Aranya Kanda sarga 66
Aranya Kaanda - Sarga 66
Having pacified angry Rāma in the previous Sarga, Lakshmaṇa, in this Sarga, tries to inspire him to rise from the grief. He reminds Rāma of his innate wisdom and good nature and the pride his father took in his virtues. He also tries to tell Rāma that adversities in life are but natural and many a great man and Dēva also faced them, in spite of their greatness.
3.66.1-2 தம் ததா ஸோகஸந்தப்தம்
விலபந்தமநாதவத் ।
மோஹேந மஹதாऽऽவிஷ்டம்
பரித்யூநமசேதநம் ।
முஹூர்தாதிவ லக்ஷ்மண: ।
ராமம் ஸம்போதயாமாஸ
சாரணௌ சாபிபீடயந் ॥
taṃ tathā ṡōkasantaptam
vilapantamanāthavat ।
mōhēna mahatā''viṣṭam
paridyūnamacētanam ।
muhūrtādiva lakṣmaṇaḥ ।
rāmaṃ sambōdhayāmāsa
cāraṇau cābhipīḍayan ॥
As Rāma was lamenting thus like a forlorn creature,
burned out by grief, overwhelmed with disorientation,
senses going numb and his being weakened,
Lakshmaṇa, the son of Sumitra consoled him
for a Muhūrta and then addressed him, pressing his feet:
3.66.3 மஹதா தபஸா ராம
மஹதா சாபி கர்மணா ।
ராஜ்ஞா தஸரதேநாஸி
லப்தோऽம்ருதமிவாமரை: ॥
mahatā tapasā rāma
mahatā cāpi karmaṇā ।
rājñā daṡarathēnāsi
labdhō'mṛtamivāmaraiḥ ॥
Rāma, King Daṡaratha had you for a son
after doing severe Tapa and great virtuous deeds
like Dēvas did for obtaining Amṛta.
3.66.4 தவ சைவ குணைர்பத்த:
த்வத்வியோகாந்மஹீபதி: ।
ராஜா தேவத்வமாபந்நோ
பரதஸ்ய யதாஸ்ருதம் ॥
tava caiva guṇairbaddhaḥ
tvadviyōgānmahīpatiḥ ।
rājā dēvatvamāpannō
bharatasya yathāṡrutam ॥
The king, the lord of the earth,
ascended to heaven, as Bharata mentioned,
bereft of you and thinking of your great virtues.
3.66.5 யதி து:கமிதம் ப்ராப்தம்
காகுத்ஸ்த ந ஸஹிஷ்யஸே ।
இதர: கஸ்ஸஹிஷ்யதி ॥
yadi duḥkhamidaṃ prāptam
kākutstha na sahiṣyasē ।
itaraḥ kassahiṣyati ॥
If you, O Kākutstha, cannot bear
this grief that has come upon you,
what about an ordinary man of average capabilities?
3.66.6 து:கிதோ ஹி பவாந்லோகாந்
தேஜஸா யதி தக்ஷ்யதே ।
ஆர்தா: ப்ரஜா நரவ்யாக்ர
க்வ நு யாஸ்யந்தி நிர்வ்ருதிம் ॥
duḥkhitō hi bhavānlōkān
tējasā yadi dhakṣyatē ।
ārtāḥ prajā naravyāghra
kva nu yāsyanti nirvṛtim ॥
O tiger among men! If you, in your grief,
should burn the worlds by your fiery valor,
where would distressed people go to find relief?
3.66.7 லோகஸ்வபாவ ஏவைஷ
யயாதிர்நஹுஷாத்மஜ: ।
கதஸ்ஸக்ரேண ஸாலோக்யம்
அநயஸ்தம் ஸமஸ்ப்ருஸத் ॥
lōkasvabhāva ēvaiṣa
yayātirnahuṣātmajaḥ ।
gataṡṡakrēṇa sālōkyam
anayastaṃ samaspṛṡat ॥
Even Yayāti, the son of Nahusha,
who could ascend to the world of Ṡakra,
was caught by misfortune;
such is the nature of this world!
