Ayodhya Kaanda - Sarga 6
In this Sarga, Rāma fasts through the night and gets up early in the morning and gets his house decorated. People of Ayōdhyā decorate the entire city on the occasion of the consecration. Everyone feels happy that Rāma would be the future protector. People arriving from the countryside to witness the consecration, fill that great city.
2.6.1 கதே புரோஹிதே ராம: ஸ்நாதோ நியதமாநஸ: ।
ஸஹ பத்ந்யா விஸாலாக்ஷ்யா நாராயணமுபாகமத் ॥
gatē purōhitē rāmaḥ snātō niyatamānasaḥ ।
saha patnyā viṡālākṣyā nārāyaṇamupāgamat ॥
After the Purōhita left, Rāma,
having taken bath, and with full control of the mind,
worshiped Lord Nārāyaṇa along with his wide-eyed wife. As can be expected of Vālmeeki, the narration in this Sarga is a readymade script for a cinematographer.
The camera focuses on Rāma to begin with. As it moves around Rma, it shows the decorations of his house. Then it moves on to the Brāhmaṇas chanting the Vedic blessings.
The chants recede on the sound track to blend into the notes of the wind pipes.
The camera continues on to the streets and royal pathways, covering the excitement, noise and the overwhelming crowds and new faces from the countryside that are not usually seen in the city.
It shows major buildings, temples, residential mansions, huge shopping complexes, on the way.
It is amazing how developed the city of Ayōdhyā was in those times.
2.6.2 ப்ரக்ருஹ்ய ஸிரஸா பாத்ரீம் ஹவிஷோ விதிவத்ததா ।
மஹதே தைவதாயாஜ்யம் ஜுஹாவ ஜ்வலிதேऽநலே ॥
pragṛhya ṡirasā pātrīṃ haviṣō vidhivattadā ।
mahatē daivatāyājyaṃ juhāva jvalitē'nalē ॥
Raising to his head, as prescribed, the vessel containing Havya,
he made oblations of ghee in the blazing fire, for that Mahā Dēva.
Here, Mahā Dēva refers to Lord Vishṇu.
2.6.3-4 ஸேஷம் ச ஹவிஷஸ்தஸ்ய ப்ராஸ்யாஸாஸ்யாத்மந: ப்ரியம் ।
த்யாயந்நாராயணம் தேவம் ஸ்வாஸ்தீர்ணே குஸஸம்ஸ்தரே ॥
வாக்யத ஸ்ஸஹ வைதேஹ்யா பூத்வா நியதமாநஸ: ।
ஸ்ரீமத்யாயதநே விஷ்ணோ ஸ்ஸிஸ்யே நரவராத்மஜ: ॥
ṡēṣaṃ ca haviṣastasya prāṡyāṡāsyātmanaḥ priyam ।
dhyāyannārāyaṇaṃ dēvaṃ svāstīrṇē kuṡasaṃstarē ॥
vāgyata ssaha vaidēhyā bhūtvā niyatamānasaḥ ।
ṡrīmatyāyatanē viṣṇō ṡṡiṡyē naravarātmajaḥ ॥
He ate the remaining portion of the Havya
making a wish for his wellbeing.
With full mastery over his mind and word,
Completely focused on Lord Nārāyaṇa alone,
that son of the best among men,
laid down on a mat of Darbha grass
along with the princess of Vidēha
in the auspicious temple of Vishṇu.
2.6.5 ஏகயாமாவஸிஷ்டாயாம் ராத்ர்யாம் ப்ரதிவிபுத்த்ய ஸ: ।
அலங்காரவிதிம் க்ருத்ஸ்நம் காரயாமாஸ வேஸ்மந: ॥
ēkayāmāvaṡiṣṭāyāṃ rātryāṃ prativibuddhya saḥ ।
alaṅkāravidhiṃ kṛtsnaṃ kārayāmāsa vēṡmanaḥ ॥
When a fourth of the night was still due,
he woke up and had his entire house well decorated.
2.6.6 தத்ர ஸ்ர்ருண்வந்ஸுகா வாசஸ்ஸூதமாகதவந்திநாம் ।
பூர்வாம் ஸத்யாமுபாஸீநோ ஜஜாப யதமாநஸ: ॥
tatra ṡrṛṇvansukhā vācassūtamāgadhavandinām ।
pūrvāṃ sadhyāmupāsīnō jajāpa yatamānasaḥ ॥
Then, hearing the pleasing words of the
bards, heralds and panegyrists,
he worshipped the morning Sandhya
and did Japa with mind in full control.
