Ayodhya Kaanda - Sarga 38

Ayodhya Kaanda - Sarga 38
In this Sarga, seeing Seetā wear the robes of bark, everyone says ‘shame on you!’ to Daṡaratha.
Daṡaratha lashes at Kaikēyee, for making Seetā wear robes of bark, which is beyond the promise made by him.
Set to leave to the Vana, Rāma asks the king to take good care of his mother Kousalyā while he is away.
2.38.1 தஸ்யாம் சீரம் வஸாநாயாம் நாதவத்யாமநாதவத் ।
ப்ரசுக்ரோஸ ஜநஸ்ஸர்வோ திக்த்வாம் தஸரதம் த்விதி ॥
tasyāṃ cīraṃ vasānāyāṃ nāthavatyāmanāthavat ।
pracukrōṡa janassarvō dhiktvāṃ daṡarathaṃ tviti ॥
Seeing Seetā wear those robes of bark,
like an orphan with no one to care,
even though she had her husband right by her,
everyone cried aloud, saying ‘Dhik!’ to Daṡaratha!
‘Dhik!’ means ‘Shame on you!’ What a fair life did the people of those times lead! People were able to say ‘Dhik!’ to the supreme lord of the kingdom without any fear or apprehension!
Dharma, indeed, seems to have ruled above everything else, in those times.
2.38.2 தேந தத்ர ப்ரணாதேந து:கிதஸ்ஸ மஹீபதி: ।
சிச்சேத ஜீவிதே ஸ்ரத்தாம் தர்மே யஸஸி சாத்மந: ॥
tēna tatra praṇādēna duḥkhitassa mahīpatiḥ ।
cicchēda jīvitē ṡraddhāṃ dharmē yaṡasi cātmanaḥ ॥
So grieved was the King on hearing
that indignant outburst that
he lost all interest in life,
in Dharma and in his own good repute.
2.38.3 ஸ நி: ஸ்வஸ்யோஷ்ணமைக்ஷ்வாக ஸ்தாம் பார்யாமிதமப்ரவீத் ।
கைகேயி குஸசீரேண ந ஸீதா கந்துமர்ஹதி ॥
sa niḥ ṡvasyōṣṇamaikṣvāka stāṃ bhāryāmidamabravīt ।
kaikēyi kuṡacīrēṇa na sītā gantumarhati ॥
Heaving hot sighs,
the king of Ikshwāku dynasty said to his wife,
“O Kaikēyee, Seetā shall not go
clad in this attire of Kuṡa grass”!
2.38.4 ஸுகுமாரீ ச பாலா ச ஸததம் ச ஸுகோசிதா ।
நேயம் வநஸ்ய யோக்யேதி ஸத்யமாஹ குருர்மம ॥
sukumārī ca bālā ca satataṃ ca sukhōcitā ।
nēyaṃ vanasya yōgyēti satyamāha gururmama ॥
What my Guru said is correct.
She is young, delicate and used to every comfort.
The life of Vana is not for her!
2.38.5 இயம் ஹி கஸ்யாபகரோதி கிஞ்சி-
த்தபஸ்விநீ ராஜவரஸ்ய கந்யா ।
யா சீரமாஸாத்ய ஜநஸ்ய மத்யே
ஸ்திதா விஸம்ஜ்ஞாஸ்ரமணீவ காசித் ॥
iyaṃ hi kasyāpakarōti kiñci-
ttapasvinī rājavarasya kanyā ।
yā cīramāsādya janasya madhyē
sthitā visaṃjñāṡramaṇīva kācit ॥
She is standing here with this robe
in the midst of everyone like an ascetic,
completely disoriented!
She is the daughter of a great king!
What harm did this disciplined
and pious one cause to anyone?
2.38.6 சீராண்யபாஸ்யாஜ்ஜநகஸ்ய கந்யா
நேயம் ப்ரதிஜ்ஞா மம தத்தபூர்வா ।
யதாஸுகம் கச்சது ராஜபுத்ரீ
வநம் ஸமக்ரா ஸஹ ஸர்வரத்நை: ॥
cīrāṇyapāsyājjanakasya kanyā
nēyaṃ pratijñā mama dattapūrvā ।
yathāsukhaṃ gacchatu rājaputrī
vanaṃ samagrā saha sarvaratnaiḥ ॥
May the daughter of Janaka
drop the robes of bark!
