Aranya Kaanda - Sarga 11

Aranya Kaanda - Sarga 11
In this long Sarga, Rāma reaches the settlement of Āṡramas in the Daṇḍaka Araṇya. He lives in the Āṡramas of Munis for ten years. Then he returns to the Āṡrama of Suteekshṇa.
After living there for a while, Rāma, one day, approaches Suteekshṇa and tells him that he would like to visit Maharshi Agastya, about whom he had heard from many people. Rāma asks him for directions to the Āṡrama of Agastya. Suteekshṇa is pleased with Rāma's interest in visiting Agastya and gives him directions to Agastya's place.
Rāma proceeds to Agastya's Āṡrama along with Lakshmaṇa and Seetā. On his way he spends a night at the Āṡrama of the brother of Agastya. Next morning, he proceeds to Agastya's place. On the way, he describes the greatness of Agastya to Lakshmaṇa, as one who relieved the southern region of the flesh eating Rākshasas. He recalls the story of how Agastya put an end to the Rākshasa brothers Vātāpi and Ilvala, who were slaughtering Brāhmaṇas by the thousands.
Rāma reaches Agastya Āṡrama and asks Lakshmaṇa to go first and inform Agastya of their arrival.
3.11.1 அக்ரத: ப்ரயயௌ ராம:
ஸீதா மத்யே ஸுமத்யமா ।
ப்ருஷ்டதஸ்து தநுஷ்பாணி:
லக்ஷ்மணோऽநுஜகாம ஹ ॥
agrataḥ prayayau rāmaḥ
sītā madhyē sumadhyamā ।
pṛṣṭhatastu dhanuṣpāṇiḥ
lakṣmaṇō'nujagāma ha ॥
Rāma led the way, and
Lakshmaṇa followed behind holding a bow,
with Seetā, of slender waist, in the middle. Some people think that Rāma always walked in front and Lakshmaṇa always behind. Some others think that it is the other way around.
Both are correct. Sometimes Rāma led the way and at other times it is Lakshmaṇa who walked ahead.
Compare this Ṡlōka with Ṡlōkas 2.52.95-96.
3.11.2-4 தௌ பஸ்யமாநௌ விவிதாந்
ஸைலப்ரஸ்தாந்வநாநி ச ।
நதீஸ்ச விவிதா ரம்யா
ஜக்மதுஸ்ஸீதயா ஸஹ ॥
நதீபுலிநசாரிண: ।
ஸராம்ஸி ச ஸபத்மாநி
யுக்தாநி ஜலஜை: ககை: ॥
யூதபத்தாம்ஸ்ச ப்ருஷதாந்
மதோந்மத்தாந் விஷாணிந: ।
மஹிஷாம்ஸ்ச வராஹாம்ஸ்ச
நாகாம்ஸ்ச த்ருமவைரிண: ॥
tau paṡyamānau vividhān
ṡailaprasthānvanāni ca ।
nadīṡca vividhā ramyā
jagmatussītayā saha ॥
nadīpulinacāriṇaḥ ।
sarāṃsi ca sapadmāni
yuktāni jalajaiḥ khagaiḥ ॥
yūthabaddhāṃṡca pṛṣatān
madōnmattān viṣāṇinaḥ ।
mahiṣāṃṡca varāhāṃṡca
nāgāṃṡca drumavairiṇaḥ ॥
The two of them proceeded along with Seetā
seeing a variety of mountain sides,
Vanas and many a pleasant stream,
Sārasa and Cakravāka birds
on the beaches of the rivers
and lotus ponds with water fowl,
herds of spotted deer,
horned buffaloes full of lust and
boars and tuskers, the nemesis of trees.
3.11.5-6 தே கத்வா தூரமத்வாநம்
லம்பமாநே திவாகரே ।
தத்ருஸுஸ்ஸஹிதா ரம்யம்
தடாகம் யோஜநாயதம் ॥
கஜயூதைரலங்க்ருதம் ।
ஸங்குலம் ஜலசாரிபி: ॥
tē gatvā dūramadhvānaṃ
lambamānē divākarē ।
dadṛṡussahitā ramyaṃ
taṭākaṃ yōjanāyatam ॥
gajayūthairalaṅkṛtam ।
saṅkulaṃ jalacāribhiḥ ॥
Together, they travelled a long distance,
and by the sunset, they reached a beautiful
Yōjana-wide lake full of water fowl like Hamsa and Kādamba.
