Ayodhya Kaanda - Sarga 43

Ayodhya Kaanda - Sarga 43
Heartbroken Kousalyā blames Daṡaratha for sending her son away. She wishes he somehow comes back miraculously the very next day, making her and the entire people of Ayōdhyā happy.
2.43.1। தத: ஸமீக்ஷ்ய ஸயநே ஸந்நம் ஸோகேந பார்திவம் ।
கௌஸல்யா புத்ரஸோகார்தா தமுவாச மஹீபதிம் ॥
tataḥ samīkṣya ṡayanē sannaṃ ṡōkēna pārthivam ।
kausalyā putraṡōkārtā tamuvāca mahīpatim ॥
Kousalyā, distraught with grief for her son,
looked at the King as he also lay on the bed sunk in misery
and said to that lord of the earth:
2.43.2 ராகவே நரஸார்தூலே விஷமுப்த்வாஹிஜிஹ்மகா ।
விசரிஷ்யதி கைகேயீ நிர்முக்தேவ ஹி பந்நகீ ॥
rāghavē naraṡārdūlē viṣamuptvāhijihmagā ।
vicariṣyati kaikēyī nirmuktēva hi pannagī ॥
Kaikēyee, crooked like a serpent,
Having deposited her venom on Rāghava, the tiger among men,
will now move like a cobra that has shed its slough!
2.43.3 விவாஸ்ய ராமம் ஸுபகா லப்தகாமா ஸமாஹிதா ।
த்ராஸயிஷ்யதி மாம் பூயோ துஷ்டாஹிரிவ வேஸ்மநி ॥
vivāsya rāmaṃ subhagā labdhakāmā samāhitā ।
trāsayiṣyati māṃ bhūyō duṣṭāhiriva vēṡmani ॥
That pretty woman, having exiled Rāma and got her wish,
will now, by all means, make my life miserable
like a serpent lurking in the house.
2.43.4 அத ஸ்ம நகரே ராமஸ்சரந் பைக்ஷம் க்ருஹே வஸேத் ।
காமகாரோ வரம் தாதுமபி தாஸம் மமாத்மஜம் ॥
atha sma nagarē rāmaṡcaran bhaikṣaṃ gṛhē vasēt ।
kāmakārō varaṃ dātumapi dāsaṃ mamātmajam ॥
It would have been better if I had given away my son as a slave.
At least, he would have been here in the house,
doing the work that is assigned and
going around the city for alms.
2.43.5 பாதயித்வா து கைகேய்யா ராமம் ஸ்தாநாத்யதேஷ்டத: ।
ப்ரதிஷ்டோ ரக்ஷஸாம் பாக: பர்வணீவாஹிதாக்நிநா ॥
pātayitvā tu kaikēyyā rāmaṃ sthānādyathēṣṭataḥ ।
pradiṣṭō rakṣasāṃ bhāgaḥ parvaṇīvāhitāgninā ॥
Rāma has been dislodged by Kaikēyee from his place as she willed.
It is like giving the offerings of the fire ritual
on an auspicious day to the Rākshasas! This terse Sloka demands the knowledge of the practices of that day. The practice is to make offerings to Dēvas in the Hōma Kuṇḍa.
Imagine performing a fire ritual on a very important day and blowing it all off finally, by giving the offerings to Rākshasas!
One interpretation: Rāma is the offering. Consecration is the fire ritual. Ayōdhyā’s people are the Dēvas. And the Vana is the Rākshasas.
Another possible interpretation: Kingdom is the offering. Consecration day is the auspicious day. Rāma is the Dēva. Kaikēyee is the Rākshasa, who snatched the offering from Rāma.
