1. Prakruthi- The one and the only material cause for the entire universe.
“OM” :- Om ithi Eakasharam is Brahmma
2. Aswini Devas are two in numbers... Our mind is covered by two power’s of Ignorance( Ajnana) . They are Aavarana and Vikshepa. Aavarana covers Jiva’s real nature and causes samsaara. Vikshepa is responsible for all creation starting with Aakasa. Ramayana and Mahabharatha are two ITHIHASAS. They have been created –written - during the life time of the Characters in them and also obtained the approval of the Main characters in them- for their authenticity.
3. Brahmma Vishnu Siva ( Thrimurthees)
Saraswathi Lakshmi Parvathi ( Trisakthees)
Jagrat Swapna Sushupthi ( Three Avasthas)
Satwa Rajo Tamo ( Three gunas)
Vata Pitha Khapha ( Tri-Doshas)
Aadhi Deivika Aadhi Boudika Aadhyatmika ( Tapa Thrayas)
Upanishad Brahmma Sutras Bhagavath Geetha ( Prasthana Thrayee)
Rig- Yajur- Saama - Atharva ( Vedas)
Krutha- Treta- Dwaapara- Kali ( Yugas)
Brahmmacharya-Gruhastha-Vaanaprastha-Sanyas ( Aasramas)
Samhitha- Brahmmanam- Aaranyakam- Upanishad ( Veda Division)
Brahmana- Kshatriya- Vysya- Sudra ( Varnas)
Viveka- Vairagya- Sama- Mumukshatwam ( Saadhanas)
Mimamsa Nyaya- Puranas- Dharma Sastras ( Upa –Vedangas)
Ayurveda- Dhanurveda- Artha Sastra-Gandharva Veda( Vidhyaas )
Space Air Water Earth Fire (Five elements)
Sound Touch Flavor Smell Form (Tanmaatras)
Ear Skin Tongue Nose Eye (Jnana Indriyas)
Vaak Paani Paada Paayu Upastha ( Karmendriyas)
Dung Urine Ghee Milk Curd (all ingredients from one cow)
( Panchagavya)
Praana Apaana Vyaana Udhaana Samaana (Pancha- Praana)
Annamaya- Pranamaya-Manomaya-Vignanamaya
Aanandamaya ( Pancha Kosas)
6.Ganapathyam,Souram,Koumaram,Sivam,Saaktham,Vaishnavam. These are the six types of Worship of God. They are upaasana relating to God Ganapathi,Sun God, Subramanya,Siva, Devi and Vishnu respectively.
Siksha, Vyaakaranam, Chandas, Niruktham, Jyothisha, Kalpa are 6 veda angas.
They are related to Education, Grammar, Maatra, Kosa, Time and Pooja method
Upakrama, Upasamhara, Abhyasa, Apurvata, Phala, Arthavaada are the ways to determine the vedic pronouncement. i.e Beginning of the work, concluding of the work, practice, idea mentioned for the first time, benefit/result, treating the matter as subject of the work-- respectively.
Yachanam, Yaachanam, Adhyayanam, Adhyaapanam, Dhaanam, Prathigraham are the 6 duties of a Brahmin.
Six attributes of Bhagavan are: Power to command everything( AISWARYA)
To defeat the enemies ( VEERYA) ; Unobstructed knowledge of every thing (JNANA); Un limited wealth and prosperity (SRI) ; Non attachment to prakruthi and material objects (VAIRAAGYA) ; Fame ( ( YASAS).
7. Saptha Chiranjeevees are :- Aswathama, Maha Bali, Veda Vyasa, Hanuman, Vibheeshana, Krupacharya, Parasurama.
Saptha Rishees:- Athri, Bruhu, Kutsa, Vasista, Gauthama, Kaasyapa, &Angirasar.
Saptha Samudras:- Lavana, Ikshu, Sura, Sarpi, Dadhi, ksheera, Sudha Udakam
Saptha Chandas:- Gayathri, Usnik, Anushtup, Bruhathi, Pankthi, Trishtup,
Jagathi- denoting no of letters 24, 28,32,36,40,44, & 48. These are called
Veda Chandas.
Saptha Dweepam ( Islands):-
Jambu, Plaksha, Kusa, Krouncha, Saaka, Saalmali, & Pushkara ( We are in Jambu Dweepam).
Saptha Kalpams:- Paarthiva, Koorma, Pralaya, Anantha, Svethavaraaha, Braahmma, and Savithra..We are now in 5th Kalpa called Svetha Varaaha Kalpa.
Apart from the above connected to this number are many others: Example: Vyakruthees , Swaras, VIBGYOR Colours etc.
