Vishnu Panchakam from Kurma Puranam
Courtesy:Sri.K.Muralidharan Iyengar
Panchakam by Aditi taken fromKurma Puranam, Chapter 16. This is not a stuti on Lord Kurma specifically but as we have seen before the hymns on Lord Kurma are just a handful and I had shared all of them many years ago. It is indeed surprising - given that Kurma Avatar is one of the important Avatars of Lord Vishnu.
Another interesting observation is that Kurma Purana, although a Vaishnavite Purana, is predominantly focused on Lord Shiva and his greatness with dozens of hymns. In fact, the second part (Uparivibhag) of Purana is titled as Ishvara Gita. The Purana unequivocally corroborates the equality of Trinity repeatedly - and this comes from both Lord Krishna as well as Lord Shiva and they clearly mention that only foolish people willingly leading themselves to the hell believe and propagate differences among the Trinity. As one can see, the last stanza of the attached prayer addresses Lord Vishnu as Lord Shiva/Rudra. Another citation from the purana
caturmukhaH sa bhagvAn jagatsRRiShTau pravartate || 4-50 ||
sRRiShTam ca pAti sakalaM vishvAtmA vishvatomukhaH |
sattvaM guNaM upAshritya viShNur vishveshvaraH svayam || 51 ||
antaH-kAle svayaM devaH sarvAtmA parameshvaraH |
tamo-gunaM samAshritya rudraH saMharate jagat || 52 ||
eko.api sn mahAdevas tridhA .asau samavasthitaH
ekadhA sa dvidhA caiva tridhA bahudhA punaH || 4-53 ||
(Meaning : Lord Mahadeva, though one, takes three forms as Brahma, Vishnu and Rudra to perform creation, protection and destruction and appears as one, two, three and many forms.)
In Purans, different deity forms appear to be extolled over other forms in different parts but lest people should get deluded, the message of equality comes repeatedly in all purans and therefore is the overriding theme of all purans.
But unfortunately people who are either atheists or religious fanatics suffer from ADHD (Attention Deficit, Hyperactivity Disorder) - though this is the dreaded ailment of modern day children it is perhaps a very old ailment for the adults!!!
Selective reading and assimilation results from Attention Deficit Disorder while all the forms of fanaticism results from the Hyperactivity Disorder! To cite an example, the atheist parties in Tamil Nadu (EVR school of madness) used to cite first part of a Venpa (4-line poem) ofSivavakkiar - "Natta kallai deivamenru Nalu Pushpam Chathiye; Sutri vandu monamonanru chollum mandiram ethada" (Meanining: Is it not funny that you yourself install a stone as God, adorn it with flowers and perambulate it with the murmuring of some mantras?"). They used to cite this as a proof of nihilism of God.
But what they conveniently omit is the second part of the poem "Natta Kallum Pesumo Nathan ullirukkaiyil; Sutta Chati Sattuvam Kari Chuvai Ariyumo" (Meaning: When God is Inside You, the external vigraha will (need) not speak to you, as in the case of the utensil, on which tasty food is cooked, will not experience the taste". This completely negates their stupid argument of atheism. Further, the last line subtly mentions the importance of vigraha/external worship - similar to the need for an utensil to cook food (you can't do it in the air). Vigraha worship may become irrelevant once you advance spiritually (only if)
The fanatics side of the story is similar - they jump up and down with ardh satyas (incomplete knowledge). They use that incomplete knowledge to slight others and other faiths.
Sri Bodhendra Swamigal, who is often identified with Rama Nama Japa (and some people claim to hearing Rama Nama Japa sound emanating from his Adhishtanam in Govindapuram near Kumbakonam) warns people that they should not jump to conclusion that Hari is extolled over Hara or vice versa and those who do are the sinners who lead themselves to hell.
artha-vAdaM harer nAmni sabhAvayati yo naraH | sa pApiShTho manuShyANAM narake patati sphuTam ||
(Meaning : One who thinks that scriptures extol Hari Nama (over others) is a sinner among people and falls into hell).
May We Pray to Lord Kurma on Kurma Jayanti day! The following is the biggest sculpture of Kurma Avatar and churning of milk ocean in Bangkok Suvarnabhumi Airport.