3.66.8 மஹர்ஷிர்யோ வஸிஷ்டஸ்து
ய: பிதுர்ந: புரோஹித: ।
அஹ்நா புத்ரஸதம் ஜஜ்ஞே
ததைவாஸ்ய புநர்ஹதம் ॥
maharṣiryō vasiṣṭhastu
yaḥ piturnaḥ purōhitaḥ ।
ahnā putraṡataṃ jajñē
tathaivāsya punarhatam ॥
Vasishṭha, the Maharshi, the Purōhita of our father,
begot a hundred sons in a single day.
But again, they were killed in the same way.
3.66.9 யா சேயம் ஜகதாம் மாதா
தேவீ லோகநமஸ்க்ருதா ।
அஸ்யாஸ்ச சலநம் பூமே:
த்ருஸ்யதே ஸத்யஸம்ஸ்ரவ ॥
yā cēyaṃ jagatāṃ mātā
dēvī lōkanamaskṛtā ।
asyāṡca calanaṃ bhūmēḥ
dṛṡyatē satyasaṃṡrava ॥
Even the earth, the goddess
who is the mother of all the worlds and
who receives the homage of all creatures,
is not immune from tremors,
O you who are famed for your adherence to truth!
3.66.10। யௌ தர்மௌ ஜகதாம் நேத்ரௌ
யத்ர ஸர்வம் ப்ரதிஷ்டிதம் ।
ஆதித்யசந்த்ரௌ க்ரஹணம்
அப்யுபேதௌ மஹாபலௌ ॥
yau dharmau jagatāṃ nētrau
yatra sarvaṃ pratiṣṭhitam ।
ādityacandrau grahaṇam
abhyupētau mahābalau ॥
Even the sun and the moon,
the eternal witnesses of the worlds,
firm adherents to an order,
in whom everything is established,
get eclipsed, in spite of their immense strength.
3.66.11 ஸுமஹாந்த்யபி பூதாநி
தேவாஸ்ச புருஷர்ஷப ।
ந தைவஸ்ய ப்ரமுஞ்சந்தி
ஸர்வபூதாநி தேஹிந: ॥
sumahāntyapi bhūtāni
dēvāṡca puruṣarṣabha ।
na daivasya pramuñcanti
sarvabhūtāni dēhinaḥ ॥
No creature, that has taken a bodily form,
not even the greatest of them, nor even a Dēva,
O bull among men, is able to transgress fate!
3.66.12 ஸக்ராதிஷ்வபி தேவேஷு
வர்தமாநௌ நயாநயௌ ।
ஸ்ரூயேதே நரஸார்தூல
ந த்வம் ஸோசிதுமர்ஹஸி ॥
ṡakrādiṣvapi dēvēṣu
vartamānau nayānayau ।
ṡrūyētē naraṡārdūla
na tvaṃ ṡōcitumarhasi ॥
It has been said that even Ṡakra and the other Dēvas
see their plans go fair and foul, at times;
hence, O tiger among men, you should not grieve!
3.66.13 நஷ்டாயாமபி வைதேஹ்யாம்
ஹ்ருதாயாமபி சாநக
ஸோசிதும் நார்ஹஸே வீர
யதாऽந்ய: ப்ராக்ருதஸ்ததா ॥
naṣṭāyāmapi vaidēhyāṃ
hṛtāyāmapi cānagha
ṡōcituṃ nārhasē vīra
yathā'nyaḥ prākṛtastathā ॥
Regardless of whether Vaidēhi is dead or abducted,
you should not, O Veera, O sinless one,
cave in to grief like any other ordinary man!
3.66.14 த்வவ்திதா ந ஹி ஸோசந்தி
ஸததம் ஸத்யதர்ஸிந: ।
ஸுமஹத்ஸ்வபி க்ருச்ச்ரேஷு
ராமாநிர்விண்ணதர்ஸநா: ॥
tvavdidhā na hi ṡōcanti
satataṃ satyadarṡinaḥ ।
sumahatsvapi kṛcchrēṣu
rāmānirviṇṇadarṡanāḥ ॥
The likes of you, O Rāma,
who always see the ultimate truth
with their discernment never impaired,
do not grieve even when met
with the worst of calamities!
