Aranya Kanda Sarga 68 Continues
3.68.23 க்ருத்ரராஜ்யம் பரித்யஜ்ய
பித்ருபைதாமஹம் மஹத் ।
மம ஹேதோரயம் ப்ராணாந்
முமோச பதகேஸ்வர: ॥
gṛdhrarājyaṃ parityajya
pitṛpaitāmahaṃ mahat ।
mama hētōrayaṃ prāṇān
mumōca patagēṡvaraḥ ॥
Relinquishing the kingdom of eagles
that was handed down from father to son,
this lord of birds gave up his life for my sake.
3.68.24 ஸர்வத்ர கலு த்ருஸ்யந்தே
ஸாதவோ தர்மசாரிண: ।
திர்யக்யோநிகதேஷ்வபி ॥
sarvatra khalu dṛṡyantē
sādhavō dharmacāriṇaḥ ।
tiryagyōnigatēṣvapi ॥
O Sowmitri! Everywhere, even among the avian creatures,
are to be found good souls that adhere to Dharma,
who are valiant and the refuge of the weak and helpless.
3.68.25 ஸீதாஹரணஜம் து:கம்
ந மே ஸௌம்ய ததாவிதம் ।
யதா விநாஸே க்ருத்ரஸ்ய
மத்க்ருதே ச பரந்தப ॥
sītāharaṇajaṃ duḥkham
na mē saumya tathāvidham ।
yathā vināṡē gṛdhrasya
matkṛtē ca parantapa ॥
O my dear! O scorcher of foes!
The grief that arises in me
because of the abduction of Seetā
is nothing in comparison to that caused
by the death of this eagle, for my sake. In the very first Sarga of Rāmāyaṇa, Rāma was described as कृतज्ञः (kṛtajñaḥ), one who appreciates, remembers and is grateful for any help he received. In these Ṡlōkas we find the perfect example of that quality of him.
3.68.26 ராஜா தஸரதஸ்ஸ்ரீமாந்
யதா மம மஹாயஸா: ।
பூஜநீயஸ்ச மாந்யஸ்ச
ததாऽயம் பதகேஸ்வர: ॥
rājā daṡarathaṡṡrīmān
yathā mama mahāyaṡāḥ ।
pūjanīyaṡca mānyaṡca
tathā'yaṃ patagēṡvaraḥ ॥
This lord of birds is as worthy of my reverence and regard
as the blessed and greatly renowned King Daṡaratha himself.
3.68.27 ஸௌமித்ரே ஹர காஷ்டாநி
நிர்மதிஷ்யாமி பாவகம் ।
க்ருத்ரராஜம் திதக்ஷாமி
மத்க்ருதே நிதநம் கதம் ॥
saumitrē hara kāṣṭhāni
nirmathiṣyāmi pāvakam ।
gṛdhrarājaṃ didhakṣāmi
matkṛtē nidhanaṃ gatam ॥
Fetch firewood, O Sowmitri, I shall raise a fire
and cremate the King of the eagles, who died for my sake.
3.68.28 நாதம் பதகலோகஸ்ய
சிதாமாரோப்ய ராகவ ।
இமம் தக்ஷ்யாமி ஸௌமித்ரே
ஹதம் ரௌத்ரேண ரக்ஷஸா ॥
nāthaṃ patagalōkasya
citāmārōpya rāghava ।
imaṃ dhakṣyāmi saumitrē
hataṃ raudrēṇa rakṣasā ॥
O Rāghava! O Sowmitri! I shall place
this ruler of the world of birds,
who was killed by the fierce Rākshasa,
on the funeral pyre and cremate him.
3.68.29-30 யா கதிர்யஜ்ஞஸீலாநாம்
ஆஹிதாக்நேஸ்ச யா கதி: ।
அபராவர்திநாம் யா ச
யா ச பூமிப்ரதாயிநாம் ।
மயா த்வம் ஸமநுஜ்ஞாதோ
கச்ச லோகாநநுத்தமாந் ।
க்ருத்ரராஜ மஹாஸத்த்வ
ஸம்ஸ்க்ருதஸ்ச மயா வ்ரஜ ॥
yā gatiryajñaṡīlānām
āhitāgnēṡca yā gatiḥ ।
aparāvartināṃ yā ca
yā ca bhūmipradāyinām ।
mayā tvaṃ samanujñātō
gaccha lōkānanuttamān ।
gṛdhrarāja mahāsattva
saṃskṛtaṡca mayā vraja ॥
O King of eagles! O mighty soul!
You shall, with my approbation and
by virtue of the last rites I perform for you,
go to such higher realms to which
those who perform Yajñas and fire-rites,
those who never turn their back in a battle and
those who gift away lands go.
3.68.31 ஏவமுக்த்வா சிதாம் தீப்தாம்
ஆரோப்ய பதகேஸ்வரம் ।
ததாஹ ராமோ தர்மாத்மா
ஸ்வபந்துமிவ து:கித: ॥
ēvamuktvā citāṃ dīptām
ārōpya patagēṡvaram ।
dadāha rāmō dharmātmā
svabandhumiva duḥkhitaḥ ॥
Saying this, Rāma, the Dharmātma, mounted the body of
the lord of the birds on the blazing pyre and cremated him,
grieving for him as one does for one’s own kin.