3.11.7 ப்ரஸந்நஸலிலே ரம்யே
தஸ்மிந்ஸரஸி ஸுஸ்ருவே ।
ந து கஸ்சந த்ருஸ்யதே ॥
prasannasalilē ramyē
tasminsarasi ṡuṡruvē ।
na tu kaṡcana dṛṡyatē ॥
Sounds of song and music were heard
from that pleasant lake with its transparent water
although there was no one to be seen.
3.11.8 தத: கௌதூஹலாத்ராமோ
லக்ஷ்மணஸ்ச மஹாபல: ।
முநிம் தர்மப்ருதம் நாம
ப்ரஷ்டும் ஸமுபசக்ரமே ॥
tataḥ kautūhalādrāmō
lakṣmaṇaṡca mahābalaḥ ।
muniṃ dharmabhṛtaṃ nāma
praṣṭuṃ samupacakramē ॥
Then, Rāma and mighty strong Lakshmaṇa became curious
and asked a Muni by name Dharmabhṛta about it.
3.11.9 இதமத்யத்புதம் ஸ்ருத்வா
ஸர்வேஷாம் நோ மஹாமுநே ।
கௌதூஹலம் மஹஜ்ஜாதம்
கிமிதம் ஸாது கத்யதாம் ॥
idamatyadbhutaṃ ṡrutvā
sarvēṣāṃ nō mahāmunē ।
kautūhalaṃ mahajjātaṃ
kimidaṃ sādhu kathyatām ॥
O Mahā Muni, we have all become very curious
listening to this wonderful sound.
Can you please tell us about it in detail?
3.11.10 தேநைவமுக்தோ தர்மாத்மா
ராகவேண முநிஸ்ததா ।
ப்ரபவம் ஸரஸ: க்ருத்ஸ்நம்
ஆக்யாதுமுபசக்ரமே ॥
tēnaivamuktō dharmātmā
rāghavēṇa munistadā ।
prabhavaṃ sarasaḥ kṛtsnam
ākhyātumupacakramē ॥
Then, the Muni, asked thus by Rāghava,
started to tell everything about the lake,
including how it came into existence.
3.11.11 இதம் பஞ்சாப்ஸரோ நாம
தடாகம் ஸார்வகாலிகம் ।
நிர்மிதம் தபஸா ராம
முநிநா மாண்டகர்ணிநா ॥
idaṃ pañcāpsarō nāma
taṭākaṃ sārvakālikam ।
nirmitaṃ tapasā rāma
muninā māṇḍakarṇinā ॥
This lake which is full all through the year,
is known as Pañcāpsara. It was built
by Muni Māṇḍakarṇi through his powers of Tapa.
3.11.12 ஸ ஹி தேபே தபஸ்தீவ்ரம்
மாண்டகர்ணிர்மஹாமுநி: ।
வாயுபக்ஷோ ஜலாஸ்ரய: ॥
sa hi tēpē tapastīvraṃ
māṇḍakarṇirmahāmuniḥ ।
vāyubhakṣō jalāṡrayaḥ ॥
He, the Mahā Muni Māṇḍakarṇi, did intense Tapa
for ten thousand years living on air and water.
3.11.13-14 தத: ப்ரவ்யதிதாஸ்ஸர்வே
தேவாஸ்ஸாக்நிபுரோகமா: ।
அப்ருவந் வசநம் ஸர்வே
பரஸ்பரஸமாகதா: ॥
அஸ்மாகம் கஸ்யசித் ஸ்தாநம்
ஏஷ ப்ரார்தயதே முநி: ।
இதி ஸம்விக்நமநஸ:
ஸர்வே தே த்ரிதிவௌகஸ: ॥
tataḥ pravyathitāssarvē
dēvāssāgnipurōgamāḥ ।
abruvan vacanaṃ sarvē
parasparasamāgatāḥ ॥
asmākaṃ kasyacit sthānam
ēṣa prārthayatē muniḥ ।
iti saṃvignamanasaḥ
sarvē tē tridivaukasaḥ ॥
Then, all the Dēvas were worried.
Led by Agni, they got together and thought:
‘This Muni clearly wants to usurp one of us'.