3.66.15 தத்த்வதோ ஹி நரஸ்ரேஷ்ட
புத்த்யா ஸமநுசிந்தய ।
புத்த்யா யுக்தா மஹாப்ராஜ்ஞா
விஜாநந்தி ஸுபாஸுபே ॥
tattvatō hi naraṡrēṣṭha
buddhyā samanucintaya ।
buddhyā yuktā mahāprājñā
vijānanti ṡubhāṡubhē ॥
O best among men! Let your wisdom
consider everything in depth.
The wisest of the wise depend on their discernment
to find out what is good and what is not.
3.66.16 அத்ருஷ்டகுணதோஷாணாம்
அத்ருவாணாம் து கர்மணாம் ।
நாந்தரேண க்ரியாம் தேஷாம்
பலமிஷ்டம் ப்ரவர்ததே ॥
adhruvāṇāṃ tu karmaṇām ।
nāntarēṇa kriyāṃ tēṣām
phalamiṣṭaṃ pravartatē ॥
It is difficult to know the virtues and flaws
of actions that are not yet tried.
Yet, without taking some action or the other,
we cannot gain what we wish for.
3.66.17 த்வமேவ ஹி புரா ராம
மாமேவம் பஹுஸோऽந்வஸா: ।
அநுஸிஷ்யாத்தி கோ நு த்வாம்
அபி ஸாக்ஷாத்ப்ருஹஸ்பதி: ॥
tvamēva hi purā rāma
māmēvaṃ bahuṡō'nvaṡāḥ ।
anuṡiṣyāddhi kō nu tvām
api sākṣādbṛhaspatiḥ ॥
You yourself, O Rāma, have counselled me
many a time in the past;
who could presume to instruct you,
even if he were Bṛhaspati himself?
3.66.18 புத்திஸ்ச தே மஹாப்ராஜ்ஞ
தேவைரபி துரந்வயா ।
ஸோகேநாபிப்ரஸுப்தம் தே
ஜ்ஞாநம் ஸம்போதயாம்யஹம் ॥
buddhiṡca tē mahāprājña
dēvairapi duranvayā ।
ṡōkēnābhiprasuptaṃ tē
jñānaṃ sambōdhayāmyaham ॥
O wisest of the wise! Even the Dēvas cannot
hope to follow the workings of your intellect;
I am merely trying to rouse your intelligence
which is sunk in stupor because of grief.
3.66.19 திவ்யம் ச மாநுஷம் சாஸ்த்ரம்
ஆத்மநஸ்ச பராக்ரமம் ।
யதஸ்வ த்விஷதாம் வதே ॥
divyaṃ ca mānuṣaṃ cāstram
ātmanaṡca parākramam ।
yatasva dviṣatāṃ vadhē ॥
O bull of Ikshwākus! Rely on your valor
and the human and divine Astras (that you possess);
and try to slay the enemies!
3.66.20 கிம் தேந ஸர்வநாஸேந
க்ருதேந புருஷர்ஷப ।
தமேவ த்வம் ரிபும் பாபம்
விஜ்ஞாயோத்தர்துமர்ஹஸி ॥
kiṃ tēna sarvanāṡēna
kṛtēna puruṣarṣabha ।
tamēva tvaṃ ripuṃ pāpam
vijñāyōddhartumarhasi ॥
O bull among men! What is the point
in you destroying everything?
Find out who exactly that enemy, the sinful one is,
and then you shall root him out.
இத்யார்ஷே வால்மீகீயே
ஸ்ரீமத்ராமாயணே ஆதிகாவ்யே
அரண்யகாண்டே ஷட்ஷஷ்டிதமஸ்ஸர்க: ।
ityārṣē vālmīkīyē
ṡrīmadrāmāyaṇē ādikāvyē
araṇyakāṇḍē ṣaṭṣaṣṭitamassargaḥ ।
Thus concludes the sixty sixth Sarga
in Araṇya Kāṇḍa of the glorious Rāmāyaṇa,
the first ever poem of humankind,
composed by Maharshi Vālmeeki.
You have completed reading 8683 Ṡlōkas out of ~24,000 Ṡlōkas of Vālmeeki Rāmāyaṇa.
Meaning, notes and commentary by: Krishna Sharma.