2.43.6 கஜராஜகதிர்வீரோ மஹாபாஹுர்தநுர்தர: ।
வநமாவிஸதே நூநம் ஸபார்ய ஸ்ஸஹ லக்ஷ்மண: ॥
gajarājagatirvīrō mahābāhurdhanurdharaḥ ।
vanamāviṡatē nūnaṃ sabhārya ssaha lakṣmaṇaḥ ॥
The mighty-armed, holding the bow,
must have entered the Vana
with the gait of a majestic elephant,
along with wife and Lakshmaṇa.
2.43.7 வநே த்வத்ருஷ்டது:காநாம் கேகய்யாநுமதே த்வயா ।
த்யக்தாநாம் வநவாஸாய காந்வவஸ்தா பவிஷ்யதி ॥
vanē tvadṛṣṭaduḥkhānāṃ kēkayyānumatē tvayā ।
tyaktānāṃ vanavāsāya kānvavasthā bhaviṣyati ॥
They are strangers to hardships.
Who knows in what plight they will find themselves,
consigned by you, in obedience to Kaikēyee’s wish,
to that life in the Vana!
2.43.8 தே ரத்நஹீநாஸ்தருணா: பலகாலே விவாஸிதா: ।
கதம் வத்ஸ்யந்தி க்ருபணா: பலமூலை: க்ருதாஸநா: ॥
tē ratnahīnāstaruṇāḥ phalakālē vivāsitāḥ ।
kathaṃ vatsyanti kṛpaṇāḥ phalamūlaiḥ kṛtāṡanāḥ ॥
How could they, deprived of the good things of life
in the prime of their youth,
and sent into banishment when
it is time for enjoying themselves,
live dejected subsisting on roots and fruits ?
2.43.9 அபீதாநீம் ஸ காலஸ்ஸ்யாந்மம ஸோகக்ஷய ஸ்ஸிவ: ।
ஸபார்யம் யத்ஸஹ ப்ராத்ரா பஸ்யேயமிஹ ராகவம் ॥
apīdānīṃ sa kālassyānmama ṡōkakṣaya ṡṡivaḥ ।
sabhāryaṃ yatsaha bhrātrā paṡyēyamiha rāghavam ॥
How I wish that that auspicious hour
could come for me this very minute,
when I see Rāghava back here with his wife and brother,
putting an end to my sorrow!
2.43.10 ஸ்ர்ருத்வைவோபஸ்திதௌ வீரௌ கதாயோத்யா பவிஷ்யதி ।
யஸஸ்விநீ ஹ்ருஷ்டஜநா ஸூச்ச்ரிதத்வஜமாலிநீ ॥
ṡrṛtvaivōpasthitau vīrau kadāyōdhyā bhaviṣyati ।
yaṡasvinī hṛṣṭajanā sūcchritadhvajamālinī ॥
When will this renowned Ayōdhyā be seen
with festoons and flags floating high
and with people filled with joy,
hearing the news of the return of those Veeras?
2.43.11 கதா ப்ரேக்ஷ்ய நரவ்யாக்ராவரண்யாத்புநராகதௌ ।
நந்திஷ்யதி புரீ ஹ்ருஷ்டா ஸமுத்ர இவ பர்வணி ॥
kadā prēkṣya naravyāghrāvaraṇyātpunarāgatau ।
nandiṣyati purī hṛṣṭā samudra iva parvaṇi ॥
When will this city see the return of
those tigers among men from the forest
and swell with joy, like the ocean on a full-moon day?
2.43.12 கதாऽயோத்யாம் மஹாபாஹு: புரீம் வீர: ப்ரவேக்ஷ்யதி ।
புரஸ்க்ருத்ய ரதே ஸீதாம் வ்ருஷபோ கோவதூமிவ ॥
kadā'yōdhyāṃ mahābāhuḥ purīṃ vīraḥ pravēkṣyati ।
puraskṛtya rathē sītāṃ vṛṣabhō gōvadhūmiva ॥
When will the mighty-armed hero
enter the city of Ayōdhyā,
having Seetā in front of him in the chariot,
like a bull preceded by cow?
