Kishkindha Kaanda - Sarga 53
In this Sarga, the Vānaras fall in despair, realizing that the time limit set by Sugreeva has been exceeded and they would meet with no less than death as punishment for not finding Seetā and accomplishing the mission.
Aṅgada then says, that as sincere and capable as they all are, they have to accept the fact that they have failed in the mission and the time given to them is over. He says that Sugreeva is ruthless, is his former sworn enemy and he would not be easy on anyone for not carrying out the mission. He says that the ruthless Sugreeva would surely punish them with death, if for nothing else, but just to please Rāghava.
Aṅgada proposes that it is better for all of them to fast unto death, than being punished by Sugreeva and being subjected to humiliation. Tāra suggests that they should go back into the cave and live there, where there is no fear of anyone.
Everyone, keeping their full confidence in Aṅgada, ask him about the best course of action.
4.53.1 அ
4.53.1 ஆ
4.53.1 இ
4.53.1 ஈ ததஸ்தே தத்ருஸுர்கோரம்
ஸாகரம் வருணாலயம் ।
கோரைரூர்மிபிராகுலம் ॥
tatastē dadṛṡurghōram
sāgaraṃ varuṇālayam ।
ghōrairūrmibhirākulam ॥
They beheld the dreaded shoreless ocean,
the abode of Varuṇa, that thundered and
surged with its frightful billowing tides.
4.53.2 அ
4.53.2 ஆ
4.53.2 இ
4.53.2 ஈ மயஸ்ய மாயாவிஹிதம்
கிரிதுர்கம் விசிந்வதாம் ।
தேஷாம் மாஸோ வ்யதிக்ராந்தோ
யோ ராஜ்ஞா ஸமய: க்ருத: ॥
mayasya māyāvihitam
giridurgaṃ vicinvatām ।
tēṣāṃ māsō vyatikrāntō
yō rājñā samayaḥ kṛtaḥ ॥
The time limit of one month
given to them by the king had passed
while they were searching
the impenetrable mountain cave
fashioned by the magic of Maya.
4.53.3 அ
4.53.3 ஆ
4.53.3 இ
4.53.3 ஈ விந்த்யஸ்ய து கிரே: பாதே
ஸம்ப்ரபுஷ்பிதபாதபே ।
உபவிஸ்ய மஹாத்மாந:
சிந்தாமாபேதிரே ததா ॥
vindhyasya tu girēḥ pādē
samprapuṣpitapādapē ।
upaviṡya mahātmānaḥ
cintāmāpēdirē tadā ॥
Sitting at the foothills of the Vindhyas
that was crowded with flowering trees,
those Mahātmas thought about it seriously.
4.53.4 அ
4.53.4 ஆ
4.53.4 இ
4.53.4 ஈ தத: புஷ்பாதிபாராக்ராந்
லதாஸதஸமாவ்ருதாந் ।
பபூவுர்பயஸங்கிதா: ॥
tataḥ puṣpātibhārāgrān
latāṡatasamāvṛtān ।
babhūvurbhayaṡaṅkitāḥ ॥
Seeing the tops of the trees covered
with flowers and hundreds of creepers,
and taking them to be signs of the
arrival of spring, they were quite worried.
4.53.5 அ
4.53.5 ஆ
4.53.5 இ
4.53.5 ஈ தே வஸந்தமநுப்ராப்தம்
ப்ரதிவேத்ய பரஸ்பரம் ।
நிபேதுர்தரணீதலே ॥
tē vasantamanuprāptam
prativēdya parasparam ।
nipēturdharaṇītalē ॥
Telling each other that spring had arrived
and that the time limit had exceeded,
they threw themselves on the ground (in despair).
4.53.6 அ
4.53.6 ஆ
4.53.6 இ
4.53.6 ஈ
4.53.7 அ
4.53.7 ஆ
4.53.7 இ
4.53.7 ஈ ததஸ்தாந்கபிவ்ருத்தாம்ஸ்ச
ஸிஷ்டாம்ஸ்சைவ வநௌகஸ: ।
வாசா மதுரயாऽபாஷ்ய
யதாவதநுமாந்ய ச ।
ஸ து ஸிம்ஹவ்ருஷஸ்கந்த:
பீநாயதபுஜ: கபி: ।
யுவராஜோ மஹாப்ராஜ்ஞ:
அங்கதோ வாக்யமப்ரவீத் ॥
ṡiṣṭāṃṡcaiva vanaukasaḥ ।
vācā madhurayā'bhāṣya
yathāvadanumānya ca ।
sa tu siṃhavṛṣaskandhaḥ
pīnāyatabhujaḥ kapiḥ ।
yuvarājō mahāprājñaḥ
aṅgadō vākyamabravīt ॥
Then Aṅgada, the sagacious Crown Prince
of long and stout arms and of
shoulders like those of a lion and a bull
addressed the elder Vānaras and other
honorable Vana dwellers with pleasing words
after paying due respects.
