Kishkindha Kaanda - Sarga 35
In this Sarga, Tārā tries to calm down Lakshmaṇa.
She appeals to his noble qualities. She explains how Sugreeva, having had many nights of grief for years, had lost his sense of time, indulged in new found luxuries and sensual pleasures. She implores Lakshmaṇa to understand this natural indulgence and says that he deserves to be forgiven by Rāma.
She alludes to the example of the great Muni Viṡwāmitra, who also lost the sense of time for ten years when he was infatuated with Ghṛtaci. She assures Lakshmaṇa that Sugreeva would give up everything including the kingdom, Ruma and her, for the sake of Rāma’s cause.
Tārā assures that Sugreeva will see that Rāma is rejoined with Seetā. She explains that there are over a hundred thousand crore Rākshasas in Lanka, and in order to kill all of them, and then Rāvaṇa, Sugreeva's help is essential.
She assures Lakshmaṇa that Vānaras had already been dispatched to summon many crores of Vānaras to fight for the cause of Rāma; Sugreeva was merely waiting for them to arrive before reporting to Rāma; and all of them were to arrive that day.
Explaining the situation thus, she pleads with Lakshmaṇa to abjure his rage. She then adds that all the women folk found no peace seeing him in such a rage, worried about a repetition of what had already happened, i.e., the slaying of Vāli.
4.35.1 ததா ப்ருவாணம் ஸௌமித்ரிம்
ப்ரதீப்தமிவ தேஜஸா ।
அப்ரவீல்லக்ஷ்மணம் தாரா
தாராதிபநிபாநநா ॥
tathā bruvāṇaṃ saumitrim
pradīptamiva tējasā ।
abravīllakṣmaṇaṃ tārā
tārādhipanibhānanā ॥
When Lakshmaṇa, son of Sumitra,
blazing like fire with his power
said those words, Tārā, her facing shining
like the lord of stars responded saying:
4.35.2 நைவம் லக்ஷ்மண வக்தவ்யோ
நாயம் பருஷமர்ஹதி ।
தவ வக்த்ராத்விஸேஷத: ॥
naivaṃ lakṣmaṇa vaktavyō
nāyaṃ paruṣamarhati ।
tava vaktrādviṡēṣataḥ ॥
O Lakshmaṇa! Neither shall you speak thus,
nor does he deserve such harshness.
The lord of Vānaras should not deserve
such words, especially, coming from your mouth.
4.35.3 நைவாக்ருதஜ்ஞஸ்ஸுக்ரீவோ
ந ஸடோ நாபி தாருண: ।
நைவாந்ருதகதோ வீர
ந ஜிஹ்மஸ்ச கபீஸ்வர: ॥
na ṡaṭhō nāpi dāruṇaḥ ।
naivānṛtakathō vīra
na jihmaṡca kapīṡvaraḥ ॥
O Veera! Sugreeva is neither ungrateful, nor a plotter,
nor cruel, nor given to lying or dishonesty.
4.35.4 உபகாரம் க்ருதம் வீரோ
நாப்யயம் விஸ்ம்ருத: கபி: ।
ராமேண வீர ஸுக்ரீவோ
யதந்யைர்துஷ்கரம் ரணே ॥
upakāraṃ kṛtaṃ vīrō
nāpyayaṃ vismṛtaḥ kapiḥ ।
rāmēṇa vīra sugrīvō
yadanyairduṣkaraṃ raṇē ॥
O Veera! This Vānara, a Veera himself, has not
forgotten the favor done to him in the battle field
by Rāma, that would be impossible for anyone else to do.
4.35.5 ராமப்ரஸாதாத்கீர்திஞ்ச
கபிராஜ்யம் ச ஸாஸ்வதம் ।
ப்ராப்தவாநிஹ ஸுக்ரீவோ
ருமாம் மாம் ச பரந்தப ॥
kapirājyaṃ ca ṡāṡvatam ।
prāptavāniha sugrīvō
rumāṃ māṃ ca parantapa ॥
O scorcher of the foe! It was only by Rama’s grace
that Sugreeva regained his stature and
the eternal kingdom of the Vānaras,
as well as Ruma and me.