2.43.13 கதா ப்ராணிஸஹஸ்ராணி ராஜமார்கே மமாத்மஜௌ ।
லாஜைரவகிரிஷ்யந்தி ப்ரவிஸந்தாவரிந்தமௌ ॥
kadā prāṇisahasrāṇi rājamārgē mamātmajau ।
lājairavakiriṣyanti praviṡantāvarindamau ॥
When will the people by thousands
shower puffed grain on the royal pathway
seeing my sons, the subduers of foes, enter the city?
2.43.14 ப்ரவிஸந்தௌ கதாऽயோத்யாம் த்ரக்ஷ்யாமி ஸுபகுண்டலௌ ।
உதக்ராயுதநிஸ்த்ரிம்ஸௌ ஸஸ்ர்ருங்காவிவ பர்வதௌ ॥
praviṡantau kadā'yōdhyāṃ drakṣyāmi ṡubhakuṇḍalau ।
udagrāyudhanistriṃṡau saṡrṛṅgāviva parvatau ॥
When shall I see both of them,
with the lovely ear-pendants
and bow and sword held high,
enter Ayōdhyā like crested mountains ?
2.43.15 கதாஸுமநஸ: கந்யாத்விஜாதீநாம் பலாநி ச ।
ப்ரதிஸந்த: புரீம் ஹ்ருஷ்டா: கரிஷ்யந்தி ப்ரதக்ஷிணம் ॥
kadāsumanasaḥ kanyādvijātīnāṃ phalāni ca ।
pradiṡantaḥ purīṃ hṛṣṭāḥ kariṣyanti pradakṣiṇam ॥
When again shall your girls go around the city in delight
offering fruits and flowers to Brāhmaṇas?
2.43.16 கதா பரிணதோ புத்த்யா வயஸா சாமரப்ரப: ।
அப்யுபைஷ்யதி தர்மஜ்ஞஸ்த்ரிவர்ஷ இவ மாம் லலந் ॥
kadā pariṇatō buddhyā vayasā cāmaraprabhaḥ ।
abhyupaiṣyati dharmajñastrivarṣa iva māṃ lalan ॥
When will Rāma, as matured with age and wisdom as he is,
knowing Dharma, come to play with me
like a three year old child?
2.43.17 நிஸ்ஸம்ஸயம் மயா மந்யே புரா வீர கதர்யயா ।
பாதுகாமேஷு வத்ஸேஷு மாதऽணாம் ஸாதிதாஸ்ஸ்தநா: ॥
nissaṃṡayaṃ mayā manyē purā vīra kadaryayā ।
pātukāmēṣu vatsēṣu māta'ṇāṃ ṡātitāsstanāḥ ॥
Undoubtedly, O Veera, I must
have been cruel enough in the past
to cut off the teats of mother cows when
their calves craved to suckle. It is a common experience in India since the days of Rāma and before, to see women with pinched hearts and a sense of guilt, when they separate the sucking calf from its mother, in order to milk the cow.
2.43.18 ஸாஹம் கௌரிவ ஸிம்ஹேந விவத்ஸா வத்ஸலா க்ருதா ।
கைகேய்யா புருஷவ்யாக்ர! பாலவத்ஸேவ கௌர்பலாத் ॥
sāhaṃ gauriva siṃhēna vivatsā vatsalā kṛtā ।
kaikēyyā puruṣavyāghra! bālavatsēva gaurbalāt ॥
That is probably why, o tiger among men,
I, full of affection for my child,
have been separated forcefully from my youngling
by Kaikēyee, like a cow from its calf by a lioness.
2.43.19 ந ஹி தாவத்குணைர்ஜுஷ்டம் ஸர்வஸாஸ்த்ரவிஸாரதம் ।
ஏகபுத்ரா விநா புத்ரமஹம் ஜீவிதுமுத்ஸஹே ॥
na hi tāvadguṇairjuṣṭaṃ sarvaṡāstraviṡāradam ।
ēkaputrā vinā putramahaṃ jīvitumutsahē ॥
Deprived of my only son,
who has so many virtues and is learned in all Ṡastras,
I shall be utterly unable to cling to my life.