The Dēvas felt extremely disturbed.
3.11.15 தத்ர கர்தும் தபோவிக்நம்
தேவைஸ்ஸர்வைர்நியோஜிதா: ।
ப்ரதாநாப்ஸரஸ: பஞ்ச
வித்யுச்சலிதவர்சஸ: ॥
tatra kartuṃ tapōvighnaṃ
dēvaissarvairniyōjitāḥ ।
pradhānāpsarasaḥ pañca
vidyuccalitavarcasaḥ ॥
Then, to derail the Tapa, five of the foremost
Apsarasas, who were dazzling like
flashes of lightening, were deployed by the Dēvas.
3.11.16 அப்ஸரோபிஸ்ததஸ்தாபி:
முநிர்த்ருஷ்டபராவர: ।
நீதோ மதநவஸ்யத்வம்
ஸுராணாம் கார்யஸித்தயே ॥
munirdṛṣṭaparāvaraḥ ।
nītō madanavaṡyatvaṃ
surāṇāṃ kāryasiddhayē ॥
Those Apsaras, who knew
the ebb and flow (of this world),
made that Muni succumb to lust,
to serve the purpose of Dēvas. The Apsaras are conscious that they are not doing the right thing. Yet they are realistic (know the ebb and flow) enough to obey the Devas.
And Dēvas also have no other option but to guard against people who they think are attempting to debase them from their positions.
3.11.17 தாஸ்சைவாப்ஸரஸ: பஞ்ச
முநே: பத்நீத்வமாகதா: ।
தடாகே நிர்மிதம் தாஸாம்
அஸ்மிந்நந்தர்ஹிதம் க்ருஹம் ॥
tāṡcaivāpsarasaḥ pañca
munēḥ patnītvamāgatāḥ ।
taṭākē nirmitaṃ tāsām
asminnantarhitaṃ gṛham ॥
Then those five Apsaras became the wives of the Muni.
A house was built for them,
submerged and invisible in this lake.
3.11.18 ததைவாப்ஸரஸ: பஞ்ச
நிவஸந்த்யோ யதாஸுகம் ।
ரமயந்தி தபோயோகாந்
முநிம் யௌவநமாஸ்திதம் ॥
tathaivāpsarasaḥ pañca
nivasantyō yathāsukham ।
ramayanti tapōyōgān
muniṃ yauvanamāsthitam ॥
Then the five Apsaras lived happily
entertaining the Muni, who remained
young, using the powers of his Tapa.
3.11.19 தாஸாம் ஸங்க்ரீடமாநாநாம்
ஏஷ வாதித்ரநிஸ்ஸ்வந: ।
ஸ்ரூயதே பூஷணோந்மிஸ்ரோ
கீதஸப்தோ மநோஹர: ॥
tāsāṃ saṅkrīḍamānānāṃ
ēṣa vāditranissvanaḥ ।
ṡrūyatē bhūṣaṇōnmiṡrō
gītaṡabdō manōharaḥ ॥
What we hear is a mix of the
sound of the musical instruments,
the tinkling of jewelry and the
the dulcet sounds of the songs they sing,
as they distract themselves!
3.11.20 ஆஸ்சர்யமிதி தஸ்யைதத்
வசநம் பாவிதாத்மந: ।
ராகவ: ப்ரதிஜக்ராஹ
ஸஹ ப்ராத்ரா மஹாயஸா: ॥
āṡcaryamiti tasyaitat
vacanaṃ bhāvitātmanaḥ ।
rāghavaḥ pratijagrāha
saha bhrātrā mahāyaṡāḥ ॥
Learning this from that pure soul,
Rāghava and his renowned brother
said, 'This is amazing!'
3.11.21 ஏவம் கதயமாநஸ்ய
ததர்ஸாஸ்ரமமண்டலம் ।
ப்ராஹ்ம்யா லக்ஷ்ம்யா ஸமாவ்ருதம் ॥
ēvaṃ kathayamānasya
dadarṡāṡramamaṇḍalam ।
brāhmyā lakṣmyā samāvṛtam ॥
As he said this, he saw before him,
the settlement of Āṡramas
(decorously) covered with
Kuṡa grass and cloth made of tree-bark
with a halo of Brāhmic luster.