8. Brahmmas’ creation are of 8 types: They are Gods, Manes, Demons, Gandharvas,
Apsaras, (Yakshas- Raakshasas) , ( Siddhas- Charanas- Vidhayadharas)-( Bhootas – Preethas-Pisachas) and finally Kinnaras ( Kimpurshas)
8 Aathma Gunas required for a person are : Compassion, Patience, Freedom from Jealousy, purity ( cleanliness) not being obstinate, keeping cool-mind, non- covetousness, desirelessness, ( in other words they are Daya, Shanthi, Anasuya, Soucham, Anaayaas,Mangala,Akaarpanya, Aspruha).
Ashta Vasus: - Dharan (Aapa

Ashta Sidhis are: Anima ( reducing the body to the size of atom).Mahima( Magnifying the body to gigantic size), Laghima ( extreme lightness of the body, Praapti ( establishing contact with the senses of the entire creation in the form of deities presiding over the senses) Praakamya ( the capacity to enjoy pleasures heard of and enjoyable only in heaven and the subterranean world) Isitva( the capacity to arrest maya and the potencies from functioning ) Vasitva ( absence of attachment to pleasures of the senses), Kamavasayitha ( by which one is able to enjoy whatever pleasure he desires in the highest measure).
Material used for fixing deities during JeernoDharana Kumba Abhishekam usually conducted once in 12 years is ashta dravyas. They are : Kadukka Aamla, conch powder, filtered-nice sand, Kol Arakku, cotton, Kozhy paaral, Chenchilyam- The above are mixed with Butter.
Eight types of marriages are: Brahmyam, Deiva ( offering kanya during sacrifice to Ritvik), Aasra ( given to sages for their help) Prajapathyam ( to beget children),
Aasuram, Ghaandharvam, Raakshasam, Paisacham.
Nava Grahas are 9 in numbers. They are allotted each week day- but Rahu and Kethu were also to be accommodated along with them. Accordingly each one them were given 1/8 portion of the day ( hence each one got one and half hours on each day). Navagrahas are not main deities meant for worship. They are only Upa- Devathas to main deities like Siva and Soorya Narayana..
Our Sareera consists of Nava Dwaaras: They are Nose (2), Eyes (2) Ear (2) Mouth, Paayu and Upastham ( One each)
Our Bhu Loka consists of Nava Khanda: They are:-Indra, Kaseru, Thaamra,
Kapasthi, Punnaga, Gandharva, Soumya, Varuna, Bharatha. We are living in Bharatha Khandam.
We have got 9 types of years. They are: Bharatha, Kimpurusha, Hari, Ilavruthu, Bhadraasva, Kethumaala, Hiranyaka, Ramanaka, Guru varusham etc. Of the above we use Bharatha Varusham.
We have nine types of Varusham Maanam. They are Brahmma Maanam, Deiva, Bilya, Prajapathya, Bharhaspathya, SOURA MAANAM, CHANDRA MAANAM,
Saavana, Nakshtra Maanam. Mainly Soura and Chaandra Manaas are followed. Sourya Maanam is based on Soorya Sidhanta and here Sun God is given all importance. Chaandra Maanam followers give importance for the strength of the Moon. Hence after Amavaasya day ( Pradhama) when the moon is starting to gain power is considered as auspicious. As the Moon’s strength is more in the night some of the Chaandra Maana followers perform functions like marriage etc in the night.
Sourya Maana followers a day is divided into five parts. They are Praadha Kaala, Sangava Kaala, Madhyanna Kaala and Aparaanna Kaala, Saayam Kaala. Sangava Kaala is approximately from 8.am to 10.amwhich is considered as good period to start all good karmas. Like Aayushya Homa, Other Santhi Karmas etc. Sraadha Karma and other Apara karmas should start after Sangava Kaala and should end in the Aparaanna Kaala.
10. We have ten dik paalakars ( Directional Deities):- who are protecting us from all the 10 directions.
They are Indra ( East) Agni ( South East) Yaman ( South) Nairuthi( South West)
Varunan ( West) Vaayu ( North West) Soman ( North) Eesaanan ( North East).
Brahmma ( above) Vishnu ( below). For construction of building as per Vaasthu Sastra the above directions taken for consideration.
Dasa Avatharam: Matsya, Koorma, Varaaha, Narasimha, Vaamana, Parasurama,Sri Rama, Balarama, Sri Krishna, and Kalki.
11. E ka Dasa Rudras are as under:-
Mahadeva, Siva, Rudra, Sankara, Neelalokhitha, Esaanar, Vijayar, Bheemar, Devadear, Bhavothbhavar, Aadithyar.
Vaamadevar, Jyeshtar, Sreshtar, Rudrar, Kaalar, Kalavikaranar, Balavikaranar, Balar Bhalapramadhanar ,Sarvaboothadamanar, Manonmanar.