Aranya Kaanda - Sarga 66
Having pacified angry Rāma in the previous Sarga, Lakshmaṇa, in this Sarga, tries to inspire him to rise from the grief. He reminds Rāma of his innate wisdom and good nature and the pride his father took in his virtues. He also tries to tell Rāma that adversities in life are but natural and many a great man and Dēva also faced them, in spite of their greatness.
3.66.1-2 தம் ததா ஸோகஸந்தப்தம்
விலபந்தமநாதவத் ।
மோஹேந மஹதாऽऽவிஷ்டம்
பரித்யூநமசேதநம் ।
முஹூர்தாதிவ லக்ஷ்மண: ।
ராமம் ஸம்போதயாமாஸ
சாரணௌ சாபிபீடயந் ॥
taṃ tathā ṡōkasantaptam
vilapantamanāthavat ।
mōhēna mahatā''viṣṭam
paridyūnamacētanam ।
muhūrtādiva lakṣmaṇaḥ ।
rāmaṃ sambōdhayāmāsa
cāraṇau cābhipīḍayan ॥
As Rāma was lamenting thus like a forlorn creature,
burned out by grief, overwhelmed with disorientation,
senses going numb and his being weakened,
Lakshmaṇa, the son of Sumitra consoled him
for a Muhūrta and then addressed him, pressing his feet:
3.66.3 மஹதா தபஸா ராம
மஹதா சாபி கர்மணா ।
ராஜ்ஞா தஸரதேநாஸி
லப்தோऽம்ருதமிவாமரை: ॥
mahatā tapasā rāma
mahatā cāpi karmaṇā ।
rājñā daṡarathēnāsi
labdhō'mṛtamivāmaraiḥ ॥
Rāma, King Daṡaratha had you for a son
after doing severe Tapa and great virtuous deeds
like Dēvas did for obtaining Amṛta.
3.66.4 தவ சைவ குணைர்பத்த:
த்வத்வியோகாந்மஹீபதி: ।
ராஜா தேவத்வமாபந்நோ
பரதஸ்ய யதாஸ்ருதம் ॥
tava caiva guṇairbaddhaḥ
tvadviyōgānmahīpatiḥ ।
rājā dēvatvamāpannō
bharatasya yathāṡrutam ॥
The king, the lord of the earth,
ascended to heaven, as Bharata mentioned,
bereft of you and thinking of your great virtues.
3.66.5 யதி து:கமிதம் ப்ராப்தம்
காகுத்ஸ்த ந ஸஹிஷ்யஸே ।
இதர: கஸ்ஸஹிஷ்யதி ॥
yadi duḥkhamidaṃ prāptam
kākutstha na sahiṣyasē ।
itaraḥ kassahiṣyati ॥
If you, O Kākutstha, cannot bear
this grief that has come upon you,
what about an ordinary man of average capabilities?
3.66.6 து:கிதோ ஹி பவாந்லோகாந்
தேஜஸா யதி தக்ஷ்யதே ।
ஆர்தா: ப்ரஜா நரவ்யாக்ர
க்வ நு யாஸ்யந்தி நிர்வ்ருதிம் ॥
duḥkhitō hi bhavānlōkān
tējasā yadi dhakṣyatē ।
ārtāḥ prajā naravyāghra
kva nu yāsyanti nirvṛtim ॥
O tiger among men! If you, in your grief,
should burn the worlds by your fiery valor,
where would distressed people go to find relief?
3.66.7 லோகஸ்வபாவ ஏவைஷ
யயாதிர்நஹுஷாத்மஜ: ।
கதஸ்ஸக்ரேண ஸாலோக்யம்
அநயஸ்தம் ஸமஸ்ப்ருஸத் ॥
lōkasvabhāva ēvaiṣa
yayātirnahuṣātmajaḥ ।
gataṡṡakrēṇa sālōkyam
anayastaṃ samaspṛṡat ॥
Even Yayāti, the son of Nahusha,
who could ascend to the world of Ṡakra,
was caught by misfortune;
such is the nature of this world!