2.6.7 துஷ்டாவ ப்ரணதஸ்சைவ ஸிரஸா மதுஸூதநம் ।
விமலக்ஷௌமஸம்வீதோ வாசயாமாஸ ஸ த்விஜாந் ॥
tuṣṭāva praṇataṡcaiva ṡirasā madhusūdanam ।
vimalakṣaumasaṃvītō vācayāmāsa sa dvijān ॥
And with his head bowed to the ground,
he extolled the Slayer of Madhu (Lord Vishṇu).
Then, clothing himself in spotless silk garments,
he had the Brāhmaṇas pronounce Vedic blessings.
2.6.8 தேஷாம் புண்யாஹகோஷோऽத கம்பீரமதுரஸ்ததா ।
அயோத்யாம் பூரயாமாஸ தூர்யகோஷாநுநாதித: ॥
tēṣāṃ puṇyāhaghōṣō'tha gambhīramadhurastadā ।
ayōdhyāṃ pūrayāmāsa tūryaghōṣānunāditaḥ ॥
The majestic and melodious chants of their blessings,
blended with the sounds of the Tūrya,
filled the city of Ayōdhyā.
Tūrya is a kind of wind pipe instrument.
2.6.9 க்ருதோபவாஸம் து ததா வைதேஹ்யா ஸஹ ராகவம் ।
அயோத்யாநிலயஸ்ஸ்ருத்வா ஸர்வ: ப்ரமுதிதோ ஜந: ॥
kṛtōpavāsaṃ tu tadā vaidēhyā saha rāghavam ।
ayōdhyānilayaṡṡrutvā sarvaḥ pramuditō janaḥ ॥
Hearing that Rāma along with the princess of Vidēha
had completed fasting, all the people of Ayōdhyā felt happy. There usually will be many sub-events that lead up to a main event. Completion of each sub-event makes the main event that much closer and certain.
The event of fasting seems to be one such major sub-event in relation to the consecration, in those days.
Hence, as we can guess, is the extensive mention of it by Vālmeeki, and everyone seems to be happy about it. It is similar to the feeling after the completion of the engagement ceremony, ahead of a wedding, making it that much certain.
2.6.10 தத: பௌரஜநஸ்ஸர்வஸ்ஸ்ருத்வா ராமாபிஷேசநம் ।
ப்ரபாதாம் ரஜநீம் த்ருஷ்ட்வா சக்ரே ஸோபயிதும் புரீம் ॥
tataḥ paurajanassarvaṡṡṛtvā rāmābhiṣēcanam ।
prabhātāṃ rajanīṃ dṛṣṭvā cakrē ṡōbhayituṃ purīm ॥
Having heard about the consecration of Rāma,
all the people of the city decorated the city,
as soon as night gave way to the daybreak.
2.6.11-13 ஸிதாப்ரஸிகராபேஷு தேவதாயதநேஷு ச ।
சதுஷ்பதேஷு ரத்யாஸு சைத்யேஷ்வட்டாலகேஷு ச ॥
நாநாபண்யஸம்ருத்தேஷு வணிஜாமாபணேஷு ச ।
குடும்பிநாம் ஸம்ருத்தேஷு ஸ்ரீமத்ஸு பவநேஷு ச ॥
ஸபாஸு சைவ ஸர்வாஸு வ்ருக்ஷேஷ்வாலக்ஷிதேஷு ச ।
த்வஜா ஸ்ஸமுச்ச்ரிதாஸ்சித்ரா: பதாகாஸ்சாபவம்ஸ்ததா ॥
sitābhraṡikharābhēṣu dēvatāyatanēṣu ca ।
catuṣpathēṣu rathyāsu caityēṣvaṭṭālakēṣu ca ॥
nānāpaṇyasamṛddhēṣu vaṇijāmāpaṇēṣu ca ।
kuṭumbināṃ samṛddhēṣu ṡrīmatsu bhavanēṣu ca ॥
sabhāsu caiva sarvāsu vṛkṣēṣvālakṣitēṣu ca ।
dhvajā ssamucchritāṡcitrāḥ patākāṡcābhavaṃstadā ॥
Flags with state emblems and a variety of designs were hoisted
on brilliant temple spires that looked like white clouds,
in public squares, on carriage-ways,
on tall trees in the temples, over the turrets on the ramparts,
on the shops of traders that were full of variety of items for sale,
on residential buildings of prosperous families,
on all the assembly halls and on trees that could be seen from afar.