4.53.8 அ
4.53.8 ஆ
4.53.8 இ
4.53.8 ஈ ஸாஸநாத்கபிராஜஸ்ய
வயம் ஸர்வே விநிர்கதா: ।
மாஸ: பூர்ணோ பிலஸ்தாநாம்
ஹரய: கிம் ந புத்த்யதே ॥
vayaṃ sarvē vinirgatāḥ ।
māsaḥ pūrṇō bilasthānām
harayaḥ kiṃ na buddhyatē ॥
O Vānaras! Do you not realize that
a whole month has passed
while we were in the cave, after we started
on the mission set by the king of Vānaras?
4.53.9 அ
4.53.9 ஆ
4.53.9 இ
4.53.9 ஈ வயமாஸ்வயுஜே மாஸி
காலஸங்க்யாவ்யவஸ்திதா: ।
ப்ரஸ்திதாஸ்ஸோऽபி சாதீத:
கிமத: கார்யமுத்தரம் ॥
vayamāṡvayujē māsi
kālasaṅkhyāvyavasthitāḥ ।
prasthitāssō'pi cātītaḥ
kimataḥ kāryamuttaram ॥
We have started in the month
of Aswayuja according to the calendar.
And the time has passed. What are we to do now?
4.53.10 அ
4.53.10 ஆ
4.53.10 இ
4.53.10 ஈ பவந்த: ப்ரத்யயம் ப்ராப்தா:
நீதிமார்கவிஸாரதா: ।
ஹிதேஷ்வபிரதா பர்து:
நிஸ்ருஷ்டாஸ்ஸர்வகர்மஸு ॥
bhavantaḥ pratyayaṃ prāptāḥ
nītimārgaviṡāradāḥ ।
hitēṣvabhiratā bhartuḥ
nisṛṣṭāssarvakarmasu ॥
You are fully vested
in the wellbeing of the lord.
You have earned his trust.
You are experts in strategy.
You carry out everything successfully.
4.53.11 அ
4.53.11 ஆ
4.53.11 இ
4.53.11 ஈ கர்மஸ்வப்ரதிமாஸ்ஸர்வே
திக்ஷு விஸ்ருதபௌருஷா: ।
மாம் புரஸ்க்ருத்ய நிர்யாதா:
பிங்காக்ஷப்ரதிசோதிதா: ॥
dikṣu viṡrutapauruṣāḥ ।
māṃ puraskṛtya niryātāḥ
piṅgākṣapraticōditāḥ ॥
You have no equal in executing any task.
You are famous for your prowess
in every direction of the world.
You have set out, sent by the tawny-eyed,
with me as your leader.
4.53.12 அ
4.53.12 ஆ
4.53.12 இ
4.53.12 ஈ இதாநீமக்ருதார்தாநாம்
மர்தவ்யம் நாத்ர ஸம்ஸய: ।
ஹரிராஜஸ்ய ஸந்தேஸம்
அக்ருத்வா கஸ்ஸுகீ பவேத் ॥
martavyaṃ nātra saṃṡayaḥ ।
harirājasya sandēṡam
akṛtvā kassukhī bhavēt ॥
Having failed in our mission,
we can do nothing but give up our lives.
Who can hope to be happy having failed in
carrying out the order of the king of Vānaras?
4.53.13 அ
4.53.13 ஆ
4.53.13 இ
4.53.13 ஈ அஸ்மிந்நதீதே காலே து
ஸுக்ரீவேண க்ருதே ஸ்வயம் ।
ப்ராயோபவேஸநம் யுக்தம்
ஸர்வேஷாம் ச வநௌகஸாம் ॥
asminnatītē kālē tu
sugrīvēṇa kṛtē svayam ।
prāyōpavēṡanaṃ yuktam
sarvēṣāṃ ca vanaukasām ॥
With the time limit set by Sugreeva exceeded,
it is better for all of us Vana dwellers
to fast unto death!
4.53.14 அ
4.53.14 ஆ
4.53.14 இ
4.53.14 ஈ தீக்ஷ்ண: ப்ரக்ருத்யா ஸுக்ரீவ:
ஸ்வமிபாவே வ்யவஸ்தித: ।
ந க்ஷமிஷ்யதி நஸ்ஸர்வாந்
அபராதக்ருதோ கதாந் ॥
tīkṣṇaḥ prakṛtyā sugrīvaḥ
svamibhāvē vyavasthitaḥ ।
na kṣamiṣyati nassarvān
aparādhakṛtō gatān ॥
Sugreeva is ruthless by nature.
Moreover, he is established
as the sovereign lord now.
He will not forgive any one of us
if we return after committing a
transgression (against his command).