3.66.8 மஹர்ஷிர்யோ வஸிஷ்டஸ்து
ய: பிதுர்ந: புரோஹித: ।
அஹ்நா புத்ரஸதம் ஜஜ்ஞே
ததைவாஸ்ய புநர்ஹதம் ॥
maharṣiryō vasiṣṭhastu
yaḥ piturnaḥ purōhitaḥ ।
ahnā putraṡataṃ jajñē
tathaivāsya punarhatam ॥
Vasishṭha, the Maharshi, the Purōhita of our father,
begot a hundred sons in a single day.
But again, they were killed in the same way.
3.66.9 யா சேயம் ஜகதாம் மாதா
தேவீ லோகநமஸ்க்ருதா ।
அஸ்யாஸ்ச சலநம் பூமே:
த்ருஸ்யதே ஸத்யஸம்ஸ்ரவ ॥
yā cēyaṃ jagatāṃ mātā
dēvī lōkanamaskṛtā ।
asyāṡca calanaṃ bhūmēḥ
dṛṡyatē satyasaṃṡrava ॥
Even the earth, the goddess
who is the mother of all the worlds and
who receives the homage of all creatures,
is not immune from tremors,
O you who are famed for your adherence to truth!
3.66.10। யௌ தர்மௌ ஜகதாம் நேத்ரௌ
யத்ர ஸர்வம் ப்ரதிஷ்டிதம் ।
ஆதித்யசந்த்ரௌ க்ரஹணம்
அப்யுபேதௌ மஹாபலௌ ॥
yau dharmau jagatāṃ nētrau
yatra sarvaṃ pratiṣṭhitam ।
ādityacandrau grahaṇam
abhyupētau mahābalau ॥
Even the sun and the moon,
the eternal witnesses of the worlds,
firm adherents to an order,
in whom everything is established,
get eclipsed, in spite of their immense strength.
3.66.11 ஸுமஹாந்த்யபி பூதாநி
தேவாஸ்ச புருஷர்ஷப ।
ந தைவஸ்ய ப்ரமுஞ்சந்தி
ஸர்வபூதாநி தேஹிந: ॥
sumahāntyapi bhūtāni
dēvāṡca puruṣarṣabha ।
na daivasya pramuñcanti
sarvabhūtāni dēhinaḥ ॥
No creature, that has taken a bodily form,
not even the greatest of them, nor even a Dēva,
O bull among men, is able to transgress fate!
3.66.12 ஸக்ராதிஷ்வபி தேவேஷு
வர்தமாநௌ நயாநயௌ ।
ஸ்ரூயேதே நரஸார்தூல
ந த்வம் ஸோசிதுமர்ஹஸி ॥
ṡakrādiṣvapi dēvēṣu
vartamānau nayānayau ।
ṡrūyētē naraṡārdūla
na tvaṃ ṡōcitumarhasi ॥
It has been said that even Ṡakra and the other Dēvas
see their plans go fair and foul, at times;
hence, O tiger among men, you should not grieve!
3.66.13 நஷ்டாயாமபி வைதேஹ்யாம்
ஹ்ருதாயாமபி சாநக
ஸோசிதும் நார்ஹஸே வீர
யதாऽந்ய: ப்ராக்ருதஸ்ததா ॥
naṣṭāyāmapi vaidēhyāṃ
hṛtāyāmapi cānagha
ṡōcituṃ nārhasē vīra
yathā'nyaḥ prākṛtastathā ॥
Regardless of whether Vaidēhi is dead or abducted,
you should not, O Veera, O sinless one,
cave in to grief like any other ordinary man!
3.66.14 த்வவ்திதா ந ஹி ஸோசந்தி
ஸததம் ஸத்யதர்ஸிந: ।
ஸுமஹத்ஸ்வபி க்ருச்ச்ரேஷு
ராமாநிர்விண்ணதர்ஸநா: ॥
tvavdidhā na hi ṡōcanti
satataṃ satyadarṡinaḥ ।
sumahatsvapi kṛcchrēṣu
rāmānirviṇṇadarṡanāḥ ॥
The likes of you, O Rāma,
who always see the ultimate truth
with their discernment never impaired,
do not grieve even when met
with the worst of calamities!