2.43.20 ந ஹி மே ஜீவிதே கிஞ்சித்ஸாமர்த்யமிஹ கல்ப்யதே ।
அபஸ்யந்த்யா: ப்ரியம் புத்ரம் மஹாபாஹும் மஹாபலம் ॥
na hi mē jīvitē kiñcitsāmarthyamiha kalpyatē ।
apaṡyantyāḥ priyaṃ putraṃ mahābāhuṃ mahābalam ॥
I do not have even an iota of capability to live on
without seeing my dear mighty armed and mighty strong son.
2.43.21 அயம் ஹி மாம் தீபயதே ஸமுத்தித:
தநூஜஸோகப்ரபவோ ஹுதாஸந: ।
மஹீமிமாம் ரஸ்மிபிருத்ததப்ரப:
யதா நிதாகே பகவாந் திவாகர: ॥
ayaṃ hi māṃ dīpayatē samutthitaḥ
tanūjaṡōkaprabhavō hutāṡanaḥ ।
mahīmimāṃ raṡmibhiruddhataprabhaḥ
yathā nidāghē bhagavān divākaraḥ ॥
The raging fire of grief for my son burns me away
as the mighty lord sun burns the earth
in summer with his blazing rays!
இத்யார்ஷே ஸ்ரீமத்ராமாயணே வால்மீகீயே ஆதிகாவ்யே
அயோத்யாகாண்டே த்ரிசத்வாரிம்ஸஸ்ஸர்க: ॥
ityārṣē ṡrīmadrāmāyaṇē vālmīkīyē ādikāvyē
ayōdhyākāṇḍē tricatvāriṃṡassargaḥ ॥
Thus concludes the forty-third Sarga
in Ayōdhyā Kāṇḍa of the glorious Rāmāyaṇa,
the first ever poem of humankind,
composed by Vālmeeki.

Ayodhya Kaanda - Sarga 43
Heartbroken Kousalyā blames Daṡaratha for sending her son away. She wishes he somehow comes back miraculously the very next day, making her and the entire people of Ayōdhyā happy.
2.43.1। தத: ஸமீக்ஷ்ய ஸயநே ஸந்நம் ஸோகேந பார்திவம் ।
கௌஸல்யா புத்ரஸோகார்தா தமுவாச மஹீபதிம் ॥
tataḥ samīkṣya ṡayanē sannaṃ ṡōkēna pārthivam ।
kausalyā putraṡōkārtā tamuvāca mahīpatim ॥
Kousalyā, distraught with grief for her son,
looked at the King as he also lay on the bed sunk in misery
and said to that lord of the earth:
2.43.2 ராகவே நரஸார்தூலே விஷமுப்த்வாஹிஜிஹ்மகா ।
விசரிஷ்யதி கைகேயீ நிர்முக்தேவ ஹி பந்நகீ ॥
rāghavē naraṡārdūlē viṣamuptvāhijihmagā ।
vicariṣyati kaikēyī nirmuktēva hi pannagī ॥
Kaikēyee, crooked like a serpent,
Having deposited her venom on Rāghava, the tiger among men,
will now move like a cobra that has shed its slough!
2.43.3 விவாஸ்ய ராமம் ஸுபகா லப்தகாமா ஸமாஹிதா ।
த்ராஸயிஷ்யதி மாம் பூயோ துஷ்டாஹிரிவ வேஸ்மநி ॥
vivāsya rāmaṃ subhagā labdhakāmā samāhitā ।
trāsayiṣyati māṃ bhūyō duṣṭāhiriva vēṡmani ॥
That pretty woman, having exiled Rāma and got her wish,
will now, by all means, make my life miserable
like a serpent lurking in the house.