2.6.14 நடநர்தகஸங்காநாம் காயகாநாம் ச காயதாம் ।
மந: கர்ணஸுகா வாசஸ்ஸுஸ்ருவுஸ்ச ததஸ்தத: ॥
naṭanartakasaṅghānāṃ gāyakānāṃ ca gāyatām ।
manaḥ karṇasukhā vācaṡṡuṡṛvuṡca tatastataḥ ॥
Songs and sayings, pleasing to the ears and minds,
could be heard here and there from
singers and troupes of actors and dancers.
2.6.15 ராமாபிஷேகயுக்தாஸ்ச கதாஸ்சக்ருர்மிதோ ஜநா: ।
ராமாபிஷேகே ஸம்ப்ராப்தே சத்வரேஷு க்ருஹேஷு ச ॥
rāmābhiṣēkayuktāṡca kathāṡcakrurmithō janāḥ ।
rāmābhiṣēkē samprāptē catvarēṣu gṛhēṣu ca ॥
As the time for Rāma’s consecration had come,
people, in public squares and private homes
were talking to each other about
the stories and details of the consecration.
2.6.16 பாலா அபி க்ரீடமாநா க்ருஹத்வாரேஷு ஸங்கஸ: ।
ராமாபிஷவஸம்யுக்தாஸ்சக்ருரேவம் மித: கதா: ॥
bālā api krīḍamānā gṛhadvārēṣu saṅghaṡaḥ ।
rāmābhiṣavasaṃyuktāṡcakrurēvaṃ mithaḥ kathāḥ ॥
Children that gathered around the
front portals of the houses for playing,
were also talking to each other
about the consecration of Rāma.
2.6.17 க்ருதபுஷ்போபஹாரஸ்ச தூபகந்தாதிவாஸித: ।
ராஜமார்க: க்ருத: ஸ்ரீமாந்பௌரை ராமாபிஷேசநே ॥
kṛtapuṣpōpahāraṡca dhūpagandhādhivāsitaḥ ।
rājamārgaḥ kṛtaḥ ṡrīmānpaurai rāmābhiṣēcanē ॥
The people of the city made the
royal pathways lovely and beautiful, filled with
strewn flowers and fragrance of the incense sticks
on the occasion of Rāma’s consecration.
2.6.18 ப்ரகாஸகரணார்தம் ச நிஸாகமநஸங்கயா ।
தீபவ்ருக்ஷாம் ஸ்ததா சக்ருரநு ரத்யாஸு ஸர்வஸ: ॥
prakāṡakaraṇārthaṃ ca niṡāgamanaṡaṅkayā ।
dīpavṛkṣāṃ stathā cakruranu rathyāsu sarvaṡaḥ ॥
Multi-branched lamp-posts were set up
along the carriage ways for lighting up at nightfall.
2.6.20 அலங்காரம் புரஸ்யைவம் க்ருத்வா தத்புரவாஸிந: ।
ஆகாங்க்ஷமாணா ராமஸ்ய யௌவராஜ்யாபிஷேசநம் ॥
ஸமேத்ய ஸங்கஸஸ்ஸர்வே சத்வரேஷு ஸபாஸு ச ।
கதயந்தோ மிதஸ்தத்ர ப்ரஸஸம்ஸுர்ஜநாதிபம் ॥
alaṅkāraṃ purasyaivaṃ kṛtvā tatpuravāsinaḥ ।
ākāṅkṣamāṇā rāmasya yauvarājyābhiṣēcanam ॥
samētya saṅghaṡassarvē catvarēṣu sabhāsu ca ।
kathayantō mithastatra praṡaṡaṃsurjanādhipam ॥
Having thus decorated the city, the residents,
looking forward to the consecration of Rāma as the crown prince,
gathered in groups in squares and assembly halls,
talking among themselves, praising the lord of people.
2.6.21 அஹோ மஹாத்மா ராஜாऽயமிக்ஷ்வாகுகுலநந்தந: ।
ஜ்ஞாத்வா யோ வ்ருத்தமாத்மாநம் ராமம் ராஜ்யேऽபிஷேக்ஷ்யதி ॥
ahō mahātmā rājā'yamikṣvākukulanandanaḥ ।
jñātvā yō vṛddhamātmānaṃ rāmaṃ rājyē'bhiṣēkṣyati ॥
Indeed, this king, the delight of Ikshwāku dynasty, is a Mahātma!
Acknowledging that he is aged,
He is consecrating Rāma as the ruler of the kingdom.
2.6.22 ஸர்வேப்யநுக்ருஹீதா ஸ்மோ யந்நோ ராமோ மஹீபதி: ।
சிராய பவிதா கோப்தா த்ருஷ்டலோகபராவர: ॥
sarvēpyanugṛhītā smō yannō rāmō mahīpatiḥ ।
cirāya bhavitā gōptā dṛṣṭalōkaparāvaraḥ ॥
All of us, indeed, are blessed that Rāma,
who understands the highs and lows of the world,
will be protecting us for many long years.
