Dasakam: 013 -- Shlokam: 03
अहो आरण्योऽयं मृग इति हसन्तं बहुतरै-
र्दुरुक्तैर्विध्यन्तं दितिसुतमवज्ञाय भगवन् ।
महीं दृष्ट्वा दंष्ट्राशिरसि चकितां स्वेन महसा
पयोधावाधाय प्रसभमुदयुङ्क्था मृधविधौ ॥३॥
ahO aaraNyO(a)yaM mR^iga iti hasantaM bahutarai
rduruktairvidhyantaM ditisutamavaj~naaya bhagavan |
mahiiM dR^iShTvaa damShTraashirasi chakitaaM svena mahasaa
payOdhaavaadhaaya prasabhamudayunkthaa mR^idhavidhau || 3
rduruktairvidhyantaM ditisutamavaj~naaya bhagavan |
mahiiM dR^iShTvaa damShTraashirasi chakitaaM svena mahasaa
payOdhaavaadhaaya prasabhamudayunkthaa mR^idhavidhau || 3
As he saw the huge animal form of Vishnu,the Asura could not control his laughter.He abused the Lord, "O, this is only a wild animal." In the meantime, Mother Earth resting on the tusks of Varaaha was trembling in fear due to the confrontation by the demon.The Lord then placed the earth gently on the waters and got ready for a fight.