2.43.4 அத ஸ்ம நகரே ராமஸ்சரந் பைக்ஷம் க்ருஹே வஸேத் ।
காமகாரோ வரம் தாதுமபி தாஸம் மமாத்மஜம் ॥
atha sma nagarē rāmaṡcaran bhaikṣaṃ gṛhē vasēt ।
kāmakārō varaṃ dātumapi dāsaṃ mamātmajam ॥
It would have been better if I had given away my son as a slave.
At least, he would have been here in the house,
doing the work that is assigned and
going around the city for alms.
2.43.5 பாதயித்வா து கைகேய்யா ராமம் ஸ்தாநாத்யதேஷ்டத: ।
ப்ரதிஷ்டோ ரக்ஷஸாம் பாக: பர்வணீவாஹிதாக்நிநா ॥
pātayitvā tu kaikēyyā rāmaṃ sthānādyathēṣṭataḥ ।
pradiṣṭō rakṣasāṃ bhāgaḥ parvaṇīvāhitāgninā ॥
Rāma has been dislodged by Kaikēyee from his place as she willed.
It is like giving the offerings of the fire ritual
on an auspicious day to the Rākshasas! This terse Sloka demands the knowledge of the practices of that day. The practice is to make offerings to Dēvas in the Hōma Kuṇḍa.
Imagine performing a fire ritual on a very important day and blowing it all off finally, by giving the offerings to Rākshasas!
One interpretation: Rāma is the offering. Consecration is the fire ritual. Ayōdhyā’s people are the Dēvas. And the Vana is the Rākshasas.
Another possible interpretation: Kingdom is the offering. Consecration day is the auspicious day. Rāma is the Dēva. Kaikēyee is the Rākshasa, who snatched the offering from Rāma.
2.43.6 கஜராஜகதிர்வீரோ மஹாபாஹுர்தநுர்தர: ।
வநமாவிஸதே நூநம் ஸபார்ய ஸ்ஸஹ லக்ஷ்மண: ॥
gajarājagatirvīrō mahābāhurdhanurdharaḥ ।
vanamāviṡatē nūnaṃ sabhārya ssaha lakṣmaṇaḥ ॥
The mighty-armed, holding the bow,
must have entered the Vana
with the gait of a majestic elephant,
along with wife and Lakshmaṇa.
2.43.7 வநே த்வத்ருஷ்டது:காநாம் கேகய்யாநுமதே த்வயா ।
த்யக்தாநாம் வநவாஸாய காந்வவஸ்தா பவிஷ்யதி ॥
vanē tvadṛṣṭaduḥkhānāṃ kēkayyānumatē tvayā ।
tyaktānāṃ vanavāsāya kānvavasthā bhaviṣyati ॥
They are strangers to hardships.
Who knows in what plight they will find themselves,
consigned by you, in obedience to Kaikēyee’s wish,
to that life in the Vana!
2.43.8 தே ரத்நஹீநாஸ்தருணா: பலகாலே விவாஸிதா: ।
கதம் வத்ஸ்யந்தி க்ருபணா: பலமூலை: க்ருதாஸநா: ॥
tē ratnahīnāstaruṇāḥ phalakālē vivāsitāḥ ।
kathaṃ vatsyanti kṛpaṇāḥ phalamūlaiḥ kṛtāṡanāḥ ॥
How could they, deprived of the good things of life
in the prime of their youth,
and sent into banishment when
it is time for enjoying themselves,
live dejected subsisting on roots and fruits ?
2.43.9 அபீதாநீம் ஸ காலஸ்ஸ்யாந்மம ஸோகக்ஷய ஸ்ஸிவ: ।
ஸபார்யம் யத்ஸஹ ப்ராத்ரா பஸ்யேயமிஹ ராகவம் ॥
apīdānīṃ sa kālassyānmama ṡōkakṣaya ṡṡivaḥ ।
sabhāryaṃ yatsaha bhrātrā paṡyēyamiha rāghavam ॥
How I wish that that auspicious hour
could come for me this very minute,
when I see Rāghava back here with his wife and brother,
putting an end to my sorrow!