4.53.15 அ
4.53.15 ஆ
4.53.15 இ
4.53.15 ஈ
4.53.16 அ
4.53.16 ஆ அப்ரவ்ருத்தௌ ச ஸீதாயா:
பாபமேவ கரிஷ்யதி ।
தஸ்மாத் க்ஷமமிஹாத்யைவ
கந்தும் ப்ராயோபவேஸநம் ।
த்யக்த்வா புத்ராம்ஸ்ச தாராம்ஸ்ச
தநாநி ச க்ருஹாணி ச ॥
apravṛttau ca sītāyāḥ
pāpamēva kariṣyati ।
tasmāt kṣamamihādyaiva
gantuṃ prāyōpavēṡanam ।
tyaktvā putrāṃṡca dārāṃṡca
dhanāni ca gṛhāṇi ca ॥
Hearing no information about Seetā,
he would only do the worst conceivable.
Hence, it is better to
fast unto death here and now,
giving up our wives, children, houses and riches.
4.53.16 இ
4.53.16 ஈ
4.53.17 அ
4.53.17 ஆ த்ருவம் நோ ஹிம்ஸதே ராஜா
ஸர்வாந்ப்ரதிகதாநித: ।
ஸ்ரேயாந்ம்ருத்யுரிஹைவ ந: ॥
dhruvaṃ nō hiṃsatē rājā
sarvānpratigatānitaḥ ।
ṡrēyānmṛtyurihaiva naḥ ॥
The king will certainly torture
all of us who return from here
to death like never known anywhere.
To die here is a better option for us.
4.53.17 இ
4.53.17 ஈ
4.53.18 அ
4.53.18 ஆ ந சாஹம் யௌவராஜ்யேந
ஸுக்ரீவேணாபிஷேசித: ।
ராமேணாக்லிஷ்டகர்மணா ॥
na cāhaṃ yauvarājyēna
sugrīvēṇābhiṣēcitaḥ ।
rāmēṇākliṣṭakarmaṇā ॥
I was not consecrated by
Sugreeva as the crown prince.
It was Rāma, the lord of people,
who accomplishes things effortlessly,
by whom I was consecrated.
4.53.18 இ
4.53.18 ஈ
4.53.19 அ
4.53.19 ஆ ஸ பூர்வம் பத்தவைரோ மாம்
ராஜா த்ருஷ்ட்வா வ்யதிக்ரமம் ।
காதயிஷ்யதி தண்டேந
தீக்ஷ்ணேந க்ருதநிஸ்சய: ॥
sa pūrvaṃ baddhavairō mām
rājā dṛṣṭvā vyatikramam ।
ghātayiṣyati daṇḍēna
tīkṣṇēna kṛtaniṡcayaḥ ॥
He was my sworn enemy once and is the king now.
Seeing his orders gone unfulfilled,
he will certainly be determined to
give the worst punishment and kill me.
4.53.19 இ
4.53.19 ஈ
4.53.20 அ
4.53.20 ஆ கிம் மே ஸுஹ்ருத்பிர்வ்யஸநம்
பஸ்யத்பிர்ஜீவிதாந்தரே ।
இஹைவ ப்ராயமாஸிஷ்யே
புண்யே ஸாகரரோதஸி ॥
kiṃ mē suhṛdbhirvyasanaṃ
paṡyadbhirjīvitāntarē ।
ihaiva prāyamāsiṣyē
puṇyē sāgararōdhasi ॥
What is the point in having my friends witness
me being tortured in the prime of my life?
I shall fast unto death right here
on the auspicious shore of the ocean.
4.53.20 இ
4.53.20 ஈ
4.53.21 அ
4.53.21 ஆ ஏதச்ச்ருத்வா குமாரேண
யுவராஜேந பாஷிதம் ।
ஸர்வே தே வாநரஸ்ரேஷ்டா:
கருணம் வாக்யமப்ருவந் ॥
ētacchrutvā kumārēṇa
yuvarājēna bhāṣitam ।
sarvē tē vānaraṡrēṣṭhāḥ
karuṇaṃ vākyamabruvan ॥
Hearing those words of the young crown prince,
all the prominent apes empathized with him saying:
4.53.21 இ
4.53.21 ஈ
4.53.22 அ
4.53.22 ஆ
4.53.22 இ
4.53.22 ஈ
4.53.23 அ
4.53.23 ஆ தீக்ஷ்ண: ப்ரக்ருத்யா ஸுக்ரீவ:
ப்ரியாஸக்தஸ்ச ராகவ: ।
ஸமீக்ஷ்யாக்ருத கார்யாம்ஸ்து
தஸ்மிம்ஸ்ச ஸமயே கதே ।
அத்ருஷ்டாயாம் ச வைதேஹ்யாம்
த்ருஷ்ட்வா சைவ ஸமாகதாந் ।
காதயிஷ்யத்யஸம்ஸயம் ॥
tīkṣṇaḥ prakṛtyā sugrīvaḥ
priyāsaktaṡca rāghavaḥ ।
samīkṣyākṛta kāryāṃstu
tasmiṃṡca samayē gatē ।
adṛṣṭāyāṃ ca vaidēhyām
dṛṣṭvā caiva samāgatān ।
ghātayiṣyatyasaṃ�¹ ¡ayam ॥
Sugreeva is ruthless by nature and
Rāghava badly wants his beloved.