3.11.22 ப்ரவிஸ்ய ஸஹ வைதேஹ்யா
லக்ஷ்மணேந ச ராகவ: ।
உவாஸ முநிபிஸ்ஸர்வை:
பூஜ்யமாநோ மஹாயஸா: ॥
praviṡya saha vaidēhyā
lakṣmaṇēna ca rāghavaḥ ।
uvāsa munibhissarvaiḥ
pūjyamānō mahāyaṡāḥ ॥
Entering (the settlement of Āṡramas)
with Vaidēhi and Lakshmaṇa,
the renowned Rāghava lived there,
treated with all regard by the Munis.
3.11.23-24 ததா தஸ்மிந்ஸகாகுத்ஸ்த:
ஸ்ரீமத்யாஸ்ரமமண்டலே ।
உஷித்வா து ஸுகம் தத்ர
பூஜ்யமாநோ மஹர்ஷிபி: ॥
ஜகாம சாஸ்ரமாம்ஸ்தேஷாம்
பர்யாயேண தபஸ்விநாம் ।
யேஷாமுஷிதவாந் பூர்வம்
ஸகாஸே ஸ மஹாஸ்த்ரவித் ॥
tadā tasminsakākutsthaḥ
ṡrīmatyāṡramamaṇḍalē ।
uṣitvā tu sukhaṃ tatra
pūjyamānō maharṣibhiḥ ॥
jagāma cāṡramāṃstēṣāṃ
paryāyēṇa tapasvinām ।
yēṣāmuṣitavān pūrvaṃ
sakāṡē sa mahāstravit ॥
Then Kākutstha, the knower of great Astras,
lived in that settlement of Āṡramas
in all comfort, regarded well by all Maharshis.
He took turns going to the Āṡramas of the Tapasvis
near whom he had lived earlier.
3.11.25-26 க்வசித்பரிதஸாந்மாஸாந்
ஏகம் ஸம்வத்ஸரம் க்வசித் ।
க்வசிச்ச சதுரோ மாஸாந்
பஞ்ச ஷட்சாபராந்க்வசித் ।
அபரத்ராதிகம் மாஸாத்
அப்யர்தமதிகம் க்வசித் ।
ராகவோ ந்யவஸத்ஸுகம் ॥
ēkaṃ saṃvatsaraṃ kvacit ।
kvaciccha caturō māsān
pañca ṣaṭcāparānkvacit ।
aparatrādhikaṃ māsāt
apyardhamadhikaṃ kvacit ।
rāghavō nyavasatsukham ॥
In some of them Rāghava stayed for about
ten months, in others for a year,
in yet others for four months,
in some others five or six months or for longer periods,
while elsewhere he spent a month and a half,
or three or eight months.
3.11.27 ததா ஸம்வஸதஸ்தஸ்ய
முநீநாமாஸ்ரமேஷு வை ।
யயுஸ்ஸம்வத்ஸரா தஸ ॥
tathā saṃvasatastasya
munīnāmāṡramēṣu vai ।
yayussaṃvatsarā daṡa ॥
Ten years passed by comfortably,
as he lived and enjoyed in those Āṡramas of Munis.
3.11.28 பரிவ்ருத்ய ச தர்மஜ்ஞோ
ராகவஸ்ஸஹ ஸீதயா ।
ஸுதீக்ஷ்ணஸ்யாஸ்ரமம் ஸ்ரீமாந்
புநரேவாஜகாம ஹ ॥
parivṛtya ca dharmajñō
rāghavassaha sītayā ।
sutīkṣṇasyāṡramaṃ ṡrīmān
punarēvājagāma ha ॥
Having thus made the round of the Āṡramas,
Rāghava, the blessed one, the Dharmajña,
went back again to Suteekshṇa's Āṡrama.
3.11.29 ஸ தமாஸ்ரமமாஸாத்ய
முநிபி: ப்ரதிபூஜித: ।
தத்ராபி ந்யவஸத்ராம:
கஞ்சித்காலமரிந்தம: ॥
sa tamāṡramamāsādya
munibhiḥ pratipūjitaḥ ।
tatrāpi nyavasadrāmaḥ
kañcitkālamarindamaḥ ॥
Upon reaching the Āṡrama, Rāma, the subduer of foes,
was welcomed by the Munis.
He lived there also for some time.
