The birth of Shri Datta, Who incarnated on the full moon day (pournima) of the Hindu lunar month of Margshirsha, is celebrated as Datta Jayanti. In the previous eras, the atrocities of demonic forces increased tremendously; hence, Shri Dattatreya incarnated in different forms and destroyed the demons. On Datta Jayanti, Shri Datta's principle is 1,000 times more active on Earth as compared to any other day. By worshipping Shri Datta with full devotion, one can derive maximum benefit of the Datta principle.
Meaning of Datta
The One Who has been endowed with the anubhuti (spir¬itual experience) of the unmanifest (nirguna) is called Datta. The anubhuti of nirguna essentially means realization that He is the soul (atma) or He has attained God-Realization.
Shri Datta is also known as Dattatreya, Avadhuta and Digambara.
History of Shri Datta's birth According to the Puranas

Chandra (Moon), Datta and Durvasa were Lord Brahma, Lord Vishnu and Lord Mahesh respectively. Chandra and Durvasa left to undertake penance, however, Datta stayed back on the earth to accomplish the mission of Shri Vishnu. Thus, the origin of the Datta Parampara guru lineage commenced from here onwards.
Meaning According to the Science of Spirituality
The word 'Atri' is made up of A+tri ('A' means absent & 'tri' means triad), hence this name means – absence of the triad. Let us understand this as follows –
The one in whom the triads of the wakeful state, dream state and deep sleep states are absent,
The one in whom the triads of subtle components, Sattva-Raja-Tama are absent.
Mission of Lord Datta
Shri Datta is an incarnation of Shri Vishnu, hence His mission includes sustenance, creation and developing devotion in people, and teaching people how to lead an ideal and Blissful life.
Shri Datta also provides forward momentum to the ancestors in their after death journey.
Celebration of Datta Jayanti

Practical tips for celebrating Datta Jayanti
Datta means experiencing 'I am the soul'. We all can walk, talk, and breathe only because of the soul in us. This indicates presence of God in us. We cannot exist without the soul. Once we realize this, we will be able to behave with everyone lovingly. Let us make efforts to achieve this on Datta Jayanti.
Shri Datta is also called Avadhūt, which means the One Who destroys ego. Let us pray – 'O Dattatreya, please give me strength and intellect to destroy the ego.'
Another name of Shri Datta is Digamabar, which means, The One Who is all pervading. It means He is everywhere. In comparison, we are nothing. Let us pray – 'O Shri Datta, please teach us how to surrender ourselves.'
Shri Datta is also called Avadhūt, which means the One Who destroys ego. Let us pray – 'O Dattatreya, please give me strength and intellect to destroy the ego.'
Another name of Shri Datta is Digamabar, which means, The One Who is all pervading. It means He is everywhere. In comparison, we are nothing. Let us pray – 'O Shri Datta, please teach us how to surrender ourselves.'