When Sugreeva sees us
returning without finding Seetā,
and the time lapsing without
the mission accomplished,
he will have us killed, without a doubt,
from the desire to please Rāghava.
4.53.23 இ
4.53.23 ஈ
4.53.24 அ
4.53.24 ஆ ந க்ஷமம் சாபராத்தாநாம்
கமநம் ஸ்வாமிபார்ஸ்வத: ।
ப்ரதாநபூதாஸ்ச வயம்
ஸுக்ரீவஸ்ய ஸமாகதா: ॥
na kṣamaṃ cāparāddhānām
gamanaṃ svāmipārṡvataḥ ।
pradhānabūtāṡca vayam
sugrīvasya samāgatāḥ ॥
We, the best among those who Sugreeva has,
have come here together.
It is impossible for us to
present ourselves before our master,
after failing to carry out the orders.
4.53.24 இ
4.53.24 ஈ
4.53.25 அ இஹைவ ஸீதாமந்விஷ்ய
ப்ரவ்ருத்திமுபலப்ய வா ।
நோ சேத்கச்சாம தம் வீரம்
ihaiva sītāmanviṣya
pravṛttimupalabhya vā ।
nō cēdgacchāma taṃ vīram
We either go to that Veera
after searching and getting the news of Seetā,
or go to the abode of Yama.
4.53.25 ஆ
4.53.25 இ
4.53.25 ஈ
4.53.26 அ ப்லவங்கமாநாம் து பயார்திதாநாம்
ஸ்ருத்வா வசஸ்தார இதம் பபாஷே ।
அலம் விஷாதேந பிலம் ப்ரவிஸ்ய
வஸாம ஸர்வே யதி ரோசதே வ: ॥
plavaṅgamānāṃ tu bhayārditānāṃ
ṡrutvā vacastāra idaṃ babhāṣē ।
alaṃ viṣādēna bilaṃ praviṡya
vasāma sarvē yadi rōcatē vaḥ ॥
Hearing those words of the frightened Vānaras, Tāra said,
‘Enough of feeling helpless; we can go
into this cave and live there, if you like’
4.53.26 ஆ
4.53.26 இ
4.53.26 ஈ
4.53.27 அ இதம் ஹி மாயாவிஹிதம் ஸுதுர்கமம்
ப்ரபூதவ்ருக்ஷோதகபோஜ்யபேயம் ।
இஹாஸ்தி நோ நைவ பயம் புரந்தராத்
ந ராகவாத்வாநரராஜதோऽபி வா ॥
idaṃ hi māyāvihitaṃ sudurgamaṃ
prabhūtavṛkṣōdakabhōjyapēyam ।
ihāsti nō naiva bhayaṃ purandarāt
na rāghavādvānararājatō'pi vā ॥
This magical creation is impenetrable, and is
abundant in trees, water, edibles and drinks.
There is no fear there even from Purandara,
much less from Rāghava or the King of the apes.
4.53.27 ஆ
4.53.27 இ
4.53.27 ஈ
4.53.28 அ ஸ்ருத்வாऽங்கதஸ்யாபி வசோऽநுகூலம்
ஊசுஸ்ச ஸர்வே ஹரய: ப்ரதீதா: ।
யதா ந ஹந்யேம ததா விதாநம்
அஸக்தமத்யைவ விதீயதாம் ந: ॥
ṡrutvā'ṅgadasyāpi vacō'nukūlam
ūcuṡca sarvē harayaḥ pratītāḥ ।
yathā na hanyēma tathā vidhānam
asaktamadyaiva vidhīyatāṃ naḥ ॥
Hearing the words of Aṅgada and
keeping full confidence in him,
all the Vānaras spoke in agreement, saying:
‘Tell us at once what should be done
to avoid being punished with death’.
இத்யார்ஷே வால்மீகீயே
ஸ்ரீமத்ராமாயணே ஆதிகாவ்யே ।
கிஷ்கிந்தாகாண்டே த்ரிபஞ்சாஸஸ்ஸர்க:
ityārṣē vālmīkīyē
ṡrīmadrāmāyaṇē ādikāvyē ।
kiṣkindhākāṇḍē tripañcāṡassargaḥ
Thus concludes the fifty third Sarga
in Kishkindhā Kāṇḍa of the glorious Rāmāyaṇa,
the first ever poem of humankind,
composed by Maharshi Vālmeeki.