Aranya Kaanda - Sarga 70
In this Sarga, Rāma and Lakshmaṇa cut off the arms of Kabandha, who is about to swallow them. Then the subdued Kabandha asks who they are. Lakshmaṇa tells about Rāma, about his exile and about the abduction of Seetā. Kabandha gets delighted and says that it is his good fortune that he sees them and had his hands cut off by them.
3.70.1 தௌ து தத்ர ஸ்திதௌ த்ருஷ்ட்வா
ப்ராதரௌ ராமலக்ஷ்மணௌ ।
கபந்தோ வாக்யமப்ரவீத் ॥
tau tu tatra sthitau dṛṣṭvā
bhrātarau rāmalakṣmaṇau ।
kabandhō vākyamabravīt ॥
Looking at the brothers Rāma and Lakshmaṇa
who were standing there
thus caught in the noose of his arms,
Kabandha said these words:
3.70.2 திஷ்டத: கிம் நு மாம் த்ருஷ்ட்வா
க்ஷுதார்தம் க்ஷத்ரியர்ஷபௌ ।
ஆஹாரார்தம் து ஸந்திஷ்டௌ
தைவேந கதசேதஸௌ ॥
tiṣṭhataḥ kiṃ nu māṃ dṛṣṭvā
kṣudhārtaṃ kṣatriyarṣabhau ।
āhārārthaṃ tu sandiṣṭau
daivēna gatacētasau ॥
Why do you, standing there, your minds lost,
stare at me who is hungry?
You, bulls of Kshatriyas, are
sent by the gods as food.
3.70.3 தச்ச்ருத்வா லக்ஷ்மணோ வாக்யம்
ப்ராப்தகாலம் ஹிதம் ததா ।
உவாசாऽர்திம் ஸமாபந்நோ
விக்ரமே க்ருதலக்ஷண: ॥
tacchrutvā lakṣmaṇō vākyam
prāptakālaṃ hitaṃ tadā ।
uvācā'rtiṃ samāpannō
vikramē kṛtalakṣaṇaḥ ॥
Hearing those words, feeling very concerned
and summoning his courage, Lakshmaṇa spoke
the best that can be done at that moment:
3.70.4 த்வாம் ச மாம் ச புரா தூர்ணம்
ஆதத்தே ராக்ஷஸாதம: ।
பாஹூ சிந்தாவஹை குரூ ॥
tvāṃ ca māṃ ca purā tūrṇam
ādattē rākṣasādhamaḥ ।
bāhū chindāvahai gurū ॥
This base Rākshasa can grab us in no time.
Therefore, O revered one, let us hack off
his arms right away with our swords!
3.70.5 பீஷணோऽயம் மஹாகாயோ
ராக்ஷஸோ புஜவிக்ரம: ।
லோகம் ஹ்யதிஜிதம் க்ருத்வா
ஹ்யாவாம் ஹந்துமிஹேச்சதி ॥
bhīṣaṇō'yaṃ mahākāyō
rākṣasō bhujavikramaḥ ।
lōkaṃ hyatijitaṃ kṛtvā
hyāvāṃ hantumihēcchati ॥
This frightful and monstrous Rākshasa
who has overcome every one who came his way
with the strength of his arms, wants to kill us now!
3.70.6 நிஸ்சேஷ்டாநாம் வதோ ராஜந்
குத்ஸிதோ ஜகதீபதே: ।
பஸூநாமிவ ராகவ ॥
niṡcēṣṭānāṃ vadhō rājan
kutsitō jagatīpatēḥ ।
paṡūnāmiva rāghava ॥
O King! O Rāghava!
Killing of creatures that cannot move is condemned for a king,
as it is of an animal brought to the Yajña grounds!
3.70.7 ஏதத்ஸஞ்ஜல்பிதம் ஸ்ருத்வா
தயோ: க்ருத்தஸ்து ராக்ஷஸ: ।
விதார்யாऽஸ்யம் ததா ரௌத்ர:
தௌ பக்ஷயிதுமாரபத் ॥
ētatsañjalpitaṃ ṡrutvā
tayōḥ kruddhastu rākṣasaḥ ।
vidāryā'syaṃ tadā raudraḥ
tau bhakṣayitumārabhat ॥
Enraged at what he heard them say to each other,
the Rakshasa opened his cruel mouth wide to swallow them.