To be Continued

Aranya Kaanda - Sarga 11
In this long Sarga, Rāma reaches the settlement of Āṡramas in the Daṇḍaka Araṇya. He lives in the Āṡramas of Munis for ten years. Then he returns to the Āṡrama of Suteekshṇa.
After living there for a while, Rāma, one day, approaches Suteekshṇa and tells him that he would like to visit Maharshi Agastya, about whom he had heard from many people. Rāma asks him for directions to the Āṡrama of Agastya. Suteekshṇa is pleased with Rāma's interest in visiting Agastya and gives him directions to Agastya's place.
Rāma proceeds to Agastya's Āṡrama along with Lakshmaṇa and Seetā. On his way he spends a night at the Āṡrama of the brother of Agastya. Next morning, he proceeds to Agastya's place. On the way, he describes the greatness of Agastya to Lakshmaṇa, as one who relieved the southern region of the flesh eating Rākshasas. He recalls the story of how Agastya put an end to the Rākshasa brothers Vātāpi and Ilvala, who were slaughtering Brāhmaṇas by the thousands.
Rāma reaches Agastya Āṡrama and asks Lakshmaṇa to go first and inform Agastya of their arrival.
3.11.1 அக்ரத: ப்ரயயௌ ராம:
ஸீதா மத்யே ஸுமத்யமா ।
ப்ருஷ்டதஸ்து தநுஷ்பாணி:
லக்ஷ்மணோऽநுஜகாம ஹ ॥
agrataḥ prayayau rāmaḥ
sītā madhyē sumadhyamā ।
pṛṣṭhatastu dhanuṣpāṇiḥ
lakṣmaṇō'nujagāma ha ॥
Rāma led the way, and
Lakshmaṇa followed behind holding a bow,
with Seetā, of slender waist, in the middle. Some people think that Rāma always walked in front and Lakshmaṇa always behind. Some others think that it is the other way around.
Both are correct. Sometimes Rāma led the way and at other times it is Lakshmaṇa who walked ahead.
Compare this Ṡlōka with Ṡlōkas 2.52.95-96.
3.11.2-4 தௌ பஸ்யமாநௌ விவிதாந்
ஸைலப்ரஸ்தாந்வநாநி ச ।
நதீஸ்ச விவிதா ரம்யா
ஜக்மதுஸ்ஸீதயா ஸஹ ॥
நதீபுலிநசாரிண: ।
ஸராம்ஸி ச ஸபத்மாநி
யுக்தாநி ஜலஜை: ககை: ॥
யூதபத்தாம்ஸ்ச ப்ருஷதாந்
மதோந்மத்தாந் விஷாணிந: ।
மஹிஷாம்ஸ்ச வராஹாம்ஸ்ச
நாகாம்ஸ்ச த்ருமவைரிண: ॥
tau paṡyamānau vividhān
ṡailaprasthānvanāni ca ।
nadīṡca vividhā ramyā
jagmatussītayā saha ॥
nadīpulinacāriṇaḥ ।
sarāṃsi ca sapadmāni
yuktāni jalajaiḥ khagaiḥ ॥
yūthabaddhāṃṡca pṛṣatān
madōnmattān viṣāṇinaḥ ।
mahiṣāṃṡca varāhāṃṡca
nāgāṃṡca drumavairiṇaḥ ॥
The two of them proceeded along with Seetā
seeing a variety of mountain sides,
Vanas and many a pleasant stream,
Sārasa and Cakravāka birds
on the beaches of the rivers
and lotus ponds with water fowl,
herds of spotted deer,
horned buffaloes full of lust and
boars and tuskers, the nemesis of trees.
3.11.5-6 தே கத்வா தூரமத்வாநம்
லம்பமாநே திவாகரே ।
தத்ருஸுஸ்ஸஹிதா ரம்யம்
தடாகம் யோஜநாயதம் ॥
கஜயூதைரலங்க்ருதம் ।
ஸங்குலம் ஜலசாரிபி: ॥
tē gatvā dūramadhvānaṃ
lambamānē divākarē ।
dadṛṡussahitā ramyaṃ
taṭākaṃ yōjanāyatam ॥
gajayūthairalaṅkṛtam ।
saṅkulaṃ jalacāribhiḥ ॥
Together, they travelled a long distance,
and by the sunset, they reached a beautiful
Yōjana-wide lake full of water fowl like Hamsa and Kādamba.