3.68.32 ராமோऽத ஸஹஸௌமித்ரி:
வநம் கத்வா ஸ வீர்யவாந் ।
ஸ்தூலாந்ஹத்வா மஹாரோஹீந்
அநுதஸ்தார தம் த்விஜம் ॥
rāmō'tha sahasaumitriḥ
vanaṃ gatvā sa vīryavān ।
sthūlānhatvā mahārōhīn
anutastāra taṃ dvijam ॥
Then the valorous Rāma went with Sowmitri
to the Vana and killed the giant Rōhi deer,
and spread the Kuṡa grass for the bird.
3.68.33 ரோஹிமாம்ஸாநி சோத்க்ருத்ய
பேஸீக்ருத்ய மஹாயஸா: ।
ஸகுநாய ததௌ ராமோ
ரம்யே ஹரிதஸாத்வலே ॥
rōhimāṃsāni cōtkṛtya
pēṡīkṛtya mahāyaṡāḥ ।
ṡakunāya dadau rāmō
ramyē haritaṡādvalē ॥
The greatly renowned one then
scooped out the meat of the Rōhi deer,
and turned into balls, and offered them
to (the spirit of) the bird
on the beautiful green sward.
3.68.34 யத்தத்ப்ரேதஸ்ய மர்த்யஸ்ய
கதயந்தி த்விஜாதய: ।
தத்ஸ்வர்ககமநம் தஸ்ய
பித்ர்யம் ராமோ ஜஜாப ஹ ॥
yattatprētasya martyasya
kathayanti dvijātayaḥ ।
tatsvargagamanaṃ tasya
pitryaṃ rāmō jajāpa ha ॥
And Rama recited all that was prescribed
by the Brāhmaṇas for a deceased human,
for him (the bird) to ascend to heaven.
3.68.35 ததோ கோதாவரீம் கத்வா
நதீம் நரவராத்மஜௌ ।
உதகம் சக்ரதுஸ்தஸ்மை
க்ருத்ரராஜாய தாவுபௌ ॥
tatō gōdāvarīṃ gatvā
nadīṃ naravarātmajau ।
udakaṃ cakratustasmai
gṛdhrarājāya tāvubhau ॥
Then both the sons of the King
went to Godavari and offered water-libations
to the king of eagles.
3.68.36 ஸாஸ்த்ரத்ருஷ்டேந விதிநா
ஜலே க்ருத்ராய ராகவௌ ।
ஸ்நாத்வா தௌ க்ருத்ரராஜாய
உதகம் சக்ரதுஸ்ததா ॥
ṡāstradṛṣṭēna vidhinā
jalē gṛdhrāya rāghavau ।
snātvā tau gṛdhrarājāya
udakaṃ cakratustadā ॥
After taking a bath, the Rāghavas
offered water-libations as per the Sastras
to the King of the eagles.
3.68.37 ஸ க்ருத்ரராஜ: க்ருதவாந்யஸஸ்கரம்
ஸுதுஷ்கரம் கர்ம ரணே நிபாதித: ।
மஹர்ஷிகல்பேந ச ஸம்ஸ்க்ருதஸ்ததா
ஜகாம புண்யாம் கதிமாத்மநஸ்ஸுபாம் ॥
sa gṛdhrarājaḥ kṛtavānyaṡaskaraṃ
suduṣkaraṃ karma raṇē nipātitaḥ ।
maharṣikalpēna ca saṃskṛtastadā
jagāma puṇyāṃ gatimātmanaṡṡubhām ॥
He, the king of eagles,
who performed a formidable act that won him fame,
who had been killed in the fight and
who received the final rites
from one who was like a Maharshi,
attained the best and supreme state that he deserved.
3.68.38 க்ருதோதகௌ தாவபி பக்ஷிஸத்தமே
ஸ்திராம் ச புத்திம் ப்ரணிதாய ஜக்மது: ।
ப்ரவேஸ்ய ஸீதாதிகமே ததோ மநோ
வநம் ஸுரேந்த்ராவிவ விஷ்ணுவாஸவௌ ॥
kṛtōdakau tāvapi pakṣisattamē
sthirāṃ ca buddhiṃ praṇidhāya jagmatuḥ ।
pravēṡya sītādhigamē tatō manō
vanaṃ surēndrāviva viṣṇuvāsavau ॥
After offering the water-libations,
their minds fully and firmly focused on that eminent bird,
they turned their minds towards bringing Seetā back,
and like the lords of Suras, Vishṇu and Vāsava,
the two entered the Vana.
இத்யார்ஷே வால்மீகீயே
ஸ்ரீமத்ராமாயணே ஆதிகாவ்யே
அரண்யகாண்டே அஷ்டஷஷ்டிதமஸ்ஸர்க: ।
ityārṣē vālmīkīyē
ṡrīmadrāmāyaṇē ādikāvyē
araṇyakāṇḍē aṣṭaṣaṣṭitamassargaḥ ।
Thus concludes the sixty eighth Sarga
in Araṇya Kāṇḍa of the glorious Rāmāyaṇa,
the first ever poem of humankind,
composed by Maharshi Vālmeeki.
You have completed reading 8750 Ṡlōkas out of ~24,000 Ṡlōkas of Vālmeeki Rāmāyaṇa.
Meaning, notes and commentary by: Krishna Sharma.