Dasakam: 012 -- Shlokam: 03
हा हा विभो जलमहं न्यपिबं पुरस्ता-
दद्यापि मज्जति मही किमहं करोमि ।
इत्थं त्वदङ्घ्रियुगलं शरणं यतोऽस्य
नासापुटात् समभव: शिशुकोलरूपी ।३॥
haa haa vibhO jalamahaM nyapibaM purastaadadyaapi
majjati mahii kimahaM karOmi |
itthaM tvadanghriyugalaM sharaNaM yatO(a)sya
naasaapuTaat samabhavaH shishukOlaruupii || 3
majjati mahii kimahaM karOmi |
itthaM tvadanghriyugalaM sharaNaM yatO(a)sya
naasaapuTaat samabhavaH shishukOlaruupii || 3
Brahma took refuge at Thy feet, lamenting that he had already drunk the waters of thedeluge and yet the earth was sinking. Feeling helpless, he knew not what to do. At thatmoment, Thou, who art omnipresent, came out of Brahma's nostril as a tiny boar "VARAAHA",as small as the size of a thumb.