This is not part of my promise.
Let that princess go in all comfort
taking everything that is precious for her!
2.38.7 அஜீவநார்ஹேண மயா ந்ருஸம்ஸா
க்ருதா ப்ரதிஜ்ஞா நியமேந தாவத் ।
தவயா ஹி பால்யாத் ப்ரதிபந்நமேதத்
தந்மாம் தஹேத்வேணுமிவாத்மபுஷ்பம் ॥
ajīvanārhēṇa mayā nṛṡaṃsā
kṛtā pratijñā niyamēna tāvat ।
tavayā hi bālyāt pratipannamētat
tanmāṃ dahēdvēṇumivātmapuṣpam ॥
I do not deserve to hang on to this life any more.
I have made such a dreadful promise.
Your stupidity has taken full advantage of it!
I will be completely burned by this,
just as a bamboo is burned by its own flowers. See wikipedia.org for the details of mass flowering of Bamboo.
2.38.8 ராமேண யதி தே பாபே! கிஞ்சித்க்ருதமஸோபநம் ।
அபகார: க இஹ தே வைதேஹ்யா தர்ஸிதோऽதமே ! ॥
rāmēṇa yadi tē pāpē! kiñcitkṛtamaṡōbhanam ।
apakāraḥ ka iha tē vaidēhyā darṡitō'dhamē ! ॥
O sinful wretch! Whether or not
Rāma has done anything unbecoming to you,
what offence did the
princess of Vidēha commit against you?
2.38.9 ம்ருகீவோத்புல்லநயநா ம்ருதுஸீலா தபஸ்விநீ ।
அபகாரம் கமிஹ தே கரோதி ஜநகாத்மஜா ॥
mṛgīvōtphullanayanā mṛduṡīlā tapasvinī ।
apakāraṃ kamiha tē karōti janakātmajā ॥
What harm did the daughter of Janaka,
the woman of gentle and austere ways,
with eyes wide like those of a doe, do to you?
2.38.10 நநு பர்யாப்த மேதத்தே பாபே ராமவிவாஸநம் ।
கிமேபி: க்ருபணைர்பூய: பாதகைரபி தே க்ருதை: ॥
nanu paryāpta mētattē pāpē rāmavivāsanam ।
kimēbhiḥ kṛpaṇairbhūyaḥ pātakairapi tē kṛtaiḥ ॥
O sinful one! It is enough that
you send Rāma in exile!
Why do you need to commit even more
abhorrent sins like these?
2.38.11 ப்ரதிஜ்ஞாதம் மயா தாவத் த்வயோக்தம் தேவி! ஸ்ருண்வதா ।
ராமம் யதபிஷேகாய த்வமிஹாகதமப்ரவீ: ॥
pratijñātaṃ mayā tāvat tvayōktaṃ dēvi! ṡṛṇvatā ।
rāmaṃ yadabhiṣēkāya tvamihāgatamabravīḥ ॥
I have promised you only what you have asked for,
when Rāma came here all set for consecration.
2.38.12 தத்த்வேதத்ஸமதிக்ரம்ய நிரயம் கந்துமிச்சஸி ।
மைதிலீமபி யா ஹி த்வமீக்ஷஸே சீரவாஸிநீம் ॥
tattvētatsamatikramya nirayaṃ gantumicchasi ।
maithilīmapi yā hi tvamīkṣasē cīravāsinīm ॥
By going beyond that and
by watching the princess of Mithilā wear robes of bark,
you are certainly asking for hell!
2.38.13 இதீவ ராஜா விலபந்மஹாத்மா
ஸோகஸ்ய நாந்தம் ஸ ததர்ஸ கிஞ்சித்
ப்ருஸாதுரத்வாச்ச பபாத பூமௌ
தேநைவ புத்ரவ்யஸநேந மக்ந: ॥
itīva rājā vilapanmahātmā
ṡōkasya nāntaṃ sa dadarṡa kiñcit
bhṛṡāturatvācca papāta bhūmau
tēnaiva putravyasanēna magnaḥ ॥
Lamenting thus, and finding no end to that grief,
the king sank down to the ground,
deeply troubled by the fate of his son.