4.35.6 ஸுது:க ஸயித: பூர்வம்
ப்ராப்யேதம் ஸுகமுத்தமம் ।
ப்ராப்தகாலம் ந ஜாநீதே
விஸ்வாமித்ரோ யதா முநி: ॥
suduḥkha ṡayitaḥ pūrvam
prāpyēdaṃ sukhamuttamam ।
prāptakālaṃ na jānītē
viṡvāmitrō yathā muniḥ ॥
Finding himself in the best of luxuries
after many nights of measureless grief,
he, like the Muni Viṡwāmitra, did not
realize that the time for action had come.
4.35.7 க்ருதாச்யாம் கில ஸம்ஸக்தோ
தஸவர்ஷாணி லக்ஷ்மண ।
அஹோऽமந்யத தர்மாத்மா
விஸ்வாமித்ரோ மஹாமுநி: ॥
ghṛtācyāṃ kila saṃsaktō
daṡavarṣāṇi lakṣmaṇa ।
ahō'manyata dharmātmā
viṡvāmitrō mahāmuniḥ ॥
O Lakshmaṇa! The great Muni Viṡwāmitra
spent ten long years as if they were a single day,
in his infatuation with Ghṛtāci. It is mentioned in Bāla Kāṇḍa Sarga 63 that Viṡwāmitra spent ten years with Mēnaka, and not with Ghṛtāci as is mentioned in this Ṡlōka.
There is no clear explanation for this difference in any known source. One possibility is the corruption of text over the course of millennia.
4.35.8 ஸ ஹி ப்ராப்தம் ந ஜாநீதே
காலம் காலவிதாம் வர: ।
விஸ்வாமித்ரோ மஹாதேஜா:
கிம் புநர்ய: ப்ருதக்ஜந: ॥
sa hi prāptaṃ na jānītē
kālaṃ kālavidāṃ varaḥ ।
viṡvāmitrō mahātējāḥ
kiṃ punaryaḥ pṛthagjanaḥ ॥
In spite of being the best among those
who know the importance of time,
the supremely radiant Viṡwāmitra
did not realize the passing of time;
what to speak of others?
4.35.9 தேஹதர்மகதஸ்யாஸ்ய
பரிஸ்ராந்தஸ்ய லக்ஷ்மண ।
அவித்ருப்தஸ்ய காமேஷு
ராம: க்ஷந்துமிஹார்ஹஸி ॥
pariṡrāntasya lakṣmaṇa ।
avitṛptasya kāmēṣu
rāmaḥ kṣantumihārhasi ॥
O Lakshmaṇa, he should be forgiven by Rāma,
for he being worn out, caved
in to the demands of the body and
could not have enough of sensual pleasures.
4.35.10 ந ச ரோஷவஸம் தாத
கந்துமர்ஹஸி லக்ஷ்மண ।
ஸஹஸா ப்ராக்ருதோ யதா ॥
na ca rōṣavaṡaṃ tāta
gantumarhasi lakṣmaṇa ।
sahasā prākṛtō yathā ॥
O Lakshmaṇa! My dear! You should not,
like any other ordinary man,
be quick in giving yourself to anger,
without checking what is truly happening.
4.35.11 ஸத்த்வயுக்தா ஹி புருஷா:
த்வத்விதா: புருஷர்ஷப ।
அவிம்ருஸ்ய ந ரோஷஸ்ய
ஸஹஸா யாந்தி வஸ்யதாம் ॥
sattvayuktā hi puruṣāḥ
tvadvidhāḥ puruṣarṣabha ।
avimṛṡya na rōṣasya
sahasā yānti vaṡyatām ॥
O bull among men! Able men like you
would not go so far as to be angry
without thinking through things carefully.
4.35.12 ப்ரஸாதயே த்வாம் தர்மஜ்ஞ
ஸுக்ரீவார்தம் ஸமாஹிதா ।
ஸம்ரம்பஸ்த்யஜ்யதாமயம் ॥
prasādayē tvāṃ dharmajña
sugrīvārthaṃ samāhitā ।
saṃrambhastyajyatāmayam ॥
O Dharmajña! I beseech you with
all earnestness on behalf of Sugreeva.