2.43.10 ஸ்ர்ருத்வைவோபஸ்திதௌ வீரௌ கதாயோத்யா பவிஷ்யதி ।
யஸஸ்விநீ ஹ்ருஷ்டஜநா ஸூச்ச்ரிதத்வஜமாலிநீ ॥
ṡrṛtvaivōpasthitau vīrau kadāyōdhyā bhaviṣyati ।
yaṡasvinī hṛṣṭajanā sūcchritadhvajamālinī ॥
When will this renowned Ayōdhyā be seen
with festoons and flags floating high
and with people filled with joy,
hearing the news of the return of those Veeras?
2.43.11 கதா ப்ரேக்ஷ்ய நரவ்யாக்ராவரண்யாத்புநராகதௌ ।
நந்திஷ்யதி புரீ ஹ்ருஷ்டா ஸமுத்ர இவ பர்வணி ॥
kadā prēkṣya naravyāghrāvaraṇyātpunarāgatau ।
nandiṣyati purī hṛṣṭā samudra iva parvaṇi ॥
When will this city see the return of
those tigers among men from the forest
and swell with joy, like the ocean on a full-moon day?
2.43.12 கதாऽயோத்யாம் மஹாபாஹு: புரீம் வீர: ப்ரவேக்ஷ்யதி ।
புரஸ்க்ருத்ய ரதே ஸீதாம் வ்ருஷபோ கோவதூமிவ ॥
kadā'yōdhyāṃ mahābāhuḥ purīṃ vīraḥ pravēkṣyati ।
puraskṛtya rathē sītāṃ vṛṣabhō gōvadhūmiva ॥
When will the mighty-armed hero
enter the city of Ayōdhyā,
having Seetā in front of him in the chariot,
like a bull preceded by cow?
2.43.13 கதா ப்ராணிஸஹஸ்ராணி ராஜமார்கே மமாத்மஜௌ ।
லாஜைரவகிரிஷ்யந்தி ப்ரவிஸந்தாவரிந்தமௌ ॥
kadā prāṇisahasrāṇi rājamārgē mamātmajau ।
lājairavakiriṣyanti praviṡantāvarindamau ॥
When will the people by thousands
shower puffed grain on the royal pathway
seeing my sons, the subduers of foes, enter the city?
2.43.14 ப்ரவிஸந்தௌ கதாऽயோத்யாம் த்ரக்ஷ்யாமி ஸுபகுண்டலௌ ।
உதக்ராயுதநிஸ்த்ரிம்ஸௌ ஸஸ்ர்ருங்காவிவ பர்வதௌ ॥
praviṡantau kadā'yōdhyāṃ drakṣyāmi ṡubhakuṇḍalau ।
udagrāyudhanistriṃṡau saṡrṛṅgāviva parvatau ॥
When shall I see both of them,
with the lovely ear-pendants
and bow and sword held high,
enter Ayōdhyā like crested mountains ?
2.43.15 கதாஸுமநஸ: கந்யாத்விஜாதீநாம் பலாநி ச ।
ப்ரதிஸந்த: புரீம் ஹ்ருஷ்டா: கரிஷ்யந்தி ப்ரதக்ஷிணம் ॥
kadāsumanasaḥ kanyādvijātīnāṃ phalāni ca ।
pradiṡantaḥ purīṃ hṛṣṭāḥ kariṣyanti pradakṣiṇam ॥
When again shall your girls go around the city in delight
offering fruits and flowers to Brāhmaṇas?
2.43.16 கதா பரிணதோ புத்த்யா வயஸா சாமரப்ரப: ।
அப்யுபைஷ்யதி தர்மஜ்ஞஸ்த்ரிவர்ஷ இவ மாம் லலந் ॥
kadā pariṇatō buddhyā vayasā cāmaraprabhaḥ ।
abhyupaiṣyati dharmajñastrivarṣa iva māṃ lalan ॥
When will Rāma, as matured with age and wisdom as he is,
knowing Dharma, come to play with me
like a three year old child?