2.38.14 ஏவம் ப்ருவந்தம் பிதரம் ராமஸ்ஸம்ப்ரஸ்திதோ வநம் ।
அவாக்சிரஸமாஸீநமிதம் வசநமப்ரவீத் ॥
ēvaṃ bruvantaṃ pitaraṃ rāmassamprasthitō vanam ।
avākchirasamāsīnamidaṃ vacanamabravīt ॥
Rāma, who was set for his departure to Vana,
then spoke to his father, who said thus
and sat down with his head hanging down. Rāma realizes that nothing will change because of the chiding by Sumantra, Siddhartha and Daṡaratha. So, as he leaves for the Vana, he asks the king to take good care of his mother, just as he asked her (2.24.24-25) earlier to take good care of his father.
2.38.15 இயம் தார்மிக! கௌஸல்யா மம மாதா யஸஸ்விநீ ।
வ்ருத்தா சாக்ஷுத்ரஸீலா ச ந ச த்வாம் தேவ! கர்ஹதே ॥
iyaṃ dhārmika! kausalyā mama mātā yaṡasvinī ।
vṛddhā cākṣudraṡīlā ca na ca tvāṃ dēva! garhatē ॥
O Dhārmika! My mother Kousalyā
of great repute is aged now.
She has never been mean
nor did she ever slight you in any way.
2.38.16 மயா விஹீநாம் வரத ப்ரபந்நாம் ஸோகஸாகரம் ।
அத்ருஷ்டபூர்வவ்யஸநாம் பூயஸ்ஸம்மந்துமர்ஹஸி ॥
mayā vihīnāṃ varada prapannāṃ ṡōkasāgaram ।
adṛṣṭapūrvavyasanāṃ bhūyassammantumarhasi ॥
Hence, O benefactor of all,
may you take extremely good care of her,
who is now sunk into an ocean of grief
on account of the separation from me.
She has never before experienced hardship like this.
2.38.17 புத்ரஸோகம் யதா நர்ச்சேத்த்வயா பூஜ்யேந பூஜிதா ।
மாம் ஹி ஸஞ்சிந்தயந்தீ ஸா த்வயி ஜீவேத்தபஸ்விநீ ॥
putraṡōkaṃ yathā narcchēttvayā pūjyēna pūjitā ।
māṃ hi sañcintayantī sā tvayi jīvēttapasvinī ॥
I hope she will be so well regarded by
you, the respectable one, that
she, the troubled one, would never sink
into grief and gloom of separation from me! Vālmeeki never seems to get enough of writing about grief. And there is a good reason for it.
Remember that the sight of the bird that sunk into grief as her husband was shot down by a fowler, is still hanging heavily on Vālmeeki.
That grief echoes itself through his pen, all through Ayōdhyā Kāṇḍa and later again starting in Araṇya Kāṇḍa after Seetā is separated from Rāma.
2.38.18 இமாம் மஹேம்ந்த்ரோபம! ஜாதகர்திநீம்
ததா விதாதும் ஜநநீம் மமார்ஹஸி ।
யதா வநஸ்தே மயி ஸோககர்ஸிதா
ந ஜீவிதம் ந்யஸ்ய யமக்ஷயம் வ்ரஜேத் ॥
imāṃ mahēṃndrōpama! jātagardhinīṃ
tathā vidhātuṃ jananīṃ mamārhasi ।
yathā vanasthē mayi ṡōkakarṡitā
na jīvitaṃ nyasya yamakṣayaṃ vrajēt ॥
You are comparable to the magnanimous Indra!
May you do everything needed
to ensure that my mother does not
lay down her life and leave to the abode of Yama
while I am away in the Vana,
pining from grief and yearning to see me!
இத்யார்ஷே ஸ்ரீமத்ராமாயணே வால்மீகீயே ஆதிகாவ்யே
அயோத்யாகாண்டே அஷ்டத்ரிம்ஸஸ்ஸர்க: ॥
ityārṣē ṡrīmadrāmāyaṇē vālmīkīyē ādikāvyē
ayōdhyākāṇḍē aṣṭatriṃṡassargaḥ ॥
Thus concludes the thirty eighth Sarga
in Ayōdhyā Kāṇḍa of the glorious Rāmāyaṇa,
the first ever poem of humankind,
composed by Vālmeeki.
You have completed reading 3839 Ṡlōkas out of ~24,000 Ṡlōkas of Vālmeeki Rāmāyaṇa.
Meaning, notes and commentary by: Krishna Sharma.