3.11.7 ப்ரஸந்நஸலிலே ரம்யே
தஸ்மிந்ஸரஸி ஸுஸ்ருவே ।
ந து கஸ்சந த்ருஸ்யதே ॥
prasannasalilē ramyē
tasminsarasi ṡuṡruvē ।
na tu kaṡcana dṛṡyatē ॥
Sounds of song and music were heard
from that pleasant lake with its transparent water
although there was no one to be seen.
3.11.8 தத: கௌதூஹலாத்ராமோ
லக்ஷ்மணஸ்ச மஹாபல: ।
முநிம் தர்மப்ருதம் நாம
ப்ரஷ்டும் ஸமுபசக்ரமே ॥
tataḥ kautūhalādrāmō
lakṣmaṇaṡca mahābalaḥ ।
muniṃ dharmabhṛtaṃ nāma
praṣṭuṃ samupacakramē ॥
Then, Rāma and mighty strong Lakshmaṇa became curious
and asked a Muni by name Dharmabhṛta about it.
3.11.9 இதமத்யத்புதம் ஸ்ருத்வா
ஸர்வேஷாம் நோ மஹாமுநே ।
கௌதூஹலம் மஹஜ்ஜாதம்
கிமிதம் ஸாது கத்யதாம் ॥
idamatyadbhutaṃ ṡrutvā
sarvēṣāṃ nō mahāmunē ।
kautūhalaṃ mahajjātaṃ
kimidaṃ sādhu kathyatām ॥
O Mahā Muni, we have all become very curious
listening to this wonderful sound.
Can you please tell us about it in detail?
3.11.10 தேநைவமுக்தோ தர்மாத்மா
ராகவேண முநிஸ்ததா ।
ப்ரபவம் ஸரஸ: க்ருத்ஸ்நம்
ஆக்யாதுமுபசக்ரமே ॥
tēnaivamuktō dharmātmā
rāghavēṇa munistadā ।
prabhavaṃ sarasaḥ kṛtsnam
ākhyātumupacakramē ॥
Then, the Muni, asked thus by Rāghava,
started to tell everything about the lake,
including how it came into existence.
3.11.11 இதம் பஞ்சாப்ஸரோ நாம
தடாகம் ஸார்வகாலிகம் ।
நிர்மிதம் தபஸா ராம
முநிநா மாண்டகர்ணிநா ॥
idaṃ pañcāpsarō nāma
taṭākaṃ sārvakālikam ।
nirmitaṃ tapasā rāma
muninā māṇḍakarṇinā ॥
This lake which is full all through the year,
is known as Pañcāpsara. It was built
by Muni Māṇḍakarṇi through his powers of Tapa.
3.11.12 ஸ ஹி தேபே தபஸ்தீவ்ரம்
மாண்டகர்ணிர்மஹாமுநி: ।
வாயுபக்ஷோ ஜலாஸ்ரய: ॥
sa hi tēpē tapastīvraṃ
māṇḍakarṇirmahāmuniḥ ।
vāyubhakṣō jalāṡrayaḥ ॥
He, the Mahā Muni Māṇḍakarṇi, did intense Tapa
for ten thousand years living on air and water.
3.11.13-14 தத: ப்ரவ்யதிதாஸ்ஸர்வே
தேவாஸ்ஸாக்நிபுரோகமா: ।
அப்ருவந் வசநம் ஸர்வே
பரஸ்பரஸமாகதா: ॥
அஸ்மாகம் கஸ்யசித் ஸ்தாநம்
ஏஷ ப்ரார்தயதே முநி: ।
இதி ஸம்விக்நமநஸ:
ஸர்வே தே த்ரிதிவௌகஸ: ॥
tataḥ pravyathitāssarvē
dēvāssāgnipurōgamāḥ ।
abruvan vacanaṃ sarvē
parasparasamāgatāḥ ॥
asmākaṃ kasyacit sthānam
ēṣa prārthayatē muniḥ ।
iti saṃvignamanasaḥ
sarvē tē tridivaukasaḥ ॥
Then, all the Dēvas were worried.
Led by Agni, they got together and thought:
‘This Muni clearly wants to usurp one of us'.