2.43.17 நிஸ்ஸம்ஸயம் மயா மந்யே புரா வீர கதர்யயா ।
பாதுகாமேஷு வத்ஸேஷு மாதऽணாம் ஸாதிதாஸ்ஸ்தநா: ॥
nissaṃṡayaṃ mayā manyē purā vīra kadaryayā ।
pātukāmēṣu vatsēṣu māta'ṇāṃ ṡātitāsstanāḥ ॥
Undoubtedly, O Veera, I must
have been cruel enough in the past
to cut off the teats of mother cows when
their calves craved to suckle. It is a common experience in India since the days of Rāma and before, to see women with pinched hearts and a sense of guilt, when they separate the sucking calf from its mother, in order to milk the cow.
2.43.18 ஸாஹம் கௌரிவ ஸிம்ஹேந விவத்ஸா வத்ஸலா க்ருதா ।
கைகேய்யா புருஷவ்யாக்ர! பாலவத்ஸேவ கௌர்பலாத் ॥
sāhaṃ gauriva siṃhēna vivatsā vatsalā kṛtā ।
kaikēyyā puruṣavyāghra! bālavatsēva gaurbalāt ॥
That is probably why, o tiger among men,
I, full of affection for my child,
have been separated forcefully from my youngling
by Kaikēyee, like a cow from its calf by a lioness.
2.43.19 ந ஹி தாவத்குணைர்ஜுஷ்டம் ஸர்வஸாஸ்த்ரவிஸாரதம் ।
ஏகபுத்ரா விநா புத்ரமஹம் ஜீவிதுமுத்ஸஹே ॥
na hi tāvadguṇairjuṣṭaṃ sarvaṡāstraviṡāradam ।
ēkaputrā vinā putramahaṃ jīvitumutsahē ॥
Deprived of my only son,
who has so many virtues and is learned in all Ṡastras,
I shall be utterly unable to cling to my life.
2.43.20 ந ஹி மே ஜீவிதே கிஞ்சித்ஸாமர்த்யமிஹ கல்ப்யதே ।
அபஸ்யந்த்யா: ப்ரியம் புத்ரம் மஹாபாஹும் மஹாபலம் ॥
na hi mē jīvitē kiñcitsāmarthyamiha kalpyatē ।
apaṡyantyāḥ priyaṃ putraṃ mahābāhuṃ mahābalam ॥
I do not have even an iota of capability to live on
without seeing my dear mighty armed and mighty strong son.
2.43.21 அயம் ஹி மாம் தீபயதே ஸமுத்தித:
தநூஜஸோகப்ரபவோ ஹுதாஸந: ।
மஹீமிமாம் ரஸ்மிபிருத்ததப்ரப:
யதா நிதாகே பகவாந் திவாகர: ॥
ayaṃ hi māṃ dīpayatē samutthitaḥ
tanūjaṡōkaprabhavō hutāṡanaḥ ।
mahīmimāṃ raṡmibhiruddhataprabhaḥ
yathā nidāghē bhagavān divākaraḥ ॥
The raging fire of grief for my son burns me away
as the mighty lord sun burns the earth
in summer with his blazing rays!
இத்யார்ஷே ஸ்ரீமத்ராமாயணே வால்மீகீயே ஆதிகாவ்யே
அயோத்யாகாண்டே த்ரிசத்வாரிம்ஸஸ்ஸர்க: ॥
ityārṣē ṡrīmadrāmāyaṇē vālmīkīyē ādikāvyē
ayōdhyākāṇḍē tricatvāriṃṡassargaḥ ॥
Thus concludes the forty-third Sarga
in Ayōdhyā Kāṇḍa of the glorious Rāmāyaṇa,
the first ever poem of humankind,
composed by Vālmeeki.