Ayodhya Kaanda - Sarga 38
In this Sarga, seeing Seetā wear the robes of bark, everyone says ‘shame on you!’ to Daṡaratha.
Daṡaratha lashes at Kaikēyee, for making Seetā wear robes of bark, which is beyond the promise made by him.
Set to leave to the Vana, Rāma asks the king to take good care of his mother Kousalyā while he is away.
2.38.1 தஸ்யாம் சீரம் வஸாநாயாம் நாதவத்யாமநாதவத் ।
ப்ரசுக்ரோஸ ஜநஸ்ஸர்வோ திக்த்வாம் தஸரதம் த்விதி ॥
tasyāṃ cīraṃ vasānāyāṃ nāthavatyāmanāthavat ।
pracukrōṡa janassarvō dhiktvāṃ daṡarathaṃ tviti ॥
Seeing Seetā wear those robes of bark,
like an orphan with no one to care,
even though she had her husband right by her,
everyone cried aloud, saying ‘Dhik!’ to Daṡaratha!
‘Dhik!’ means ‘Shame on you!’ What a fair life did the people of those times lead! People were able to say ‘Dhik!’ to the supreme lord of the kingdom without any fear or apprehension!
Dharma, indeed, seems to have ruled above everything else, in those times.
2.38.2 தேந தத்ர ப்ரணாதேந து:கிதஸ்ஸ மஹீபதி: ।
சிச்சேத ஜீவிதே ஸ்ரத்தாம் தர்மே யஸஸி சாத்மந: ॥
tēna tatra praṇādēna duḥkhitassa mahīpatiḥ ।
cicchēda jīvitē ṡraddhāṃ dharmē yaṡasi cātmanaḥ ॥
So grieved was the King on hearing
that indignant outburst that
he lost all interest in life,
in Dharma and in his own good repute.
2.38.3 ஸ நி: ஸ்வஸ்யோஷ்ணமைக்ஷ்வாக ஸ்தாம் பார்யாமிதமப்ரவீத் ।
கைகேயி குஸசீரேண ந ஸீதா கந்துமர்ஹதி ॥
sa niḥ ṡvasyōṣṇamaikṣvāka stāṃ bhāryāmidamabravīt ।
kaikēyi kuṡacīrēṇa na sītā gantumarhati ॥
Heaving hot sighs,
the king of Ikshwāku dynasty said to his wife,
“O Kaikēyee, Seetā shall not go
clad in this attire of Kuṡa grass”!
2.38.4 ஸுகுமாரீ ச பாலா ச ஸததம் ச ஸுகோசிதா ।
நேயம் வநஸ்ய யோக்யேதி ஸத்யமாஹ குருர்மம ॥
sukumārī ca bālā ca satataṃ ca sukhōcitā ।
nēyaṃ vanasya yōgyēti satyamāha gururmama ॥
What my Guru said is correct.
She is young, delicate and used to every comfort.
The life of Vana is not for her!
2.38.5 இயம் ஹி கஸ்யாபகரோதி கிஞ்சி-
த்தபஸ்விநீ ராஜவரஸ்ய கந்யா ।
யா சீரமாஸாத்ய ஜநஸ்ய மத்யே
ஸ்திதா விஸம்ஜ்ஞாஸ்ரமணீவ காசித் ॥
iyaṃ hi kasyāpakarōti kiñci-
ttapasvinī rājavarasya kanyā ।
yā cīramāsādya janasya madhyē
sthitā visaṃjñāṡramaṇīva kācit ॥
She is standing here with this robe
in the midst of everyone like an ascetic,
completely disoriented!
She is the daughter of a great king!
What harm did this disciplined
and pious one cause to anyone?
2.38.6 சீராண்யபாஸ்யாஜ்ஜநகஸ்ய கந்யா
நேயம் ப்ரதிஜ்ஞா மம தத்தபூர்வா ।
யதாஸுகம் கச்சது ராஜபுத்ரீ
வநம் ஸமக்ரா ஸஹ ஸர்வரத்நை: ॥
cīrāṇyapāsyājjanakasya kanyā
nēyaṃ pratijñā mama dattapūrvā ।
yathāsukhaṃ gacchatu rājaputrī
vanaṃ samagrā saha sarvaratnaiḥ ॥
May the daughter of Janaka
drop the robes of bark!