The Dēvas felt extremely disturbed.
3.11.15 தத்ர கர்தும் தபோவிக்நம்
தேவைஸ்ஸர்வைர்நியோஜிதா: ।
ப்ரதாநாப்ஸரஸ: பஞ்ச
வித்யுச்சலிதவர்சஸ: ॥
tatra kartuṃ tapōvighnaṃ
dēvaissarvairniyōjitāḥ ।
pradhānāpsarasaḥ pañca
vidyuccalitavarcasaḥ ॥
Then, to derail the Tapa, five of the foremost
Apsarasas, who were dazzling like
flashes of lightening, were deployed by the Dēvas.
3.11.16 அப்ஸரோபிஸ்ததஸ்தாபி:
முநிர்த்ருஷ்டபராவர: ।
நீதோ மதநவஸ்யத்வம்
ஸுராணாம் கார்யஸித்தயே ॥
munirdṛṣṭaparāvaraḥ ।
nītō madanavaṡyatvaṃ
surāṇāṃ kāryasiddhayē ॥
Those Apsaras, who knew
the ebb and flow (of this world),
made that Muni succumb to lust,
to serve the purpose of Dēvas. The Apsaras are conscious that they are not doing the right thing. Yet they are realistic (know the ebb and flow) enough to obey the Devas.
And Dēvas also have no other option but to guard against people who they think are attempting to debase them from their positions.
3.11.17 தாஸ்சைவாப்ஸரஸ: பஞ்ச
முநே: பத்நீத்வமாகதா: ।
தடாகே நிர்மிதம் தாஸாம்
அஸ்மிந்நந்தர்ஹிதம் க்ருஹம் ॥
tāṡcaivāpsarasaḥ pañca
munēḥ patnītvamāgatāḥ ।
taṭākē nirmitaṃ tāsām
asminnantarhitaṃ gṛham ॥
Then those five Apsaras became the wives of the Muni.
A house was built for them,
submerged and invisible in this lake.
3.11.18 ததைவாப்ஸரஸ: பஞ்ச
நிவஸந்த்யோ யதாஸுகம் ।
ரமயந்தி தபோயோகாந்
முநிம் யௌவநமாஸ்திதம் ॥
tathaivāpsarasaḥ pañca
nivasantyō yathāsukham ।
ramayanti tapōyōgān
muniṃ yauvanamāsthitam ॥
Then the five Apsaras lived happily
entertaining the Muni, who remained
young, using the powers of his Tapa.
3.11.19 தாஸாம் ஸங்க்ரீடமாநாநாம்
ஏஷ வாதித்ரநிஸ்ஸ்வந: ।
ஸ்ரூயதே பூஷணோந்மிஸ்ரோ
கீதஸப்தோ மநோஹர: ॥
tāsāṃ saṅkrīḍamānānāṃ
ēṣa vāditranissvanaḥ ।
ṡrūyatē bhūṣaṇōnmiṡrō
gītaṡabdō manōharaḥ ॥
What we hear is a mix of the
sound of the musical instruments,
the tinkling of jewelry and the
the dulcet sounds of the songs they sing,
as they distract themselves!
3.11.20 ஆஸ்சர்யமிதி தஸ்யைதத்
வசநம் பாவிதாத்மந: ।
ராகவ: ப்ரதிஜக்ராஹ
ஸஹ ப்ராத்ரா மஹாயஸா: ॥
āṡcaryamiti tasyaitat
vacanaṃ bhāvitātmanaḥ ।
rāghavaḥ pratijagrāha
saha bhrātrā mahāyaṡāḥ ॥
Learning this from that pure soul,
Rāghava and his renowned brother
said, 'This is amazing!'
3.11.21 ஏவம் கதயமாநஸ்ய
ததர்ஸாஸ்ரமமண்டலம் ।
ப்ராஹ்ம்யா லக்ஷ்ம்யா ஸமாவ்ருதம் ॥
ēvaṃ kathayamānasya
dadarṡāṡramamaṇḍalam ।
brāhmyā lakṣmyā samāvṛtam ॥
As he said this, he saw before him,
the settlement of Āṡramas
(decorously) covered with
Kuṡa grass and cloth made of tree-bark
with a halo of Brāhmic luster.