3.70.8 ததஸ்தௌ தேஸகாலஜ்ஞௌ
கட்காப்யாமேவ ராகவௌ ।
அச்சிந்ததாம் ஸுஸம்ஹ்ருஷ்டௌ
பாஹூ தஸ்யாம்ஸதேஸத: ॥
tatastau dēṡakālajñau
khaḍgābhyāmēva rāghavau ।
acchindatāṃ susaṃhṛṣṭau
bāhū tasyāṃsadēṡataḥ ॥
The two, who knew the right timing and right place,
cut off his arms at the shoulders with their swords,
taking delight in doing so.
3.70.9 தக்ஷிணோ தக்ஷிணம் பாஹும்
அஸக்தமஸிநா தத: ।
சிச்சேத ராமோ வேகேந
ஸவ்யம் வீரஸ்து லக்ஷ்மண: ॥
dakṣiṇō dakṣiṇaṃ bāhum
asaktamasinā tataḥ ।
cicchēda rāmō vēgēna
savyaṃ vīrastu lakṣmaṇaḥ ॥
The dexterous Rāma, unhindered,
hacked off the right arm swiftly,
and valiant Lakshmaṇa, for his part,
hewed down the left arm as quickly.
3.70.10 ஸ பபாத மஹாபாஹு:
சிந்நபாஹுர்மஹாஸ்வந: ।
கம் ச காம் ச திஸஸ்சைவ
நாதயஞ்ஜலதோ யதா ॥
sa papāta mahābāhuḥ
chinnabāhurmahāsvanaḥ ।
khaṃ ca gāṃ ca diṡaṡcaiva
nādayañjaladō yathā ॥
With his arms severed, he of giant arms fell down,
with the earth, the sky and the four quarters
reverberating with his loud cry
like the rumble of a thunderous cloud.
3.70.11 ஸ நிக்ருத்தௌ புஜௌ த்ருஷ்ட்வா
ஸோணிதௌகபரிப்லுத: ।
தீந: பப்ரச்ச தௌ வீரௌ
கௌ யுவாமிதி தாநவ: ॥
sa nikṛttau bhujau dṛṣṭvā
ṡōṇitaughapariplutaḥ ।
dīnaḥ papraccha tau vīrau
kau yuvāmiti dānavaḥ ॥
Then that Dānava, seeing that his arms were cut off
and were drenched in a deluge of blood,
asked the two Veeras in a pitiful voice: ‘Who are you two?’
3.70.12 இதி தஸ்ய ப்ருவாணஸ்ய
லக்ஷ்மணஸ்ஸுபலக்ஷண: ।
ஸஸம்ஸ ராகவம் தஸ்ய
கபந்தஸ்ய மஹாத்மந: ॥
iti tasya bruvāṇasya
lakṣmaṇaṡṡubhalakṣaṇaḥ ।
ṡaṡaṃsa rāghavaṃ tasya
kabandhasya mahātmanaḥ ॥
To that mighty Kabandha who was asking thus,
Lakshmaṇa of auspicious marks told about Rāghava:
3.70.13 அயமிக்ஷ்வாகுதாயாதோ
ராமோ நாம ஜநைஸ்ஸ்ருத: ।
அஸ்யைவாவரஜம் வித்தி
ப்ராதரம் மாம் ச லக்ஷ்மணம் ॥
rāmō nāma janaiṡṡrutaḥ ।
asyaivāvarajaṃ viddi
bhrātaraṃ māṃ ca lakṣmaṇam ॥
He is born into the dynasty of Ikshwākus.
He is known among people as Rāma.
I am his younger brother, know me as Lakshmaṇa!