This is not part of my promise.
Let that princess go in all comfort
taking everything that is precious for her!
2.38.7 அஜீவநார்ஹேண மயா ந்ருஸம்ஸா
க்ருதா ப்ரதிஜ்ஞா நியமேந தாவத் ।
தவயா ஹி பால்யாத் ப்ரதிபந்நமேதத்
தந்மாம் தஹேத்வேணுமிவாத்மபுஷ்பம் ॥
ajīvanārhēṇa mayā nṛṡaṃsā
kṛtā pratijñā niyamēna tāvat ।
tavayā hi bālyāt pratipannamētat
tanmāṃ dahēdvēṇumivātmapuṣpam ॥
I do not deserve to hang on to this life any more.
I have made such a dreadful promise.
Your stupidity has taken full advantage of it!
I will be completely burned by this,
just as a bamboo is burned by its own flowers. See wikipedia.org for the details of mass flowering of Bamboo.
2.38.8 ராமேண யதி தே பாபே! கிஞ்சித்க்ருதமஸோபநம் ।
அபகார: க இஹ தே வைதேஹ்யா தர்ஸிதோऽதமே ! ॥
rāmēṇa yadi tē pāpē! kiñcitkṛtamaṡōbhanam ।
apakāraḥ ka iha tē vaidēhyā darṡitō'dhamē ! ॥
O sinful wretch! Whether or not
Rāma has done anything unbecoming to you,
what offence did the
princess of Vidēha commit against you?
2.38.9 ம்ருகீவோத்புல்லநயநா ம்ருதுஸீலா தபஸ்விநீ ।
அபகாரம் கமிஹ தே கரோதி ஜநகாத்மஜா ॥
mṛgīvōtphullanayanā mṛduṡīlā tapasvinī ।
apakāraṃ kamiha tē karōti janakātmajā ॥
What harm did the daughter of Janaka,
the woman of gentle and austere ways,
with eyes wide like those of a doe, do to you?
2.38.10 நநு பர்யாப்த மேதத்தே பாபே ராமவிவாஸநம் ।
கிமேபி: க்ருபணைர்பூய: பாதகைரபி தே க்ருதை: ॥
nanu paryāpta mētattē pāpē rāmavivāsanam ।
kimēbhiḥ kṛpaṇairbhūyaḥ pātakairapi tē kṛtaiḥ ॥
O sinful one! It is enough that
you send Rāma in exile!
Why do you need to commit even more
abhorrent sins like these?
2.38.11 ப்ரதிஜ்ஞாதம் மயா தாவத் த்வயோக்தம் தேவி! ஸ்ருண்வதா ।
ராமம் யதபிஷேகாய த்வமிஹாகதமப்ரவீ: ॥
pratijñātaṃ mayā tāvat tvayōktaṃ dēvi! ṡṛṇvatā ।
rāmaṃ yadabhiṣēkāya tvamihāgatamabravīḥ ॥
I have promised you only what you have asked for,
when Rāma came here all set for consecration.
2.38.12 தத்த்வேதத்ஸமதிக்ரம்ய நிரயம் கந்துமிச்சஸி ।
மைதிலீமபி யா ஹி த்வமீக்ஷஸே சீரவாஸிநீம் ॥
tattvētatsamatikramya nirayaṃ gantumicchasi ।
maithilīmapi yā hi tvamīkṣasē cīravāsinīm ॥
By going beyond that and
by watching the princess of Mithilā wear robes of bark,
you are certainly asking for hell!
2.38.13 இதீவ ராஜா விலபந்மஹாத்மா
ஸோகஸ்ய நாந்தம் ஸ ததர்ஸ கிஞ்சித்
ப்ருஸாதுரத்வாச்ச பபாத பூமௌ
தேநைவ புத்ரவ்யஸநேந மக்ந: ॥
itīva rājā vilapanmahātmā
ṡōkasya nāntaṃ sa dadarṡa kiñcit
bhṛṡāturatvācca papāta bhūmau
tēnaiva putravyasanēna magnaḥ ॥
Lamenting thus, and finding no end to that grief,
the king sank down to the ground,
deeply troubled by the fate of his son.