3.66.15 தத்த்வதோ ஹி நரஸ்ரேஷ்ட
புத்த்யா ஸமநுசிந்தய ।
புத்த்யா யுக்தா மஹாப்ராஜ்ஞா
விஜாநந்தி ஸுபாஸுபே ॥
tattvatō hi naraṡrēṣṭha
buddhyā samanucintaya ।
buddhyā yuktā mahāprājñā
vijānanti ṡubhāṡubhē ॥
O best among men! Let your wisdom
consider everything in depth.
The wisest of the wise depend on their discernment
to find out what is good and what is not.
3.66.16 அத்ருஷ்டகுணதோஷாணாம்
அத்ருவாணாம் து கர்மணாம் ।
நாந்தரேண க்ரியாம் தேஷாம்
பலமிஷ்டம் ப்ரவர்ததே ॥
adhruvāṇāṃ tu karmaṇām ।
nāntarēṇa kriyāṃ tēṣām
phalamiṣṭaṃ pravartatē ॥
It is difficult to know the virtues and flaws
of actions that are not yet tried.
Yet, without taking some action or the other,
we cannot gain what we wish for.
3.66.17 த்வமேவ ஹி புரா ராம
மாமேவம் பஹுஸோऽந்வஸா: ।
அநுஸிஷ்யாத்தி கோ நு த்வாம்
அபி ஸாக்ஷாத்ப்ருஹஸ்பதி: ॥
tvamēva hi purā rāma
māmēvaṃ bahuṡō'nvaṡāḥ ।
anuṡiṣyāddhi kō nu tvām
api sākṣādbṛhaspatiḥ ॥
You yourself, O Rāma, have counselled me
many a time in the past;
who could presume to instruct you,
even if he were Bṛhaspati himself?
3.66.18 புத்திஸ்ச தே மஹாப்ராஜ்ஞ
தேவைரபி துரந்வயா ।
ஸோகேநாபிப்ரஸுப்தம் தே
ஜ்ஞாநம் ஸம்போதயாம்யஹம் ॥
buddhiṡca tē mahāprājña
dēvairapi duranvayā ।
ṡōkēnābhiprasuptaṃ tē
jñānaṃ sambōdhayāmyaham ॥
O wisest of the wise! Even the Dēvas cannot
hope to follow the workings of your intellect;
I am merely trying to rouse your intelligence
which is sunk in stupor because of grief.
3.66.19 திவ்யம் ச மாநுஷம் சாஸ்த்ரம்
ஆத்மநஸ்ச பராக்ரமம் ।
யதஸ்வ த்விஷதாம் வதே ॥
divyaṃ ca mānuṣaṃ cāstram
ātmanaṡca parākramam ।
yatasva dviṣatāṃ vadhē ॥
O bull of Ikshwākus! Rely on your valor
and the human and divine Astras (that you possess);
and try to slay the enemies!
3.66.20 கிம் தேந ஸர்வநாஸேந
க்ருதேந புருஷர்ஷப ।
தமேவ த்வம் ரிபும் பாபம்
விஜ்ஞாயோத்தர்துமர்ஹஸி ॥
kiṃ tēna sarvanāṡēna
kṛtēna puruṣarṣabha ।
tamēva tvaṃ ripuṃ pāpam
vijñāyōddhartumarhasi ॥
O bull among men! What is the point
in you destroying everything?
Find out who exactly that enemy, the sinful one is,
and then you shall root him out.
இத்யார்ஷே வால்மீகீயே
ஸ்ரீமத்ராமாயணே ஆதிகாவ்யே
அரண்யகாண்டே ஷட்ஷஷ்டிதமஸ்ஸர்க: ।
ityārṣē vālmīkīyē
ṡrīmadrāmāyaṇē ādikāvyē
araṇyakāṇḍē ṣaṭṣaṣṭitamassargaḥ ।
Thus concludes the sixty sixth Sarga
in Araṇya Kāṇḍa of the glorious Rāmāyaṇa,
the first ever poem of humankind,
composed by Maharshi Vālmeeki.
You have completed reading 8683 Ṡlōkas out of ~24,000 Ṡlōkas of Vālmeeki Rāmāyaṇa.
Meaning, notes and commentary by: Krishna Sharma.