Manyu, Manu, Mahinasar, Mahaan, Sivar, Ruthadwajar, Uggrarethar, Bhavar, Kaalar, Vaamadevar, Druthavrathar.
There are 12 YAMAS AND 12 NIYAMAS:- They are:
Yamas: Harmlessness, Uttering only that which is wholesome, and agreeable, Abstaining from theft, Absence of attachment, Modesty, Non accumulation of possessions, Faith, Chastity , Silence of speech, Firmness, Forgiveness, Fearlessness.
Niyamas:- Cleanliness of body by bath, Purity of mind, Muttering Gayathri and other texts, Austerity, Pouring oblations into the sacred fire, Reverence for the true religion, Hospitality, Worshipping God, , Visiting sacred places, Working for the benefit of others, Contentment, Service to the preceptor.
Dwaadasa Aadithyas are: Vivaswan, Aryama, Poosha, Twashta, Savitha, Bhagar, Daadha, Vidhadha, Varunar, Mitrar, Indrar, and Urukramar.
Viswedevas are thirteen in numbers.
We have as per scriptures 14 lokas: They are Bhu, Bhuva:, Suva:, Maha:, Jana:, Tapa:, Sathya, ( in the ascending order above the earth.) Atala, Vitala, Sutala, thalatala, Rasaatala, Mahaatala, Paatala ( in descending order below the earth)
We have 14 Manwantharas: They are: Swaayambhuva, Swaroochisha, Uttama,
Taamasa, Raivatha, Chakhusha, Vaivaswatha, Savarni, Daksha Savarni, Brahmma Savarni, Dharma Savarni, Rudra Savarni, Deva Savarni, Indra Savarni. ( we are in the Vaivaswatha Manwantharam now)
Shodasa Upachaara Pooja means; Pooja with 16 angas: i.e Dhyanam, Aavahanam, (Aasanam,) Paadhyam, Arkyam, Aachamanam, Madhuparkam, ( Snaanam, After Snaana Aachamanam) Vastram,( Abharanam, Yagnopaveetham), ( Gandham-Kumkumam-Akshata) Pushpa Archana, Dhoopam, Dheepam, Naivedyam, Tamboolam, Karpoora Neeranjanam. ( Swarna pushpam, Mantra pushpam, Pradakshina Namaskarams, Sthuthi Slokas, Individual Prarthana, Chatra Chaamaradhi Samarpanam-Ending Pooja Samarpanam etc are also part of the pooja Vidhana)
Our Linga Sareera has got 17 limbs.
There are 18 sidhis ( for attainment) Eight are mentioned relating to No. 8.
The other 10 number Sidhis are :- Absence of hunger, thirst, & Old age; The capacity to see distant things, Capacity to hear from unusual distance , Moving at any speed, Taking any form at will, Leaving one’s body at will, Participation in the sports of Gods, Attaining any desired object, Exercising unobstructed authority anywhere.
There are 18 purnas. They are: Matsya, Maarkandeya, Bhavishya, Bhagavatha, Brahmma, Brahmmanda, Brahmma Vaivartha, Vaamana, Siva, Varaaha, Vishnu, Agni, Narada, Padma, Linga, Garuda, Koorma, Skaandha.. Apart from the above there are 18 upa puranas also.
As per scriptures we have 19 Maha Oushadhees like, Sanjeevani, Vrana, Viropani etc.
Our Body has got 21 Very important parts according to Ayurveda Sastra.
They also mention about 23 types of diseases like Jwar, Athisaaram, Vish Jwaram etc.
Mind, Budhi, Ahamkara, Chitta along with 5 organs of Perception, 5 organs of action, 5 subtle elements and 5 gross elements make 24 Prakruthi Tatwas
Nakshatras are 27 in number. But as per veda we have 28 stars. In the last pada of Uttara Aashada and first Pada of Sravana a star by name “ ABHIJIT” is situated..
There are 31 Lokas as per scriptures. Apart from the 14 mentioned some where in this article, the following lokas also forms part of the 31 lokas. They are:
Vaikunta, Radha, Go-loka, Manidweepa, Maha Kaalapura, Sivapura, Ganesha Loka,
( 7 Sub-heavns). Ayodhya, Madhura, Maya, Kasi, Kanchi, Avanthika, Dwaraka ( These 7 forms Bhu Loka Vaikunta) Kailasa, Manasasarovar, Meru ( Three Brahmma Lokas).
Thirty Three devathas are Ekadasa Rudra, Dwadasa Aadithyas, Ashta Vasus, Aswinidevas, and Prajapathi.
As per Scriptures there are 49 Maruth Ganas, Fifty are the letters we have.
The first letter came out through God’s nose was “OM”. From Omkara 49 other letters came. They are 25 consonants from ( Ka to Ma) 16 Vowels from ( Aa- Aha

Courtesy: http://brahmanasamskara.blogspot.in/