2.6.23 அநுத்ததமநா: வித்வாந்தர்மாத்மா ப்ராத்ருவத்ஸல: ।
யதா ச ப்ராத்ருஷு ஸ்நிக்தஸ்ததாऽஸ்மாஸ்வபி ராகவ: ॥
anuddhatamanāḥ vidvāndharmātmā bhrātṛvatsalaḥ ।
yathā ca bhrātṛṣu snigdhastathā'smāsvapi rāghavaḥ ॥
The prince of Raghu dynasty is
learned, righteous, and devoid of any pride.
He is very affectionate towards his brothers
and so would he be towards us!
2.6.24 சிரம் ஜீவது தர்மாத்மா ராஜா தஸரதோऽநக: ।
யத்ப்ரஸாதாபிஷிக்தம் து ராமம் த்ரக்ஷ்யாமஹே வயம் ॥
ciraṃ jīvatu dharmātmā rājā daṡarathō'naghaḥ ।
yatprasādābhiṣiktaṃ tu rāmaṃ drakṣyāmahē vayam ॥
May the unafflicted king Daṡaratha,
the Dharmātma live long!
We are able to witness the consecration of Rāma
because of his grace!
2.6.25 ஏவம்விதம் கதயதாம் பௌராணாம் ஸுஸ்ருவு ஸ்ததா ।
திக்ப்யோபி ஸ்ருதவ்ருத்தாந்தா: ப்ராப்தா ஜாநபதா ஜநா: ॥
ēvaṃvidhaṃ kathayatāṃ paurāṇāṃ ṡuṡruvu stadā ।
digbhyōpi ṡrutavṛttāntāḥ prāptā jānapadā janāḥ ॥
People from the countryside,
who came to the city from all directions upon
hearing the news, heard the citizens talking thus.
2.6.26 தே து திக்ப்ய: புரீம் ப்ராப்தா த்ரஷ்டும் ராமாபிஷேசநம் ।
ராமஸ்ய பூரயாமாஸு: புரீம் ஜாநபதா ஜநா: ॥
tē tu digbhyaḥ purīṃ prāptā draṣṭuṃ rāmābhiṣēcanam ।
rāmasya pūrayāmāsuḥ purīṃ jānapadā janāḥ ॥
People who came from the countryside from all directions
to witness Rāma’s coronation had filled the entire city.
2.6.27 ஜநௌகைஸ்தைர்விஸர்பத்பி: ஸுஸ்ருவே தத்ர நிஸ்வந: ।
பர்வஸூதீர்ணவேகஸ்ய ஸாகரஸ்யேவ நிஸ்வந: ॥
janaughaistairvisarpadbhiḥ ṡuṡruvē tatra nisvanaḥ ।
parvasūdīrṇavēgasya sāgarasyēva nisvanaḥ ॥
The noise that arose as those crowds moved around was
like the roar of the tumultuous ocean on a full moon day.
2.6.28 ததஸ்ததிந்த்ரக்ஷயஸந்நிபம் புரம்
தித்ருக்ஷுபிர்ஜாநபதைருபாகதை: ।
ஸமந்தத ஸ்ஸஸ்வநமாகுலம் பபௌ
ஸமுத்ரயாதோபிரிவார்ணவோதகம் ॥
tatastadindrakṣayasannibhaṃ puraṃ
didṛkṣubhirjānapadairupāgataiḥ ।
samantata ssasvanamākulaṃ babhau
samudrayādōbhirivārṇavōdakam ॥
That City, which was like the abode of Indra,
was lively everywhere with the gleeful noise of the rural folks
who came from the countryside to witness the occasion,
resembling the ocean with many water creatures.
இத்யார்ஷே ஸ்ரீமத்ராமாயணே வால்மீகீயே ஆதிகாவ்யே
அயோத்யாகாண்டே ஷஷ்டஸ்ஸர்க: ॥
ityārṣē ṡrīmadrāmāyaṇē vālmīkīyē ādikāvyē
ayōdhyākāṇḍē ṣaṣṭhassargaḥ ॥
Thus concludes the sixth Sarga
in Ayōdhyā Kāṇḍa of the glorious Rāmāyaṇa,
the first ever poem of humankind,
composed by Vālmeeki.
We completed reading 2494 Ṡlōkas out of ~24,000 Ṡlōkas of Vālmeeki Rāmāyaṇa.