாந்ஹரீந்ஸர்வாந்
ஸம்பாதி: பதகோத்தம: ।
உத்பபாத கிரேஸ்ஸ்ருங்காத்
ஜிஜ்ஞாஸு: ககமோ கதிம் ॥
ityuktvā tānharīnsarvān
sampātiḥ patagōttamaḥ ।
utpapāta girēṡṡṛṅgāt
jijñāsuḥ khagamō gatim ॥
Saying this to all those Vānaras,
Sampāti, the best among birds,
flew up from the mountain crest,
to test his ability to sail along the sky.
4.63.12 ஆ
4.63.12 இ
4.63.12 ஈ
4.63.13 அ தஸ்ய தத்வசநம் ஸ்ருத்வா
ப்ரதிஸம்ஹ்ருஷ்டமாநஸா: ।
விக்ரமாப்யுதயோந்முகா: ॥
tasya tadvacanaṃ ṡrutvā
pratisaṃhṛṣṭamānasāḥ ।
vikramābhyudayōnmukhāḥ ॥
Hearing those words spoken by him
and their hearts filled with joy,
those tigers among Vānaras
became ready to deploy their prowess.
4.63.13 ஆ
4.63.13 இ
4.63.13 ஈ
4.63.14 அ அத பவநஸமாநவிக்ரமா:
ப்லவகவரா: ப்ரதிலப்தபௌருஷா: ।
அபிஜிதபிமுகா திஸம் யயு:
ஜநகஸுதாபரிமார்கணோந்முகா: ॥
atha pavanasamānavikramāḥ
plavagavarāḥ pratilabdhapauruṣāḥ ।
abhijidabhimukhā diṡaṃ yayuḥ
janakasutāparimārgaṇōnmukhāḥ ॥
with their vigor restored,
those eminent Vānaras of
prowess equaling that of the wind
set out at Abhijit in the (southern) direction
to search for the daughter of Janaka. Abhijit Muhūrta, in general, refers to the time period of 24 minutes before the noon and 24 minutes after the noon combined.
இத்யார்ஷே வால்மீகீயே
ஸ்ரீமத்ராமாயணே ஆதிகாவ்யே ।
கிஷ்கிந்தாகாண்டே த்ரிஷஷ்டிதமஸ்ஸர்க:
ityārṣē vālmīkīyē
ṡrīmadrāmāyaṇē ādikāvyē ।
kiṣkindhākāṇḍē triṣaṣṭitamassargaḥ
Thus concludes the sixty third Sarga
in Kishkindhā Kāṇḍa of the glorious Rāmāyaṇa,
the first ever poem of humankind,
composed by Maharshi Vālmeeki.
You have completed reading 11280 Ṡlōkas out of ~24,000 Ṡlōkas of Vālmeeki Rāmāyaṇa.
Meaning, notes and commentary by: Krishna Sharma.