May this great agitation that is
born out of anger be abjured!
4.35.13 ருமாம் மாம் கபி ராஜ்யம் ச
தநதாந்யவஸூநி ச ।
ராமப்ரியார்தம் ஸுக்ரீவ:
த்யஜேதிதி மதிர்மம ॥
rumāṃ māṃ kapi rājyaṃ ca
dhanadhānyavasūni ca ।
rāmapriyārthaṃ sugrīvaḥ
tyajēditi matirmama ॥
I am sure that Sugreeva would give up
Ruma, me and this Vānara kingdom,
wealth, grain and all other treasures
in order to please Rāma!
4.35.14 ஸமாநேஷ்யதி ஸுக்ரீவ:
ஸீதயா ஸஹ ராகவம் ।
ஸஸாங்கமிவ ரோஹிண்யா
ஹத்வா தம் ராக்ஷஸாதமம் ॥
samānēṣyati sugrīvaḥ
sītayā saha rāghavam ।
ṡaṡāṅkamiva rōhiṇyā
hatvā taṃ rākṣasādhamam ॥
Sugreeva will kill that wretched Rākshasa
and will see Rāma join Seetā
like the moon joining Rōhiṇee.
4.35.15 ஸதகோடிஸஹஸ்ராணி
லங்காயாம் கில ரக்ஷஸாம் ।
ஆயுதாநி ச ஷட்த்ரிம்ஸ:
ஸஹஸ்ராணி ஸதாநி ச ॥
laṅkāyāṃ kila rakṣasām ।
āyutāni ca ṣaṭtriṃṡaḥ
sahasrāṇi ṡatāni ca ॥
There seems to be one hundred crore thousand
thirty six Āyutas and thirty six thousand
and thirty six hundred Rākshasas in Laṅkā. Tārā puts across a cogent argument here that Rāma, even though known for killing fourteen thousand Rākshasas single handedly in Janasthāna, still needs the help of Sugreeva and his army of Vānaras, by pointing to the unimaginably huge number of Rākshasas mentioned here, which is 1000000399600 written decimal notation.
4.35.16 அஹத்வா தாம்ஸ்ச துர்தர்ஷாந்
ராக்ஷஸாந்காமரூபிண: ।
அஸக்யம் ராவணம் ஹந்தும்
யேந ஸா மைதிலீ ஹ்ருதா ॥
ahatvā tāṃṡca durdharṣān
rākṣasānkāmarūpiṇaḥ ।
aṡakyaṃ rāvaṇaṃ hantum
yēna sā maithilī hṛtā ॥
Without killing those formidable Rākshasas
who can take any form at will,
it would be impossible to slay Rāvaṇa,
who carried off Maithili.
4.35.17 தே ந ஸக்யா ரணே ஹந்தும்
ஸஹாயேந லக்ஷ்மண ।
ராவண: க்ரூரகர்மா ச
ஸுக்ரீவேண விஸேஷத: ॥
tē na ṡakyā raṇē hantum
sahāyēna lakṣmaṇa ।
rāvaṇaḥ krūrakarmā ca
sugrīvēṇa viṡēṣataḥ ॥
O Lakshmaṇa! It is not possible to kill them,
of terrible atrocities, and especially Rāvaṇa,
in a fight, without the help of Sugreeva.
4.35.18 ஏவமாக்யாதவாந்வாலீ
ஸ ஹ்யபிஜ்ஞோ ஹரீஸ்வர: ।
ஆகமஸ்து ந மே வ்யக்த:
ஸ்ரவாத்தஸ்யப்ரவீம்யஹம் ॥
sa hyabhijñō harīṡvaraḥ ।
āgamastu na mē vyaktaḥ
ṡravāttasyabravīmyaham ॥
This is what Vāli, the king of Vānaras
who is knowledgeable had said.
Otherwise, I would not have known.
