(5) युद्धे चक्रधरं देवं, Yuddhe Chakradharam devam
-Remember Chakradhara, in times of war and conflicts
शंखभॄन्नन्दकी चक्री शार्ंगधन्वा गदाधर:|:
रथांगपाणिरक्षोभ्य: सर्वप्रहरणायुध:|| - श्री विष्णु सहस्रनामस्तोत्र
दुर्वारं द्वादशारं त्रिशत परिमिलत्षष्टि पर्वाभिवीतं
सम्भ्राम्यत् क्रूरावेगं क्षणमनु जगदाच्छिद्य सन्धावमानं |
चक्रं ते कालरूपं व्यथयतु न तु मां त्वत्पदै कावलंबं
विष्णो कारुण्य सिंधो पवनपुरपते पाहि सर्वामयौघात || - श्री नारायणीयं
-Remember Chakradhara, in times of war and conflicts

शंखभॄन्नन्दकी चक्री शार्ंगधन्वा गदाधर:|:
रथांगपाणिरक्षोभ्य: सर्वप्रहरणायुध:|| - श्री विष्णु सहस्रनामस्तोत्र
"Armed with the Conch, the Nandakee Sword, the Discus,
the Shaarnga Bow, the mace
And wielding the wheel of the chariot as the Discus, He is the calm and composed one
And yet armed for the most powerful of missiles"-Sri Vishnu Sahasranama Stotra
the Shaarnga Bow, the mace
And wielding the wheel of the chariot as the Discus, He is the calm and composed one
And yet armed for the most powerful of missiles"-Sri Vishnu Sahasranama Stotra

दुर्वारं द्वादशारं त्रिशत परिमिलत्षष्टि पर्वाभिवीतं
सम्भ्राम्यत् क्रूरावेगं क्षणमनु जगदाच्छिद्य सन्धावमानं |
चक्रं ते कालरूपं व्यथयतु न तु मां त्वत्पदै कावलंबं
विष्णो कारुण्य सिंधो पवनपुरपते पाहि सर्वामयौघात || - श्री नारायणीयं
"May not that inexorable wheel of yours, in the form of Time, with its twelve spokes and 360 teeth,
Whirling furiously fast and annihilating the universe every moment, with every revolution,
Enmesh and torment me, whose sole refuge is Thy feet.
O Vishnu, Ocean of mercy and Guruvayurappa, may Thou save me from all my woes and ailments."
Whirling furiously fast and annihilating the universe every moment, with every revolution,
Enmesh and torment me, whose sole refuge is Thy feet.
O Vishnu, Ocean of mercy and Guruvayurappa, may Thou save me from all my woes and ailments."