3.11.22 ப்ரவிஸ்ய ஸஹ வைதேஹ்யா
லக்ஷ்மணேந ச ராகவ: ।
உவாஸ முநிபிஸ்ஸர்வை:
பூஜ்யமாநோ மஹாயஸா: ॥
praviṡya saha vaidēhyā
lakṣmaṇēna ca rāghavaḥ ।
uvāsa munibhissarvaiḥ
pūjyamānō mahāyaṡāḥ ॥
Entering (the settlement of Āṡramas)
with Vaidēhi and Lakshmaṇa,
the renowned Rāghava lived there,
treated with all regard by the Munis.
3.11.23-24 ததா தஸ்மிந்ஸகாகுத்ஸ்த:
ஸ்ரீமத்யாஸ்ரமமண்டலே ।
உஷித்வா து ஸுகம் தத்ர
பூஜ்யமாநோ மஹர்ஷிபி: ॥
ஜகாம சாஸ்ரமாம்ஸ்தேஷாம்
பர்யாயேண தபஸ்விநாம் ।
யேஷாமுஷிதவாந் பூர்வம்
ஸகாஸே ஸ மஹாஸ்த்ரவித் ॥
tadā tasminsakākutsthaḥ
ṡrīmatyāṡramamaṇḍalē ।
uṣitvā tu sukhaṃ tatra
pūjyamānō maharṣibhiḥ ॥
jagāma cāṡramāṃstēṣāṃ
paryāyēṇa tapasvinām ।
yēṣāmuṣitavān pūrvaṃ
sakāṡē sa mahāstravit ॥
Then Kākutstha, the knower of great Astras,
lived in that settlement of Āṡramas
in all comfort, regarded well by all Maharshis.
He took turns going to the Āṡramas of the Tapasvis
near whom he had lived earlier.
3.11.25-26 க்வசித்பரிதஸாந்மாஸாந்
ஏகம் ஸம்வத்ஸரம் க்வசித் ।
க்வசிச்ச சதுரோ மாஸாந்
பஞ்ச ஷட்சாபராந்க்வசித் ।
அபரத்ராதிகம் மாஸாத்
அப்யர்தமதிகம் க்வசித் ।
ராகவோ ந்யவஸத்ஸுகம் ॥
ēkaṃ saṃvatsaraṃ kvacit ।
kvaciccha caturō māsān
pañca ṣaṭcāparānkvacit ।
aparatrādhikaṃ māsāt
apyardhamadhikaṃ kvacit ।
rāghavō nyavasatsukham ॥
In some of them Rāghava stayed for about
ten months, in others for a year,
in yet others for four months,
in some others five or six months or for longer periods,
while elsewhere he spent a month and a half,
or three or eight months.
3.11.27 ததா ஸம்வஸதஸ்தஸ்ய
முநீநாமாஸ்ரமேஷு வை ।
யயுஸ்ஸம்வத்ஸரா தஸ ॥
tathā saṃvasatastasya
munīnāmāṡramēṣu vai ।
yayussaṃvatsarā daṡa ॥
Ten years passed by comfortably,
as he lived and enjoyed in those Āṡramas of Munis.
3.11.28 பரிவ்ருத்ய ச தர்மஜ்ஞோ
ராகவஸ்ஸஹ ஸீதயா ।
ஸுதீக்ஷ்ணஸ்யாஸ்ரமம் ஸ்ரீமாந்
புநரேவாஜகாம ஹ ॥
parivṛtya ca dharmajñō
rāghavassaha sītayā ।
sutīkṣṇasyāṡramaṃ ṡrīmān
punarēvājagāma ha ॥
Having thus made the round of the Āṡramas,
Rāghava, the blessed one, the Dharmajña,
went back again to Suteekshṇa's Āṡrama.
3.11.29 ஸ தமாஸ்ரமமாஸாத்ய
முநிபி: ப்ரதிபூஜித: ।
தத்ராபி ந்யவஸத்ராம:
கஞ்சித்காலமரிந்தம: ॥
sa tamāṡramamāsādya
munibhiḥ pratipūjitaḥ ।
tatrāpi nyavasadrāmaḥ
kañcitkālamarindamaḥ ॥
Upon reaching the Āṡrama, Rāma, the subduer of foes,
was welcomed by the Munis.
He lived there also for some time.
To be Continued