I am only relaying what I heard. This Ṡlōka would have been a better fit right after Ṡlōka fifteen. It is not clear whether this possible misplacement is a result of shuffled palm leaves.
4.35.19 த்வத்ஸஹாயநிமித்தம் வை
ப்ரேஷிதா ஹரிபுங்கவா: ।
ஆநேதும் வாநராந்யுத்தே
ஸுபஹூந்ஹரிபும்கவாந் ॥
tvatsahāyanimittaṃ vai
prēṣitā haripuṅgavāḥ ।
ānētuṃ vānarānyuddhē
subahūnharipuṃgavān ॥
Prominent Vānaras have been dispatched to
summon many more best of the Vānaras
to assist you in the fight.
4.35.20 தாம்ஸ்ச ப்ரதீக்ஷமாணோऽயம்
விக்ராந்தாத்ஸுமஹாபலாந் ।
ந நிர்யாதி ஹரீஸ்வர: ॥
tāṃṡca pratīkṣamāṇō'yam
vikrāntātsumahābalān ।
na niryāti harīṡvaraḥ ॥
The lord of Vānaras has not started on
the work of Rāghava’s object
only because he has been waiting for the
arrival of those valiant and mighty Vānaras.
4.35.21 க்ருதா ஸுஸம்ஸ்தா ஸௌமித்ரே
ஸுக்ரீவேண புரா யதா ।
அத்ய தைர்வாநரைஸ்ஸர்வை:
ஆகந்தவ்யம் மஹாபலை: ॥
kṛtā susaṃsthā saumitrē
sugrīvēṇa purā yathā ।
adya tairvānaraissarvaiḥ
āgantavyaṃ mahābalaiḥ ॥
O Sowmitri! All of those immensely strong
Vānaras are expected to arrive today,
as has been coordinated by Sugreeva already.
4.35.22 ருக்ஷகோடிஸஹஸ்ராணி
கோலாங்கூலஸதாநி ச ।
அத்ய த்வாமுபயாஸ்யந்தி
ஜஹி கோபமரிந்தம ।
கோட்யோऽநேகாஸ்து காகுத்ஸ்த
கபீநாம் தீப்ததேஜஸாம் ॥
gōlāṅgūlaṡatāni ca ।
adya tvāmupayāsyanti
jahi kōpamarindama ।
kōṭyō'nēkāstu kākutstha
kapīnāṃ dīptatējasām ॥
O Kākutstha! A thousand crores of bears,
a hundred crores of Gōlāṅgūlas and
many crores of Vānaras of fiery power
will join you this day; please let go of your rage.
4.35.23 தவ ஹி முகமிதம் நிரீக்ஷ்ய கோபாத் ।
க்ஷதஜநிபே நயநே நிரீக்ஷமாணா: ।
ஹரிவரவநிதா ந யாந்தி ஸாந்திம்
ப்ரதமபயஸ்ய ஹி ஸந்கிதா: ஸ்ம ஸர்வா: ॥
tava hi mukhamidaṃ nirīkṣya kōpāt ।
kṣatajanibhē nayanē nirīkṣamāṇāḥ ।
harivaravanitā na yānti ṡāntiṃ
prathamabhayasya hi ṡankitāḥ sma sarvāḥ ॥
The women folk of the lord of Vānaras
find no peace seeing your face and eyes
that turned blood-red out of rage.
All of us are worried about (a repeat of)
what had happened once before!
The women are worried that Sugreeva
might be killed just as Vāli was, earlier.
இத்யார்ஷே வால்மீகீயே
ஸ்ரீமத்ராமாயணே ஆதிகாவ்யே
கிஷ்கிந்தாகாண்டே பஞ்சத்ரிம்ஸஸ்ஸர்க: ॥
ityārṣē vālmīkīyē
ṡrīmadrāmāyaṇē ādikāvyē
kiṣkindhākāṇḍē pañcatriṃṡassargaḥ ॥
Thus concludes the thirty fifth Sarga
in Kishkindhā Kāṇḍa of the glorious Rāmāyaṇa,
the first ever poem of humankind,
composed by Maharshi Vālmeeki.