Courtesy:Sri.K.Muralidharan Iyengar
Panchakam by Aditi taken fromKurma Puranam, Chapter 16. This is not a stuti on Lord Kurma specifically but as we have seen before the hymns on Lord Kurma are just a handful and I had shared all of them many years ago. It is indeed surprising - given that Kurma Avatar is one of the important Avatars of Lord Vishnu.
Another interesting observation is that Kurma Purana, although a Vaishnavite Purana, is predominantly focused on Lord Shiva and his greatness with dozens of hymns. In fact, the second part (Uparivibhag) of Purana is titled as Ishvara Gita. The Purana unequivocally corroborates the equality of Trinity repeatedly - and this comes from both Lord Krishna as well as Lord Shiva and they clearly mention that only foolish people willingly leading themselves to the hell believe and propagate differences among the Trinity. As one can see, the last stanza of the attached prayer addresses Lord Vishnu as Lord Shiva/Rudra. Another citation from the purana
caturmukhaH sa bhagvAn jagatsRRiShTau pravartate || 4-50 ||
sRRiShTam ca pAti sakalaM vishvAtmA vishvatomukhaH |
sattvaM guNaM upAshritya viShNur vishveshvaraH svayam || 51 ||
antaH-kAle svayaM devaH sarvAtmA parameshvaraH |
tamo-gunaM samAshritya rudraH saMharate jagat || 52 ||
eko.api sn mahAdevas tridhA .asau samavasthitaH
ekadhA sa dvidhA caiva tridhA bahudhA punaH || 4-53 ||
(Meaning : Lord Mahadeva, though one, takes three forms as Brahma, Vishnu and Rudra to perform creation, protection and destruction and appears as one, two, three and many forms.)
In Purans, different deity forms appear to be extolled over other forms in different parts but lest people should get deluded, the message of equality comes repeatedly in all purans and therefore is the overriding theme of all purans.
But unfortunately people who are either atheists or religious fanatics suffer from ADHD (Attention Deficit, Hyperactivity Disorder) - though this is the dreaded ailment of modern day children it is perhaps a very old ailment for the adults!!!
Selective reading and assimilation results from Attention Deficit Disorder while all the forms of fanaticism results from the Hyperactivity Disorder! To cite an example, the atheist parties in Tamil Nadu (EVR school of madness) used to cite first part of a Venpa (4-line poem) ofSivavakkiar - "Natta kallai deivamenru Nalu Pushpam Chathiye; Sutri vandu monamonanru chollum mandiram ethada" (Meanining: Is it not funny that you yourself install a stone as God, adorn it with flowers and perambulate it with the murmuring of some mantras?"). They used to cite this as a proof of nihilism of God.
But what they conveniently omit is the second part of the poem "Natta Kallum Pesumo Nathan ullirukkaiyil; Sutta Chati Sattuvam Kari Chuvai Ariyumo" (Meaning: When God is Inside You, the external vigraha will (need) not speak to you, as in the case of the utensil, on which tasty food is cooked, will not experience the taste". This completely negates their stupid argument of atheism. Further, the last line subtly mentions the importance of vigraha/external worship - similar to the need for an utensil to cook food (you can't do it in the air). Vigraha worship may become irrelevant once you advance spiritually (only if)
The fanatics side of the story is similar - they jump up and down with ardh satyas (incomplete knowledge). They use that incomplete knowledge to slight others and other faiths.
Sri Bodhendra Swamigal, who is often identified with Rama Nama Japa (and some people claim to hearing Rama Nama Japa sound emanating from his Adhishtanam in Govindapuram near Kumbakonam) warns people that they should not jump to conclusion that Hari is extolled over Hara or vice versa and those who do are the sinners who lead themselves to hell.
artha-vAdaM harer nAmni sabhAvayati yo naraH | sa pApiShTho manuShyANAM narake patati sphuTam ||
(Meaning : One who thinks that scriptures extol Hari Nama (over others) is a sinner among people and falls into hell).
May We Pray to Lord Kurma on Kurma Jayanti day! The following is the biggest sculpture of Kurma Avatar and churning of milk ocean in Bangkok Suvarnabhumi Airport.