3.70.14 மாத்ரா ப்ரதிஹதோ ராஜ்யே
ராம: ப்ரவாஜிதோ வநம் ।
மயா ஸஹ சரத்யேஷ
பார்யயா ச மஹத் வநம் ॥
mātrā pratihatō rājyē
rāmaḥ pravājitō vanam ।
mayā saha caratyēṣa
bhāryayā ca mahat vanam ॥
With his kingdom robbed by his (step) mother,
he came to Vana in exile,
living along with me and his wife in the great Vana.
3.70.15 அஸ்ய தேவப்ரபாவஸ்ய
வஸதோ விஜநே வநே ।
ரக்ஷஸாऽபஹ்ருதா பத்நீ
யாமிச்சந்தாவிஹாகதௌ ॥
asya dēvaprabhāvasya
vasatō vijanē vanē ।
rakṣasā'pahṛtā patnī
yāmicchantāvihāgatau ॥
While he who, is equal to Dēvas in prowess,
is living in this desolate forest,
his wife was abducted by a Rākshasa,
seeking whom we treaded this way.
3.70.16 த்வம் து கோ வா கிமர்தம் வா
கபந்தஸத்ருஸோ வநே ।
ஆஸ்யேநோரஸி தீப்தேந
பக்நஜங்கோ விசேஷ்டஸே ॥
tvaṃ tu kō vā kimarthaṃ vā
kabandhasadṛṡō vanē ।
āsyēnōrasi dīptēna
bhagnajaṅghō vicēṣṭasē ॥
But who are you? And why do you,
all but a trunk with broken legs
with your fiery face on your belly,
lie here in the forest, rolling?
3.70.17 ஏவமுக்த: கபந்தஸ்து
லக்ஷ்மணேநோத்தரம் வச: ।
உவாச பரமப்ரீத:
ததிந்த்ரவசநம் ஸ்மரந் ॥
ēvamuktaḥ kabandhastu
lakṣmaṇēnōttaraṃ vacaḥ ।
uvāca paramaprītaḥ
tadindravacanaṃ smaran ॥
Thus asked by Lakshmaṇa, the extremely joyful Kabandha
replied, recollecting the words of Indra:
3.70.18 ஸ்வாகதம் வாம் நரவ்யாக்ரௌ
திஷ்ட்யா பஸ்யாமி சாப்யஹம் ।
திஷ்ட்யா சேமௌ நிக்ருத்தௌ மே
யுவாப்யாம் பாஹுபந்தநௌ ॥
svāgataṃ vāṃ naravyāghrau
diṣṭyā paṡyāmi cāpyaham ।
diṣṭyā cēmau nikṛttau mē
yuvābhyāṃ bāhubandhanau ॥
O tigers among men! Welcome!
It is by my good fortune that I see you!
It is because of luck that these arms
that were fetters were severed by you!
3.70.19 விரூபம் யச்ச மே ரூபம்
ப்ராப்தம் ஹ்யவிநயாத்யதா ।
தந்மே ஸ்ருணு நரவ்யாக்ர
தத்த்வதஸ்ஸம்ஸதஸ்தவ ॥
virūpaṃ yacca mē rūpam
prāptaṃ hyavinayādyathā ।
tanmē ṡṛṇu naravyāghra
tattvataṡṡaṃsatastava ॥
Listen, O tiger among men,
I shall tell you in all detail
how this form, a crooked one that is,
has come to me because of my own conceit!
இத்யார்ஷே வால்மீகீயே
ஸ்ரீமத்ராமாயணே ஆதிகாவ்யே
அரண்யகாண்டே ஸப்ததிதமஸ்ஸர்க: ।
ityārṣē vālmīkīyē
ṡrīmadrāmāyaṇē ādikāvyē
araṇyakāṇḍē saptatitamassargaḥ ।
Thus concludes the seventieth Sarga
in Araṇya Kāṇḍa of the glorious Rāmāyaṇa,
the first ever poem of humankind,
composed by Maharshi Vālmeeki.
You have completed reading 8805 Ṡlōkas out of ~24,000 Ṡlōkas of Vālmeeki Rāmāyaṇa.
Meaning, notes and commentary by: Krishna Sharma.