2.38.14 ஏவம் ப்ருவந்தம் பிதரம் ராமஸ்ஸம்ப்ரஸ்திதோ வநம் ।
அவாக்சிரஸமாஸீநமிதம் வசநமப்ரவீத் ॥
ēvaṃ bruvantaṃ pitaraṃ rāmassamprasthitō vanam ।
avākchirasamāsīnamidaṃ vacanamabravīt ॥
Rāma, who was set for his departure to Vana,
then spoke to his father, who said thus
and sat down with his head hanging down. Rāma realizes that nothing will change because of the chiding by Sumantra, Siddhartha and Daṡaratha. So, as he leaves for the Vana, he asks the king to take good care of his mother, just as he asked her (2.24.24-25) earlier to take good care of his father.
2.38.15 இயம் தார்மிக! கௌஸல்யா மம மாதா யஸஸ்விநீ ।
வ்ருத்தா சாக்ஷுத்ரஸீலா ச ந ச த்வாம் தேவ! கர்ஹதே ॥
iyaṃ dhārmika! kausalyā mama mātā yaṡasvinī ।
vṛddhā cākṣudraṡīlā ca na ca tvāṃ dēva! garhatē ॥
O Dhārmika! My mother Kousalyā
of great repute is aged now.
She has never been mean
nor did she ever slight you in any way.
2.38.16 மயா விஹீநாம் வரத ப்ரபந்நாம் ஸோகஸாகரம் ।
அத்ருஷ்டபூர்வவ்யஸநாம் பூயஸ்ஸம்மந்துமர்ஹஸி ॥
mayā vihīnāṃ varada prapannāṃ ṡōkasāgaram ।
adṛṣṭapūrvavyasanāṃ bhūyassammantumarhasi ॥
Hence, O benefactor of all,
may you take extremely good care of her,
who is now sunk into an ocean of grief
on account of the separation from me.
She has never before experienced hardship like this.
2.38.17 புத்ரஸோகம் யதா நர்ச்சேத்த்வயா பூஜ்யேந பூஜிதா ।
மாம் ஹி ஸஞ்சிந்தயந்தீ ஸா த்வயி ஜீவேத்தபஸ்விநீ ॥
putraṡōkaṃ yathā narcchēttvayā pūjyēna pūjitā ।
māṃ hi sañcintayantī sā tvayi jīvēttapasvinī ॥
I hope she will be so well regarded by
you, the respectable one, that
she, the troubled one, would never sink
into grief and gloom of separation from me! Vālmeeki never seems to get enough of writing about grief. And there is a good reason for it.
Remember that the sight of the bird that sunk into grief as her husband was shot down by a fowler, is still hanging heavily on Vālmeeki.
That grief echoes itself through his pen, all through Ayōdhyā Kāṇḍa and later again starting in Araṇya Kāṇḍa after Seetā is separated from Rāma.
2.38.18 இமாம் மஹேம்ந்த்ரோபம! ஜாதகர்திநீம்
ததா விதாதும் ஜநநீம் மமார்ஹஸி ।
யதா வநஸ்தே மயி ஸோககர்ஸிதா
ந ஜீவிதம் ந்யஸ்ய யமக்ஷயம் வ்ரஜேத் ॥
imāṃ mahēṃndrōpama! jātagardhinīṃ
tathā vidhātuṃ jananīṃ mamārhasi ।
yathā vanasthē mayi ṡōkakarṡitā
na jīvitaṃ nyasya yamakṣayaṃ vrajēt ॥
You are comparable to the magnanimous Indra!
May you do everything needed
to ensure that my mother does not
lay down her life and leave to the abode of Yama
while I am away in the Vana,
pining from grief and yearning to see me!
இத்யார்ஷே ஸ்ரீமத்ராமாயணே வால்மீகீயே ஆதிகாவ்யே
அயோத்யாகாண்டே அஷ்டத்ரிம்ஸஸ்ஸர்க: ॥
ityārṣē ṡrīmadrāmāyaṇē vālmīkīyē ādikāvyē
ayōdhyākāṇḍē aṣṭatriṃṡassargaḥ ॥
Thus concludes the thirty eighth Sarga
in Ayōdhyā Kāṇḍa of the glorious Rāmāyaṇa,
the first ever poem of humankind,
composed by Vālmeeki.
You have completed reading 3839 Ṡlōkas out of ~24,000 Ṡlōkas of Vālmeeki Rāmāyaṇa.
Meaning, notes and commentary by: Krishna Sharma.